SDR 1/2 - Urogenital System Flashcards
Fake kidney
1) Adrenal Medulla (Neuro - Ecto)
2) Genital Swelling/UG Sinus (Endo)
The mesoderm gives rise to all of the genitourinary organs except
Mesonephric (Wolffian) Duct
This develops into the male parts + trigone
Paramesonephric (Mullerian) Duct
This develops into the female parts
Real kidney
Ureteric Duct
This develops into the ureter and collecting system
Mesonephric duct
The ureteric duct arises from the
This early structure is a common chamber into which urinary, genital and gastrointestinal tracts converge
Urogenital Sinus
This structurs is the site of genitourinary development from the bladder down (excluding gonads and their tubing). It is the ventral part of the cloaca, formed after it separates the anal/urogenital canal during the 4th to 7th weeks of development
Decreased amount of amniotic fluid. Often a sign that the fetus is not producing urine
A horseshoe kidney is most commonly caught on this artery while ascending
This structure acts as a premature kidney for the 1st trimester. Then it disappears to give rise to something else (next card)
1) Trigone
2) Efferent ducts of testis
3) Epididymus
4) Vas Deferens
The mesonephron gives rise to the mesonephric duct after ~1st trimester. What 4 structures does the mesonephric duct differentiate into
(T/F) All kidneys develop from the intermediate mesoderm
Pronephros = gone after week ~____
The Metanephros becomes the functional kidney after ~____ weeks
1) Ejaculatory Duct/Prostatic Urethra
2) Lower 1/3 of Vagina/Urethra
In males the UG Sinus/Cloaca develop into the (1), and in females they develop into the (2)
1) Ureteric Bud
2) Nephros
The (1) and (2) are best friends. The induce each other to create the kidney and collecting system
The metanephros makes up the nephron from the glomerulus to the
1) Collecting Ducts
2) Calyces
3) Pelvis
4) Ureter
The Ureteric Bud gives rise to these 4 aspects of the collecting system
1) Cloaca
2) Metanephros
Two insertions of the ureteric bud
MCDK (Multicystic dysplastic kidney)
Most common cause of abdominal mass in a child
The kidney begins in the (1) and rises up to the chest
F (gains/loses blood supply as it rises)
(T/F) As the kidney ascends, it typically brings along its blood supply
(T/F) As the kidney ascends the ureteric bud bifurcates into calyces, infundibula, collecting ducts
1) Complete duplication
2) Partial duplication
3) Bifid duplication
A duplicated ureter that inserts into the bladder at an ectopic location is known as a (1).
A duplicated ureter that joins close to the bladder is called a (2).
A duplicated ureter that joins near the kidney is called a (3) .
In the normal spot (Kidney rises to meet the adrenal)
In a person with a right pelvic kidney, where is the right adrenal located?
F (~15% of kidneys have 2+ arteries)
(T/F) It is uncommon for kidneys to have multiple renal arteries
Urorectal Septum
The cloaca is divided into two separate tubes by the
1) Urogenital sinus
2) Anorectal canal
At 30 days, the urorectal septum splits the cloaca into the (1) and (2)
During development the urogenital sinus grows and absorbs a part of the Wollfian Duct distal to ureteric bud (remember—UB is derived from WD). This portion becomes the (1)
Ureteral Orifice
The connection between the WD and the UB moves laterally and becomes the