Romans Flashcards
Politically, what did Rome start out as?
A republic and/or a representative democracy.
Location wise, where did Rome start off at?
True or False?
Rome had senators.
What were consuls?
They were like a president and monitored the works of the government.
How long did consuls serve for?
Two terms.
How long could a dictator rule for?
6 months, if a situation arrived.
What considered you a great dicator?
If at the end of your 6 months you gave all your power back to the senators.
What religion were the romans?
Polytheistic and based off the Greek religion.
Jupiter =
Why were festivals held?
To honor gods.
What form of religion was in Rome?
Food and drinks (epicurean).
What is an aqueduct?
A water supply or navigable channel constructed to convey water.
What did an aqueduct do to help the Romans?
It brought in fresh water and wash gross stuff away.
How many soldiers are in a legion?
5,000 soldiers.
What did soldiers eventually get?
Payed to be soldiers (stipend).
What was motivating to be a soldier?
Salt, money, and spoil (repurposed building stone).
What event did the Romans create?
Javelin throwing
What is a javelin?
Large curved shield and short sword.
What were the Romans military formations?
Checkerboard and saw blade.
Who is Julius Ceaser?
He was a senator, general, and dictator.
What did Julius Ceaser not do?
After his 6 months were up, he was supposed to give his power back, but he didn’t want to.
Who was Pompey and what was his task?
Pompey was ordered to try and destroy Ceaser by a battle, but instead, Ceaser killed Pompey instead.
What does “Veni, vidi, vici” mean?
I came, I saw, I conquered.
How did Julius Ceaser die?
The senate decided to kill him themselves with sawblades.
What did Julius Ceaser say while being killed?
“Et Tu Brute” meaning and you brutus.
What did Nero do?
He went insane during lead pipes.
What were Christians blamed for?
They were blamed for burning part of Rome.
What happened to the accused Christians?
They were thrown to the lions in the colisium.
What did Caligula do?
He made his horse a consul.
What were the 4 possible declines of Rome?
- Economic problems
- Frontier problems
- Political problems
- Social problems
When did the Roman empire fall?
476 CE
What century is 476 CE
5th century, (add +1 to the first number).
Political problems were?
Political violence became very common.
What were the economic problems?
Citizens had to pay really high taxes to support a large army and a corrupt burreaucracy.
What were the social problems?
The population of Rome became very lazy and unmotivated.
What did politicians say/do to bribe people to vote for them?
“Free bread and circus.”
What was a big part of Romes society?
What foreign invaders threatened Rome?
- Germans caused issues
- The Huns were very aggressive
- Atilla the Hun (Scourge of God)
What did Atilla do?
She marched into Rome and made a deal with the powerful pope.
What were the Huns tactics?
Horses, arrows, and retreats.
How did Climate change affect Rome?
There was a mini ice age, which meant they couldn’t produce crops, and no food = a decline in population.