MISHAPS Flashcards
What are the 6 reasons to get a toxicology report after a MISHAP?
1) Non-fatal Class A, B and C military aircraft, ground and ship (sea) mishaps
2) Military aircraft, ground and ship (sea) accidents involving fatalities
3) Select autopsies of military or Federal significance
4) Biological specimens from AFOSI, CID and NCIS criminal investigations
5) Blood alcohol and drug tests in DUI and Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault investigations
6) Fitness-for-duty inquiries and selected forensic cases of national interest.
List The Reportable MISHAPs
CG Personel
- food born illness
- Work-related musculoskeletal disorders.
- Chronic exposures that result in a condition requiring medical attention
- Acute exposures that result in an acute health hazard exposure examination
- Acute direct bodily contact exposures to Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) without a functional PPE barrier during the performance of operational duties.
- Active Duty/Reservist act status or ienroute to active. Coast Guard active duty military personnel who are killed, injured, missing, or missing in action while on- or off-duty, if it results in days away from work, restricted duty, transfer to another job, medical treatment beyond first aid, or loss of consciousness
- Visitors and Non-Coast Guard Personnel. Non-Coast Guard personnel and visitors who are killed, injured beyond first aid or have a loss of consciousness or are missing while on Coast Guard property, including Coast Guard housing. Non-Coast Guard civilian personnel injured as a result of Coast Guard operations
- Property Damage. Property damage that results in:
(1) Damage to Coast Guard shore or afloat assets equal to or greater than $5,000.00.
(2) Any damage to Coast Guard aviation assets.
(3) Personal property owned by Auxiliary units or Auxiliarists assigned to duty that is damaged in the course of their duty - a. Fires aboard any Coast Guard asset or facility, including incipient stage events (e.g., electrical short, initial smoldering, etc.) that do not result in injury, illness, or property damage.
b. Pressurized fuel/oil leak.
c. Electrical shocks while performing work on Coast Guard equipment or while on a Coast Guard asset or facility.
d. Unintentional discharge of a Coast Guard weapon that was determined to be either accidental or negligent. Additional reporting requirements are detailed in the Ordnance Manual, COMDTINST M8000.2 (series) (FOUO).
e. Discharge of a weapon while off-duty that results in the need for medical attention beyond first aid. Unless that weapon is provided under and used by a Reserve member in the performance of their civilian duties (e.g. law enforcement officer or armed security guard).
f. Unintentional or collateral damage or injury that occurs as a result of actions executed by Coast Guard personnel or assets during an authorized law enforcement action (e.g., warning shots or disabling fire). Commandant (CG-113), in consultation with the operational commander, will determine the mishap classification and appropriate level of safety analysis (e.g., PMB or MAB).
g. Ejections from a Coast Guard vessel resulting in persons in the water.
h. A person falls overboard from a vessel, pier, structure, facility or supporting equipment when performing a Coast Guard mission.
i. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (LASER/laser). Events where Coast Guard personnel or assets encounter a laser strike originating from a Coast Guard/DoD/Federal/State or local agency source. These laser exposure events, including those that do not result in personnel injury must be reported as Class D mishap (unless personnel injury severity warrants higher classification). For laser strikes originating from unknown sources,
j. Any events that identify possible deficiencies in current operational policy or procedures; allowances, outfits or PPE; or platform configuration or performance.
a. Capsizing, including non-Coast Guard vessels being towed by Coast Guard vessels.
b. Vessel rollovers and knockdowns (in excess of 90 degrees from an even keel).
c. Allisions or collisions.
d. Unintentional groundings.
What is a Class A MISHAP?
(a) An injury or occupational illness results in a fatality or permanent total disability.
(b) Any military personnel are missing or missing in action.
(c) Damage to Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard property (excluding boats) is $2,000,000 or greater.
(d) Damage to a Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard boat of $300,000 or greater.
WHat is a Class B MISHAP?
(a) Any injury or occupational illness that results in permanent partial disability.
(b) Damage, to Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard property (excluding boats) of $500,000 or greater, but less than $2,000,000.
(c) Damage to a Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard boat of $200,000 or greater, but less than $300,000
What is a Class C MISHAP?
(a) An injury or occupational illness that results in one or more days away from work beyond the day or shift in which the mishap occurs. This includes:
[1] Loss of time from work; and/or
[2] Placement on a limited duty or restricted duty status; and/or
[3] Transfer of any individual(s) to a different job.
(b) Damage, to Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard property, is $50,000 or greater (excluding boats), but less than $500,000.
(c) Damage to a Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard boat of $50,000 or greater, but less than $200,000. (
What is a class D Mishap?
(a) Any injury or occupational illness that requires treatment by a medical professional but does not result in any days away from work, or transfer to a different job, beyond the day or shift in which the mishap occurs.
(b) Damage to Coast Guard or non-Coast Guard property (excluding aviation) of $5,000 or greater, but less than $50,000.
(c) Any damage to aviation property of less than $50,000.
(d) Other reportable events described in Paragraph B.2.
How often are the Mishap plans reviewed and drilled?
annually logged into TMT
How long is the notification prosses for Class A and B MISHAPS
5 MINS to notify CG national command Center #
12 hours to be entered into the data base
How long is the notification prosses for Class C and D MISHAPS
24 hours to be entered into EMISHAPS (operational and HIPO only)
% common MISHAP Boards
a. Permanent Mishap Board (PMB). The PMB is the primary mishap analysis body for all off-duty Class A & B and all Class C, D, and E mishaps.
b. Commandant Mishap Analysis Board (MAB). The MAB is the primary mishap analysis body for all on-duty Class A and B mishaps or other high-interest mishap events that require an in-depth safety analysis.
c. Commandant Safety Board (CSB). The primary purpose of the CSB is to review and adjudicate the MAR, endorsements, other relevant information (e.g., MII report, etc.), and recommend corrective actions to Vice Commandant of the Coast Guard (VCG).
d. Administrative Investigations. Administrative investigations collect, assemble, analyze, and record available evidence about a particular incident or other matter to inform interested persons within and outside the Coast Guard, providing information for decision makers who make decisions about the matter investigated. Administrative investigations are investigations of mishaps that are conducted per Reference (i).
e. Major Incident Investigations (MII) Board. A Major Incident Investigation (MII) is an administrative investigation required to inquire into the facts surrounding Class A and B mishaps that is conducted under an expedited timeline. The MII is conducted per Reference (j). MAR Part A contents and any other factual information obtained by the MAB must be shared with the MII Board President.