CG Add. IMRSAP Flashcards
What are the 5 stages of SAR/
- awareness
- initial action
- planning
- operations
- conclusion
What are a surface units first on scene procedures?
usually an expanding square search (SS) is performed. If the search area is confined or there is reason to have a high degree of confidence for the selected datum (i.e., debris found), the surface SRU may use a sector search (VS). For an initial search, use the appropriate track spacing from Table 3-1 when the sweep width is not readily available.
What is the intial track spacing?
- for wind <15kts and Seas <3ft =piw .1 =<15' .5 =>15' 1 - for wind >15kts and Seas <3ft =piw .1 =<15' .2 =>15' .5
When is a SS pattern used?
This pattern is used when there is a high degree of confidence the search object is close to the estimated datum position. The first leg is normally in the direction of the search object’s drift. All course changes are 90 degrees to the right. If possible, the datum position should be marked with a suitable floating marker that will be visible from several track spaces away, such as a smoke float. Every effort should be made to keep the floating marker in the center of the pattern. Usually traditional DR navigation methods are used to accomplish this
When is a VS used?
These patterns are best used when the datum is established within close limits, a very high coverage immediately around the datum is desired, and the area to be searched is not extensive.
What is CG resource?
Includes active duty personnel; reserve personnel when serving under any form of active or inactive duty orders; auxiliary personnel when serving under orders; cutters; boats; aircraft; and equipment of active duty, reserve, and auxiliary Coast Guard units.
What is a reasonable amount of time?
1 hour
What is the 10 factor?
- nature of distress
- reported conditions
- position accuracy
- vis/daylight
- tide and current
- wx present and future
- special consideration i.e. age, health
- reliable comms
- degree of apprehension of people on board
- potential for a worsening situation..
Who normally make the decision to forcibly evacuate a mariner?
SAR Coordinator (SC). If time does not permit consultation with the SMC and cognizant SC, and if in the On Scene Coordinator’s (OSC) objective judgment a life-threatening emergency exists affecting the subject vessel, and there is an immediate need for assistance or aid, the OSC may authorize this action. In this case, the SMC and SC shall be notified immediately.
Wso can auhterize salvage to PREVENT A WORSENING SITUATION?
When no commercial salvage is available who can authorize refloating a grounded vessels NOT IN PERIL OF LOSS OR DAMAGE?
District Commander
Can CG units assist commercial salvors?
yes if requested and with in units capabilities
Who is responsible for fire on commercial vessels and water front facilities?
COTP/SMC until IC is established
When will CG units engage in commercial vessel and water front facility fire fighting?
in support of regular fire fighting agencies
When will the CG engage in independent fire fighting?
to save lives and in the early stages of a fire to avert a significant threat
Who has the authority to mandate that a unit display weather flags?
sector commander
When is the CG authorized to recover SAR costs?
- selling fuel
- false distress
Who is responsible for rec vessel fires/
Can the CG take float plans?
no. but if a the insistence of the mariner we will fill out an over due vessel report and keep it on file at least on month after expected return incase someone reports them over due
who suspend searches for persons jumping of bridges?
Who should rescue animals from the water?
Ideally SMC should work with OGAs. CG units should only assist OGAs when requested.
What does MISLE stand for?
Marine Information for Safety and Law Enforcement
What is MISLE used for? (5)
(a) Measure unit workload and effectiveness;
(b) Determine resource utilization and needs;
(c) Justify budget requests to meet projected requirements;
(d) Analyze system operations for potential savings; and
(e) Promulgate policies and procedures to more effectively manage the overall SAR program.
How are Bar escort logged in MISLE?
1 sortie per transit.
CPR is to be continued until_______
-patient is revived
-physical exhausted
is relieved
-death is determined by a physician
-directed to stop by a physician
-the 10/30 minute rule
What are 2 instances when CPR should be with held?
- obvious death
- pulseless for > 10 mins, no contact with a medical provider, higher level of care is >30min and the patient is over 18
When is a trackine search used
when the inteded route of the search object is known
When is a parallel search used?
for large, fairly level search areas, where only approximate initial position is known, and when uniform cover-age is desired.
When is a creeping search used
cover one end of an area first, or to change direction of the search legs where sun glare or swell direction makes this necessary
When is a square pattern used?
There is a high degree of confidence the search object is close to the estimated datum position. The first leg is normally in the direction of the search object’s drift. All course changes are 90 degrees to the right. If possible, the datum position should be marked with a suitable floating marker that will be visible from several track spaces away, such as a smoke float. Every effort should be made to keep the floating marker in the center of the pattern. Usually traditional DR navigation methods are used to accomplish this
When should a sector pattern be used?
used when datum is established within close limits, a very high coverage is desired in the immediate vicinity of datum, and the area to be searched is not extensive.
What are the course for the second unit and second search on a Sector search
Second unit 90 to port
second search 30 to starboard
What is the course of the second unit on a square search?
45 to port
What is 14 U.S.C. 2
Primary Duties. The Coast Guard shall enforce or assist in the enforcement of all applicable Federal laws on, under, and over the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; shall engage in maritime air surveillance or interdiction to enforce or assist in the enforcement of the laws of the United States; shall administer laws and promulgate and enforce regulations for the promotion of safety of life and property on and under the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States covering all matters not specifically delegated by law to some other executive department; shall develop, establish, maintain, and operate, with due regard to the requirements of national defense, aids to maritime navigation, ice-breaking facilities, and rescue facilities for the promotion of safety on, under, and over the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; shall, pursuant to international agreements, develop, establish, maintain, and operate icebreaking facilities on, under, and over waters other than the high seas and waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; shall engage in oceanographic research of the high seas and in waters subject to the jurisdiction of the United States; and shall maintain a state of readiness to function as a specialized service in the Navy in time of war, including the fulfillment of Maritime Defense Zone command responsibilities.
What is 14 U.S.C. 88 ?
Saving life and Property
(a) In order to render aid to distressed persons, vessels, and aircraft on and under the high seas and on and under the waters over which the United States has jurisdiction and in order to render aid to persons and property imperiled by flood, the Coast Guard may:
(1) Perform any and all acts necessary to rescue and aid persons and protect and save property;
(2) Take charge of and protect all property saved from marine or aircraft disasters, or floods, at which the Coast Guard is present, until such property is claimed by persons legally authorized to receive it or until otherwise disposed of in accordance with law or applicable regulations and care for bodies of those who may have perished in such catastrophes;
(3) Furnish clothing, food, lodging, medicines, and other necessary supplies and services to persons succored by the Coast Guard; and
(4) Destroy or tow into port sunken or floating dangers to navigation.
(b) Subject to Paragraph (2), the Coast Guard may render aid to persons and protect and save property at any time and at any place at which Coast Guard facilities and personnel are available and ca be effectively utilized.
(1) The Commandant shall make full use of all available and qualified resources, including the Coast Guard Auxiliary and individuals licensed by the Secretary pursuant to Section 8904 (b) of title 46, United States Code, in rendering aid under this subsection in non-emergency cases. (c) An individual who knowingly and willfully communicates a false distress message to the Coast Guard or causes the Coast Guard to attempt to save lives and property when no help is needed is: (1) Guilty of a class D felony;
(2) Subject to a civil penalty of not more than $5,000; and
(3) Liable for all costs the Coast Guard incurs as a result of the individual’s action.
(d) The Secretary shall establish a helicopter rescue swimming program for the purpose of training selected Coast Guard personnel in rescue swimming skills, which may include rescue diver training.
What is 14 U.S.C. 141 ?
Cooperation with other States, Agencies, Territories, and Political Subdivisions
(a) The Coast Guard may, when so requested by proper authority, utilize its personnel and facilities (including members of the Auxiliary and facilities governed under chapter 23) to assist any Federal agency, State, Territory, possession, or political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, to perform any activity for which such personnel and facilities are especially qualified. The Commandant may prescribe conditions, including reimbursement, under which personnel and facilities may be provided under this subsection.
(b) The Coast Guard, with the consent of the head of the agency concerned, may avail itself of such officers and employees, advice, information, and facilities of any Federal agency, State, Territory, possession, or political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia as may be helpful in the performance of its duties. In connection with the utilization of personal services of employees of state or local governments, the Coast Guard may make payments for necessary traveling and per diem expenses as prescribed for Federal employees by the standardized Government travel regulations.
What are the 4 SAR program goals?
(1) Minimize loss of life, injury, and property loss and damage in the maritime environment;
(2) Minimize crew risk during SAR missions;
(3) Optimize use of resources in conducting SAR; and
(4) Maintain a world leadership position in maritime SAR.
When is district SMC?
multi sector AORS or out side a sector AOR
What is a rought bar?
Rough bar/surf is determined to exist when:
(a) breaking seas exceed 8 feet;
(b) in the judgment of the Commanding Officer/Officer in Charge, rough bar/surf conditions exist; and/or
(c) in the judgment of the coxswain, there is doubt as to the present conditions.
WHat is a safe haven?
In cases involving towing by the Coast Guard or Coast Guard Auxiliary, the vessel being assisted will normally be taken to the nearest safe haven that has an available means of communication, normally a telephone. Coast Guard or Auxiliary resources should not tow the vessel beyond the nearest safe haven when there are commercial resources that could perform this function. Exceptions to this policy may be made in specific cases if, in the judgment of the SMC, they are warranted by humanitarian or other concerns. When determining the suitability of a potential safe haven, the SMC should be sensitive to the reluctance of some private firms and yacht clubs to accept a disabled or damaged vessel and the attendant potential liability
What is the CG policy for relief of tow?
Relief of Tow. In cases involving towing by the Coast Guard or Coast Guard Auxiliary where no emergency exists, the assisted vessel may be released to another provider who appears capable, provided that:
11(a) The SMC and coxswain of the assisting vessel determine that a hand-off can be carried out safely; and either
(b) Alternative assistance is desired and arranged by the operator of the vessel being assisted; or
(c) The operational commander has a higher need for the Coast Guard resource or Auxiliary facility.
What are the 45 Specs
30 kts, 40+ kts range 250 seas 12 winds 50 tow 100 pob 24
What are the 47 Specs
21 kts, 25+ kts range 200 seas 30 winds 50 tow 150 pob 9
What is the SAR Chain of command?
What is the OU
Sar ops planner
What is the SU
Plans anything non SAR related
What is the CDO
Has control of the whole watch floor
What is the CU
watch stander/phones and radios
Who at sector can be the SMC ad what is their roll
Captain, Deputy, Response
they are not involved in direct planning mainly over see policy and safety. call them for any rick related issues