RL POL 2 Flashcards
●As per the Indian Constitution, the Vice Presidentwould ascend to the Presidency upon the death,resignation, ___, or other situations leading to thevacancy in the Office of President.
●As per the Trade Unions (Amendment) Act, 2001, notrade union of workmen shall be registered unlessat least 10% or 100, whichever is less, subject to aminimum of __ workmen engaged or employed inthe establishment or industry with which it isconnected are the members of such trade union.
●The Constitution of India forbids dual citizenship ordual nationality, except for ___ where the secondnationality was involuntarily acquired.
●The Estimates Committee consists of 30 memberswho are elected by the Lok Sabha every year fromamongst its members. Who is not eligible forelection to this Committee?
A Minister
●The minimum age for a person to become a memberof Rajya Sabha is 30 years. The minimumqualifying age for membership of the Lok Sabhais ____.
25 years
●The President of India has the power to declare threetypes of emergency. They are NationalEmergency, State Emergency and ____.
Financial Emergency
●The Right of Children to Free and CompulsoryEducation Act or Right to Education Act (RTE),which was passed by the Indian parliament onAugust 4, 2009, describes the modalities of theimportance of free and compulsory education forchildren between ___.
6 and 14 years
●The Untouchability Offences Act of ___ (renamed toProtection of Civil Rights Act in 1976) providedpenalties for preventing a person from entering aplace of worship or from taking water from a tankor well.
●What is the name for a British socialist organizationwhose purpose is to advance the principles ofdemocratic socialism via gradualist and reformist,rather than revolutionary means?
●Under the Indian legal system, jurisdiction to issue___ is given to the Supreme Court, and to theHigh Courts of Judicature of all Indian states.
Prerogative writs
●Which constitution inspired details on theindependence of judiciary, judicial review,fundamental rights, and the removal of SupremeCourt and High Court judges in the IndianConstitution?
U.S. Constitution
●With its adoption, the Union of India officiallybecame the modern and contemporary Republicof India and it replaced the ___ as the country’sfundamental governing document.
Governmentof India Act 1935
●An election to fill a vacancy in the office of Presidentis held as soon as possible after, and in no caselater than ______ from, the date of occurrence ofthe vacancy.
Six months
●From which document were such features as office ofgovernor, power of federal judiciary, emergencypowers etc were drawn into the Constitution ofIndia?
Government of India Act of 1935
●The Attorney General of India is the Indiangovernment’s chief legal advisor, and its primarylawyer in the Supreme Court of India. Whoappoints him?
President of India
●The Indian citizenship and nationality law and theConstitution of India provide single citizenship forall of India. The provisions relating to citizenshipupon adoption of the constitution are contained inArticles 5 to 11 in ____ of the Constitution of India.
Part II
●Which Article in the Constitution of India, belongingto the Directive Principles of State Policy, dealswith separation of judiciary from executive?
Article 50
●Which Article of the Indian Constitution states thatsix months must not intervene between the lastsitting in one session and the first sitting in thesucceeding session?
Article 85
●Which article was added to Indian Constitution by25th amendment act, which gives the directiveprinciples in article 39 (b) and (c) primacy overfundamental rights guaranteed under article 14 &19 of the Indian Constitution?
Article 31-c
●Which part of the Indian Constitution defines thepower distribution between the federalgovernment (the Centre) and the States in India?
Part XI
●Which was the first programme launched byGovernment of India to implement the article 47of the Directive Principles of State Policy?
Community Development Programme
●Zero Hour is the Indian innovation in the field ofparliamentary procedures and has been inexistence since ____.
●Which section of Representation of People Act, 1951deals with Registration with the ElectionCommission of associations and bodies as politicalparties?
Section 29A
●As provided in the Indian Constitution, MinorityEducational Institutions are entitled to exerciserights enshrined in ___ of the Constitution.
Article 30 (1)
●Indian passports are required to be surrendered byall Indian citizens upon acquisition of foreignnationality in accordance with the Citizenship Act,1955 and the Passport Act, ___ to prevent theirmisuse.
●The first Law Commission was established during theBritish regime in 1834 by the Charter Act of 1833.In which year was the first Law Commission ofindependent India established?
●The first Administrative Reforms Commissionheaded by ___ had recommended for theestablishment of Lokpal and Lokayuktainstitutions at the Central and State levelrespectively.
Morarji Desai
●What is the legal/political term for false judicialproceedings in which no rights of defence to theaccused is given by invoking the expediencyclause?
Kangaroo Court
●The 99th amendment Bill sought to protect the rightsof the non-tribals in the Bodo Territorial Council(BTC) by keeping intact the existingrepresentation of the scheduled tribes andnonscheduled tribes in the ___ legislative assemblyfrom the BTC Areas district?
●What is the term for a parliamentary session which isconducted after election of new members butbefore they are installed and in which themembers participate for last time because offailure to re-election?
Lame Duck session
●____ is the study of the basic concepts, precepts andfundamental principles of law and legal systemsthat acquire the basic principles of morality,justice and human dignity in the modern society.
●Which constitutional amendment in India broughtServices in India under the purview of ValueAdded Tax system?
95th amendment
●The Constitution (One Hundred Fifth) AmendmentBill, 2006 sought to exclude Bihar from purview ofarticle ____ and to extend the provision of thisarticle to Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand.
Article164 (1)
●An Emergency due to the failure of the constitutionalmachinery in the states (Article 356) is popularlyknown as ‘President’s Rule’, -____ or’constitutional Emergency.’
‘State Emergency’
●Article ____ empowers the president to issue aproclamation, if he is satisfied that a situation hasarisen in which the government of a state cannotbe carried on in accordance with the provisions ofthe Constitution.
“●Article ____ states that Parliament may by lawestablish a Contingency Fund in the nature of animpress to be entitled ““the Contingency Fund ofIndia”” and that Legislature of a State may by lawestablish a Contingency Fund.”
●Child labour is considered a gross violation of thespirit and provisions of the constitution. ___,practised in the past by landlords, has beendeclared a crime and is punishable by law.
●Quorum is the minimum number of membersrequired to be present in the House before it cantransact any business. It is ____ of the totalnumber of members in each House including thepresiding officer.
●The ____ Amendment Act of 1978 substituted thewords ‘armed rebellion’ for ‘internaldisturbance’, making it impossible to declare aNational Emergency on the ground of ‘internaldisturbance’ as was done in 1975.
●The ____ can abolish a legislative council (where italready exists) or create it (where it does notexist), if the legislative assembly of the concernedstate passes a resolution to that effect.
●The 15th Amendment Act, ____, raised retirementage of judges from 60 to 62 and other minoramendments for rationalizing interpretation ofrules regarding judges etc.
●The Inter-State Water Disputes Act, ____, empowersthe Central government to set up an ad hoctribunal for the adjudication of a dispute betweentwo or more states in relation to the waters of inInter-state River or river valley.
●The maximum strength of the House envisaged by theConstitution is ____ - up to 530 members torepresent the States, up to 20 members torepresent the Union territories and not more thantwo members of the Anglo-Indian Community tobe nominated by the President.
●The phrase ‘basic structure’ itself cannot be found inthe Constitution. The Supreme Court recognisedthis concept for the first time in the historicKesavananda Bharati case in ____.
●The President holds office for a term of five yearsfrom the date on which he enters upon his office.However, he can resign from his office at any timeby addressing the resignation letter to the ____.
●The Rajya Sabha (first constituted in ____) is acontinuing chamber, that is, it is a permanentbody and not subject to dissolution. However, one-third of its members retire every second year.
●Though the Swarn Singh Committee suggested theincorporation of ____ Fundamental Duties in theConstitution, the 42nd Constitutional AmendmentAct (1976) included ten Fundamental Duties.
●The Constitution of Public Accounts Committee firstsuggested by the Webley Commission in 1896 nowhas 15 members from Lok Sabha and ____ fromRajya Sabha.
●____ Constitutional Amendment Act has provided forconstitutional status for the Panchayati Raj, onethird reservations for women, a separate list ofsubjects, and a separate Ministry in the Centre.
●In the Indian Constitution, Judicial Review is dealtunder ___. Judicial Review actually refers that theConstitution is the supreme power of the nationand all laws are under its supremacy.
Article 13
●In ____ the National Commission to Review theWorking of the Constitution (NCRWC) was setupto look into updating the Constitution of India.
●Which Article of the Indian Constitution is concernedwith the time of holding election to fill vacancy inthe office of Vice-President and the term of officeof person elected to fill casual vacancy?
●It was in 1934 that the idea of a Constituent Assemblyfor India was put forward for the first time by___, a pioneer of communist movement in Indiaand an advocate of radical democratism.
M. N.Roy
●Article ____ of the Indian Constitution states that theState shall not discriminate against any citizen ongrounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, place ofbirth or any of them.
●The development of constitutional rights in India wasinspired by historical documents such asEngland’s Bill of Rights, the United States Bill ofRights and _____ Declaration of the Rights ofMan.
●Both Houses of Parliament have a similar committeestructure, with a few exceptions. Theirappointment, terms of office, functions andprocedure of conducting business is regulated asper rules made by the two Houses under Article_____of the Constitution.
●The current notion of state sovereignty were laiddown in the Treaty of ______(1648), which, in relation to states, codified the basicprinciples of territorial integrity, borderinviolability, and supremacy of the state (ratherthan the Church).
“●Under ___ of the Constitution of India, it is statedthat ““The Government of India may sue or besued by the name of the Union of India””.”
●The Constitution originally provided for the right toproperty under Articles 19 and ___. Article 19guaranteed to all citizens the right to acquire, holdand dispose of property.
●According to which Article of the Constitution, alldoubts and disputes arising out of or in connectionwith the election of a President or Vice-Presidentshall be inquired into and decided by the SupremeCourt?
Article 71
●National emergency is caused by war, externalaggression or armed rebellion in the whole ofIndia or a part of its territory. Such an emergencywas declared in India in 1962 (Indo-China War),1971 (Indo-Pakistan war), and ____.
●In October 1957, which committee suggested theorganization of Panchayati Raj in rural India?
Balwant Rai Mehta
●The Lokayukta and Upalokayukta Act was firstpassed in the state of
“●Who said, ““Socialism is like a hat that has lost itsshape because everybody wears it”” ?”
“●Who supported the principle of ““survival of thefittest””?”
The Fascists
●For which commission, there is no provision in theIndian Constitution?
Planning Commission
●Which is the first state in India to enact the FoodSecurity Act?
●Which article of the Indian Constitution provides forequal opportunities for all citizen in Publicemployment ?
●Taxes on professions can be levied by
Stategovernment only
●The opposite to democratic state is
●What is the system of Local Self Government in thePanchayati Raj set up ?
Three tier structure atvillage,
●From which language, has the term ‘democracy’ beenderived ?
●Which is an example of direct democracy in India ?
Gram Sabha
●An ordinance issued by the Governor, without theapproval of the State Legislature shall be effectivefor a period of
Six weeks
●For which tax, was constitutional status given muchlater after its introduction in a small way in 1994 -95?
Taxes on Services
●Under which Article of the Indian Constitution, thedecision of the Central Administrative Tribunalcan be challenged in the Supreme Court?
323 A
●Which is the example for Plural Executive ?
●In which part of the Indian Constitution, thefundamental duties are enshrined ?
●Who enjoys the rank of Cabinet Minister in UnionCabinet ?
Deputy Chairman of PlanningCommission (Now, NITI Aayog)
●A civil servant in India may exercise political libertyby
exercising his franchise
●The term ‘Law’ used in the phrase ‘Rule of Law’refers to
Common law
●Where do we find the ideals of Indian democracy inthe Constitution?
The Preamble
●Which Article of the Indian Constitution directs theState Governments to organise VillagePanchayats?
Article 40
●The Attorney General of India has the right ofaudience in
any Court of Law within India
●The impeachment of the President can be initiated in
either House of Parliament
●The Head of the Armed Forces in India is the
●The maximum number of Lok Sabha seats are from
Uttar Pradesh
●The authority to alter the boundaries of states inIndia rests with:
●The president can nominate two members of the LokSabha to give representation to
The Anglo-Indians
●Electoral disputes arising out of Presidential andVice-Presidential elections are settled by:
Supreme Court of India
●Pranab Kumar Mukherjee, was declared elected as____ President of India on 22nd July 2012.
●Which amendment to the Constitution of India madethe Right to Education a fundamental right forchildren in the age group of 6-14 years?
●Who was the first Chairman of the PlanningCommission of India?
Jawahar Lal Nehru
●Who is the head to transact the business of the LokSabha?
Speaker of Lok Sabha
●Which Indian President was the Speaker of theFourth Lok Sabha?
N. Sanjeeva Reddy
●Division of Powers and Independent Judiciary are thetwo important features of
Democratic form ofGovernment
●Who was the first to use the term ‘State’?
●Under which Article of the Constitution of India, canthe fundamental rights of the members of theArmed Forces be specifically restricted?
●Who presides over the Joint Session of IndianParliament?
Speaker of Lok Sabha
lWho has the authority to call a joint session of the twoHouses of Parliament ?
“●The provision, ““Protection of monuments and placesand objects of national importance”” is a :”
Directive Principle of State Policy of theConstitution of India
●The Seventh schedule of the Constitution of Indiacontains provisions regarding :
Union, State,Concurrent Lists
●The President of India is elected by the members ofan electoral college consisting of elected membersof :
Both Houses of Parliament; The LegislativeAssemblies of the States
●The responsibility of preparation of electoral rolls inIndia rests with :
The Election Commission
●What is common to Sardar Hukum Singh, JagjivanRam, Inderjit Gupta, Somnath Chatterjee andSeth Govind Das?
They were Pro-tem Speakersof the Lok Sabha
●The purpose of Adjournment motion in ourParliament is :
To allow a discussion on adefinite matter of urgent public importance.
●The concept of Concurrent List in IndianConstitution is borrowed from the Constitution of
●Under which Article of the Constitution can anindividual move to the Supreme Court directly incase of any violation of Fundamental Rights?
Article 32
“●”“Residuary powers”” under the Indian Constitutionmeans”
the powers, which have not beenspecifically enumerated in the Union List, StateList and Concurrent List.
●The Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee ofthe Parliament is appointed by
Speaker of LokSabha
●To which category right to vote belongs?
● In which House, is the Presiding Officer, not amember of that House?
Rajya Sabha
“●Article 1 of the Indian Constitution declares ““Indiathat is Bharat”” is a:”
Union of States
●The Vice-President is:
Not a member of theParliament
●The Government of India Act, 1935 was based on :
Simon Commission
“●’Rainbow Coalition”” is a term derived from thepolitics and policies of :”
Barack Obama
●Who can impose reasonable restrictions overfundamental rights?
●The National Emergency in India declared by thePresident of India due to the external aggressionor armed revolt through
● The candidate for the office of the President musthave qualification required for the
Lok Sabha
●The All India Services are
Indian Forest Service;Indian Administrative Service; Indian PoliceService
Who is custodian of the Indian Constitution ?
ChiefJustice of India
●Constituent Assembly of India was formulated on therecommendation of
Cabinet Mission
●The essential elements of the state are
Sovereignty;Government; Territory
●District Judge is under the control of
High Court
●What is meant by social justice ?
All kinds ofdiscrimination based on caste, creed, colour andsex should be eliminated.
●_____ are essential for liberty.
●Term ‘Federal’ has been used in the IndianConstitution in :
Nowhere in the Constitution
●Which schedule of the Indian Constitution prescribesdistribution of seats in Rajya Sabha ?
“●Who said in the Constituent Assembly that theDirective Principles of the State Policy are like a”“Cheque on a bank payable at the convenience ofthe bank””?”
K.T. Shah
●The mind and ideals of the framers of Constitutionare reflected in the
●Who is the highest Law Officer of a State ?
Advocate General
●If Parliament appoints a Committee for a specificpurpose, it is known as
Ad hoc Committee
●The High Court which has the distinction of havingthe first woman Chief Justice is:
HimachalPradesh High Court
●Who founded the Republican Party of India ?
●At the time of enactment of the Constitution, theideals included in the Preamble were
Justice,Liberty, Equality
●In which list does the subject ‘planning’ figure ?
Concurrent List
●The Members and Chairman of the Union PublicService Commission, are appointed by the:
President of India
●The smallest (area-wise) Lok Sahha constituency inIndia :
Chandni Chowk
●The winning candidate in the Election of President ofIndia should secure
More than fifty percent andmajority of the total votes polled
●The Supreme Court of India was set up:
By theConstitution
●Who was elected President for two consecutiveterms?
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
●Which Fundamental Right is provided in absoluteterms?
Abolition of untouchability
●What was the basis of reorganization of states inIndia in the year 1956 ?
●Which constitutional office has never been held inIndia by a woman ?
Chief Justice of SupremeCourt
●The Judges of Supreme Court hold office till theyreach the age of
65 years
●By which Constitutional Amendment Bill, did theParliament lower the voting age from 21 to 18years?
●An electoral system under which a legislature reflectsthe strength of the various political parties iscalled
Proportional representation
●Dual citizenship is an important feature in whichform of government ?
●Panchayati Raj system is based on the principle of
●During which period the salaries of the centralgovernment employees can be reduced ?
Financial emergency
●Rajasthan is the first state in
introducing local selfgovernment
●The real executive powers of state is exercised by
Chief Minister
●Suffrage means
Right to vote
●Under the advisory jurisdiction, the Supreme Courtgives its opinion on a question of law or fact ofgreat public importance referred to it by
●The judges of the High Court can be removed fromtheir office before the expiry of their term on thegrounds of proved misbehaviours or incapacity bythe
President on the recommendations of thetwo Houses of the Parliament
●Protection of interests of minorities is envisaged inArticle
●Fascism believes in
One party system
●Which is the most effective means of executive controlof administration ?
Appointment and removalof top officials
●Violation of ‘Rule of Law’ arises mostly from
Lackof Checks and Balances
●A proclamation of National Emergency has to bepassed in each house of Parliament by more thanhalf of the total members and at least by ____ ofthe members present and voting.
●In December 1977, the Janata Government appointeda committee on Panchayati Raj institutions underthe chairmanship of ____. The committeesubmitted its report in August 1978 and made 132recommendations to revive and strengthen thedeclining Panchayati Raj system in the country.
Ashok Mehta
●Which article of the Indian Constitution hasprovision for just and humane conditions of workand maternity relief?
Article 42
●The sole object of the Article 32 of the Constitution ofIndia is the enforcement of the fundamental rightsguaranteed under ____ of the Constitution ofIndia.
Part III
●The Constitution empowers the President to summoneach House at such intervals that there should notbe more than gap of ____ between the twosessions.
6 months
●The subjects defined and enlisted under the ____ ofthe Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of India,form the joint domain of both the StateGovernments and the Union territories of India aswell as the Central Government.
List - III
●Which article of the Indian Constitution deals withformation of new States and alteration of areas,boundaries or name of any of the existing States?
Article 3
●Which schedule of the Constitution deals with thedisqualification of elected members on the ground ofdefection?
10th Schedule
●Which article of the Indian Constitution deals withthe Finance Commission which came intoexistence in 1951?
Article 280
●The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals withthe administration and control of Scheduled Areasand Scheduled Tribes in the four states of Assam,Meghalaya, Tripura and ___.
●The Planning Commission was established in ___ by anexecutive resolution of the Government of India.
●With reference to Indian Polity, the Members of theConstituent Assembly from the Provinces wereelected by:
Provincial Legislative Assemblies
●Which article of the Indian Constitution talks aboutpromoting welfare of people by securing a socialorder permeated by justice-Social, economic andpolitical- and to minimize the inequalities ofincome, status, facilities and opportunities?
Article 38
●Whose duty is it to communicate to the president alldecisions of councils of Minister relating to theadministration of the affairs of union andproposal for legislation?
Prime Minister
●Who has the right to speak and to take part in theproceedings of both the Houses of Parliament ortheir joint sittings and in any committee of theParliament of which he may be named a member,but without the right to vote?
Attorney Generalof India
●No procedure has been laid down in the Constitutionof India for the removal of a Governor fromhis/her post by the ____.
President of India
●The Parliament can make any law for whole or anypart of India for implementing internationaltreaties without the consent of ____.
States ofIndia
●Taxes on income other than agricultural income islevied and collected by the Government of Indiaand distributed between the Union and the States.Which article is pertinent in this context?
Article 270
●According to which article of the Indian Constitution,the Comptroller and Auditor-General shall not beeligible for further office either under theGovernment of India or under the Government ofany State after he has ceased to hold his office?
Article 148
●The president demand for further reforms, attendedwith the dislocation caused by the non-cooperation movement, led the Britishgovernment to appoint a Statutory Commission in1927. This commission was headed by:
Sir JohnSimon
●Taxes on mineral rights come under which List?
State List
spoken by the people?
Shah Commission
●Which parliamentary committee report whateconomies, improvements in organisation,efficiency, or administrative reform may beeffected and to suggest alternative policies inorder to bring about efficiency and economy inadministration?
Estimates Committee
●The election process in India is pivoted around the____ concept of representative democracy whichwas once thought to save the world frommonarchy and autocracy.
●The Chief Election Commissioner of India can beremoved from his office by Parliament with two-thirds majority in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha onthe ground of proved misbehaviour or ____.
●The concept of which type of democracy arose largelyfrom ideas and institutions that developed duringthe European Middle Ages, the Age ofEnlightenment, and the American and FrenchRevolutions?
Representative Democracy
●____ democracy is a political system where thecitizens participate in the decision-makingpersonally, contrary to relying on intermediariesor representatives.
Direct Democracy
●Notwithstanding anything in article 170, theGovernor of a State may, if he is of opinion thatthe Anglo-Indian community needs representationin the Legislative Assembly of the State and is notadequately represented therein, nominate howmany members of that community to theAssembly?
●Which article deals with the subject-matter of lawsmade by Parliament and by the Legislatures ofStates?
Article 246
●Articles 239 to 241 in ____ of the Constitution dealwith the union territories.
●Rajasthan was the first state to establish PanchayatiRaj. The scheme was inaugurated by the primeminister on 2 October, 1959, in which district?
●The Calcutta High Court is the oldest High Court inthe country, established on July 2, ____.
●The present jurisdiction and powers of a high courtare governed by (a) the constitutional provisions,(b) the Letters Patent, (c) the Acts of Parliament,(d) the Acts of State Legislature, (e) Indian PenalCode, 1860, (f) Criminal Procedure Code, 1973,and (g) Civil Procedure Code, ____.
●Articles 214 to 231 in Part VI of the Constitution dealwith the organisation, independence, jurisdiction,powers, and procedures and so on of the ____.
High Courts
●The institution of high court originated in India in1862 when the high courts were set up at Calcutta,Bombay and Madras. In 1866, a fourth high courtwas established at which place?
●The Constituent Assembly was set up while India wasstill under British rule, following negotiationsbetween Indian leaders and members of the ____Cabinet Mission to India from the UnitedKingdom.
●In June 1947, the delegations from the provinces ofSindh, East Bengal, Baluchistan, ____, and theNorth West Frontier Province withdrew, in orderto form the Constituent Assembly of Pakistan,meeting in Karachi.
West Punjab
●Dr. Sachchidanand Sinha was the first president(temporary chairman) of the ConstituentAssembly when it met on ____, 1946.
●The Vice President of the Constituent Assembly wasProfessor Harendra Coomar Mookerjee, a formerVice-Chancellor of Calcutta University and aprominent Christian from Bengal, who also servedas the Chairman of the Constituent Assembly’s____.
Minorities Committee
●The preamble is not an integral part of the Indianconstitution was first decided by the SupremeCourt of India in ____ case therefore it is notenforceable in a court of law.
Beru Bari
●Which article broadly stated, provides that theexecutive power of the Union shall extend to thematters with respect to which Parliament haspower to make laws?
Article 73
legislative power.
“●Under Article ___ of the Constitution of India, it isstated that ““The Government of India may sue orbe sued by the name of the Union of India””.”
●In the Indian Constituent Assembly, ___ representedthe Anglo-Indian community, and the Parsis wererepresented by H. P. Modi and R. K. Sidhwa.
Frank Anthony
●The Constitution deals with the citizenship fromArticles ___under Part II. However, it containsneither any permanent nor any elaborateprovisions in this regard.
5 to 11
●The basic civil and criminal laws governing thecitizens of India are set down in majorparliamentary legislation, such as the CivilProcedure Code, the Indian Penal Code, and the___.
Criminal Procedure Code
●Article ___ of the constitution prohibits the Statefrom conferring any titles. Citizens of Indiacannot accept titles from a foreign State.
●Article 1 describes India, that is, ___ as a ‘Union ofStates’ rather than a ‘Federation of States’. Thisprovision deals with two things: one, name of thecountry, and two, type of polity.
●Part III of the Constitution is rightly described as the___ of India. It contains a very long andcomprehensive list of ‘justiciable’ FundamentalRights.
Magna Carta
●The Constitution of India, like that of ___, hasintroduced the system of single citizenship andprovided uniform rights (except in few cases) forthe people of India.
●Provisions as to disqualification on ground ofdefection for the Members of Parliament andMembers of the State Legislatures are mentionedin the ___ Schedule.
●On January 26, 1949, the Constitution of Indiabecame the law of all the Indian lands, implyingthat India became a fully Sovereign Democratic____.
●The right to protection in respect of conviction foroffences (Article 20) and the right to life andpersonal liberty (_____) remain enforceable evenduring emergency.
Article 21
●Who may issue directions for the reduction of salariesand allowances of (a) all or any class of personsserving the Union; and (b) the judges of theSupreme Court and the high court?
●Which Schedule (Article 31-B) in the constitution ofIndia provides for the validation of certain Actsand Regulations is dealt with in this Schedule?
●Which article pertains to Rights of citizenship ofcertain persons who have migrated to India fromPakistan?
Article 6
●The Fundamental Rights are enshrined in Part III ofthe Constitution from Articles 12 to ____.
●Which is an important right provided for in Articles14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the constitution which isthe principal foundation of all other rights andliberties?
Right to equality
●Trafficking in humans for the purpose of slave tradeor prostitution is prohibited by law. An exceptionis made in employment without payment forcompulsory services for ____.
Public purposes
●Who has described the Directive Principles and theFundamental Rights as the ‘Conscience of theConstitution’?
Granville Austin
●The Constitution provides that the Rajya Sabha shallconsist of _________ members to be nominated bythe President from amongst persons havingspecial knowledge or practical experience inrespect of such matters as literature, science, artand social-service.
●Jawaharlal Nehru, C. Rajagopalachari, RajendraPrasad, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, Maulana AbulKalam Azad and Shyama Prasad Mukherjee weresome important figures in the ConstituentAssembly. _____represented the Anglo-Indiancommunity.
Frank Anthony
●As per Article _____ of the Constitution of India, thecouncil of the Parliament of the Union consists ofthe President and two Houses known as theCouncil of States (Rajya Sabha) and the House ofthe People (Lok Sabha).
●Following the Constitution 84th Amendment Act,2001 the total number of existing seats as allocated to various States in the LokSabha on the basis of the 1971 census shall remainunaltered till the first census to be taken after theyear ____
●In the Constituent Assembly which drafted India’sConstitution, Frank Anthony represented theAnglo-Indian community, and the Parsis wererepresented by ___ and R. K. Sidhwa.
H. P.Modi
●The concept of judicial review is actually adopted inthe Indian constitution from the constitution ofthe ____.
United States of America
“●Under Article ___ of the Constitution of India, it isstated that ““The Government of India may sue orbe sued by the name of the Union of India””.”
●The legal system as applicable to the federal andindividual state governments in India is based onthe English Common and ___.
Statutory Law
●___ is a political system where the citizens participatein the decision-making personally, contrary torelying on intermediaries or representatives.
Direct democracy
●Changes in Directive Principles require aConstitutional amendment which has to be passedby a special majority of both houses of theParliament, i.e., it requires the approval of ___ ofthe members present and voting.
“●The ___ Fundamental Duty, which states that everycitizen ““who is a parent or guardian, to provideopportunities for education to his child or, as thecase may be, ward between the age of six andfourteen years”” was added in 2002.”
●Part ___ of the Indian Constitution consists ofArticles on the scheduled and Tribal AreasArticles 244 - 244A on Administration, creation ofCouncil of Ministers, and legislatures.
●Article ___ restricts citizens from other Indian statesand Kashmiri women who marry men from otherstates from purchasing land or property inJammu & Kashmir.
●According to ___, no one can be awarded punishmentwhich is more than what the law of the landprescribes at that time.
Article 20
●As India is a country of many languages, religions,and cultures; the Constitution provides specialmeasures, in ___, to protect the rights of theminorities.
Articles 29 and 30
●___ of the Indian Constitution deals with Personsvoluntarily acquiring citizenship of a foreign Statenot to be citizens.
Article 9
●____ grants two powers to the Parliament: (a) the powerto admit into the Union of India new states; and (b)the power to establish new states.
Article 2
●The Citizenship Act of 1955 prescribes three ways oflosing citizenship whether acquired under the Act orprior to it under the Constitution, viz, renunciation,termination and ____.
●Which article of the Indian Constitution directs thestate to promote international peace and securityand maintain just and honourable relationsbetween nations; and to foster respect forinternational law and treaty obligations?
●Article ____ states that the House of the People shall,as soon as may be, choose two members of theHouse to be respectively Speaker and DeputySpeaker thereof.
●The Conduct of Business is dealt in Article ____(Oath or affirmation by members) and Article 100(voting in Houses, power of Houses to actnotwithstanding vacancies and quorum).
●Second Schedule (Articles 59, 65, 75, 97, 125, 148,158, 164, 186 and ____)
pertains to Emolumentsfor High-Level Officials, listing the salaries ofofficials holding public office, judges, andComptroller and Auditor-General of India. 221
●According to Article ____, a person shall not bequalified to be chosen to fill a seat in Parliamentunless he is a citizen of India, and makes andsubscribes before some person authorised in thatbehalf by the Election Commission an oath oraffirmation.
●Under Article ____ of the Constitution of India anyperson aggrieved by any judgment, decree,determination or order in any cause or matterpassed or made by any Court or Tribunal in theterritory of India may appeal to the SupremeCourt of India.
●Article ____ states that the Parliament may by lawconfer on the Supreme Court power to issue directions, orders or writs, includingwrits in the nature of habeas corpus, mandamus,prohibition, quo warranto and certiorari.
“●Article ____ of the Indian Constitution declares that”“There shall be a Commission for the Scheduledcastes to be known as the National Commissionfor Scheduled Castes””.”
●Article ____ states that the Legislature of a State mayby law adopt any one or more of the languages inuse in the State or Hindi as the language orlanguages to be used for all or any of the officialpurposes of that State.
●The powers of Parliament in respect of passage of theBudget are enshrined in the Constitution inArticle ____ to 117.
●The Constitution (____) authorizes the Parliament toprescribe the duties and powers of theComptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG)in relation to the accounts of the Union and of thestates and of any other authority or body.
Article 149
“●The awards of Bharat Ratna and Padma Vibhushancannot be used by the recipient as a ___ and donot, accordingly, come within the constitutionalprohibition””.”
●The Union Territories of Pondicherry (in 1963) andDelhi (in ____) were provided with a legislativeassembly and a council of ministers headed by achief minister.
●The president can specify the designation of anadministrator of the Union Territory of India; itmay be lieutenant governor (e.g., Pondicherry) or____ (e.g., Chandigarh) or administrator (e.g.,Lakshadweep).
chief commissioner
●There are eight types of urban local governments inIndia-municipal corporation, municipality,notified area committee, town area committee,cantonment board, township, port trust and ____.
special purpose agency
●Each state is divided into judicial districts presidedover by a ‘District and Sessions Judge’ who isknown as a District Judge when he presides over acivil case and a Sessions Judge when he presidesover a ___ case.
●The Official Language Act, ____, was amended in1967 to make the use of English, in addition toHindi, compulsory in certain cases.
●The Election Commission is assisted by deputyelection commissioners, drawn from the ____ andappointed by the commission with tenure system.
civil service
“●Through the 42nd amendment, the words ““socialist”“and ““secular”” were added between the words”“sovereign”” and ““democratic”” and the words”“unity of the Nation”” were changed to ““____ ofthe Nation””.”
unity and integrity
●The Indian Constitution borrowed the features ofProcedure for amendment of the Constitution,Election of members of the Rajya Sabha from theConstitution of ____.
South Africa
●Schedules to the Constitution of India can be addedthrough the amendments to it; there are ____schedules to Constitution of India, which areeffective at present.
●The eleventh Schedule talks about the powers,authority and responsibilities of Panchayats, whilethe twelfth schedule talks about the Powers,authority and responsibilities of ____.
●The ____ assists the states (when requested by two ormore states) in framing and operating schemes ofjoint recruitment for any services for whichcandidates possessing special qualifications arerequired.
●Although Article ____ of the Constitution states thatthe President can exercise their powers directly,with few exceptions, all of the authority vested inthe President is in practice exercised by theCouncil of Ministers, headed by the PrimeMinister.
●The Vice-President acts as President in the event ofdeath, resignation, or removal of the Presidentuntil a new President is chosen by the ElectoralCollege for maximum ____ months.
●Article 361deals with the protection of President andGovernors and ____.
●____ deals with the representation of the Anglo-Indian community in the Legislative Assemblies ofthe States.
Article 333
●In 1928, the ___ composing of representatives of Indianpolitical parties proposed constitutional reforms forIndia that apart from calling for dominion status forIndia and elections under universal suffrage.
Nehru Commission
●In keeping with their important role, the Leaders ofOpposition in the Rajya Sabha and the Lok Sabhaare accorded statutory recognition. Salary and othersuitable facilities are extended to them through aseparate legislation brought into force on ______
1 November, 1977
●The ____ Amendment Act of 1978 substituted thewords ‘armed rebellion’ for ‘internal disturbance’,making it impossible to declare a NationalEmergency on the ground of ‘internal disturbance’as was done in 1975.
●On 23 April 1966, the Indian government set up whichcommission to divide and set up the boundaries ofPunjab and Haryana giving consideration to thelanguage spoken by the people?
●The removal of Vice-President of Indi a is prescribed inthe Article ______ of the Indian Constitution.
●As regards the Parliamentary Committees, theirappointment, terms of office, functions andprocedure of conducting business are regulated asper rules made by the two Houses under whichArticle of the Constitution?
Article 118