Mr Fambros Questions Flashcards
- What are the Station/ANT/ Commanding Officer (OINC) Responsibilities?
The Station/ANT/Cutter Commanding Officer (CO) has ultimate responsibility for maintenance completion at the station, Ant, or onboard the cutter. The CO is authorized to classify asset status(s) for the purpose of all scheduled/unscheduled maintenance activities for their asset. This includes classifying their asset(s) as Not Mission Capable Maintenance (NMCM) due to overdue maintenance actions.
- What are the EPO Responsibilities?
The Engineer Petty Officer (EPO) responsibilities include: manage and supervise all asset maintenance, all maintenance materiel parts, consumables, hazmat, and to ensure that all required documentation for the maintenance of unit assets is complete and accurate
- What are the two levels that make up the Bi-Level Maintenance Program?
The maintenance program consists of two levels of maintenance: Organizational (O) and Depot (D) maintenance levels.
- You’re relieving at your new unit, on the third day of your relief you find the MDL for the asset(s) to be extensive and that more than 30 Open Discrepancies in the Maintenance Records have been open for more than 24 hours. The EPO states that they have not been able to keep up with the required maintenance and discrepancies and ALL asset(s) are currently FMC. What action would you take as OIC?
Note discreps on relief memo
Discrep must be categorized within 24 hours (closed, cf…)
Don’t avoid issues, address them.
**explore keeping issues off the memo and be transparent with Sector CO / EO to fix issues
Try to work with members until it’s obvious it’s a willingness issue
Q: What is the purpose and intent of the Engineering Waiver?
Engineering Waivers allow the Product Line (PL) to provide deviations from published maintenance procedures, Boat Class Maintenance Plans (BCMP), or Maintenance Requirement List (MRL).The authority to issue engineering waivers resides with the Product Line that is responsible and has the authority to provide all engineering and logistics support for an asset type/class.
The intent of the Engineering Waiver is to grant a temporary deviation from published MPCs, equipment operating parameters, scheduled maintenance, or other technical guidance. Engineering Waivers are only granted after sufficient research is conducted to determine the scope and risk (from an engineering standpoint) of operating outside published standards. The Engineering Waiver is intended as a recommendation to the Operational Commander that it is acceptable (from a technical standpoint) to operate an asset within the constraints outlined in that Engineering Waiver. The Operational Commander has the sole authority to issue an Operational Waiver, and to determine whether the asset is capable of performing its assigned missions, or whether some operating limitations should be placed on the asset after the Engineering Waiver is issued.
Who can authorize an Operational Waiver?
Engineering Waivers may only be issued by the respective Product Line after a thorough assessment of the risk to equipment and personnel associated with granting the deviation
Q: Should a waiver be granted for a Restrictive or Disabling casualty, how would you status the asset?
EAL Waiver depends on the mission. Restrictive - Most likely yes Status - PMC Disabling - Most likely no Status – NMC
Maintenance Release Authority is required to validate/authorize four maintenance activities, please name two.
- Corrective Action sign-offs of disabling discrepancies.
- Deferment of maintenance, Carried Forward (CF), Carried Forward Depot (CFD), and/or Parts Pending (PP).
- Asset engineering Waivers (Requires coordination with respective Product line), the Operational Commander has sole authority to grant an Operational Waiver.
- Deviations from the Asset MRL (Requires PL concurrence).
Who is designated in writing as Maintenance Release Authority?
Maintenance Release Authority (MRA) must be delegated in writing by the Sector/DSF Unit Commanding Officer.
Q: What is the CG-22 used for?
Units shall utilize the Maintenance/Publication Feedback (CG-22) process supported by SFLC Central to request changes to documentation for all Coast Guard surface assets.
Maintenance/Publication feedback
At what level are the CG-22s typically generated at?
Submitted at unit level.
Found on SFLC PL site for each asset.
What else could this form be used for? CG22
This form shall also be used for recommending changes in processes, procedures, materials that affect asset maintenance, or to initiate and Engineering Change
The unit EPO is responsible for implementation of the Tool control program at the unit level as such they have a number of specific responsibilities, name one?
- Responsible for implementation of the Tool control program at the unit level.
- Report tool defects or discrepancies to the Sector EO or unit senior engineer.
- Maintain a tool control log book for each tool box.
- Report lost tools and compliance with lost tool procedures to the EO/ MCO.
(1) Implementation of Tool Control Program
(2) Ensure only tools enrolled in the TCP are used for maint.
(3) Ensure daily accountability and security of tools in the TCP.
(4) Report tool defects or lost tools to the EO.
(5) Maintain tool control log
- Describe the purpose and value of QA Inspections:
Designated QA Inspectors ensure the quality of maintenance accomplished throughout the maintenance organization and perform neces combined efforts of QA personnel, maintenance supervisors, and technicians are necessary to assure high quality maintenance and equipment reliability. The QA inspection and evaluation program provides objective sampling of both the quality of equipment and the qualifications of maintenance personnel. The evaluation and analysis of deficiencies and problem areas are key functions of QA. This also includes verification of documentation including CG-22s, System Operation and Verification Tests, and Maintenance Procedure Cards (MPC), as applicable. This activity must be more than inspection-oriented to identify underlying causes of poor quality in the maintenance effort. By determining probable causes of problems and recommending corrective actions to supervisors, QA can significantly improve the quality of maintenance performed
Can Station OICs approve qualified personnel for designation as Primary and collateral duty QA Inspectors?
yes but designated by the EO
For Stations the Sector EO is the designation authority for Primary and Collateral Duty QA Inspectors, at the unit level who is required to recommend and endorse these inspectors
Q: What CG Manuals specifically outline EPO responsibilities?
CG Regs, Civil/naval ENG