Introduction to Gross Anatomy Flashcards
an approach to anatomic study organized by organ systems, such as respiratory, digestive, or reproductive systems, which relates structure to function.
Systemic Anatomy
an approach to anatomic study based on regions, and deals with structural relationships among the parts of the body, such as the thorax and abdomen, emphasizing the relationships among various systemic structures such as muscles, nerves, and blood vessels.
Regional Anatomy
emphasizes the practical application of anatomical knowledge to the solution of clinical problems and has real pertinence to the practice of medicine.
Clinical Anatomy
the science of the structure and function of the body
the study of the macroscopic structure and function of the body as it relates to the practice of medicine and other health sciences.
Clinical Anatomy
all descriptions of the human body are based on the assumption that the person is standing erect, with the upper limbs by the sides and the face and palms of the hands directed forward
Anatomic Position
vertical; divides the body into right and left halves
Median Sagittal Plane
vertical; divides the body into anterior and posterior halves
Coronal (Frontal) Plane
horizontal; divides the body into superior and inferior halves
Horizontal or Transverse Plane
bending the joint to reduce the angle between the bones ( sagittal plane)
straightening a joint to increase the angle (sagittal plane)
movement of ankle to decrease angle between foot and lower leg (sagittal plane)
moving in an anterior (forward) direction (sagittal plane)
moving in a posterior (backward) direction (sagittal plane)
movement of ankle to increase angle between foot and lower leg (sagittal plane)
movement away from the medial plane (coronal plane)
movement towards the medial plane (coronal plane)
medial border of foot is raised; sole of foot turned medially (inward) (coronal space)
lateral border of foot raised; sole of foot turned laterally (outward) (coronal plane)
raising up to a more superior position (coronal plane)
pulling down to a more inferior position (coronal plane)
a circular motion combining flexion, extension, abduction and adduction (all 3 planes)
moves anterior part of a limb medially (transverse plane)
Internal (Medial) Rotation
moves anterior part of a limb laterally (transverse plane)
External (Lateral) Rotation
rotation of hand; bring thumb towards midline; palm facing back (transverse plane)
rotation of hand; bring thumb away from midline; palm facing forward (transverse plane)
thumb comes into contact with another finger (transverse plane)
What is the only body part that can do opposition?
return thumb to anatomical position (transverse plane)