EDG Auxiliaries Flashcards
When does the EDG Crankcase Breather start?
- Starts on EDG run signal
What happens to the EDG Vent sys when outside air temp is < 45°?
- tempering dampers open to stop drawing in cold outside air
What does the Tornado Damper do?
- prevents a tornado from collapsing the room (act as a check valve)
At what temp do the EDG fans start?
- 95°F Room Temp
When do the EDG Supply and Exhaust fans stop?
- Stop 30 min after EDG shutdown
- 70°F Room Temp,
OR - on a CO2 actuation
How often does the gear lube oil ctrl valve open while the EDG is in stby?
- Solenoid opens every 4 hours for 2 min
When do the gear lube oil ctrl valves open when the EDG is started?
- Open immediately on the start of the EDG
When do the gear lube oil ctrl valves close after the EDG is shutdown?
- 8 min after an EDG is shutdown/tripped
What provides fuel to the EDG while its running?
- The Shaft Driven Fuel Oil Pump
When is the field flash disabled?
- @ 80% speed during a fast start
What must the Throttle Control Cylinder have to be able to open?
- Ctrl Air
How do the starting air valves fail?
- As is
When does the supply fan for the EDG Auto start?
- 20 Sec after Exhaust Fan on Start of EDG
- 95°F Room Temp
When does the exhaust fan for the EDG Auto start?
- Auto starts on EDG start
or - 95°F Room Temp
How much lube oil supply can the EDG Shaft Driven Pump supply?
- 100% of the lube oil flow while the EDG is running
What is the minimum Lvl of fuel oil in the fuel oil storage tank required for a EDG?
≥ 46,000 gal to supply 1 EDG for 7 days at full load per LCO 3.8.3
What is the minimum level in the Fuel Oil Day Tank per SR
- 101.4 gal (15 minutes worth run time at full load)
What are the designed temp bases for the EDG room?
< 104°F in standby
< 130°F running
When does the Stby EDG JW Pump auto start?
- starts on low # (16 psig)
What temp does the EDG Aux Jacket Water Heater maintain the EDG Jacket Water at?
- 145°F
What loads are on the EDG Inverter?
- Field Flash
- Bearing Temp Recorder
- Local/Remote Relays
- Dynalco Speed Sensor
Unit 1 is at 100% power. A relief valve has failed open on 1AB Emergency Diesel Generator
Starting Air Receiver #1. The associated starting air compressor has tripped off.
Which one of the following correctly describes the response of 1AB Emergency Diesel
Generator if a start signal occurs before any operator action?
The EDG will …
- start in the normal time from #2 Starting Air Receiver but only one starting air valve will
supply all of the cylinders with starting air pressure.
Upon a loss of control air, EDG air aftercooler regulating valves fail to what position?
- Fails to allow full flow through the EDG air aftercooler
What is the makeup water to the EDG JW surge tank?
- Demin water
What is the time delay for the stby JW pump on an EDG start and what is it looking for in that time frame?
- 10 sec time delay if discharge # is < 16#
What is the Emergency Backup source of water to the EDG Jacket Water Sys?
What will give you a DG Valve Gear Lube Oil Failure Alarm?
- if the upper valve gear pressure does not reach 5# within 45 seconds of solenoid valve opening
Can the before and after pump supply the EDG while its running if the Shaft Driven oil Pump fails?
- No, Before and After Pump capacity is insufficient for continued EDG operation.
EDG Valve Gear Lube Oil valves fail how on a loss of Ctrl Pwr?
- Fail Open
What does SR say about an air receiver?
- SR Verify each required DG air start receiver pressure is ≥ 190# and are only good for 1 start per receiver to be considered operable
Starting Air Valves fail how on a loss of ctrl air?
- Fail as is
If you have a loss of ctrl air, can you run a EDG?
- No, it will not start
How many starting air valves do you need to start a diesel?
- only 1 starting air valve is needed and 1 receiver. The starting air lines and are receivers are x-tied to provide this option.
Do both starting air valves open on a diesel start?
- Yes, both valves open on a start
What ventilation is required by T.S. L.C.O 3.8.1?
Both EDGs require the supply fan, the exhaust fan and the cabinet fan for an EDG to be operable or LCO 3.8.1 action statement entered.
What are the only EDG Trips available when the EDG is in modified operation?
- Mech Overspeed (112%) (514 rpm normal speed)
- Worthington Ctrl Module
What is the cooling supply to the EDG Woodward Electronic Governor?
Jacket Water
How will the EDG Fuel oil pumps fill the day tank?
- BOTH AB fuel oil pumps fill the day tank
Will a loss of both starting air compressors prevent a start of the EDG during a LOOP?
No, EDG can start with both Starting air compressors out of service