skeletal Flashcards
Consists of axial skeleton and appendicular skeleton
Skeletal System
○ Bones of the head, vertebral column, ribs, and sternum
Axial skeleton
Bones of the extremities
Appendicular skeleton
calcified connective tissue consisting of cells, embedded in a matrix of ground substance and collagen fibers
superficial thin layer; hard part of the bone
Compact bone
a central mass where the compact bone is
Spongy bone -
internal soft tissue, where blood cells are formed
Bone marrow
- Serves as a reservoir for calcium and phosphorous
* Acts as biomechanical levers on which muscles act to produce the movements permitted by joints
Bone classification accdg to shape
Long Short Flat Irregular Sesamoid
bone classification based on their developmental history
center; bones of chicken we can eat/chew
medullary cavity
outer covering of the bone
center; cancellous bone; where medullary cavity is located; where red blood cells form (bone marrow)
spongy bone
Long Bones?
• Humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia, fibula, metacarpals, and phalanges
replacement of hyaline cartilage plate
endochondral ossification
forms the shaft (central region) and is composed of a thick tube of compact bone that encloses the marrow cavity
a part of the diaphysis, the growth zone between the diaphysis and epiphysis during bone development
expanded articular ends, separated from the shaft by the epiphyseal plate during bone growth and composed of spongy bone surrounded by a thin layer of compact bone
approximately cuboid-shaped
Short Bones
Short bones?
Carpal and tarsal bone
Flat bones?
Ribs, sternum, scapulae, and bones in the vault of the skull
irregular bones?
bones of the skull, vertebrae, and coxa
Develop in certain tendons and reduce friction on the tendon, thus protecting it from excessive wear.
Sesamoid bones
Sesamoid bone?
Recite the long bones in the appendicular system (11)
Clavicle Humerus Radius Ulna Metacarpals Phalanges of hand Femur Tibia Fibular Metasarsals Phalanges of foot
Recite the short bones in the appendicular system (15)
Calcaneus Capitate Cuboid Hamate Lateral Cuneiform Lunate Medium Cuneiform Middle/Intermediate Cuneiform Navicular Pisiform Scaphoid Triquetrum Trapezoid Trapezium Talus
Identify the flat bones in the appendicular system (1)
Recite the irregular bones of the appendicular system (4)
Os Coxae
Identify the sesamoid bones in the appendicular system (1)
identify the irregular bones of vertebral column (10)
body of vertebrae pedicle transverse process superior articular process inferior articular process lamina spinous process vertebral foramen invertebral foramen transverse foramen
identify the flat bones of the rib cage (7)
rib head of rib tubercle of rib sternum manubrium body of sternum xiphoid process
identify the flat bones of Cranium bones (4)
frontal bone parietal bone occipital bone temporal bone (cranium vault) nasal bone
identify the irregular bones of cranium bones
most cranium bones are irregular
Places of union between two or more bones
The nerve supplying a joint also supplies the muscles to move the joint and the skin covering the insertion of such muscles
Hilton’s Law
Joined by fibrous tissue have no joint cavities, and permit little movement.
Fibrous Joints (Synarthroses)
Connected by fibrous connective tissue and found between the flat bones of the skull
Occur as the inferior tibiofibular and tympanostapedial syndesmoses
Syndesmoses (connect bones in the leg)
a fibrous joint in the teeth
United by cartilage and have no joint cavity
Cartilaginous Joints
United by hyaline cartilage and permit little to no movement
Primary Cartilaginous Joints (Synchondroses)
Examples of Synchondroses
1-Epiphyseal plates
2-sphenooccipital manubriosternal synchondroses
Joined by fibrocartilage and are slightly movable joints
Secondary cartilaginous Joints (Symphyses)
Examples of Symphyses
Pubic symphysis and the intervertebral disks
Allows the greatest freedom of movement
Synovial (Diarthrodial) Joints
Synovial joints are characterized by what features (4)
- Joint cavity
- Articular (hyaline) cartilage
- Synovial membrane
- Articular capsule
Only gliding or sliding movement in particular joints
Plane (Gliding) joints
Examples of plane / gliding joints
carpal and tarsal bones
Resemble door hinges and only allow flexion and extension.
Hinge (Ginglymus) Joints
Example of hinge joints
elbow, ankle, interphalangeal joints
Only rotation (movement around a single longitudinal axis)
Pivot (Trochoid) Joints
examples of pivot joints
radioulnar joint and atlantoaxial joint (AA)
- Allows flexion and extension & abduction and adduction
* Have two convex condyles articulating with two concave condyles (The shape of the articulation is ellipsoidal).
Condylar (Ellipsoidal) Joints
examples of Condylar (Ellipsoidal) Joints
wrist joint, metacarpophalangeal joint, knee, atlantooccipital (AO) joints
- Resemble a saddle on a horse’s back
* Allow flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, and circumduction but no axial rotation.
Saddle (Sellar) Joints
examples of Saddle (Sellar) Joints
• Carpometacarpal joint of the thumb (CMC) and between the femur and patella
- Formed by the reception of a globular (ball-like) head into a cup-shaped cavity and allow movement in many directions.
- Allow flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, medial and lateral rotations, and circumduction
Ball-and-Socket (Spheroidal or Cotyloid) Joints
examples of Ball-and-Socket (Spheroidal or Cotyloid) Joints
shoulder and hip joints