Random Flashcards
What are the laser strike procedures?
BOAT I p4-60
- avert eyes and protect crew(do not look for the source using binoculars)
- members receiving direct eye strike shall be assed by a medical personnel
- minimum class D MISHAP with in 72 hours
- notify OPCON
Heavy Weather Coxswain Limits
20ft seas, 8ft surf, 50kts winds
What is the warrented risck policy
Damage to or sacrifice of the boat is an acceptable risk in the defense of the United States, its citizens, and/or installations. The probability of saving human life warrants a maximum effort. When no suitable alternative exists and the mission has a reasonable chance of success, the risk of damage to or abuse of the boat is acceptable, even though such damage or abuse may render the boat unrecoverable. The possibility of saving human life or the probability of preventing or relieving intense pain or suffering warrants the risk of damage to or abuse of the boat if recovering the boat can reasonably be expected. The probability of saving property of the United States or its citizens warrants the risk of damage to the boat if the value of the property to be saved is unquestionably greater than the cost of boat damage and the boat is fully expected to be recoverable. The possibility of recovering evidence and interdicting or apprehending alleged violators of Federal law does not warrant probable damage to or abuse of the boat, unless in defense of self or others.
OIC Coxswain re-cert process
- have OPCON do a records review
- finish deferred tasks
- PT Test
- 6 months
OIC initial cert process
- completed initial process for boat type
- UW check ride
- PT Test
- 1 year
Who grant waiver for XPO or EPO to pass their certification deadline?
OIC for up to 6 months
Define High speed
30 KTS or higher
What charecteristics should the PIC consider for BO/BTM
BOAT II 2-53
For Boarding Officers and Boarding Team Members, the necessary temperament and judgment to carry and properly use weapons in the performance of their duties
Trailering limits?
BOAT I p4-29
Trailering 350 miles or 8 hours 8 hours rest
Note 1: Trailering hours shall be counted towards underway limitations for designated boat crews.
What aer the 7 factor when considering a baot for a mission?
BOAT I p4-24
(01) Boat limitations,
(02) Boat readiness,
(03) Boat capabilities,
(04) Crew endurance,
(05) Crew experience,
(06) Number of potential passengers/survivors and their condition,
(07) Equipment status
When is it authorized to place a swimmer in the water?
BOAT I p3-47
(01) No other method of assistance exists,
(02) The critical human factors found in Reference (i) have been appropriately assessed,
(03) The potential for success sufficiently justifies the risk,
(04) The action can be taken without unduly placing the crew member’s safety at risk.
(05) The boat swimmer feels comfortable and believes he/she can completed the requested mission.
The _______ of saving human life warrants a maximum effort. When no suitable alternative exists and the mission has a reasonable chance of success, the risk of damage to or abuse of the boat is acceptable, even though such damage or abuse may render the boat unrecoverable.
The _______ of saving human life or the probability of preventing or relieving intense pain or suffering warrants the risk of damage to or abuse of the boat if recovering the boat can reasonably be expected.
BOAT I p4-23
The _______ of saving property of the United States or its citizens warrants the risk of damage to the boat if the value of the property to be saved is unquestionably greater than the cost of boat damage and the boat is fully expected to be recoverable.
BOAT I p4-23
The _______ of recovering evidence and interdicting or apprehending alleged violators of Federal law does not warrant probable damage to or abuse of the boat, unless in defense of self or others.
BOAT I p4-23
What is the “new platform” certification prosses?
BOAT II p2-67
When a unit receives a new platform on which no one has been previously qualified or certified, the unit’s CO/OIC (regardless of their own certification status) shall designate, via interim certification letters, a “core group” of the unit’s most experienced certified coxswain(s), engineer(s), and boat crewmember(s). The letter will clearly state that the vessel shall only be operated during transit to the unit, initial training and familiarization, and for the engine break-in period. Upon completion of all applicable tasks, the “core group” shall receive certification in TMT for the new boat type and can provide training to remaining unit personnel. The unit CO/OIC shall then notify the Operational Commander. Interim certifications for coxswain and engineer may be combined with the boat crewmember certification and shall be recorded in the TMT system. The combined certifications may be entered into the TMT system with the same calendar date. Units should seek all available resources while transitioning to a new platform. Training teams or other local units that operate the same type of platform are good resources.
What is the OIC certification timeline?
BOAT II p2-74
- certify ad coxswain or ice 1 yr
- additional comps 18 months
- re-cert coxswain 6 months
What is mean lower low tide?
0.0 tidal elevation. It is determined by averaging each ((days’)) day’s lowest tide at a particular location over a period of nineteen years. It is the tidal datum for vertical tidal references in the saltwater area.
WHat are the $ SAR program objectives?
- minimizing loss of life, injury, and property
- minimizing crew risk
- optimizing the use of resources during SAR
- maintain world leadership in maritime SAR
Can a married member be placed in UPH for a cooling off period?
Housing manual 7-3
yes but only for 15 days
What are the 4 principles of RM?
- integrate RM into all phases of missions and operations
- Accept no Unnecessary risk
- Accept necessary rick when benefits outweigh costs
- Make risk decisions at the appropriate level
What are the 5 steps in the RM process
- identify hazards
- assess hazards
- develop controls and make decisions
- implement controls
- supervise and evaluate
What are the 7 humane factor in RM?
mission analysis leadership adaptability and flexibility situational awareness decision making communication assertiveness
What are the for steps for an UW vessel lost coms?
- Notify the vessel’s parent command first (if different from OPCON).
- Then notify the district CC, as appropriate.
- If still unable to locate/communicate with the underway vessel, send a UMIB.
- Next, send an immediate precedence record message
Do you have to sign electronic radio logs?
TTP 6-01 2
Not if they can be switched to read only after each log day
What is 14 USC 102
The Coast Guard shall-
(1) enforce or assist in the enforcement of all applicable Federal laws on, under, and over the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States;
(2) engage in maritime air surveillance or interdiction to enforce or assist in the enforcement of the laws of the United States;
(3) administer laws and promulgate and enforce regulations for the promotion of safety of life and property on and under the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, covering all matters not specifically delegated by law to some other executive department;
(4) develop, establish, maintain, and operate, with due regard to the requirements of national defense, aids to maritime navigation, icebreaking facilities, and rescue facilities for the promotion of safety on, under, and over the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States;
(5) pursuant to international agreements, develop, establish, maintain, and operate icebreaking facilities on, under, and over waters other than the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States;
(6) engage in oceanographic research of the high seas and in waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; and
(7) maintain a state of readiness to assist in the defense of the United States, including when functioning as a specialized service in the Navy pursuant to section 103.
What is 14 USC 522
(a) The Coast Guard may make inquiries, examinations, inspections, searches, seizures, and arrests upon the high seas and waters over which the United States has jurisdiction, for the prevention, detection, and suppression of violations of laws of the United States. For such purposes, commissioned, warrant, and petty officers may at any time go on board of any vessel subject to the jurisdiction, or to the operation of any law, of the United States, address inquiries to those on board, examine the ship’s documents and papers, and examine, inspect, and search the vessel and use all necessary force to compel compliance. When from such inquiries, examination, inspection, or search it appears that a breach of the laws of the United States rendering a person liable to arrest is being, or has been committed, by any person, such person shall be arrested or, if escaping to shore, shall be immediately pursued and arrested on shore, or other lawful and appropriate action shall be taken; or, if it shall appear that a breach of the laws of the United States has been committed so as to render such vessel, or the merchandise, or any part thereof, on board of, or brought into the United States by, such vessel, liable to forfeiture, or so as to render such vessel liable to a fine or penalty and if necessary to secure such fine or penalty, such vessel or such merchandise, or both, shall be seized.
(b) The officers of the Coast Guard insofar as they are engaged, pursuant to the authority contained in this section, in enforcing any law of the United States shall:
(1) be deemed to be acting as agents of the particular executive department or independent establishment charged with the administration of the particular law; and
(2) be subject to all the rules and regulations promulgated by such department or independent establishment with respect to the enforcement of that law.
(c) The provisions of this section are in addition to any powers conferred by law upon such officers, and not in limitation of any powers conferred by law upon such officers, or any other officers of the United States.
What are some major inspections at a small boat UNIT?
- OSI (ordinance)
- USAT (safety/MISHAP)
- Security
- Logistics compliance (LCI)
- SMART (Safety)
- Environmental compliance
Where does the OIC derive their authority?
CG Regs Ch4 Part 4
Can CGIS offer opinions on guilt or innocents?
CGIS special agents are prohibited from offering recommendations or opinions in matters concerning guilt, innocence or punishment, in order to preserve the objectivity of the criminal investigative process to the maximum extent possible.
What are the 16 mandatory reporting requirements to CGIS?
- Felony UCMJ vios
- Violation of federal criminal law
- Lost/ stolen/ misappropriated Ordinance, vehicles, property over 5000$
- Death of a covered person
- work place violence and threatening behavior
- PII theft
- Cyber crimes
- Child porn
- child or spouse abuse
- TWIC enforcement
- Security violations
- Desertion
- protective service operations
- Fraud waste and abuse
- Information of Significant Interest to Criminal Investigative Agencies
- Prisoner transport
What are the UA test percentages?
120% of pal per year
30% per 1/4
10% per month
WHos has to be the UA
XPO designated in writing
WHat are thre responsibilities the OIC ahs to the Weight Program?
d. Submit separation packages within 30 days to Commander, Personnel Service Center (CG PSC: epm-1 for enlisted/opm-1 for officer /rpm-1 for reserve) for members who meet conditions of separation outlined in this Manual.
e. Verify measurements of members subject to separation. A member within the command cadre, to include CO, executive officer (XO), OIC, executive petty officer (XPO), or command master chief (CMC), or as necessary, a senior member within the command will witness measurements of the member. See Chapter 2 of this Manual for additional instructions.
f. Conduct additional weight and body fat assessments outside of regularly scheduled semiannual weigh-ins when deemed necessary as outlined in paragraph 2.A.2. of this Manual.
Members have how many day s before or after if they will be away from unit during weigh ins?
For training how many days before is a member weighed?
30-15 days before
For PCS how many days before is a member weighed?
Who is eligible for weight probation?
Members who are found non-compliant and exceed maximum allowable body fat by eight percent or less or exceed maximum screening weight by 35 pounds or less are eligible for probation.
Who is NOT eligible for weight probation?
a. Members who exceed maximum allowable body fat by more than eight percent and maximum screening weight by over 35 pounds are ineligible for probation and will be processed for separation.
b. Members who are non-compliant for a third consecutive time within a 14-month period are ineligible for probation and will be processed for separation.
c. Members receiving a third strike as explained in paragraph 4.A.5 of this Manual
How long can an OIC extend a weight probation?
At the end of the probationary period the command must evaluate the member for compliance. If the case warrants special consideration (e.g., physical injury, illness, or members who have made reasonable progress and are near compliance), the CO or OIC may extend the probationary period by an additional 30 days. Extensions must be documented by using form CG-3307.
What are the 5 criteria’s that require separation for weight?
- Separation In Lieu of Probation.
- Failure to Progress During Probation
- Non-Compliant at End of Probation
- Third Probationary Period in 14 Months
- Three Consecutive Failed Semiannual Weigh-Ins
What are some exsemptions to weight requirments?
- medical
- maternity
- Tabaco
- eating disorders
- sexual assault recovery
- infertility treatment
what is the CG Enterprise Definition of Readiness?
Enterprise Definition of Readiness: “Coast Guard readiness is the organizational ability to meet mission demands. The elements of readiness are personnel, materiel, and governance.” These elements may be applied from any perspective: enterprise, strategic, operational, or tactical.
what are the 11 major functions of the Work life program?
- Suicide prevention
- Ombudsmen
- Health promotion
- Substance abuse
- Employee Assistance(work place violence)
- family Support
- Child Care
- Personal Finance Management Program PFMP
- TA
What are the 7 major parts of the Family Support Program?
- family advocacy
- -adoption
- relocation assistance
- special needs
- spousal employment
- parental resources
What is the Prenatal Leave policy?
Prenatal Leave. District commanders and commanding officers may grant Prenatal Leave without the Commandant’s approval for prenatal periods up to a cumulative total of 30 days after certified necessary by a medical officer or practicing physician.
What are the parental leave time lines
Maternity Convalescent Leave 42 days
Primary caregiver 42
Secondary Caregiver 21
*Commands may authorize increments of less than 3 days if requested by the member. Primary Caregiver leave must be taken within one year after the birth/adoption event. All requests for non-chargeable leave must be approved by the member’s command prior to execution.
For how long dose a Flexible Work Schedule last?
For one year immediately following the birth or adoption of a child, all service members are permitted to use a flexible work schedule at the discretion of the Commanding Officer (CO)/Officer-in-Charge (OINC). Refer to Alternative Work Schedule (AWS) for Coast Guard Civilian and Military Members, COMDTINST 5330.10 (series) for guidance on flexible work schedules
What are the four Categories of leadership
Leading Self
Leading Others
Leading Change
Leading the CG
What are the 28 leadership compatancies
Accountability & Responsibility Effective Communications Conflict Management Financial Management Aligning Values Team Building Customer Focus Technology Management Followership Influencing Others Decision Making & Problem Solving Human Resource Management Health & Well Being Mentoring Management & Process Improvement External Awareness Self Awareness & Learning Respect for Others & Diversity Management Vision Development & Implementation Political Savvy Personal Conduct Taking Care of People Creativity & Innovation Partnering Technical Proficiency Entrepreneurship Stewardship Strategic Thinking
What are the breast feeding guidelines?
(b) When possible, the commanding officer or officer in charge should support service members who desire to breastfeed as follows:
1. Lactation Facility: Ensure the availability of a private, clean room for expressing breast milk during the workday. When space is limited, a multi-purpose room (i.e. duty room), stateroom, or berthing area may be used as long as privacy can be assured for the time required. The facility shall be as close as possible to a water source for washing hands and rinsing equipment and equipped with electrical outlets, a table and chair. It is preferable that this space not be a head unless the head is equipped with a lounge type of area.
2. Storage: Ensure access to cool storage for express breast milk. Access to refrigeration is ideal, however if no refrigerator space is available, the service member will supply cold packs for storing milk. Access to a freezer compartment is necessary if the workday extends beyond 12 hours. Breast milk should be contained and labeled by the service member to avoid contamination by other items located in the vicinity.
3. Lactation Breaks: Through communication between the supervisor and member, most assignments can accommodate creative use of time to accomplish mission and accommodate the service member‟s desire to breastfeed. Lactating service members should be allowed a flexible schedule for pumping, within the limits of mission requirements. Arrangements should be discussed/negotiated between the service member and her supervisor.
What are the CG three elements of readiness?
Personnel, Material, Governance
What is the CGs second chance policy?
A second chance for first termer’s due to immaturity and judgement. for everything but
- Drugs,
- DUI,
- Conviction of sexual misconduct,
- Fraudulent enlistment
- Substances Use Disorder requiring discharge
What are the Temp and Permenant relief authorities?
OIC - District - PCSc
XPO/EPO - Sector - PSC EPM
What are two basis’s for RFC?
unsat conduct
unsat preformance
What is the max length of time for a temp RFC?
90 days