Smoking Flashcards
Tobacco smoke contains…
4000 different chemicals, many of them toxic.
Mainstream smoke is from…
the filter to the mouth end.
Sidestream smoking from…
the burning tip, contains more toxic smoke than mainstream.
Passive smoking is when a person is exposed to…
sidestream smoking.
Main components of smoke:
- tar
- carbon monoxide
- nicotine
Tar contains…
carcinogens. It settles on the lining of the airways and stimulates a series of changes that may lead to cancer.
Signs are…
visible expression of a disease (e.g. high temperature)
Symptoms cannot…
be visible and are reported by the patient (e.g. headache)
COPD stands for…
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
In COPD chronic…
bronchitis and emphysema often occur together.
COPD is rarely…
reversible, e.g. quit smoking when young.
Chronic bronchitis causes…
severe cough and production of large quantities of phlegm.
Phlegm is a mixture of…
mucus, bateria and leucocytes.
Tar stimulates…
the goblet cells and mucous glands mucous glands to enlarge and secrete more mucus.
Tar inhibits…
the cleaning action of the ciliated epithelium in airways.
Tar destroys…
the cilia and weakness the sweeping action of the remaining
During chronic bronchitis, mucus accumulates in…
bronchioles and the smallest become obstructed. The mucus is not moved, bacteria and dirt block the bronchioles. This stimulates a cough.
Damaged tissue in the lungs is replaced by…
sear tissue. This means that bronchi become thicker and narrower, causing difficulties to breathe.
During chronic bronchitis, infections easily…
develop in the mucus, the lining becomes inflamed, which narrows the airways even more.
Emphysema happens when…
phagocytes leave the blood and line the airways.
Phagocytes secrete…
enzyme elastase, which is used to reach the lining of the lungs.
Elastase destroys…
elastin in the walls of alveoli, so they lose the ability to stretch and recoil. The bronchioles collapse.
Emphysema causes a decrease in…
the surface area, so less efficient gas exchange.
Lung cancer is caused by…
carcinogens reacting with DNA in epithelial cells. Results in mutation, uncontrolled division and growth of a malignant tumour.
Lung cancer has minimal…
symptoms at the beginning.
As cancer develops it spreads…
to other organs through the lymphatic system, forming secondary tumours.
Symptoms of lung cancer:
- coughing up blood
- chest pain
- difficult to breath
Nicotine is absorbed very…
readily by the blood and travels to the brain within seconds.
Nicotine stimulates the nervous…
system to reduce the diameter of the arterioles and to release adrenaline from the adrenal glands.
As a result of nicotine stimulation…
the heart rate and blood pressure increases and there is a decrease in blood supply to extremities of the body(hands and feet).
Nicotine increases the risk of…
blood clotting.
Nicotine stimulates nerve endings in…
the brain to release the transmitter substance dopamine, which is associated with reinforcing pleasurable experiences.
Due to CO, less oxygen…
is supplied to the heart muscle, putting an extra strain, especially during exercise when the heart rate increases.
CO can also damage the lining of…
arteries. This in long-term may result in a build-up of fatty tissue and the reduction of blood flow. Coronary heart disease and stroke may result.