CCW Flashcards
What are the CCW Pump auto starts with the pump switch in auto?
- Load Shed
- SI
- Low discharge # @ 80#
What are the CCW Pump auto starts with the pump switch in neutral?
- Load Shed
- SI
What are the CCW Pump trips?
- Load shed
- Overload
- Overcurrent
What are the CCW Safeguards loads?
- RHR Hx
- RHR pp Seal Hx
- CTS pp Seal Hx
- SI pp LO Cooler & Seal Hx
- CCP LO cooler
What are the CCW Misc loads?
- SFP Hx - #1 load
- Letdown Hx
- Excess Letdown Hx
- RCP LO and Thermal Barrier Hx
- RCP Seal Water Hx
- CEQ Fan Motor Air Coolers
- Reactor Vessel Support Coolers
- Cnt Penetration Coolers
- Sample HXs
- MS Penetration Coolers
- Recip CP
- Hydrogen Monitor
What are the Phase “A” actions for CCW?
- SFP Hx Isolates
- EX LD Hx Isolates
- Reactor Support Cooler Isolates
- NBAE Isolates
What are the Phase “B” actions for CCW?
- RCP Cooling Isolates
(Thermal Barrier and Lube Oil coolers) - Requires Manual Trip of RCPs within 2 min **
What are the SI actions for CCW?
- CCW Hx Outlet Opens (also open on LOOP) **
- RHR Hx Outlet Opens to 3000 gpm
- ESW to CCW Hx throttles to 5000 gpm
- Letdown Hx Isolates
What are the power supplies for the CCW pumps?
- T11/21A West CCW Pump
- T11/21D East CCW Pump
What power supply does the Spare CCW pump use?
- Utilizes controls and power supply of pump being replaced
How tall is the baffle plate in the CCW Surge Tank and what is it for?
- Baffle plate is for train separation and its 5 ft high = 4,000 gallons **
Does the surge tank have any auto makeup?
- No, Demin water makeup water valves (CRV-410/411) have no auto actions and they fail closed **
When will the CCW Surge tank vent valve (CRV-412) auto close?
- Vent valve (CRV-412) closes on CCW high rad signal
What protects the CCW surge tank if the vent valve is closed?
- Safety valve and vacuum breaker protect surge tank when vent is closed
How do the demin water makeup water valves (CRV-410/411) fail?
- They fail closed on loss of air or DC power **
When does the CCW header low pressure alarm come in?
- Low pressure alarm is at 85 psig **
How many Gallons per inch in the CCW Surge Tank?
-69 gal per inch
What is the purpose of the CCW tank Baffle?
- Provides train separation and redundancy for passive failure during recirculation phase of LOCA
When does the CCW Auto Start on a Load shed w/o SI?
- 3 sec
When does the CCW Auto Start on a Load shed with SI/CTS?
- 15 sec
What is the purpose for the Cntmt Penetration Coolers?
- Prevent concrete from drying out and cracking (spalling)
What is the purpose of the RCP Thermal Barrier safety ?
- Lifts at 2485# and allows for ctrled shutdown
When will the CCW Hx outlet valves open?
- SI
- Load Shed
Are the CCW HX Valves credited to open on a LOOP?
- No
How many CCW Trains are required to be Operable in Modes 1-4?
- 2 CCW Trains required
- Restore w/in 72hrs
What happens to CCW Sys when Cntmt press reaches 1.0 psig?
- CEQ fan motor cooler CIVs open
What does the CCW Outlet Valve throttle flow to on an SI signal?
- Full open
Why is there one line from CCW to the RCPs, and two lines coming out for the return from the RCPs?
- So we can isolate the thermal barrier if it leaking from the RCS