CIVIL ENG .11B Flashcards
What is the office of civil eng?
CG 43
Shore infrastructure logistics center
What are the 2 funding codes for civil eng
30 for Organizational Level Maintenance (OLM)
42 for depot level
who deliver support for real property?
SILC Productline
What is LCI?
A tri annuel almis/eal inspection
How does civil eng prioritize project s
The Civil Engineering Program is dedicated to ensuring all resources are prioritized in a transparent manner to provide affordable reliability and operational effectiveness of the shore plant, viewed from the enterprise level. Most available resources are prioritized by Planned Obligation Prioritization (POP) boards held at various levels with representation by all concerned stakeholders.
What is the purpose of OLM Organizational Level Maintenance?
Shore OLM is executed to achieve and sustain the optimal life cycle of USCG real property assets (RPUIDs), to include buildings, structures, utility systems, and associated equipment. Shore OLM must be timely, cost-effective, executed in a safe manner, and provide consideration to environmental stewardship and sustainability. Proper Shore OLM will minimize the requirements for and prevent unscheduled/unprogrammed AFC-43 DLM. An effective Shore OLM program supplemented with a planned AFC-43 DLM program will:
Who designates the Shore OLM representative (normally the senior logistics or engineering petty officer)?
What is charged to AFC 30 in the Civil world?
AFC-30 is the USCG’s general operating and maintenance expense account. In general, any service, supplies, and materials used for routine, recurring operations and maintenance (O&M) of shore infrastructure is chargeable to AFC-30, regardless of cost. Non-recurring shore infrastructure repairs are also chargeable to AFC-30 when less than $5,000.
What does AFC 43 fund?
What is the MINOR construction Thresh hold?
What funds projects over 900,000?
WHat is AC&I
Shore Acquisition Construction and Improvement (AC&I) funds
What is real property?
Real Property. Real property consists of lands and land rights, buildings, and structures
What is Personal property?
personal property is any federal property, except real property (buildings, land, structures). Personal property is all expendable and non-expendable, tangible assets including aircraft, vessels, boats, vehicles (including trailers), major electronics systems, stand-alone electronics, electronic test equipment, general purpose equipment, small arms, computers, Aids to Navigation (ATON) equipment, buoys, personal protective equipment, artwork, models, and artifacts; and intangible intellectual assets such as patents or internal-use software. g improvements and additions, and installed utility systems.
Who must give approval to modify real property?
Shore Unit COs and OICs will ensure that the size or use of any real property asset (building and/or structure) within their AOR is not altered without written endorsement from their chain of command, the SILC, and approval from Commandant (CG-43)
What is ECE
Environmental complianse evaluation.
every 3 years
one year to correct discreps
what is the SMART
Safety, mobility, Assistance, Response and raining?
every three years.
-for safety and shoreside maintenance. hand in hand with the USAT
What is USAT?
annually self safety and shore side maintenance inspection
-hand I hand with the SMART
What is LCI
tri annual Logistics compliance inspection. almis check
WHat are self help funds used for?
ran through CEU 5-25K$
What are SSMRs for?
fixing habitability issues
What is the FAM
Facility Asset Managers (FAMs) can be best thought of as AFC-43 project planners and coordinators. We perform a variety of duties surrounded around Customer Service, Facility Assessments, Information Management, and Regional Project Prioritization.
How often is a Facility Assessment done?
3 years
What are the two types of shore side maintenance?
Organizational and Depot
what is R,C,E,D,P-POP?
regional centralized energy demolition planning
The backlog is used as an indicator of the condition of the shore plant. The size and content of the backlog are important to effectively manage AFC-43 funds. Management objectives are to manage the backlog, not to eliminate it. Since the backlog is a function of need only, its size must be totally independent of both funding expectations and the capacity to execute. Projects must never be rejected because funding is assumed to be unavailable. Conversely, the object is not to pack the backlog with every conceivable project possible. The backlog needs to reflect a well-balanced program of maintenance and repair which will sufficiently meet the needs of the operational programs and properly maintain the shore plant
How is the Back log maintained
The backlog is maintained in CMMS and administered by the CE Unit or HQ/Non-Area Major Command FE. The backlog must be continually reviewed and updated to ensure accuracy. Changes are recorded in CMMS to appropriately reflect the status of projects as they move through the various stages from planning to completion, along with new requirements