RL BIO 3 Flashcards
The vitamin that helps in blood clotting is:
●The vitamin that helps to prevent infections in thehuman body is:
Vitamin C
●The H5N1 virus which causes bird flu was firstdiscovered in:
●Tetanus is caused by:
●Vitamin E is particularly important for:
Normalactivity of sex glands
●Blood pressure is controlled by:
Adrenal Gland
●The deficiency of Vitamin B causes:
●The expansion for AIDS is:
Acquired ImmunoDeficiency Syndrome
●Human cloning is permitted in Britain for thepurpose of:
●Anaemia occurs due to the deficiency of:
Folic acid
●For a healthy heart, one needs to take a balanceddiet, adequate sleep and:
do right amount ofphysical exercise
●An ECG shows the functioning of the:
●If the radius of blood vessels of a person decreaseshis/her blood pressure will:
●Cell or tissue death within a living body is called as:
●Insufficient blood supply in human body is referredas:
●Typhoid is caused by:
Salmonella Typhi
●BCG immunization is for:
●The concentration decreases in anaemia?
●Which disease usually spreads through air?
●Small Pox is caused by:
Variola Virus
●Respiration process requires:
●A vitamin requires cobalt for its activity. The vitaminis:
Vitamin B12
●Ringworm is a which type of disease?
●The vitamin most readily destroyed by heat is:
Ascorbic acid
●The vector that transmits cholera is:
●A drug which helps in controlling fever is:
●The limb bones of children become bent if there isdeficiency of vitamin:
●A medicine which promotes the secretion of urine iscalled:
●Deamination occurs in liver to:
make use of excessamino acid
●Epithelial cells of intestine involved in foodabsorption have on their surface:
●Excessive intake of alcohol causes:
Liver cirrhosis
●Gastric juice contains:
Pepsin and HydrochloricAcid
●Hydrolytic enzymes occur in:
●Carcinoma refers to:
Malignant tumours of theskin or mucous membrane
●Common cold is not cured by antibiotics because it is:
caused by a virus
●At which stage of HIV infection does one usuallyshow symptoms of AIDS?
When HIV replicatesrapidly in helper T-lymphocytes and damageslarge number of these
●Cancer cells are damaged by radiations while othersare not because cancer cells are:
Undergoingrapid divisions
●Alzheimer disease in humans is associated with thedeficiency of:
●Suspension of attenuated pathogen that stimulatesantibody formation is:
●Use of anti-histamines and steroids give a quick relieffrom:
●Motile zygote of Plasmodium occurs in:
Gut offemale Anopheles
●Infectious proteins are present in:
●The pathogen Microsporum responsible forringworm disease in humans belongs to the sameKingdom of organisms as that of:
A mould
●Where will you look for the sporozoites of themalarial parasite?
Saliva of infected femaleAnopheles mosquito
●Goitre can occur as a consequence of all the followingexcept:
Excessive intake of exogenousthyroxine
●The immunoglobulin abundant in colostrums is:
●How many variable segments are present in the basicstructure of antibody molecules?
●Aedes aegypti is a vector for:
Both dengue andyellow fever
●To which type of barriers under innate immunity, dothe saliva in the mouth and the tears from the eyes, belong?
Physiological barriers
●Antigen binding site in an antibody is found between:
one heavy and one light chain
●The complexes formed during immune complexmediated hypersensitivity are removed by:
Eosinophils and Monocytes
●Antibodies in our body are complex:
●Cattle fed with spoilt hay to sweet clover whichcontains dicoumarol or dicumaro?
may suffervitamin K deficiency and prolonged bleeding
●Hemozoin is released into blood during the infectionof plasmodium vivax every:
48 hours
●Sickle cell anaemia has not been eliminated from theAfrican population because:
It providesimmunity against malaria
●Nobel prize for medicine was given for confirmingthe role of Helicobacter pylori in causing:
Peptic ulcer
●The letter T in T-lymphocyte refers to:
●Increased asthmatic attacks in certain seasons arerelated to:
Inhalation of seasonal pollen
●The pathogen Microsporum responsible forringworm disease in humans belongs to the sameKingdom of organisms as that of:
A mould
●Where will you look for the sporozoites of themalarial parasite?
Saliva of infected femaleAnopheles mosquito
●Goitre can occur as a consequence of all the followingexcept:
Excessive intake of exogenous thyroxine
●Which Ig is produced in primary immune response?
●The causative agent of mad-cow disease is a:
●Less intake of which of the following vitamins cancause ‘Hyperkeratosis’?
Vitamin A
lEnterokinase converts:
Trypsinogen into trypsin
●In glycolysis ultimately:
glucose is converted intopyruric acid
●When breast feeding is replaced by less nutritive foodlow in proteins and calories; the infants below theage of one year are likely to suffer from:
●In the absence of enterokinase, the digestion of_______ would be affected in our intestine.
●Which cells in liver act as phagocytes?
●Keratinization of the skin is prevented by:
●Intestinal villi are mainly connected with:
●Secretin stimulates production of
Pancreatic juice
●In duodenum the enzyme which breaks down starchto maltose is:
pancreatic amylase
●Lipase acts on:
●Main difference between brown fat and white fat isthat the cells of brown fat
Have moremitochondria
●Oxyntic cells in stomach secrete:
●Peyer’s patches found in the small intestine are:
Lymphatic tissue
●Ptyalin is:
Slightly acidic
●Rickets can be prevented by taking:
●Seminal plasma in humans is rich in:
Fructose,calcium and certain enzymes
●Surgical removal of gall bladder in human beingswould lead to
Impairment of the digestion of fat
●Taste buds for bitter taste are found on tongue at:
posterior part
●The absorption of glycerol, fatty acids andmonoglycerides takes place by the:
Lymphvessels within the villi
●The catalytic efficiency of two different enzymes canbe compared by the:
Km value
●Name the substance which is not a product formed inthe small intestine?
●The characteristics Brunner’s glands found induodenum secrete hormones
●The first antibiotic was discovered by:
●Ultrasound of how much frequency is beamed intohuman body for sonography?
1-15 MHz
●Hybridomas are the fusion product of:
normalantibody producing cell with myeloma
●An insect bite may result in inflammation of thatspot. This is triggered by the alarm chemicals suchas:
histamine and kinins
●Carcinoma refers to:
Malignant tumours of theskin or mucous membrane
●If you suspect deficiency of antibodies in a person, towhich of the following would you look forconfirmatory evidence?
Serum Globulins
●Electron beam therapy is a kind of radiation therapyto treat:
certain types of cancer
●The organism which causes pneumonia in humanbeings is:
●The antibody dependent cytotoxicity is seen in:
Non-compatible blood transfusion
●Which test is used to estimate the level of bloodalcohol by analyzing the breath of personsdrinking alcohol?
Dope Test
“●The term ““antibiotic”” was coined by:”
●The incubation period of Hepatitis ‘B’ virus is:
30-180 days
●What is common to all types of diarrhoeal diseasesand adequate supply of fluids and electrolytesshould be ensured?
●A localized inflammatory response appears at the siteof infection causes redness, swelling, pain and heatdue to certain chemical, they are:
Histamineand prostaglandins
●Antivenom is used for the treatment of snake bite.The treatment of snake bite by antivenom is anexample of:
artificially acquired passiveimmunity
●A person likely to develop tetanus is immunized byadministering:
Preformed antibodies
●The phenomenon where tumour cells detach andmigrate to other parts of the body where they giverise to secondary tumours is called:
●Which cells in the human body release excessiveamounts of inflammatory chemicals, which causeallergic reactions?
Mast Cells
●Study of relationship of organisms to theirenvironment is :
●All populations within an ecosystem interconnectedto one another are known as:
●Major regional ecological community of plants andanimals forms:
●The actual location or place where an organism livesis:
●Two richest known sources of edible protein are:
Soyabean and groundnut
●Which are the largest fixator of solar energy?
Green Plants
●The carbon dioxide content in the air that we exhaleis about:
●The role a species plays in a community includingbehavior and influence is:
●Study of a single population’s relationship to itsenvironment is called:
●The biosphere covers about:
16-20 km
●Concept of ecological pyramids was proposed by:
Chlares Elton
●The term ‘Ecosystem’ was coined by:
Arthur G.Tansley
●Xeric environment is characterized by:
Lowatmospheric humidity
●Total amount of living material at the various trophiclevels of a food chain is depicted by pyramids of:
●About 70% of total global carbon is found in:
●When the two ecosystems overlap each other, the areais called:
●Which of the following statements about food chain iscorrect?
The length of food chains is generallylimited to 3 - 4 trophic levels due to energy loss
●The tiny free-swimming animals on the surface ofwater constitute:
●The biomass available for consumption by theherbivores and the decomposers is called:
Netprimary productivity
Greenhouse effect is a:
natural phenomenon
●In an area where DDT had been used extensively, thepopulation of birds declined significantly because:
Many of the birds eggs laid, did not hatch
●Measuring Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) is amethod used for:
Estimating the amount oforganic matter in sewage water
●dB is a standard abbreviation used for thequantitative expression of:
A particularpollutant
●Common indicator organism of water pollution is:
Escherichia coli
●Industrial melanism is an example of:
Protectiveresemblance with the surrounding
●Carbon dioxide is called green-house gas because itis:
Transparent to sunlight but traps heat
●Trichoderma harzianum has proved a usefulmicroorganism for:
Bioremediation ofcontaminated soils
●The two gases making highest relative contribution tothe greenhouse gases are:
CO2 and CH4
●The slow rate of decomposition of fallen logs innature is due to their:
Poor nitrogen content
●Transfer of energy in different trophic levels of anecosystem is called:
●The species, though insignificant in number,determine the existence of many other species in agiven ecosystem. Such species is known as:
Keytone species
●The nature’s cleaners are:
Decomposers andscavengers
●DDT residues are rapidly passed through food chaincausing biomagnification because DDT is:
●The remains of the dead plants and animals is called:
●How many bio-geographical regions are present inIndia?
●Lime is added to the soil which is too:
●Which one of the following has maximum geneticdiversity in India?
●Darwin’s finches are a good example of:
●The least porous soil among the following is a:
Clayey soil
●Maximum nutritional diversity is found in the group:
●Sacred groves are specially useful in:
Conservingrare and threatened species
●The term Alpha diversity refers to:
Communityand ecosystem diversity
●The percentage of forest cover recommended by theNational Forest policy (1988) was:
33% forplains and 67% for hills
●Biodiversity of a geographical region represents:
The diversity in the organisms living in the region
●Prolonged liberal irrigation of agricultural fields islikely to create the problem of:
●The greatest problem of water conservation is toreduce the amount of:
Runoff water
●An inexhaustible non-conventional universal sourceof energy is:
Solar energy
●Wild life conservation aims at:
Maintaining theecological process and the diversity of life
●Plants like Aegle marmelos, Ocimum sanctum andFicus religiosa are a group of plants designated as:
Sacred species of plants
●Sacred groves are specially useful in:
Conservingrare and threatened species
●The 10% law for energy transfer in food chains wasgiven by:
●Pyramid of energy in ecosystems is:
●Savannahs are:
Grasslands with scattered trees
●Sal (Shorea robusta) forest is a:
Deciduous Forest
●Mass of living matter at a trophic level in an area atany time is called:
Standing Crop
●Microbes that break down the complex organicmatter into simple substances like carbon,nitrogen, water etc. are:
●The most recently discovered ecosystem is:
●Most hazardous metal pollutant of the automobileexhaust is:
●Ozone day is observed on:
16 September
●Sulphur dioxide affects:
All membrane systems
●Peeling of Ozone umbrella, which protects us fromUV rays, is caused by:
●Phosphate pollution is brought about by:
Fertilizers and sewage
●Maximum threat to the world is from:
Ozone hole
●Sound becomes a hazardous noise pollution if its levelis above:
80 dB
●Pollutants having most lasting effect are:
●Lead is one of the most serious environmentalpollutants which affects:
●lf there was no CO2 in the atmosphere, the earth’stemperature would be:
Less than the present
●Major aerosol pollutant present in the jet planeemission is:
●Maximum deposition of DDT will occur in:
●The ultraviolet radiations in the stratosphere areabsorbed by:
●Minamata disease is due to pollution of:
Industrialwaste mercury into fishing water
●Montreal Protocol aims at:
Reduction of ozonedepleting substances
●Most abundant water pollutant is:
●Most harmful environmental pollutants are:
Nonbiodegradable chemicals
●The atmosphere of big metropolitan cities is pollutedmost by:
Automobile exhausts
●Gradual and predictable changes in the speciescomposition of a given area is:
●The maximum biomass occurs in
Tropical Forests
●Animals living at the bottom of the sea are known as:
●The ecological pyramid which can be inverted in atree eco-system is:
Pyramid of Number
●Energy flow in ecosystem is:
●Which is the reason for highest biomass in aquaticecosystem?
Bethonic and Borwn algae
●The average trophic efficiency of transfer of energyfrom one trophic level to the. higher trophic levelis called:
Linderman’s trophic efficiency rule
●In a comparative study of grassland ecosystem andpond ecosystem, it may be observed that:
theabiotic components are almost similar
●Biotic factors refer to:
Living organisms
●In an ecosystem, the main source of energy is:
Solar Energy
●Abiotic components include:
Atmosphere,Hydrosphere and Lithosphere
●Sequence of changes in community and its non-livingenvironment over a period of time is:
●Plants growing in xeric conditions are called:
●Lichen and algae form:
Pioneers community
●Diverse and stable community at the end ofsuccession is:
Climax community
●Secondary succession starts from:
From remains ofprevious ecosystem
●Which term is used for Primary succession starting ina pond?
●Wood forests form the:
Climax community
●Disease in living organisms caused by parasites iscalled:
●Legume plants are the hosts to:
●A dual organism composed of symbiotic associationof an alga living within a fungus myceliium is:
●Symbiosis relationship in which only one organism isbenefited is:
●Sharks may have small fish attached to them called:
●Over grazing leads to:
Totally barren lands
●Oxidation of ammonia or ammonium ions by bacteriain soil is called:
●Gross primary production is:
Total amount ofenergy fixed by all plants
●Plant biomass is:
Net primary production + Grossprimary production minus respiratory loss
●Total solar energy trapped by the producers in anecosystem is:
●The major unit of ecology is:
Eco’ part of word ecosystem means
●Contamination of water with sewage is indicated bycysts of:
Escherichia coli
●Decomposition of domestic wastes under naturalprocesses is called:
Biodegradable pollution
●Eutrophication causes decrease in:
●Eutrophication is often seen in
Fresh water lakes
●Fish die in water polluted by sewage due to:
Reduction in O2
●Fluoride pollution mainly affects:
●Gas leaked during Bhopal tragedy was:
●Global agreement in specific control strategies toreduce the release of ozone depleting substances,was adopted by:
The Montreal Protoco
●Increase in the concentration of pollutants in highertrophic levels is known as:
●Process that supplies food to living things throughdecaying and decomposition is called:
●Balance in the nutrient cycle can be upset when:
Decayed nutrients are not returned to the ground
●Endangered species are:
Reduced in number
●What percentage of our energy requirements are metfrom fossil fuels?
●Driving force for all the cycles in ecosystem is:
●Tides are caused by:
Gravitational pull of sun
●Wind blows from area of:
High pressure to lowpressure
●Hot substance is escaped from inside the earth in theform of:
Volcanoes, Hot Springs and Geysers
●In oceans of tropical regions:
Temp of surfacewater is 25 degree C and 5 degree C at depth
●The study of human population and things that affectthem is:
●Replantation of plants in the areas where they werepresent earlier is called:
●Establishment of new forests where no forests existedpreviously is called:
●About half of the rain which falls in tropical forestscomes from:
Transpiration of plants
●Short-term fluctuations in temperature, cloud cover,wind and precipitation is known as:
●Diseases caused by UV rays in humans:
Cataractsand Night Blindness
●Sun rays are reradiated from the earth’s surface inthe form of:
Long wave radiations
●Incomplete burning of carbon compounds causerelease of:
Carbon monoxide
●Algal bloom is also called as:
●The chemical wastes from industry is called:
Industrial effluents
●Pesticides and fertilizers are also called:
●Which are more susceptible to attacks of pests?
●Coniferous forests located at high altitude are called:
●Northern coniferous forests are called:
●Temperature of temperate deciduous forests is:
4-30 degree celsius
●Productivity of an ecosystem is indicated by:
Number of plants in that ecosystem and thedensity of that ecosystem
●Competition is severe in a population that has adistribution which is:
●A disease affecting industrial workers is:
●BOD of a pond is related to ______ in per unitvolume of water.
All the microbes
●In a population, if the rate of addition of newmembers is higher than the rate of individualslost, it shows:
Exponential Growth
●Addition of phosphates and nitra-tes/fertilizers intowater leads to:
Nutrient enrichment(eutrophication)
●Attack of asthma in certain persons may be due to:
Inhalation of some air borne pollen
●Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) in a river water:
Increases when sewage gets mixed with river water
●BOD is connected with:
Microbes and organicmatter
●Carbon monoxide is a pollutant because it:
Reactswith hemoglobin
●As it travels along the food chain, the concentrationof DDT:
●A chemical harmful released by Chlorofluorocarbonto ozone is:
●CO emitted by automobiles prevents O-transport tobody tissues by:
Forming a stable compoundwith hemoglobin
●In an ecosystem Biotic factors affect the survival ofan organism in that ecosystem. They include:
competition for food and water and competitionfor shelter
●Plant succession occurring in a sandy area is:
●The maximum amount of water that a soil can hold,by capillary action is called:
Field capacity
●In ecological succession from pioneer to climaxcommunity, the biomass shell:
●Individuals of a species which occur in a particulararea constitute:
●The role of an organism in the ecological system isknown as:
●Information about birth rate, death rate, sex ratio,age distribution etc. of a population is obtainedfrom:
Life Table
●Insectivorous plants are adopted to soils:
Deficientin nitrogenous compounds
●Large Woody Vines are more commonly found in:
Tropical Rainforests
●Organisms that can tolerate and thrive in a widerange of temperatures are called:
●The correct statement is:
Tropical rain forests aredisappearing fast from developing countries suchas India
●Deserts, grasslands, forests and tundra are theexamples of:
●Plant species having a wide range of geneticaldistribution evolve into a local population knownas:
●The Place where organism lives and performs its dutyis known as:
●The rate of formation of new organic matter byrabbit in a grassland, is called
●The upright pyramid of number is absent in:
●The type of ecosystem with the highest mean plantproductivity is:
Tropical Rain forest
●In an aquatic ecosystem, the trophic level equivalentto cows in grasslands is:
●Bell-shaped polygonal pyramid indicates:
Moderate percentage of young individuals
●The age of pyramid with broad base indicates:
High percentage of young individuals
●Eutrophication is:
Adequate nutrition acceleratedby human activities
●In polluted lake which organisms dominate thecommunity:
Blue green algae
●Grass land in tropic climates with woody trees iscalled:
●Evolution of vascular bundles in plants and skeletonin animals is an adaptation for:
●Development of bark in plants and skin in animals isa method for:
Reducing water loss
●Zone of lake water which is of open water near thesurface is:
●Mountains of Koh Hindukush come under:
●End of earth’ is related to:
●The Species structure and diversity index of an area,biomass and Autotrophic and heterotrophiccomponents constitute:
●Which factor of ecosystem includes plants, animalsand microorganisms?
Biotic factors
●A population with equal number of births and deathswill show:
Plateau phase
●A terrestrial animal must be able to:
●Adaptation to low temperature and freezing inanimals occurs due to the production of:
●An association of individuals of different speciesliving in the same habitat and having functionalinteractions is:
Biotic community
Animals that have adapted themselves to live in desertsare known as:
●Association between sea Anemone and Hermit crabin gastropod shell is that of:
●Biotic potential is increase in population under:
Optimum conditions
●CAM helps the plants in:
conserving water
●The abundance of a species population within itshabitat is called:
Niche density
●Competition is most severe between two:
Closelyrelated species growing in the same habitat
●When one animal copies the appearance, actions, orsounds of another animal to avoid predators, it iscalled: