LE: Bones Flashcards
Comprises the body, which articulates at the symphysis pubis; the superior ramus, which enters the formation of the acetabulum; and the inferior ramus, which joins the ramus of the ischium, a part of the obturator foramen
B. Pubis
Forms the anterior part of the acetabulum and the anteromedial part of the hip bone
What comprises the ilium?
(ASIS) anterior-superior iliac spine, (AIIS) anterior-inferior iliac spine, (PIS) posterior iliac spine, greater sciatic notch, iliac fossa, gluteal lines
Forms the lateral part of the hip bone and consists of the body, which joins the pubis and ischium to dorm the acetabulum, and the ala or wing, which forms the iliac crest.
What bones compose the pelvic girdle?
hip bone and sacrum
Articulates with the sacrum at the sacroiliac joint to form the pelvic girdle (hip bone and sacrum)
Hip (Coxal) Bone
What forms the Hip (Coxal) Bone?
fusion of the ilium, pubis, and ischium in the acetabulum
Is an incomplete cup-shaped cavity on the lateral side of the hip bone in which the head of the femur fits.
D. Acetabulum
What does ischium contain?
ischial shape,
ischial tuberosity,
lesser sciatic notch
• Consists of the body, which joins the ilium and superior ramus of the pubis to form the acetabulum, and the ramus, which joins the inferior pubic ramus to form the ischiopubic ramus
Forms the posteroinferior part of the acetabulum and the lower posterior part of the hip bone
What forms obturator foramen?
fusion of the ischium and pubis
Comprises the body, which articulates at the symphysis pubis; the superior ramus, which enters the formation of the acetabulum; and the inferior ramus, which joins the ramus of the ischium, a part of the obturator foramen
• Is a boat-shaped tarsal bone lying between the head of the talus and the three cuneiform bones.
Navicular Bone
What is the groove on the inferior surface of calcaneus for?
flexor hallucis longus tendon
Calcaneus has a shelflike medial projection called __ which supports the head of the talus (with the spring ligament)
sustentaculum tali
provides an attachment for the Achilles tendon
Forms the heel of the foot, articulates with the __ __ and __ __.
talus superiorly
cuboid anteriorly
Largest and strongest bone of the foot and lies below the talus
The head of talus serves as keystone of?
medial longitudinal arch of the foot
What does the groove in the body of talus on its posterior surface for?
flexor hallucis longus tendon
What is the deep groove of the neck of talus, sulcus tali, for which is between the talus and the calcaneus?
interosseous ligaments
Transmits the weight of the body from the tibia to the foot and is the only tarsal bone without muscle attachments.
What consists the tarsus?
seven tarsal bones:
talus, calcaneus, navicular bone, cuboid bone, and three cuneiform bones
May cause an injury to the common peroneal nerve, which winds laterally around the neck of the fibula.
Fracture of the fibular neck
A T-shaped fracture of the distal femur with displacement of the condyles.
Pillion fracture
A fracture of the lower end of the fibula, often accompanied by a fracture of the medial malleolus or rupture of the deltoid ligament.
Pott fracture (Dupuytren fracture)
What is the projection of fibula that articulates with the trochlea of the talus; lies more inferior and posterior than the medial malleolus; and provides attachment for the anterior talofibular, posterior talofibular, and calcaneofibular ligaments? It also has the sulcus for the peroneus longus and brevis muscle tendons.
lateral malleolus
Has a head (apex) that provides attachment for the fibular collateral ligament of the knee joint.
Has little or no function in weight-bearing but provides attachment for muscles.
What ligament does tibia provide attachment for?
deltoid ligament (medial ligament of ankle)
(posterolateral to the malleolus groove) for the tendon of the flexor hallucis longus muscle
Another groove in tibia
What is the projection of tibia?
medial malleolus with a malleolar groove - for the tendons of the tibialis posterior and flexor digitorum longus muscles
Has medial and lateral condyles that articulate with the condyles of the femur
What contains the Tibia into which patellar ligament inserts?
tibial tuberosity
Is the weight-bearing medial bone of the leg.
Functions to obviate wear and attrition on the quadriceps tendon as it passes across the trochlear groove and to increase the angle of pull of the quadriceps femoris, thereby magnifying its power.
Patella attaches to the tibial tuberosity by a continuation of the quadriceps tendon called the?
patellar ligament
The largest sesamoid bone and is located within the tendon of the quadriceps femoris, which articulates with the femur but not with the tibia.
It is a fracture of the lateral tibial condyle that is cause by an automobile bumper, and it is usually associated with a common peroneal nerve injury.
Bumper fracture
It results from a blow to the knee or from sudden contraction of the quadriceps muscle.
Transverse patellar fracture
May injure the popliteal artery because of its deep position adjacent to the femur and knee joint capsule.
Dislocated knee or fractured distal femur
The proximal fragment is pulled by the quadriceps and the hamstrings, resulting in shortening, and the distal fragment is rotated backward by the two heads of the gastrocnemius.
Fracture of the middle third of the femoral shaft
A femoral fracture through the trochanters and is a form of the extracapsular hip fracture.
Pertrochanteric fracture
It results in ischemic necrosis of the neck and head which presents as lower limb shortened with lateral rotation.
Fracture of the neck of femur
Rare injury caused by posterior hip dislocation in advanced age (osteoporosis) and requires hip replacement. It presents as a shorted lower limb with medial rotaion.
Fracture of femoral head
What does Adductor Tubercle provide insertion to?
adductor magnus muscle
• A small prominence at the uppermost part of the medial femoral condyle
Adductor Tubercle
What does the pectineal line provide insertion to?
pectineus muscle
Runs from the lesser trochanter to the medial lip of the linea aspera
Pectineal Line
What does linea aspera exhibit that provide attachments for many muscles and the three intermuscular septa?
lateral and medial lips
Rough line or ridge on the body (shaft) of the femur
Linea Aspera
What does lesser trochanter provide insertion to?
iliopsoas tendon
Where does the lesser trochanter project?
inferior end of the intertrochanteric crest
• Lies in the angle between the neck and the shaft
Lesser Trochanter
It can be palpated in the lateral aspect of the hip
Greater Trochanter
What does the Greater Trochanter provide insertions to?
gluteus medius and minimus,
obturator internus muscles
Projects upward from the junction of the neck with the shaft
Greater Trochanter
What separates the neck from the shaft in front to which the iliofemoral ligament is attached?
intertrochanteric line
Connects the head to the body (shaft), forms an angle of about 125 degrees with the shaft, and is a common site of fractures
What does the femur have to which the ligamentum capitis femoris is attached?
fovea capitis femoris
Forms about two-thirds of a sphere and is directed medially, upward, and slightly forward to fit into the acetabulum
Longest and strongest bone of the body
What forms the acetabulum?
ilium - superiorly,
ischium - posteroinferiorly,
pubis - anteromedially
Includes the acetabular notch, which is bridged by the transverse acetabular ligament
Is an incomplete cup-shaped cavity on the lateral side of the hip bone in which the head of the femur fits.
It can be palpated in the lateral aspect of the hip
- Greater Trochanter
Rough line or ridge on the body (shaft) of the femur
- Linea Aspera
Runs from the lesser trochanter to the medial lip of the linea aspera
- Pectineal Line
• Functions to obviate wear and attrition on the quadriceps tendon as it passes across the trochlear groove and to increase the angle of pull of the quadriceps femoris, thereby magnifying its power.
Is the weight-bearing medial bone of the leg.
Transmits the weight of the body from the tibia to the foot and is the only tarsal bone without muscle attachments.
- Talus
Largest and strongest bone of the foot and lies below the talus
- Calcaneus
provides an attachment for the Achilles tendon
- Calcaneus
Consists of 14 bones (two in the first digit and three in each of the others).
Consists of five metatarsals and has prominent medial and lateral sesamoid bones on the first metatarsal.
- Are three wedge-shaped bones that form a part of the medial longitudinal and proximal transverse arches.
- Articulate with the navicular bone posteriorly and with three metatarsals anteriorly.
Cuneiform Bones
What does the cuboid serves as keystone of?
lateral longitudinal arch of the foot
Is the most laterally placed tarsal bone and has a groove for the _____
peroneus longus muscle tendon
Is a boat-shaped tarsal bone lying between the head of the talus and the three cuneiform bones.
Navicular Bone