RL GEO 2 Flashcards
● The onshore waves are called:—
● Coral islands are:—
Inter-terrestrial sea
● What is the term for the marine section of the coastalregions of oceans which, as per formation, comes underthe main terrain of continents?—
Continental TerritorialWaters
● The ocean which touches the coasts of both Asia andAmerica is:—
Pacific Ocean
●Temperature of water at the base of any large waterfall isgreater than its upper part because: —
The kinetic energyof falling water gets transformed into heat
●The main reason behind recurring floods is:—
Soil erosion,deforestation, silting of river beds
● Which landform is known as the tongue of sea?—
● The study of lakes is called:—
● Water Cycle is related to:—
Movement of water fromoceans to earth and constant movement from earthtowards the oceans
● Which resource is abiotic and renewable?—
● Which current is responsible for raising the temperature ofWestern Europe?—
Gulf Stream
● Fluvial erosion is maximum where:—
the flow of river isfast
● In which sea is the Great Barrier Reef situated?—
●Which country has three capitals viz. Administrative,Legislative and Judicial?—
South Africa
● Which is the only country whose postage stamps do notbear its name?—
United Kingdom
● Orinoco oil belt is in—
● The headquarters of the Commonwealth of IndependentStates (CIS), formed out of erstwhile USSR, is at —
Minsk in Byelorussia
“● ““Gwadar Port””, a deep sea port developed and operated byChina is located in which country ?—”
● On which city was the Atom Bomb dropped during theSecond World war ?—
●Which is also known as the Land of the Midnight Sun?—
● The Maldives Islands are located to the ____ of India.—
●Which city is known as the Cockpit of Europe ?—
● In which country is the Great Victoria Desert located?—
● Which set of countries has only federations ?—
Malaysia,Australia, Nigeria and Brazil
● The most populous and oil-rich country in Africa is—
● Which is the Third largest country in population afterChina and India ?—
United States of America
● What is the name of the currency of Bangladesh ?—
● The correct order of geographical position of European countries while going from Western Europe to Eastern Europe is:—
●The correct order of countries while going from North toSouth is: —Cambodia—Maldives—Seychelles—
●The United States city of Detroit is famous as the city of:—
●Which is the City of Golden Gate situated?—
●Maputo is the capital of:—
●Zimbabwe was formerly known as:—
●Which country does not come under the IBSA Forum?—
●What is the name of the Indo-Chinese border?—
●Which country is known as the land of the midnight sun?—
●A land-locked country in South-East Asia is:—
●Between which latitudes is 50 per cent global populationconcentrated?—
200 N and 400 N
●With which countries does Israel share its borders?—
Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Egypt
●Which is the smallest continent?—
●Helsinki is the capital of:—
●Which city has the distinction of being situated at thehighest point of the world?—
●The Maginot Line was drawn between:—
The border ofFrance and Germany
●Which is the largest country of the world in terms of area?—
●In which country is Greenwich situated?—
●The border of which two countries is demarcated by theDurand Line?—
Pakistan and Afghanistan
●With reference to numerical strength, which is the largesthuman species of the world?—
● What is the capital of East Timor?—
●A cultivator has about two hectares of rain fed land withoutirrigation facilities. Which type of crops would he like togrow?—
Jowar, Arhar
●In which country there is largest population of livestock?—
●Growing more than one crop on a piece of land during theyear is known as—
Multiple cropping
●The leading sesame producing country in the world is—
●The region best known for the production of grapes is—
● Major South-West Asian oil fields are located in—
Shoreregions of Persian Gulf
●The exhaustion of soil fertility is the result of—
●Hydroponics is a method of culture of plants without using—
● Natural rubber is the main yield of:—
Mediterraneanmarine regions
●Sugarcane and Potato is an intercropping system of whichseason?—
autumn season
●Which port is known as the Coffee Port of the world?—
●Kalgoorlie, located in Australia, is famous for: —
●The largest producer of silver in the world is: —
●Which nutrient should be highly present in the soil fortobacco cultivation?—
●The method of soil conservation in which terraces are madeby cutting mountain slope is known as:—
●Which soil is more suitable for the cultivation of cotton?—
Black Soil
●Baku is famous for:—
Mineral Oil
●Which country is known as the ‘Sugar Reserve of theworld’ or ‘Sugar Bowl’?—
●Intensive agriculture is predominant in:—
●The leading producer of copper in the world is:—
UnitedStates of America
●The largest producer and exporter of long staple cotton inthe world is:—
●Myanmar is also known as:—
Rice Bowl of the Far East
●In which country is zinc found abundantly?—
●Which country mostly imports shrimp from India?—
United States of America
●Which country is both the exporter and importer of mineraloil?—
United States of America
●In which country is the Sakhalin oil region located?—
●Which country is the second leading country in diamondpolishing after India?—
●Which is the main crop grown on mountains?—
●Which type of coal is most suitable for the generation ofthermal power?—
●Which is employed for replenishment of soil fertility?—
●Which tropical crop needs temperature of 270 Celsius andrainfall above 100 cm for rice cultivation?—
●Coffee is a :—
Tropical bush
●Which soil has been used for agricultural purposes sincecenturies without adding ample manure?—
Black andalluvial soils
●Contour ploughing is helpful in:—
Soil conservation
●Where are the rubber trees found?—
Temperate Forests
●Land dependent on rainfall is known as:—
Rain-fed land
●Ports of the Baltic Sea remain open for trade even duringwinter because—
North Atlantic Drift, a warm oceancurrent flows in the region.
●The organisations having their headquarters in Geneva are—
World Trade Organisation, World HealthOrganisation, International Labour Organisation
●The land use, which is restricted to Special EconomicZones is—
Free trade Centres
●Which country’s currency is Ngultrum ?—
●The highest altitude (4411 meters above sea level) is of:—
Daocheng Yading Airport
●The Daocheng Yading Airport is located in—
●The country in East Asia which is most conspicuous for itsdecreasing population growth since 1981 is—
●The country where drip irrigation is more efficiently used is—
●Which country is the largest producer of wool ?—
●Which countries are separated by the 49th parallel?—
USAand Canada
●Which island is a part of the Australian State ?—
●Absence of fish along a river indicates—
Zone ofdegradation
● Who coined the word ‘Geography’?—
● Where is the Isle of Man located?—
Between NorthernIreland and England
● The Swez Canal connects:—
Mediterranean Sea and RedSea
● Lake Superior, the world’s largest freshwater lake, issituated in:—
United States of America
●Where is the Savannah grassland located?—
●Which river flows in Germany?—
●Where is Normandy located?—
●For which landform is Colorado in U.S.A famous?—
Grand Canyon
●Where is the Ground Zero located?—
New York
●New Britain and New Ireland are parts of:—
Papua NewGuinea
●Which two countries are linked through an undergroundtunnel?—
France and England
●In which part of the tropical region are well developedrubber plantations found?—
●Which country is known as the ‘Cockpit of Europe’?—
●Which region is considered as the biblical ‘Garden ofEden’?—
Marshy land of Southern Iraq
●Which is the world’s highest gravity dam of the world?—
Bhakra Dam
●In which country is Three Gorges Dam, considered to bethe world’s biggest concrete structure, located?—
●’The climate is highly extreme, rainfall is extremelydeficient and the people used to be nomadic gatherers.’This description fits well for:—
Siberian Tundra
●On the banks of which river is the capital of the UnitedStates of America situated?—
●Black Forests are found in:—
●Helgoland is an island of:—
●For its iron and steel industry, which country is dependenton other countries for the import of raw materials?—
●Which city of the world is also known as the ‘EternalCity’?—
●Greenland is the largest island of the world. It is an integralpart of:—
●Which is known as the ‘Roof of the World’?—
Pamir Knot
●Which is the largest producer of uranium in the world?—
●The main cause of deforestation in Asia is: —
Excessivegathering of fuelwood
●The largest producer of gold in the world is:—
●The busiest and most important sea route of the world is:—
North Atlantic sea route
●The countries separated by the McMahon Line are:—
China and India
●Which continent is known as the ‘dark continent’?—
● Which countries come under the Golden Crescent whichrefers to the largest opium industry of the world?—
Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran
●In which country is Mount Gamkonora, the highest volcanoon Halmahera Island, situated which erupted in 2007?—
●The largest producer of mica in the world is:—
●The Trans-Siberian Railway (8960 km) joins ____ in thewest to ____ in the east.—
St. Petersburg andVladivostok
●Main fishing grounds are found in the:—
●The world’s largest bio-energy plant which can annuallyproduce up to 100 million litres of energy has been set upin:—
United States of America
●The leading producer of aluminium in the world is:—
●Which country is known as the Land of Thousand Lakes?—
●The biggest producer of rice in the world is:—
●Which country is the leading producer of apples in theworld?—
● The world’s largest producer of coffee is:—
● In which ocean is the Melanesian archipelago situated?—
Indian Ocean
●Through which continent do such imaginary lines as thetropic of cancer, tropic of Capricorn and equatorial line,pass?—
●In which country is agriculture practised on the highest percentage of land?—
●Which is known as the volcanic range?—
Circum PacificBelt
●The Great Barrier Reef of Australia is situated parallel tothe:—
East Coast
● Where do the Eskimos live?—
Canada and Alaska
● Selvas are:—
the equatorial rainforest of Brazil
●On which river is the Cariba Dam located?—
●The Sunda Strait is situated between:—
Java and Sumatra
●The highest volcano of the world is:—
Mount Cotopaxi
●The Saltoro Ridge is situated in:—
Siachen Glacier
●What is the name of the cold current that passes through thecoast of North America?—
Labrador Current
●The best type of cotton of the world is known as: —
SeaIsland cotton
●Which is the largest lake of the world?—
Caspian Sea
●For which industry is Detroit (USA) famous?—
●Mount Blanc is the highest peak of:—
The Alps
●Male is the capital of:—
●The busiest sea trade route of the world is:—
●The Serengeti Wildlife Reserve is located in:—
●Which is the largest mangrove forest of the world?—
Sundarban Delta
●On which river is the Victoria Falls situated?—
●The Dead Sea is know so because:—
It does not have anyaquatic life
●Which country, is situated at 80 North and 370 Northlatitudes?—
●Kangaroo, Platypus and Koala bear are the wild lives of:—
●In France, large regions for grape farming are known as:—
●The Panama Canal connects:—
Pacific Ocean andAtlantic Ocean
●The largest centre for diamond trade is:—
●The terminals of Trans-Siberian Railway are:—
St.Petersburg and Vladivostok
●The terminals of Trans-Australian Railway are:—
Perthand Sydney
●The largest country of the world in terms of population is:—
●In which continent are the grasslands known as Pampas?—
South America
●The wettest continent of the world is:—
South America
●In which country is port of Mongia located?—
●Volcanic activity is more found in:—
●Which countries are joined by the Palk Strait?—
India andSri Lanka
●To reach from Kanyakumari to Colombo, one has to cross—
Gulf of Mannar
●Which State has longest coastline in India?—
●The Greater Himalayas is otherwise called as—
●The highest waterfall of India is in the state of—
●The Eastern Coast of India is also known as the—
Coromandel coast
●The Rohtang pass is in—
Himachal Pradesh
●The Southernmost point of India is—
Indira Point
●The river known as ‘Bengal’s sorrow’ is -—
●Lakshadweep Islands are situated in the—
Arabian Sea
●The confluence of rivers Alaknanda and Bhagirathi takesplace at—
●The Yarlung Zangbo river, in India, is known as—
●Which river in India flows in a rift-valley?—
●The tributaries of Krishna river are—
Tunghbhadra,Bhima, Koyna
●The longest river of peninsular India is—
●The Himalayan mountain range is an example of—
●The highest mountain peak in Peninsular India is—
●The most numerous tribe in India is—
●Saline and alkaline soils in India are also called as—
●Gurushikhar is a/the :—
highest peak of the Aravallis
●Which place is located on the water divide between theIndus and the Ganges river systems ?—
●Delhi gets winter rainfall due to—
western disturbance
●In which State is the Guru Shikhar peak located ?—
●The northern part of the west coast is known as—
●Which river flows between the Satpuras and the Vindhyas ?—
●Palghat joins which of the following states ?—
Kerala andTamil Nadu
●Duncan Passage separates—
South Andamans and LittleAndamans
●The correct sequence of the eastward flowing rivers of thepeninsular India from north to south is:—
Subarnarekha,Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Pennar, Cauvery andVaigai
●The average annual temperature of meteorological stationis 260 C, its average rainfall is 63 cm and its annual rangetemperature is 90 C. The station in question is:—
●Zojiia pass connects :—
Leh and Srinagar
●The term ‘Regur’ refers to:—
Black Cotton Soils
●A person overflying India saw the natural vegetation belowin the sequential order of tropical evergreen forest,savanna, dry deciduous and deciduous. His flight wasfrom:—
Trivandrum to Delhi
●Among the mountain peaks of Dhaulagiri, Kanchenjunga,Nanda Devi and Kamet Peak, which one is the correctsequence of the peaks from West to East?—
Kamet Peak-Nanda Devi- Dhaulagiri-Kanchenjunga
●The most plausible explanation of the location of the Thardesert in Western India is:—
the absence of mountains tothe north of Rajasthan to cause orographic rainfall init.
●Under Thornthwaite’s classification of climate, almost theentire state of Orissa comes under:—
Moist sub-humid
●Koeppen’s Amw type of climate in India prevails over:—
Western Coast of India, South of Goa
●The Zonal Soil type of peninsular India belongs to:—
●The major forest product in India is:—
●Which one mountain chain has two dissimilar types ofvegetation on its two slopes?—
Western Ghats
●The correct sequence in descending order of the soils withrespect to areal coverage of India is:—
●’Sal’ trees are concentrated in the state of—
●The primary objectives of Damodar Valley Project include:—
Flood control, irrigation and power generation
●The dearth of rainfall and ___ does not allow good soilformation.—
●The largest portion of India’s wasteland occurs in:—
degraded pastures and grazing land
●Karewas are terraces of glacial origin found in:—
●Which is the wettest place in India as it receives heavyrainfall throughout the year?—
●The group of States which has forest coverage of more than75% of the total geographical area is:—
ArunachalPradesh, Manipur, and Nagaland
●Most cyclones hit the eastern coast of India than thewestern coast. The eastern coast of India lies in the path ofthe ___ trade wind.—
North-East Trade Wind
●The western disturbance causes winter rain in North-
WestIndia and the S. W. Monsoon
starts retreating from N. W. India from ____ and iscompleted by mid-December.—
●The Amarkanatak Hill is the source of two rivers flowingin two different directions (West and East). They are:—
Narmada and Mahanadi
●Badland topography is characteristic of the—
●Summer rain in Bengal basin—
●Winter rain in Tamil Nadu coast—
N.E. Monsoon
●Shillong Plateau is also known as ‘Meghalaya’ meaning’abode of clouds. It was so named by:—
S.P. Chatterjee
●Which place is located at the confluence of Alaknanda andBhagirath?—
Dev Prayag
●In India, the tropical deciduous forests from the naturalcover in nearly all the places where the annual rainfall inbetween:—
101 cm-200 cm
●India’s Eastern Ghats and Western Ghats meet at the—
Nilgiri Hills
●During winter, north-western part of India gets rain fallfrom: —
Western Disturbances
●The correct sequence in the ascending order of Marmugao,Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai in terms of altitude abovemean sea-level is:—
Chennai, Marmugao, Mumbai,Kolkata
●Kathiawar Peninsula is an example of:—
●The upper course of Damodar River occupies at:—
Synclinal valley
● In Eastern Himalayas, the subtropical broad-leaved forestsare commonly found between the altitudes ranging from:—
1000 to 2000 metres
●Ganga is navigable between:—
Allahabad and Haldia
●Earthquakes along the Himalayas and the foothills are bestexplained in terms of:—
Plate tectonics
●Consider the following details: Average July temperature:26°C to 32°C, Average January temperature: 19°C to28°C, Rainfall > 200 cm. These climatic characteristicsare typical to the climatic zone—
Humid Sahyadri andwest coast
●The Bhabar belt is found in the:—
Himalayan Piedmontzone
●The configuration and drainage of which portion of Indiaare influenced by fracturing and tilting of the massif?—
Peninsular India
●In winters, the northern half of India is warmer than areasat similar latitudes outside the country by 3°C to 8°C. Thepresence of the Himalayas with their ___ is the cause.—
East and west extent
●The locations of the ‘Cold desert’ of India—
To the Westof Pir Panjal Range
●The Western Syntaxial bend of the Himalayas is near:—
Zaskar Range
●The Kathiawar Peninsula is an example of:—
●The Meghalaya Plateaus are largely formed of:—
Gondwana Rocks
●The three rivers of Peninsular India that have theAmarkanatak region as their source—
Son, Mahanadi,Narmada
●The Terai soils in India are rich in nitrogen and organicmatter but are deficient in:—
●Structurally, the Great Himalaya is:—
a para-autochthonous zone
●Which mountain ranges of India have hogback appearance?—
Siwalik Ranges
●High temperature during most of the year retards formationof:—
●Which salts in basalt impart black colour to the soils of theIndian plateau?—
Titanium salts
●Which soils are confined to the peripheral areas of theIndian plateau?—
Red Soils
●The area between Chhotanagpur plateau and Shillongplateau is:—
a down warped region in which the Gangahas deposited sediments
●The boundary of the Siwalik Belt with the Indo-Gangetictrough is known as:—
Main boundary fault
●The Himalayan front fault is located between:—
Siwaliksand Piedmont zone
●The temperature of Thiruvananthapuram is lower than thatof Mumbai in May and higher than that of Mumbai inJanuary because Thiruvananthapuram has higher rainfallin summer and it is nearer to the:—
●Xerophytic vegetation is a characteristic feature of:—
Kachh region
●Mangrove vegetation, in India is most extensively found in:—
●The Alpine vegetation in the eastern Himalayas is found upto greater altitudes than the Western Himalayas because:—
The Eastern Himalayas receive more rainfall thanthe Western Himalayas
●The irregularity in the amount of rainfall in different partsof the north Indian plains is mainly due to variation in thelocation of the axis of:—
low pressure trough
●The Indus rises near Mansarovar in Tibet and finally fallsin the Arabian Sea near:—
●The four cities that are located almost on 760 E longitudes:—
- Indore, 2. Solapur, 3. Ludhiana and 4. Jaipur
●The most suitable climatic conditions for the cultivation ofa large variety of orchids with minimum cost ofproduction, and can develop an export oriented industry inthis field?—
Arunachal Pradesh
●Which one of the following among Jiri, Rukni, Dhaleswariand Pagladiva is not a tributary of the Barak River?—
●Salinization occurs when the irrigation water accumulatedin the soil evaporates, leaving behind salts and minerals.What are the effects of salinization on the irrigated land?—
It makes some soils impermeable.
●The lower Gangetic plain is characterized by humid climatewith high temperature throughout the year. The pair ofcrops most suitable for this region —
Paddy and Jute
●Which State is called the ‘Rice-Bowl’ of India ?—
●Brown revolution in India is related to -—
Leatherproduction/ non- conventional energy
●Which has the highest share of electrical power generationin India ?—
Thermal power
●Dr. V. Kurien is known for—
White Revolution
●Muga variety of silk is native to the state of—
●India is the largest producer and consumer of—
●’White Revolution’ is related to—
Milk production
●The spice -garden of India is :—
●The Doon valley is able to grow rice because there is a:—
huge export demand
“●”“A mean monthly temperature of about 27°C, relativelyhigh humidity and a rainfall of 175-200 cm during springand summer are the physical requirements during theperiod of its vegetative growth””. The crop referred to inthis quotation is—”
●Kolar Gold Mines are in the state of—
●The species of tree confined to 2000 to 2500 metres ofaltitude in the Himalayas is—
●The proportion of forest to the total national geographicalarea of India, as envisaged by National Forest Policy is:—
33.3 per cent
●Which state of India records the highest productivity of fish(per unit area) in India?—
●From which ore is manganese extracted in India?—
●The location of Iron and Steel mills in India is determinedin the order of availability factor of:—
Iron ore, Cokingcoal, Limestone and Manganese
●The biggest ship-building yard of India is—
CochinShipyard, Kochi
●Modern industrial development of India is largely due to:—
liberalization of government policies
●The State which leads the others in marine fishing is:—
●Which power plant is located where rainfall is limited andseasonal?—
Rihand Power Plant
●The measures adopted by the Petroleum ConservationResearch Association of India to conserve petroleum,include:—
Creation of mass awareness on the need forconservation of petroleum — Promotion of measures tocurb wasteful practices
●With reference to bajra cultivation in India, the correctstatements are:—
Bajra occupies about 11% of areaunder foodgrains.— Rajasthan is the leading producerof bajra in India.
●The percentage of irrigated land in India is about:—
36 percent
●India has the highest productive potential of fisheries inher:—
Deep sea areas
●Murshidabad in India is famous for :—
Silk weavingIndustry
●Which commodities are imported by India from South -West Asian countries?—
Dates and olives
●Indira Gandhi Canal irrigates large areas of West Rajasthan.By which river is the Indira Gandhi Canal fed inRajasthan?—
Sutlej River
●In terms of different sources of irrigation (viz. canals,wells, tanks and others), which state, strikes a balancebetween all?—
Uttar Pradesh
●Major share of the total production of marine fish is foundalong the:—
Kerala and Maharashtra coast
●Location of sugar industry in India is shifting from north tosouth because of:—
high yield and high sugar content insugarcane
● The Palghat Gap serves inland communication from:—
Madurai to Thiruvananthapuram
●Nagaland Mountains are becoming increasingly barrenmountains, mainly due to:—
Shifting cultivation
●The ore of which mineral is abundant in the region ofBalaghat-Bhandara-Nagpur—
●The power plant of Manikaran based on geothermal energyis in the state of:—
Himachal Pradesh
●The areal spread of fishing ground of the continental shelfalong the peninsular coast of India is over:—
2 lakhsquare kilometres
●The transhumance is still an important component of thesocio-economic life of the people in regions of:—
Jammuand Kashmir
●There is now a tendency to set up more sugar factories inSouth India because of: —
Longer crushing season—Higher productivity of sugarcane— Efficient transportsystem
●The first ‘high tech’ port of India is:—
Nava Sheva
●The most abundant mineral in Kerala is—
●The National Highway No. 5 joins:—
Chennai withKolkata
●The Palghat Gap serves inland communication from:—
Kochi to Chennai
●The agency working for the development of shrimp culturefor the farmers is—
Brackish Water Fish Farmers’Development Agency
● Canal irrigation is most important in the Northern Plains ofIndia because:—
the sources of canals are perennialrivers
● What is the approximate average annual water availabilityof India ?—
1850 billion cubic metre (BCM)
● What is Gomia in Jharkhand known for?—
“●With what purpose is the Government of India promotingthe concept of ““Mega Food Parks””?—”
To provide goodinfrastructure facilities for the food processingindustry.— To increase the processing of perishableitems and reduce wastage.— To provide emerging andeco-friendly food processing technologies toentrepreneurs
●In India, if a religious sect/ community is given the statusof a national minority, what special advantages it isentitled to:—
It can establish and administer exclusiveeducational Institutions.— It can derive from thePrime Minister’s 15- points programme.
●Where are the Todas found ?—
Tamil Nadu
● Onge tribe, which is nearly extinct, is found in—
●According to 2011 census, which is the second mostpopulous state in India?—
●Apatanis are the major tribal group of—
●The study of population is called :—
●Cities with population from one to five million are called—
●Indian State having the largest concentration of ScheduledTribes population is—
Madhya Pradesh
●What is the correct description of the term ‘sex ratio’ asused in context of the census ?—
Number of females per1000 males
●As per 2011 Census data, the child sex ratio has comedown from 927 to :—
●As per 2011 Census data, the overall sex-ratio in thecountry is :—
●Which Union Territory is at the bottom of child-sex-ratio?—
●Which year is called as the ‘Demographic divide’ ?—
●Consider the following specific stages of demographictransition associated with economic development: 1. Lowbirth rate with low death rate; 2. High birth rate with highdeath rate; and 3. High birth rate with low death rate. Thecorrect sequence is:—
“● India is regarded as a country with ““DemographicDividend””. This is due to:—”
Its high population in theage group of 15-64 years
● A high growth rate of population is characterized by:—
high birth and low death rates
● During which decade did the population of India record anegative growth rate?—
●The birthrate measures the number of births during a yearper:—
1000 population
●According to the census data released in July 2011, the fallin child sex ratio in rural areas as compared to urban areasis:—
Four times
●Census data released on July 15, 2011 reflected that 13.48percent urban population lives in:—
●Tidal forests comprising mainly the mangrove vegetationare found in—
Sundarban Delta
●Endosulfan spray on cashew crop resulted in the pollutionto the tune of tragedy in :—
●The Gir National Park is famous for—
● Vultures, which were very common in our countryside afew years ago, are rarely seen nowadays. This is attributedto :—
A drug used by cattle owners for treating theirdiseased cattle
●The primary producer in an ecosystem are;—
●The Singalila National Park is located in the state of—
West Bengal
●The acid-rain destroys the vegetation because it contains:—
Sulphuric acid
●All the ecosystems taken together in a geographical areaform a bigger unit called:—
●The word Biosphere refers to :—
Zone of soil, water andair around earth capable of supporting the flora andfauna.
●The highest bio-diversity is found in which climate?—
●The food chain of the ecosystem is maintained by theactivities of—
●The characteristic climate of the Tropical Savannah Region—
Definite dry and wet season
●The increasing amount of carbon dioxide in the air isslowly raising the temperature of the atmosphere, becauseit absorbs:—
infrared part of the solar radiation
●Which one, among Bandipur, Bhiterkanika, Manas andSunderbans, is not a declared Tiger Reserve?—
●The local people are not allowed to collect and use thebiomass in—
National Parks
●The animals belonging to the category of endangeredspecies —
Great Indian bustard, Musk Deer, RedPanda and Asiatic Wild Ass
●The threats to the biodiversity of a geographical area—
Global warming, Fragmentation of habitat, andInvasion of alien species
●What would happen if phytoplankton of an ocean iscompletely destroyed for some reason?—
The ocean as acarbon sink would be adversely affected. — The foodchains in the ocean would be adversely affected.
●Vultures used to be very common in Indian countrysidesome years ago are rarely seen nowadays. This isattributed to: —
a drug used by cattle owners fortreating their diseased cattle
●How does National Biodiversity Authority help inprotecting the Indian agriculture?—
NBA checks the bio-piracy and protects the indigenous and traditionalgenetic resources.
●Lead, ingested or inhaled, is a health hazard. After theaddition of lead to petrol has been banned, what still arethe sources of lead poisoning?—
Smelting units andPaints
●Chlorofluorocarbons, known as ozone depleting substancesare used: —
In the production of plastic foams andtubeless tyres— In cleaning certain electroniccomponents— As pressurizing agents in aerosol cans
●Evidence (s) for the continued expansion of universe citedby scientists is/are :—
Detection of microwaves in space— Observation of redshirt phenomenon in space
●The Government of India encourages the cultivation of ‘seabuckthorn’. What is the importance of this plant?—
Ithelps in controlling soil erosion and in preventingdesertification. — It has nutritional value and is well-adapted to live in cold areas of high altitudes.
●The chief characteristic of ‘mixed farming’ is —
Rearingof animals and cultivation of crops together
●Which criteria have contributed to recognition of WesternGhats-
Sri Lanka and Indo
Indo-Burma regions as hotspots of biodiversity? —
Speciesrichness, endemism and threat perception
●In the context of ecosystem productivity, marine upwellingzones are important as they increase the marineproductivity by bringing the:—
nutrients to the surface
●If a tropical rain forest is removed, it does not regeneratequickly as compared to a tropical deciduous forest this isbecause:—
soil of rain forest is deficient in nutrients
●The Himalayan range is very rich in species diversity.because—
It is a confluence of different bio-geographical zones
●There is a concern over the increase in harmful algalblooms in the sea waters of India. What could be thecausative factors for this phenomenon?—
Discharge ofnutrients from the estuaries. — Run-off from the landrung the monsoon
●The 2004 Tsunami made people realize that mangroves canserve as a reliable safety hedge against coastal calamities.How do mangroves function as a safety hedge? —
Themagrove trees do not get uprooted by storms and tidesbecause of their extensive roots.
“●The ““Red Data Books”” published by the InternationalUnion for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources(IUCN) contain lists of:—”
Threatened plant and animalspecies
●Westerlies in southern hemisphere are stronger andpersistent than in northern hemisphere. Why?—
Southernhemisphere has less landmass as compared to northernhemisphere
●Which Union Territory in India has four districts but noneof its districts has a common boundary with its otherdistricts ?—
●The Keibul Lamjao, the only floating National Park in theworld is in—
●In which year Madras state was renamed as Tamil Nadu? —
●Now a days Kalinga is known as—
●Koodankulam Atomic Energy Plant is situated in—
● Sriharikota satellite launching station is located in—
Andhra Pradesh
●In which state is the construction site of proposedTipaimukh dam located ?—
●The capitals of Manipur, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradeshrespectively are—
Imphal, Aizawal and Itanagar
●The hill stations in South India ?—
Ooty, Kodaikanal,Munnar
●The land locked states are :—
Bihar, Chhattisgarh,Mizoram
●Rajiv Gandhi International Airport is situated in :—
● Salal is the hydro power project in:—
Jammu andKashmir
● Where is the shore based steel plant located?—
● The cities connected by the North South corridor are—
Srinagar and Kanyakumari
●Large Natural gas deposits have been recently discoveredin the state of—
●Gulbarga is located in the state of—
●The busiest rail section in respect to goods transportation is—
Delhi - Kolkata section
●The Sethusamudram Ship Canal Project (SSCP) issupposed to reduce the distance between Chennai andTuticorin by _______ nautical miles.—
●Which hill station is-called as the ‘Queen of the Satpuras’?—
●Which national highway connects Delhi and Kolkata viaMathura and Varanasi ?—
●Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education islocated in—
●Kaziranga National Park is situated in—
●In which state is Jog Falls located?—
●The famous tourist centre Mahabalipuram is located near:—
●The monazite sands on the Kerala coasts, used forgenerating nuclear energy contain—
●Oblapuram which was in news recently is located at —
Onthe border of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
●The leading producer of cement in India is—
●The Idukki hydroelectric plant is on river—
●The world’s highest rail bridge constructed in the State of J& K is on which river ?—
●The southernmost point of India is—
Indira Point
●Mumbai High Oil Fields are located on the—
ContinentalShelf of the Arabian Sea
●The iron and steel plant in Chhattisgarh is at—
●The most literate Union Territory in India is—
●Bina Refinery, which was dedicated to the nation in 2011,is located in—
Madhya pradesh
●About 86 per cent of the India’s wheat production comesfrom states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthanand: —
Madhya Pradesh