Final Exam Flashcards
What was the dawn of the industrial revolution?
Mid 1700’s
What was life like before the 1750s?
Most of the world lived in rural villages.
Most people knew little about the world beyond their village.
People grew their own food and made their own clothes.
What was life like before the 1750s?
Most of the world lived in rural villages.
Most people knew little about the world beyond their village.
People grew their own food and made their own clothes.
What was starting to evolve by the 1850s?
Country villages will begin to disappear as cities emerge.
New inventions and modes of travel.
Train and steamship.
Sewing machine.
What did the second agricultural revolution lead to?
New Job specialization.
What “new” farming methods led to the agricultural revolution?
1). Fertilizer (animal)
2). Crop rotation
3). Jethro Tull’s seed drill (rows versus random scattering)
4). Enclosure: Wealthy landowners consolidated peasant land = increasing efficiency.
What is the policy of glasnost?
Freedom of speech.
After the second agricultural revolution, in addition to new job specialization, what else did it lead to?
A surplus of food, and population growth.
What’s the difference between World War I and World War II battles styles?
World War I = Trench Warfare
World War II = Total War
After the second agricultural revolution where did people begin to migrate to?
From rural villages to cities.
What did peasants that were forced off their land provide?
New labor forces needed in cities.
What did job specialization lead to?
New discoveries in energy and design.
Such as…
- Steam power
- Coal
- Iron ore
- Steam engine
Who invented the steam engine?
James Watt
What was the textile industry like before the Industrial Revolution?
The old system was the cottage industry and peasants had to work out of their own homes.
Who led the way in the industrial revolution?
What were the 5 factors that caused England to get ahead in the Industrial Revolution?
- A large unemployed workforce
- Geography
- Abundant natural resources
- New businesses take off
- The birth of factories
Why was there a large unemployed workforce in England?
New agricultural technology left many farmers homeless and unemployed so farmers migrated to the cities in search of homes and jobs.
The farmers were hard workers but they were not highly educated but could be easily trained.
Why was geography a factor of England leading the industrial revolution?
Water = Easy transportation of goods.
- Water could be turned into power.
- Canals encouraged trade.
Which means that transporting goods was cheap and easy.
- Cities located on large bodies of water (ocean, seas, large inland lakes) usually had rivers that flow into them.
What abundant natural resources did England have?
Coal and Iron.
Coal was burned to power steam engines.
Iron could be used to build new machines (steamships and trains).
What are entrepreneurs?
People who created and invested in businesses like mining, railroads, textile, etc.
What do factories increase?
Output and production.
What was positive about the birth of factories?
Workers go to work in the factories instead of in their homes.
What was the outcome of the birth of factories?
Tons of inexpensive goods get produced.
This was great for the consumer’s pocketbooks.
After England became industrialized what happened?
Workers pay and benefits began to increase.
What were the Industrial Working Class Housing Conditions?
Tenement (multistory) apartments
No running water
No sewage or sanitation system
Garbage rotted in the streets
Sewage was dumped into the river and pumped back in as contaminated water
What was life like in the factories and mines?
Working shifts lasted 12-16 hours, six or
seven days a week
Mine workers breathed in lint which damaged
their lungs.
Collapsing tunnels and explosions were
If workers were hurt or injured, they lost their
Women were likely to be hired to work in a
factory because they earned ½ the pay of men.
What were the results of the industrial revolution?
Early on: More goods worldwide at a much lower price.
The bad: Low pay, dismal living conditions, and child labor.
The good: (at the end of the I.R.) workers’ wages rose and the standard of living increased. However, this took several hundred years to happen.
Why was there a new way of thinking after the industrial revolution?
Thinkers were trying to understand the drastic changes taking place because of the Industrial Age.
What did Adam Smith create?
Laissez Faire Economics.
What is Laissez Faire economics?
Free Market or Capitalism (the unregulated exchange of goods and services, no government regulation).
Why did Adam Smith believe in Laissez Faire economics?
Smith believed this system would help everyone, not just the rich.
What is supply and demand?
The more goods that get produced, the lower the price, making goods affordable to everyone.
Where does Capitalism continue after the industrial revolution?
America and Across Europe.
Who was Thomas Malthus?
An economist/thinker/writer
What does Thomas Malthus predict?
Predicts population (exponential) will outpace food supply (linear).
How did nature keep the population in check?
War, disease, and famine.
What did Thomas Malthus urge families to do?
Have less children
What is the carrying capacity?
How much food the earth can supply the human population.
What is socialism?
A way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies.
What did socialists believe about industrialization and Laissez-faire economics?
It had created a gap between the rich and the poor.
THEREFORE the means of production should be owned by all the government.
What did Karl Marx write?
The Communist Manifesto
Who was the first person to suggest the idea of Communism?
Karl Marx
Who were the “haves” and “have nots”
The “haves” owned the means of production. The “have nots” are the workers.
What did Karl Marx suggest?
That a struggle between social classes will lead to a classsless society.
What is communism?
No person has property, are all considered equal, and share all things equally.
When did Mao Zedong rule?
1893-1976 in China
When did Joseph Stalin rule?
In the early 1800s: where did German-speaking
people live?
In numerous scattered German states in Europe.
When did Napoleon invade and conquer German lands?
After Napoleon’s defeat what did the Congress of Vienna create?
The German Confederation.
What was the German Confederation?
A weak alliance of German states headed by Austria.
Who was Bismark?
The chancellor of Prussia.
What did Bismark do?
Led the drive to unite the German states but under Prussian rule.
What was Bismark a master of?
What is Realpolitik?
Realistic politics are based on the needs of the state.
After creating a powerful military what was Bismark ready to do?
Ready to pursue an aggressive foreign policy in his quest to unify Germany.
Over the next decade, how many wars did Bismark lead Prussia into?
What were the outcomes of the wars Bismark lead Prussian into?
Each war increased Prussian power and paved the way for German unity.
What policy did Bismark use to unite the German states under Prussian rule?
“Blood and Iron”
How did the Austro-Prussian war start?
Bismarck created an excuse to attack Austria (1866).
How long did the Austro-Prussian war last?
Seven weeks (seven-week war)
Who won the Austro-Prussian war?
Prussia won and annexed (take control of) several north German states.
Who did the Prussian victory upset?
Napolean III in France.
What led to the Franco-Prussian War in 1870?
A growing territorial rivalry between Prussia and France.
How did the Franco-Prussian war start?
Bismarck’s editing of the telegram made it seem
that William I of Prussia had insulted the French ambassador.
Who declared war on Prussia?
Napolean III, the ruler of France, he did it as secretly like Bismark had wanted.
Who won the Franco-Prussian War?
The Prussian army, supported by troops from other German states, quickly defeated the French soldiers.
What is Alsace Lorraine?
Rich coal-laden region of France lost to Germany.
What is Reich?
Realm of empire.
Delighted by the victory in the Franco-Prussian War, who did the German Princes persuade to take the title Kaiser (emperor) of Germany?
William I.
What did German nationalists celebrate in January 1871?
The birth of the second Reich.