SAPPR CIM .10E/TTP1-16-1A/ALCOAST Flashcards
What are the 3 main topics discussed in ALCOAST 003/20
- CATCH program allowing victims to provide suspect info to catch serial offenders
- discuses the possibility of extending restricted reporting privileges to family and friends
- discusses enabling members to report sexual assaults without collateral misconduct
What Soecial Victims Counsel (SVC)?
10e 1-4
The SVC is a judge advocate who provides legal assistance to victims in a confidential attorney-client relationship through the investigation and any related proceedings. SVCs are available to victims, including civilian employees, who make either a Restricted or an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault
What are the requirements to be a considered for a VA role?
10e 1-13
- have 2 year left at command
- recommendation from command
- be interviewed by SARC
- Meet VA screening recruitments
what is a VA’s role in cases of domestic violence?
10e 1-14
they are not assigned cases however they can take restricted reports
What are 2 was an OIC can establish a relationship with the local SARC?
10e 2-1
a. The CO/OIC must have a conversation (in person when possible) with the SARC within 30 days of taking command.
b. The CO/OIC must contact the SARC prior to a unit’s deployment to discuss any SAPR concerns and, if necessary, request a command training.
What are the VA requirements for units >50 members
10e 2-2
2, 1 additional for each 200 members after that
What are the VA requirements for units <50 members
10e 2-2
either have 2 or work with the local SARC, other units, and the chain of command to identify and designate two VAs from units within a reasonable driving distance, able to provide VA services. The first major command (O-6 or above) will monitor and approve in writing all such agreements for units within their AORs.
What shall a command with a victim do?
10e 2-2
- Use the Unit Commander’s Checklist for Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault, available on the SAPR Website,, when responding to an Unrestricted Report of a sexual assault.
- Immediately notify CGIS and their SARC after receiving an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault.
- Not assign VA services to a victim. This assignment will be made by the SARC.
- Provide a senior representative of the command to serve on the SAPR CIT when the sexual assault victim or alleged offender is from their command per Chapter 5 of this Manual. Chapter 5 of this Manual details the role of the command representative on the SAPR CIT.
- Complete the Sexual Assault Incident Report, Form CG-5370, in coordination with the SAPR CIT, and submit it to the first O-6 in the victim’s and subject’s chain of command and also the first Flag officer in the victim’s and subject’s chain of command within 72 hours. A copy of the form must be submitted to the SARC.
- Ensure that personnel involved in reporting and providing victim support processes protect the victim’s privacy and do not disclose the identity of the victim beyond those who have a need to know to perform their duties. Family notification, as desired, must only be made by the victim or at the victim’s request.
- Issue a Military Protective Order, Form CG-6070, if it is appropriate to bar the alleged offender from contact with the victim. The CO must consult with CGIS and the servicing legal office prior to issuing the MPO. After issuing an MPO, the issuing CO must:
a. Notify the local civilian law enforcement with jurisdiction to respond to an emergency call from the residence of any individual involved in the issuance of an MPO.
b. Notify the local civilian law enforcement with jurisdiction to respond to an emergency call from the residence of any individual involved in the changes to the MPO or of the termination of the MPO.
c. Advise the member seeking the MPO, or if the member is represented by counsel, the member’s SVC, that the MPO is not enforceable by civilian authorities off base. Members needing protection off base should seek a Civilian Protective Order (CPO) or restraining order. - Notify the victim of the right to request an expedited transfer.
- Forward all expedited transfer requests from victims with recommendation to Commander (CG PSC) within 72 hours of submission per References (f) and (g).
- Consult with the servicing legal office before taking action on collateral misconduct.
What shall a command with an alleged offender do?
10e 2-2
- Monitor the well-being of the alleged offender, particularly for any indications of suicidal ideation, and ensure appropriate intervention occurs.
- Prohibit command representatives from interviewing the alleged offender about the incident, other than a limited inquiry to ascertain safety issues. Investigative interviews of alleged offenders, victims, and witnesses in suspected incidents of sexual assault must only be conducted by CGIS special agents. However, commands may make a limited initial inquiry for safety purposes (e.g., to determine if the alleged offender poses an imminent threat to him or herself or to others; or if any personnel require immediate medical attention).
- Follow the guidance in the Unit Commander’s Checklist for Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault, ensuring that information about the alleged offender and the incident is safe guarded. Only those who have an official “need to know” should have access to this information.
- Remove the alleged offender’s access to DA beyond self-service access, and other secure internet sites to ensure he or she has no privileged access to victim information, location, or status.
- Ensure support resources (e.g., counseling, chaplain, etc.) are made available to the alleged offender who may be experiencing emotional distress due to the incident.
- If the alleged offender receives punitive administrative action resulting from a sex-related offense, contact the SAPR PM and provide the alleged offender’s name.
- The CO must report all derogatory information on personnel to the SECCEN. This reporting applies to convictions for sex-related offenses.
Who are currently the only people that can take restrictive reports?
10e 4-1
Who does the SAPR program apply to?
10e 4-1
applies to adult armed forces dependents who were victims of a sexual assault perpetrated by someone other than a spouse or intimate partner. For dependents who were victims of sexual assault perpetrated by a spouse or intimate partner, see family advocacy program
What is an unrestricted report?
10e 4-1
he Unrestricted Reporting option provides for immediate formal investigation by trained criminal investigators as well as the full range of protections to the victim including MPOs, immediate transfer or relocation, an expedited transfer, and other police and command protective actions, if necessary. It is the only option that may lead to offenders being held accountable for their actions.
How long does a member or CG civilian have to report a sexual assault?
10e 4-1
24 hour to the chain of command or SARC
What must a chain of command do immediately upon notification of a sexual assault?
10e 4-1
contact SARC and CGIS
WHo has sole responsibility to investigate sexual assault?
10e 4-1
- Commands must not take any formal or informal investigative action, to include preliminary inquiry or interview of alleged victims, offenders or witnesses regarding the assault.
Should Commands suspend victims security clearances?
10e 4-2
Commands shall not suspend a victim’s security clearance or ability to carry a Coast Guard-issued firearm solely because the individual made an Unrestricted Report of sexual assault. The victim’s decision to seek mental health care should not, in and of itself, adversely impact that individual’s ability to obtain or maintain a national security position. Commands must discuss these safety concerns with the SAPR CIT for guidance as outlined in Chapter 5 of this Manual
Can a victim request immediate transfer?
10e 4-2
Following an Unrestricted Report, a victim may request an expedited transfer to a new duty station in accordance with Reference (f). The SARC and VA must inform the victim of this option.
What happen if a victim discloses a report to anyone other then a SARC, VA, HCP, SVC, or chaplain/
10e 4-2
the report become un restricted
What are the 6 exceptions to the restricted report?
10e 4-4
- authorized by victim
- state law mandates
- imminent danger
- required for fitness for duty or disability determinations
- victim is in capacitated then the SARC can discuss information necessary for treatment.
- ordered by a military official or federal judge
what are the resources for both types of reports? (6)
10e 4-6
a. Services of a SARC, VA, SVC, HCP, and chaplain.
b. Medical care.
c. Counseling.
e. DoD Safe Helpline.
f. Collection of forensic evidence through a SAFE/SAMFE as soon as possible. Forensic evidence is most viable within 72 hours, but may be viable greater than seven days.
what 5 additional resources are available for unrestricted reports?
10e 4-7
a. Command involvement (SAPR CIT).
b. MPO.
c. Criminal investigation.
d. Potential prosecution of offender (accountability).
e. Expedited transfer option
what is a SAPR crisis intervention team (SAPR CIT)?
10e 5-1
a SAPR CIT will provide primary coordination for sexual assault incident response by promoting safety and communication across stakeholders.
How soon must an OIC initiate a SAPR CIT ?
10e 5-1
24 hours
who are the 6 members of a SAPR CIT?
10e 5-1
(1) The responding SARC;
(2) The assigned CGIS special agent;
(3) A judge advocate from the servicing legal office;
(4) A physician or physician assistant;
(5) A senior representative from the victim’s command, if the victim is an active duty service member or reservist on active duty or in a drill status; and,
(6) A senior representative from the alleged offender’s command, if the alleged offender is a Coast Guard active duty service member or reservist on active duty or in a drill status.
WHat is a Special victim counsel (SVC)?
ttp 9-2
The SVC program, established under the authority per reference (h), Special Victims’ Counsel for Victims of Sex-Related Offenses, 10 U.S.C. §1044e, is an integral part of the Coast Guard mission to eradicate sexual assault. SVCs are Coast Guard judge advocates appointed to represent the interests of victims throughout the investigatory and military justice processes
What is a sexual assault forensic examination (SAFE)?
ttp A-5
The medical examination of a sexual assault victim under circumstances and controlled procedures. SAFE ensures the physical examination process, and the collection, handling, analysis, testing, and safekeeping of any bodily specimens, meet the requirements for use as evidence in criminal proceedings. These are performed at civilian or DOD medical facilities.
What does the subjects command need to do in the first 6 hours?
- verify persona security of victim and subject
- Notify victim’s command cadre.
- notify CGIS
- provide a rep for SAPR CIT
- incourage work life/CG SUPPORT and Chaplin
What should commands avoid when receiving a report
questioning the victim or witnesses.
What does the victim command need to do in the first 6 hours?
- Safety of victim
- emergency care as needed
- notify SARC
- Provide transportation as needed
- -notify victim of the VA
- notify CGIS
- notify chain of command to O6
- Initiate SAPR CIT
Can chaplains take restricted report?
ttp 3-7
No but they can forward them on to the SARC
How long is a sexual assault case open?
ttp 3-8
until the victim requests it is cloased
What 5 reasons can a victim request a transfer in writing?
ttp 3-10
• Proximity to the alleged offender, • Fears of retaliation, • Concerns of re-victimization, • Triggers (e.g., similar situation, scenario, or people involved) surfacing from the assault, and/or • Proximity to family or other support services (medical/counseling).
If the alleged affender is in the chain of command who is the transfer request routed to?
ttp 3-11
WHo initiated the SAPR CIT if the victimis outside the CG?
ttp 4-4
the subjects command
When is an MPO used?
ttp 4-6
• A safety assessment by members of the SAPR CIT or command leadership may determine the need for a MPO, even if the victim does not request one. • Victim requests no contact order or MPO. • Command will consult with CGIS and servicing Staff Judge Advocate’s (SJA’s) office when determining MPO to prevent impeding criminal investigative activity. • Coordinate with other commands if the alleged offender is assigned to a different command. • Issue MPO using the Military Protective Order, Form CG-6070.
Who is Station Bodega Bays SARC?
Nick Gonzalez
What is a Personnel Record Review for Sex-related Offenses?
In accordance with 10 U.S.C. Section 1561 note (Inclusion and Review of Information on Sex-related Offenses in Personnel Service Records of Members of the Armed Forces), when notified by CG PSC, CO/OICs shall review the personnel records of members who have been convicted by a court-martial, received NJP, or received punitive administrative action resulting from a sex-related offense. Sex-related offenses are penetrative or nonpenetrative covered by Articles 120 and 125 of the UCMJ (Article 120(a), or (b), forcible sodomy under Article 125, and attempts to commit any of those offenses under Article 80). Personnel records shall mean the SPO PDR
- The CO/OIC must affirm to CG PSC via email that this review has been accomplished.
- When the above person transfers, CG PSC will contact the new unit’s CO/OIC to review the member’s SPO PDR.
- Following a change of command, a CO/OIC must request a list of these members from CG PSC, if needed. Upon receipt of this list, the CO/OIC must review the SPO PDR of any member described in Paragraph D of this Chapter.
Where is the SPAR Commanders Check List located?
How soon does a OIC have to approve or disapprove a SAPR Transfer request
does an OIC have to have SAPR in their in-briefs?
Who soon must an OIC check in with the units SAPR?
30 Days
in an unrestricted report who does an OIC have to check in with before issuing and MPO?
CGIS so as not to interfere with investigation