RQ-C Know Flashcards
What is P-6 permissive?
- Any IR ≥ 10e-10 amps (1/2) (On)
- Both any IR 6e-11 Amps (2/2) (Off)
- Auto Energizes SR
What is P-7 permissive?
- P-10 Off AND P-13 On (On)
- P-10 On OR P-13 Off (Off)
What is P-10 permissive?
- PR ≥ 10% (2/4) (On)
- Deenergizes SR
- Resets P-7
- PR < 10% (3/4) (Off)
What is P-13 permissive?
- 1st Stage # < 10% (2/2) (On)
- Inputs to P-7
- 1st Stage # > 10% (1/2) (Off)
What is P-8 permissive?
- PR ≤ 29% (3/4) (On)
- Blocks Trip of Rx due to 1 RCS loop low flow and turbine trip
- PR > 29% (2/4) (Off)
What is P-11 permissive?
- Pzr # < 1910# (2/3) (On)
- Permits block of SI due to Low Pzr #
- Pzr # ≥ 1910# (2/3) (Off)
What is P-12 permissive? (Lo-Lo T-Ave)
- 2 RCS loops ≤ 541°F (On)
- Permits block of SI due to Low SG #
- Steam Line Isolation
- Blocks Steam Dumps
- 3 RCS Loops > 541°F (Off)
What are the non-blockable Reactor Trips?
- PR Flux High, High Setpoint at 107% (2/4)
- PR High + SUR 4.5% in 2 sec (2/4)
- Overpower ΔT (2/4)
- SI
- Overtemp ΔT (2/4)
- Pzr # High 2385# (2/4)
- P14 (Lo-Lo SG Lvl 67% 2/3 on 1 SG)
- Lo SG Lvl (15% (26%) 1/2 on 1 SG) with SF/FF mismatch (1/2 on same SG)
What is the P-6 blockable Reactor Trip?
- SR Flux High 9e4 cps (1/2)
What are the P-10 blockable Reactor Trips?
- IR Flux High at 22.5% (20%) (1/2)
- PR Flux High at 20% RTP (2/4)
What are the P-7 blocked Reactor Trips?
- Pzr # low @ 1950# (2/4)
- Pzr Lvl High @ 92% (2/3)
- RCP Buss undervolt @ 88V (1/2 on 2 busses)
- RCP Buss Underfreq @ 58.2 Hz (1/2 on 2 busses)
- RCP bkrs open (2/4)
- RCS Flow Low @ 91% on 2 loops (2/3)
What are the P-8 blocked Reactor Trips?
- RCS Flow low at 91% (2/3 on 2 loops)
- Turbine Trip blocks at 800# (2/3) or Turbine Stop valves < 1% (4/4)
What will give you a Steam Isolation?
- 2.8# Cnt # (2/4)
- 500# SG # on 2 SGs (1/1)
- High Steam Flow on 2 SGs with P-12 (1/2) at:
1. 42e6(1.6e6) pph at 0%
What will give you a Turbine Trip with FW isolation?
- SG Lvl Hi-Hi at 67% on 1 SG (2/3)
- Rx Trip with Lo Tavg at 554°F 2 of 4 loops
- SI
What will give you a SI?
- Cnt # high at 1# (2/3)
- Pzr # low at 1775# (2/3)
- SG # low at 500# on 2 SGs (1/1)
- Steam Line Diff @ 100 Δp (2/3)
- Manual
What are the MDAFP Auto starts?
- Both MFP Trips (Auto)
- Load Shed (94/93v)
- Lo-Lo SG Lvl (67% on 1 SG)
- SI
What are the TDAFP Auto starts?
- Undervolt on RCP Buss at 88v (1/2)
- SG Lvl Lo-Lo at 5% (U1) and 22% (U2)
- AMSAC (3/4 FW Flow < 25%)
What will give you a RW Sequence?
- 2.5% Lvl in VCT with Lo-Lo Lvl Alarm (2/2)
What will start your CEQ fan?
- 1# in Lower Cnt (283 sec delay) (2/3)
What 3 things do you use to determine mode?
- RCS Auctioneered Low Tavg (°F)
- Nuclear Instrument Power (%Pwr)
- Average RCS Temp (Tavg) (°F)
- Rated Thermal Power (%Pwr)
- Keff
What is P-4 permissive?
- Rx Trip bkr A and Bypass bkr A open
OR - Rx Trip bkr B and Bypass bkr B open
What is the C-1 conditional?
- IR @ 18% (16%) (1/2)
- Auto and manual rod withdrawal stop
- Manually blocked above P-10
- Auto unblocked below P-10
What is the C-2 conditional?
- PR > 103% (1/4)
- Auto and manual rod withdrawal stop
What is the C-3 conditional?
- Overtemp ΔT at 3% < trip setpoint (2/4)
- Gives auto and manual rod withdrawal stops and initiates turbine runback
- No block
What is the C-4 conditional?
- Overpower ΔT at 3% < trip setpoint (2/4)
- Gives auto and manual rod withdrawal stop and initiates turbine runback.
- No block
What is the C-5 conditional?
- Turbine impulse # (MPC-253) < 15% (1/1)
- Inhibits AUTO rod withdrawal
- No block
What is the C-7A conditional?
- 10% step change turbine impulse # (MPC 254) or 5%/min load ramp rate
What is the C-7B conditional?
- 30% step change from turbine impulse # (MPC 254)
What is the C-8 conditional?
- Turbine trip interlock
- 4/4 Stop valves < 1%
- 2/3 EHC ≤ 800#
- Inhibits load rejection steam dump control
What is the C-9 conditional?
- Blocking Signal
- 3/3 Cond ≥ 20.6” Hg
- 1 CW pump running
- CRID II energized
What is the C-11 conditional?
- Ctrl Bank D demand at 229 steps
- Blocks auto rod withdrawal
What is the C-20 conditional?
- Turbine impulse #(MPC-253 and 254) > 40% Pwr (2/2)
- Enables AMSAC
What is P-14 permissive?
- SG Lvl < 64% in all for SGs (4/4) (On)
- High High SG Lvl > 67% on 1 SG (2/3) (Off)
- No Light