Soc 10-Types Of Injuries And Injury Preventions Flashcards
Description of soft tissue injury?
They are particular prone injury because movement past the range can tear or pull tendons and ligaments.
How can a soft tissue injury occur?
Frequent repetitive exercises can often result in injury to joints
Description of a Sprain?
A sprain is an injury to a ligament
What are the 5 injury preventions?
-Apply the principles of training
-Warming up / cooling down
-Checking equipment and facilities
-protective equipment
-Following the rules of the game
How can a sprain occur?
Often occurs when streching too far past the normal range of a joint (or due to falling or colliding with an opponent awkwadly)
Description of strains?
Twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon
How can a strain occur?
Sprinting or other explosive movements
Description of a torn cartilage?
Damaged elastic substance which lines adjoining bones
How can a torn cartilage injury occur?
Often occurs due to wear and tear from long term overuse
Description of a fracture?
A broken or cracked bone:stress fracture,compound fracture,inclosed and simple fracture
How can a fracture occur?
Overuse injury result of fatigue. Impact caused to bone in a akward position
Description of a dislocation?
A bone at a joint is forced out of its normal position
How can a dislocation occur?
Hard blow which causes one of the bones to be displaced
Description of a abrasion?
Grazes due to friction of skin against a rough surface
How can abrasions occur?
From a tackle or just simply falling over during a game
Description of a concussion?
An impact to the head causes unconscousness,confusion or memory loss
How does a concussion occur?
Caused by a blow to the head
What does RICE stand for?
Rest, ice, compression and evaluation.
What is an overuse injury?
Overuse injury:
Sustained from repeated action.
What is an acute injury?
Acute injury:
A sudden injury that is usually associated with a traumatic event.