BOAT Vol II .33d Flashcards
What are the 8 layers in the Boat Crew Qualification System(BCQS)?
- Personal Qualification Standards,
- Job Qualification Standards,
- Resident Training,
- Non-Resident Training,
- Mobile Training Teams,
- Structured on the Job Training,
- Advanced Distributed Learning
- Commanding Officer/Officer In Charge review and certification of the skills and knowledge of the member
When does a command member have to attend BFCC?
When in receipt of orders prior to departing or within 6 months of arrival and every 5 year after that if there is a break in boat forces command tours?
Who has to attend underwater egress school?
all boat crew personnel qualified after 31 Dec 2017
Where can you find training available to station and ANTs based on position?
cg731 Master Training List (MTL)
Who sponsors mobile training teams?
What is SOJT?
Structured on the job training or training vis the boat crew hand books (BCH)
What is Advanced Distributed Learning Training (ADL)?
Boat Force and FORCECOM’s online train for crew positions on the LMS
What is a designated trainer for
Higher level competencies require a DT for training and signing PQS. CO/OICs shall assign, in writing DTs as required based upon unit competencies. DTs (e.g. pursuit, tactical, Surf, Heavy Weather, ice rescue) shall complete the applicable Coast Guard resident training course as outlined for the competency requirements. CO/OICs shall ensure DTs possess the appropriate level of certification, ability, maturity, and demeanor required of this position
What I the “live PIW training” -policy?
- OIC can authorize
- shall include policy in SOP
- Have a dedicated safety observer
- address PPE and weather
What are the HWX training limitations?
-15ft seas
-50 kts winds
-8ft surf
two boats preferred but not mandated.
What are the surf training limitations>
1 boat 10ft,50kts I mile vis
2 boat 15ft, 50kts 1mile vis
Surf and wind are highly variable environmental conditions. It is understood occasional surf and/or wind greater than established training limitations will likely be encountered.
How often should the OIC ensure their unit competencies are in accordance with the Boat Forces Billet Title ?
How does the OIC add or remove a competence from the unit?
(01) Compare platform competencies assigned to the unit Boat Forces Billet Title and Competency Business Rules,
(02) Determine which competencies need to be removed and which ones need to be added for each billet number at the unit,
(03) Complete a “Request to Assign Competencies, Education, or Officer Specialty to a Position,” Form CG-5311,
(04) Email the completed “Request to Assign Competencies, Education, or Officer Specialty to a Position,” Form CG-5311 and spreadsheet showing competencies and billets that require attention to the Office of Boat Forces through the Operational Commander,
(05) The Office of Boat Forces will validate the request and will have the unit’s platform competencies updated.
WHat is a PQS signer?
PQS signers are the baseline integrity of the system, and therefore should possess the according maturity, judgment, and expertise. The member who signs off PQS shall meet the following qualifications:
(01) Currently certified in position being sought.
(02) Designated in writing (Active Duty/Reserve members) by CO/OIC.
(03) For tactical, pursuit, and ice rescue competencies, be a graduate of the designated resident course as per C.7. of this section.
What are the three positions that require a designated trainer?
Ice Rescuer
Why is a JQR created and by whom?
when no PQS covers a specific job. The OIC
what is a QEB?
Qualification Examination Board. i.e. BCEB or LEQB
How shall the OIC designate the QEB Chairmen?
in writing and the QEB Chair shall have:
(01) Ensure that each designated QEB Chairman is current in the competency for the QEB he/she is chairing on the date the QEB is convened.
(02) Ensure that each designated QEB Chairman has the appropriate qualifications, experience, and position at the unit.
(03) Ensure that, when more than one member is designated as a QEB Chairman, they are consistent in their manner of chairing a QEB.
(04) Provide guidance to the QEB Chairman regarding the membership of a QEB.
(05) Determine the size of the board membership based on unit size, and number of personnel requiring certification.
The BECB should consist of ________.
(01) One certified experienced engineer.
(02) One certified experienced coxswain.
(03) If applicable, one certified experienced ATON, tactical, pursuit, heavy weather coxswain or surfman.
(04) If applicable, senior Law Enforcement Instructor (LEI).
When are PT tests required?
- qualification
- recerts
- semi annual
- CO/OIC, or Boat Forces School Chiefs may require members to meet the physical fitness standard whenever they deem necessary to ensure members can safely perform their boat crew duties
What are the consiquences for not passing a PT test?
Personnel who cannot meet the standard due to sickness, injury, recent pregnancy, etc. should not perform boat crew duties for the safety of the member, crew and the public. For these reasons, a CO/OIC will not necessarily rescind a member’s certification for not meeting the standard, but will weigh all factors in their decision-making process.
What must a member demonstrate for a certification?
(01) The minimum required knowledge and skill for the position designation as evidenced by the completed PQS, practical evaluation, and the positive recommendation of the qualification examining board.
(02) The judgment and maturity required to:
a) Act responsibly.
b) Perform assigned duties in the manner prescribed by Coast Guard directives and regulations.
c) Function as a team member.
d) Interact positively with the public in the execution of Coast Guard duties.
For Boarding Officers and Boarding Team Members, the necessary temperament and judgment to carry and properly use weapons in the performance of their duties.
What are the 5 types of certification/
(01) Initial Certification,
(02) Multi-Unit Certification,
(03) Recertification,
(04) Interim Certification,
(05) Temporary Duty Certification.
What is the initial certification process?
(01) Complete the applicable PQS /JQR tasks.
(02) Pass a physical fitness test.
(03) Complete an oral board conducted by the appropriate unit QEB.
(04) Demonstrate proficiency during an underway check-ride.
What is the recertification process?
(01) Pass a physical fitness test within currency cycle (Table 2-6),
(02) Pass underway AOR familiarization exercise,
(03) Pass an oral board conducted by the BCEB,
(04) Pass underway check-ride. If lapse in currency requirement triggered decertification, then a check-ride shall include completing deficient task(s).
What additional requirement are there for a re-cert >12 months
1st aid
survival swim
RM currency
What are the 3 types of interim certification?
(01) New Platform,
(02) Provisional Interim,
(03) Temporary Deferred Tasks.
(interim certs should not be more then 60 days, OIC can issue extensions)
What is the “new platform” certification prosses?
When a unit receives a new platform on which no one has been previously qualified or certified, the unit’s CO/OIC (regardless of their own certification status) shall designate, via interim certification letters, a “core group” of the unit’s most experienced certified coxswain(s), engineer(s), and boat crewmember(s). The letter will clearly state that the vessel shall only be operated during transit to the unit, initial training and familiarization, and for the engine break-in period. Upon completion of all applicable tasks, the “core group” shall receive certification in TMT for the new boat type and can provide training to remaining unit personnel. The unit CO/OIC shall then notify the Operational Commander. Interim certifications for coxswain and engineer may be combined with the boat crewmember certification and shall be recorded in the TMT system. The combined certifications may be entered into the TMT system with the same calendar date. Units should seek all available resources while transitioning to a new platform. Training teams or other local units that operate the same type of platform are good resources.
Who approves the OICs interim certification?
Only OPCON. this can not be delegated.
When would you use a provisional certification?
new competency designation at a unit or a unit-wide decertification
Where does the provisional certification authority lie?
How does an OIC get permission to issue provisional interim letter?
Operational Commander via memorandum. The request memorandum shall designate a core group of the unit’s most experienced certified coxswain(s), engineer(s), and boat crewmember(s).
When would an OIC authorize a temporary duty certification?
(01) Temporary Duty (TDY),
(02) Temporary Additional Duty (TAD),
(03) (Reservists) Active Duty for Training to Satisfy Annual Training Required (ADT-AT),
(04) (Reservists) Active Duty or Operational Support (ADOS),
(05) Inactive Duty Training (IDT).
What is required for a temporary duty certification and how is it documented?
- Checkride
- documented via memo
How does an OIC request a permanent differed task?
submit a memorandum to the Operational Commander with proper justification for task(s) deferment. All approved permanent task(s) deferment waivers shall be kept on file within unit SOP and be forwarded to the Office of Boat Forces.
What is the previously certified OIC coxswain cert process?
- OPCON review record
- finish deferred tasks
- PT
What is the NOT previously certified OIC coxswain cert process?
- initial cert process
- UW checkride
- PT
What is the OIC certification timeline?
- certify ad coxswain or ice 1 yr
- additional comps 18 months
- re-cert coxswain 6 months
Who can waive OIC certification timelines?
OPCON via Memo stating
- reason
- time frame not to exceed 6 months
- result of not certifying
What are the station XPO certification time lines?
- Coxswain and BO within 1 year
- Additional cert within 18 months
- recertify coxswain within 6 months
Who can waive the XPO/EPO certification requirement?
OIC via Memo stating
- reason
- time frame not to exceed 6 months
- result of not certifying
What are the station EPO certification time lines?
- ENG 1 yr cert/recert
- if now eng then crew with 6 months cert/recert, no waiver granted
Define medical conditions that are temporary in nature?
conditions that preclude a member from boat operations for a period of not more than one year.
What is done to certification during a lapse in weapons qual?
certification suspension. recertification does not require any further tasks.
Who designates AOR currency?
OIC (AORs must be completed on unit boat)
What is the night time waiver policy?
Waivers for nighttime currency requirements must be requested by the Operational Commander through their appropriate chain of command and approved by the Office of Boat Forces. Personnel receiving such waivers are not authorized to ever operate at night in a certified crew position.
Wat shall the unit provide STAN prior to visit?
- unit rooster 30 days out
- unit shelf assessments and RFO report since the last STAN visit.
Who is brought disputes with STAN visits?
- STAN Supervisor
- Standardization and Doctrine Section Chief
When is the RFO conducted?
10-14 months after STAN
When is the unit self inspection conducted?
10 –14 months prior to STAN
Who does the unit self inspection?
Be carried out by personnel designated in writing (via memo, unit SOP, or other official correspondence) by the unit CO/OIC. Unit XOs/XPOs may designate these personnel while Acting CO/OIC, or with by direction authority granted in writing by the unit CO/OIC. (
What is are the reserve currency hours?
Reserve currency requirements are built to 83 percent of what the active duty component must accomplish in a year. This is a specific readiness factor to account for the possibility of up to two months of mobilization without placing undue hardships on the member to maintain currency. Specifically, underway hours for reserve currency are a total of 66 hours per annual cycle, with a minimum of 17 hours at night. A Reserve member that certifies or recertifies after 01 July would be within the last half of the currency cycle and would not have to complete the minimum proficiency requirements for the respective period.