Lec 2: Urology & Genitourinary Development Flashcards
fake kidney
mesoderm gives rise to all the layers of genitourinary organs, EXCEPT?
adrenal medulla (from ectoderm) genital swelling/UG sinus (from endoderm)
mesonephric duct/wolffian duct
male parts + trigone
real kidney
ureteric bud
arises from ______
gives rise to _______
arises from mesonephric duct
gives rise to ureter & collecting system
urogenital sinus
genitourinary development from the bladder down (excluding gonads & their tubing)
common chamber into which urinary, genital, and GI tracts converge
potter syndrome
Pulomnary hypoplasia Oligohydramnios Twisted face Twisted skin Extremity defects Renal failure
leads to compression of developing fetus
occurs when fetus does not produce urine
pronephros disappears after?
week 4
kidney for 1st trimester, then disappears
gives rise to Mesonephric duct
mesonephric ducts consists of?
efferent ducts of testes
vas deferens
kidney after 8 weeks
all kidneys develop from?
intermediate mesoderm
step 1 of kidney formation?
ureteric bud & metanephros induce each other to create the collecting system
metanephros consists of?
nephron glomerulus proximal tubule LOH distal tubule
utereric bud consists of?
collecting ducts
2 insertions of the utereric bud?
cloaca & metanephros
what is the most common cause of abdominal mass in a child?
multicystic dysplastic kidney
step 2 of kidney formation?
kidney begins in sacrum & goes up to chest
roadblcoks: vasculature, malformation (horseshoe), masses
as kidney ascends, utereric bud bifurcates into?
collecting ducts
anomalies in collecting ducts can result in?
duplicated collecting systems
where is the most common place to find a horseshoe kidney?
under the IMA
in a person with a right pelvic kidney, where is the right adrenal located?
in the normal spot
step 3/4 of kidney formation?
as kidney ascends, it gains and loses blood supplies: iliacs–>aorta
when the vessels do not involute along the way, you get?
multiple arteries/veins
15% have 2 or more arteries
at 30 days, the cloaca becomes split by?
UG sinus
anorectal canal
UG sins grows and absorbs part of the Wollfian Duct distal to ureteric bud….& becomes the
the connection between the WD and UB moves…?
laterally & becomes the ureteral orifice
insertion of WD into US moves…?
medially & becomes the ejaculatory duct
most common pediatric anomalies?
vesicoureteral reflux UPJ & UVJ obstructions ectopic ureters duplications ureterocele
ectopic ureter
ureter that does not insert into the trigone
more common in girls
weigert-meyer rule
in duplicated systems, the upper pole is ectopic
usually the upper pole is obstructed