Financial Resource Managment Manual (FRMM)/ Supply Flashcards
What is the Anti-Deficiency Act (31 USC 1341)
pg 5-4 5.C.3
Government official can not make payments or commit the government to make payments at some future time, for goods and services unless funds are available in the affected appropriation to cover the full cost.
What is an Obligation?
pg 5-8 5.E
The legal requirement to pay the amounts of orders placed, contracts, services received and similar transactions. Create a 32 Document
What is a Commitment?
pg 5-8 5.E
The administrative determination that funds are available to create an obligation.
What is an Expenditure?
pg 5-8 5.E
A payment to liquidate an obligation.
What is an Available Balance?
pg 5-8 5.E
The remaining unobligated funds.
What are the 3 Informal Recognition Criteria?
pg-37 5.K.1.B
- Non- monitary in nature( except when aitherized)
- Valued less then 100$
- Be linked to excellence in performance or a special contribution to the CG
What is Required to be in Writing for Informal Recognition?
pg-37 5.K.1.B
- Performance goals to be met
- Nominating procedures
- Award authority
- Frequency
- The item to be awarded
What are the Three Reeasons to Purchase Bottled Water
pg-42 5.K.2
1 no potable water is available within 200 feet of a work sight
2 water is contaminated. (verified by a local health official for health or sanitation issues.
3 There is an urgent need for water that could otherwise not be met
May A CO produce business cards in house?
pg 5-42 5.K.3.
Yes to facilitate mission related business.
Are COs and OICs authorized to print business cards commercially of through the GPO?
pg 5-42 5.K.3.
No. Only a few statutory authorities i.e. recruiters an academy admissions officers.
Can you purchase your own business cards?
pg 5-42 5.K.3
yes IAW 5.K.3 FRMM
What are the conditions under wich funds can be used to purchase cable/satellite TV?
pg 5-43 5.K.4.
- service must be viewable from common areas
- only basic and 3 premium channels/services can but subscribed to
What TV services are not authorized?
pg 5-43 5.K.4.
- movies or special events on a pay per time basis
- payment for adult entertainment where content is sexual in nature
What conditions must be met in order to use funds for coffee mess or equipment?
pg 5-45 5.K.7.
-Facility open 24/7
-must be continually available during an 8 hour shift
-no other eating facilities near by
(must retain ample documentation on file for audits)
Where do you fund information on Emergency Evacuation Funding?
pg 5-46 5.K.9
Joint Federal Travel Regulations
HIRSC website
What two circumstancs can you purchase flowers
pg 5-47 5.K.10
- traditional cerimonies
- to furnish federal buildings under the Federal Property Management Manual
Where does funding for station mascots come from?
pg 5-54 5.K.18
Individual members on a voluntary basis.
What are the two conditions that memberships may be payed for with appropriated funds and who approves them?
pg 5-54 5.K.18
- must benefit the CG
- is necessary to carry out an authorized function
Chief Contracting Officer (COCO)
Are funds authorized for use in a change of command or retirement ceremony?
pg 5-58 5.K.27
Yes, but for the ceremony only. not for the reception
what is AC&I funding
pg 5-66 5.M.
Acquisitions, Construction, and Improvements
What are the 4 AC&I Categories
pg 5-66 5.M.
Other Equipment
Shore/ ATON Facilities
What are the 5 AC&I Shore Categories
pg 5-66 5.M.
Maintenance Alteration Improvements Code Compliance Demolition
what are the 4 conditions that must be met to have satellite radio?
- The service must only be used in general areas
- The subscription must be limited to only the basic service package.
- satellite radio receivers must contain locking devices to ensure that adult entertainment stations that broadcast sexually explicit material are filtered from use via the provider filtering controls.
- Satellite receivers will not be installed in any Government vehicles
What does OM&S stand for
Operating materials and supply
What is an ICP and where are they
Inventory COmntrol Point
ALC E-City and SFLC Baltimore
What are the Micro purchase thresholds?
Supply 10,000/20,000(COVID-19)
Construction 2000
services 2500
What are the 3 PR priorities?
Priority 1 (emergent) Priority 2 (high) Priority 3 (routine)
What are AFC 30 funds?
Unit operating funds
What are AFC 43 funds?
Civil engineering funds
What are AFC 45 funds?
Naval engineering funds
What are AFC 42 funds?
Electronics/electrical funds
What are AFC 82 funds?
Galley funds
What are the 2 types of property?
Real and personal
Who assigns the Accountable Property Officer APO?
Who oversees internal controls and makes adjustment in Oracle FAM?
Property Administrator (PA)
What is included in personal property
- All Aircraft;
- All Electronics;
- General Purpose Property;
a) Greater than $5,000 in historical cost, or
b) Less than $5,000 in historical cost, but highly pilferable.
c) Silver, service, and silverware;
d) Canines used in support of CG missions (excluding mascots).
e) Foreign gifts and decorations accepted and retained by the CG for official display purposes. (CFR Title 41, Part 102-42.15 states dollar values for plaques or other gifts that are exempt from this requirement); - All Boats;
- Internal-Use Software greater than $2,500 in historical cost;
- All Vehicles (including trailers);
- All Vessels ;
- All Sensitive Personal Property;
- Leased, rented or borrowed property; and
- Heritage Assets.
What are the 6 acquisition methods?
A. Reutilization of Excess Personal Property. The first source of supply. This may include internal transfer of CG property that is excess to the needs of a CG unit, or acquisition of excess property from other Government agencies.
B. Direct Purchase. If the CG is unable to obtain property through transfer, the CG must obtain property authorization and purchase property. These transactions are accounted for as acquisitions, and must be entered into Oracle FAM if they are considered mandatory accountable personal property. Refer to section 1.4.1 of this Manual to obtain a list of all mandatory accountable personal property.
C. Construction. Property that is being constructed and is not yet completed is classified as Construction in Progress (CIP). A CIP item is not depreciated until the asset is placed in service.
D. Lease. CG units may obtain property via the lease of property. A lease is a contract calling for the lessee to pay the lessor for use of an asset.
E. Gift. CG units may receive property as gifts. These transactions must follow specific CG and Federal regulations, and must be submitted to General Services Administration (GSA) for gift acceptance.
F. Forfeited/Seized and Abandoned Property. The CG may obtain property that is forfeited, seized, or abandoned. If CG obtains property through this method for official use, the asset must be recorded into the appropriate reporting system.
How often is a personal property inventory conducted?
Physical inventory of all personal property must be conducted at least annually, or as directed by the CFO every Fiscal Year.
When is a report of survey done?
The Report of Survey process shall be used to dispose of property that has been identified as either lost, stolen, damaged (beyond normal wear and tear) or destroyed or any other condition adversely affecting personal property.
What is the OICs $ limit when approving a report of survey?
What are the mandated sources of supply
- Agency Inventory
- Excess From Other Agencies (e.g., Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO))
- Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (UNICOR)
- Products available from the Committee for purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled (NIB-NISH), (JWOD)
- Wholesale supply sources such as, General Services Administration (GSA) stock program, the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and Military Inventory Control Points (ICPs)
- Mandatory Federal Supply Schedules (FSS)
- Optional use Federal Supply Schedules (FSS) 8. Open-Market Commercial Suppliers (including educational and nonprofit institution
What are the services source of supply?
-Services available from the Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled (NIB-NISH)
-Mandatory Federal Supply Schedules (FSS)
-Optional use Federal Supply Schedules (FSS)
-Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (UNICOR)
Commercial Sources (GWACS
How often is real property inspected
3 years
WHat is the simplified acquisitions threshold?
From the Micro Purchase threshold to 250,000$
What is a 21 and 32 document
21 is a request for purchase
32 is an obligation of funds
What is a UAP
Unit Approved Plan, it assigns role in the purchasing process for FPD