RL MED 2 Flashcards
●Who was ‘Muhatsib’ in Mughal administration?—
Public Conduct Officer
●A ruler had provided Diwani rights to the East IndiaCompany. He was:—
Shah Alam II
●The Rajput family with which Akbar, for the firsttime, entered into matrimonial alliance was:—
●Who was defeated by Babur in the first Battle ofPanipat in 1526?—
Ibrahim Lodi
●The foreign traveller who visited India during thereign of Shahjahan and was a physician byprofession was:—
●Who composed ‘Bhavarth Dipika,’ or ‘Jnaneshwari’?—
Saint Jnaneshwar
●Some ‘abhanga’ of which saint were included in theGuru Granth Sahib?—
Guru Samarth Ramadas
●Who received firman from the Mughal court forconducting trade in 1618?—
Sir Thomas Roe
●Who rendered the English translation ofBaburnama?—
Mrs. A.S. Beveridge
●In which year did Shivaji die?—
●During whose rule did Manucci come to India?—
●The two kingdoms of the south which wereassimilated by Aurangzeb were:—
Bijapur andGolconda
●Where is the mausoleum of Shershah Suri situated?—
●When Akbar had surrounded the Chittor fort, thenwho kept the fort secure for four months?—
●Where in India is the Bibi-ka-Makabara located?—
●One important term of the Treaty of Purandhar(1665) was—
Shivaji was expected to assist theMughal generals in the Bijapur expedition
“●Who said, ““Ws should strike at the trunk of thisworn-off tree, the branches will fallthemselves,”“—”
Bajirao I (Peshwa) on the MughalEmpire
●Who was the Hindu ruler of the 18th century whohad conducted two Asvamedha Yajnas?—
PeshwaBajirao I
●During the period of Shahjahan, who was the Amir tohave brought significant reforms in the landsystem of Deccan?—
●Who had completed the Shalimarbagh of Lahore?—
●Who was the ambassador of British ruler James I tohave visited the court of Jahangir ?—
●Which Rajput king has been called by Muslimwriters as the ‘biggest enemy of Islam’? —
●During the rule of which Mughal emperor, thenumber of Hindus among total Mansabdars was32, the highest percentage during the entireMughal period?—
●Which three French travellers were present in theMughal court in 1664?—
Bernier, Thernot,Manucci
●What explains the reason behind Babur not decidingto bring administrative reforms in India?—
Hewanted the Afghans to continue as regionalchieftains.
●The Mansabdari system that was introduced in Indiaby Akbar had been borrowed from:—
●Who, among the Mughal princesses penned down’Humayun Namah’?—
Gulbadan Begum
●A council of ministers in form of ‘Ashta Pradhan’was the feature of:—
Maratha administration
●The Mansabdari system was especially introduced inthe medieval India because:—
Neat and clearadministration could be enforced
●The member of Shivaji’s Ashta Pradhan who wasresponsible for looking after foreign affairs wasknown as:—
●Who fought the Battle of Dharamat?—
Aurangzeband Dara Shikoh
●The period of rule of Mughal Emperor JahandarShah came to a premature end because:—
he wasrelinquished from the throne by his Wazir
●During whose rule did the Maratha power reach itssupreme height and respect?—
Bajirao I
●Which ruler introduced silver rupee of 178 grainsand copper dam currency of 380 grains?—
●Peter Mundi who came to India during the time ofShahjahan was a citizen of:—
●Who built the Pearl Mosque (Moti Masjid) in the RedFort of Delhi?—
●Which Sikh Gurus were awarded death sentence bythe then Mughal emperors?—
Guru Arjun Devand Guru Teg Bahadur
●Where was the capital of Shivaji situated?—
●Who was the Mughal Emperor who died after fallingfrom the staircase?—
●The correct chronological order of invasions on Indiais:—
Changez Khan, Taimur, Nadir Shah, andAhmad Shah Abdali
●The mausoleum of Sher Shah Suri is situated in:—
●Who was the head of army during the Mughalperiod?—
Mir Bakshi
●The main subjects of Mughal painting were:—
Scenesof battle, animals and birds, natural scenes anddepiction of the court
●The army system during the time of Akbar was basedon:—
Mansabdari system
●Which monument was built by Akbar?—
●In which field did Raja Todarmal attain fame?—
Land revenue
●When did Aurangzeb conquer Bijapur?—
●Where is the tomb of Akbar situated?—
●The reasons behind the popularity of Akbar were:—
Religious policy, social reforms, land revenue andMansabdari system
●Which is that tomb better known as the second TajMahal?—
Mausoleum of Rabia-ud-Daurani
●During the period of which Mughal emperor was theUpanishad translated into Persian?—
●Where did Shershah die?—
in Kalinjar
●What was the main source of income of the stateduring the Mughal India?—
Land revenue
●During which battle were cannon used by one of thewarring sides?—
First Battle of Panipat
●Who founded the city of Amritsar in the Punjab?—
Guru Ramadas
Who was that army commander sent by the Sultan ofBijapur in 1659 to crush Shivaji?—
Afzal Khan
●Under which Mughal emperor were maximumnumbers of Hindus employed in the Mughalarmy?—
●Who is credited with the building of the Red Fort ofAgra?—
●Which Sikh Guru had helped the rebel prince Khusrowith wealth and grace?—
Guru Arjun Dev
●The administration of Akbar is known for:—
administrative system and the conquest of newregions
●Among the reforms introduced by Shershah Suriwere:—
revenue reforms, administrative reforms,army reforms, and currency reforms’
●With whom did King Krishnadeva of Vijayanagarfight the Battle of Golconda?—
Quli Qutb Shah
●’Masravis,’ which is the compendium of the rules ofMuslim law, is known as:—
●The jehad launched by Aurangzeb meant:—
●The name of Queen Padmini is linked to the Chittorvictory of Alauddin. Her husband was:—
RanaRatan Singh
●’Madad-e-Mash’ in the Mughal administrationconnoted:—
Revenue free land grants given toscholars
●Who painted the ‘Dastan-e-Hamza’?—
Abdus Samad
●What was the real name of Mumtaz Mahal?—
Arjumand Banu Begum
●The first British to come to the court of Akbar was:—
Ralph Fitch
●Which Mughal Emperor was known as ‘zinda pir’?—
●Who expounded the theory of ‘Sulh-i-Kul’?—
●The layout of a monument constructed by Akbarresembles that of a Buddhist vihara. Thatmonument is:—
Panch Mahal
●The court language of the Mughals was:—
●The tomb of Tansen is situated in:—
●Who started the issuing of silver coins?—
●Who built the Ibadatkhana?—
●What was the function an official called Amalguzarin the period of Akbar’s rule?—
Assessment andcollection of land revenue
●Which was the first work to give information aboutthe Lodi and Sur period?—
●During the rule of which Mughal Emperor was aDutch factory established in Chinsura?—
●The last battle of Dara against Aurangzeb was:—
Battles of Khwaja and Deorai
●Who authored the Ain-e-Akbari?—
Abul Fazl
●Who was the Peshwa of the Marathas during theThird Battle of Panipat?—
Balaji Bajirao
●Who was the Mughal Emperor who became thecaptive of the British at first and then spent hislife as a pensioner of the Marathas?—
Shah AlamII
●During whose rule did the Mughal Empire extend upto Tamil kingdom in the south? —
●Under the terms of which accord did Shivaji transferhis forts to the Mughals?—
Treaty of Purandhar
●Who was the Mughal Emperor to re-introduce theJajia tax?—
●After emerging victorious in which battle did SherShah lay the foundation of Afghan rule in Delhi?—
Battle of Bilgram
●On the 13th April of which year did Guru GovindSingh lay the foundation of Khalsa Panth?—
●Who among the Indian rulers was a contemporary ofAkbar?—
Rani Durgavati
●In which city did Shahjahan build the Pearl Mosque(Moti Masjid)?—
●The founder of Mughal Empire was _____:—
●The first Battle of Panipat was fought between:—
Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
●The correct chronological order of Mughal Emperors:—
Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir andShahjahan
●The names of Mughal Emperors are represented in aspecial order. Which is the correct chronologicalsequence?—
Humayun, Jahangir, Shahjahan,Bahadur, Shah
●Who was the Mughal Emperor who spent 15 years ofhis life in exile?—
●In whose court did Faizi live?—
●Where was gun powder invented?—
●Who was the author of Ain-e-Akbari?—
Abul Fazl
●With whose permission did the British establish theircompany in India?—
●Who set up the Chain of Justice in the Mughalperiod?—
●Where is the Bibi-ka-Maqbara situated?—
●Who was the architect to have designed the TajMahal?—
Ustad Isa
●Where was Guru Govind Singh born?—
●When did Sikhism come into being?—
●Who developed the Gurumukhi script?—
●Guru Govind Singh was the ____ Guru of the Sikhs. :—
10th and last Guru
●Who established the Sikh Khalsa?—
Guru GovindSingh
●Who was the successor of Shivaji?—
●At which place is the temple of Shivaji buried undersand?—
●The correct chronological order of the periods ofChaitanya, Ramanuja, Madhav, Shankara, etc, is:—
●Where was the capital of Yadav rulers located?—
●Which religion was patronized by the Chola rulers?—
Shaiva religion
●Where is the Victory Tower (Vijay Stambh) located?—
●Who was the first Indian ruler to establish thesupremacy of Indian navy in the Arabian Sea?—
Rajaraja I
●Under whose reign did Mughal painting reach itszenith?—
●Which Sikh Guru was killed by Aurangzeb:—
GuruTeg Bahadur
●Where is the tomb of Shahjahan located?—
●Which, among the forts of Sindhudurg, Raigarh,Amer and Padmadurg, did not belong to Maratharuler Shivaji?—
●By whom was the kingdom of Bahmani established?—
Alauddin Hasan
●By whom were the Marathas defeated in the ThirdBattle of Panipat?—
●With whom did Al Beruni come to India? —
Mahmud Ghazni
●At which place did Aurangzeb die?—
●At which place has the mortal remains of SaintFrancis Xavier been kept?—
Basilica of BomJesus, Welha (Goa)
●Ibn Batuta came from:—
●The temples of Ellora were built by:—
●Which rulers built the temples of Khajuraho?—
Chandella Rajput rulers
●Who built the ‘Kirti Stambh’ of Chittor?—
●Who built the ‘Rai Gopuram’ in front of the templesof Hampi, Tiruvanmalai, Chidambaram,Srirangam and Tirupati?—
Krishnadeva Ray
●Where is the Brihadeswara Temple situated?—
●Which of the following monuments, such as the SunTemple of Konark, temples of Khajuraho andarchitectural marvels of Angor Vat and NotreDame de Paris, was not built in the 12th centuryA.D.?—
Sun temple of Konark
●Which of the foreign languages was widely used inthe courts of India during the Mughal period?—
●Tulsidas, the author of ‘Rama Charita Manas’ wasassociated with the period of:—
●Which Indian dynasty established Mahabalipuram?—
Pallava dynasty
●The shrine of which Sufi saint is located in Ajmer?—
Muinuddin Chisti
●Who was the architect to have designed the TajMahal?—
Ustad Isa
●In which year did Muhammad-bin-Qasim conquerSindh?—
712 A.D.
●At which place is the famous rock-cut Kailas Templelocated?—
●Who built the Grand Trunk Road?—
Shershah Suri
●What was the Mughal ‘Jagir’ in the technical sense ofthe word?—
Cash payment assigned to aMansabdar
●Which power controlled most of trade on India’s westcoast during the 17th century?—
Which fort was considered as the ‘key to Deccan’?—
●In which field was Muhammad-bin-Tughlaqproficient?—
●The Prime Minister in Shivaji’s Ashta Pradhan wascalled:—
●Mughal rule in India was established after the Battleof:—
First Battle of Panipat
●Which of the powers did not enter into conflict onaccount of the Tungabhadra Doab?—
Sultans ofGolconda and Ahmadnagar
●What was not common between the Bhakti and SufiMovement?—
Idol worship
●Ranthambhor was a:—
Rajput fort
●Where in India is the most famous House of Worshipof the Sufis located?—
●Among Tripitaka, Dakhma, Khankah andSynagogue, which one is related to Sufi saints?—
●Upon which ruler was the epithet of ‘Lal Baksh’bestowed?—
Qutb-ud-din Aibak
●The rathas of Mahabalipuram were constructedduring the reign of:—
Pallava dynasty
●Prince Elara registered victory over Sri Lanka in the2nd century A.D. With which Dravidian dynastywas he related?—
●With the downfall of which Emperor, the Mughalpresence in the Red Fort came to an end?—
Bahadurshah ‘Jafar’
●Who was the general of the Delhi Sultanate whosevictorious arms successfully reached till Madurai?—
Mailk Kafur
●Who was the greatest Bhakti saint fromMaharashtra?—
●A foreign traveller came to India during the Mughalperiod and left a description about the PeacockThrone in his capacity as a specialist. He was:—
●Where was the corpse of Babur buried as per his ownwill?—
●The author of Ain-e-Akbari is:—
Abul Fazl
●Apart from being a distinguished musician and Sufisaint, Amir Khusro was a:—
Historian, andscholar of Hindi and Persian
●Who was the spiritual teacher of Shivaji?—
●Who issued for the first time a coin called rupee?—
Shershah Suri
●In which Mughal building was the world famousPeacock Throne kept?—
In the Diwan-e-Am ofthe Red Fort of Delhi
●The birthplace of Guru Nanak was:—
●The Marathas were defeated in the Battle of Panipatbecause:—
The Maratha forces suffered from inadequate food supplies
●What was the original name of Noor Jahan?—
●The medieval city of Vijayanagar is today known as:—
●Which Mughal building is said to have an exclusivefeature in form of equal length and breadth?—
Taj Mahal
●The correct chronological order of the trading centresestablished by the British in Surat, madras,Calcutta and Bombay is:—
Surat, Madras,Bombay and Calcutta
●The Khalji Sultans of Delhi were:—
●Who defeated the Arabs in 738 A.D.?—
●Which of the languages were promoted by the rulersof Vijayanagar?—
Telugu, Urdu and Sanskrit
●The rock-cut temples and caves of Ellora depictthemes from:—
Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism
●What was the original name of Tansen, the famousmusician at the court of Akbar?—
●The Seven Pagodas of Mahabalipuram are theevidences of art patronage given by the:—
●Which famous ruler completed the Qutub-Minar?—
Feroz Shah Tughlaq
●Among the Bahmani rulers, who built the famous GolGumbaz at Bijapur?—
Muhammad Adil Shah
●The correct pairs (Historical Monuments: Built by)are:—
Tughlakabad Fort-Giyasuddin Tughlaq;Red Fort-Shahjahan; Hauz Khas-Feroz ShahTughlaq; and the City of Siri-Alauddin Khalji.
●The correct pairs (Rulers: Known for) are:—
SultanMahmud-Plunder of Somnath; Muhammad-bin-Qasim-Conquest of Sindh; Feroz Shah Tughlaq-Bengal Rebellion; and Giyasuddin Tughlaq-Mongol Invasion.
●Where did Babur die?—
●Who founded the Lodi dynasty?—
Bahlul Lodi
●Which of the rulers was an illiterate?—
●The first Indian scholar of Hindi during the Mughalperiod was:—
Malik Muhammad Jayasi
●Dara Shikoh translated the Upanishads into Persianunder the title of:—
Siri Akbar
●After the death of Rajaram in 1700, the Marathascontinued their fight against the Mughals underthe leadership of his brave wife ______.—
●Which Sikh Guru claimed himself to be a ‘SachchaBadshah’?—
Guru Hargovind
●At which place were the British permitted by theMughals in 1651 to conduct trade and set up theirfactory?—
Qasim Bazar
●In which year did the coronation of Shivaji takeplace?—
●Identify the European power from which Shivajireceived cannons and gunpowder? —
●Who was the Muslim invader who destroyed theNalanda University?—
●The first British ship to come to India was: —
●Who translated the Ramayana into Persian? —
●The Battle of Haldighati was fought between theforces of:—
Akbar and Rana Pratap Singh
●The famous Bhakti saint related to the Mewar royalfamily was:—
●Where is Gol Gumbaz situated?—
●Who authored Humayun Nama?—
Gulbadan Begum
●When was the French East India Companyconstituted?—
●Who was responsible for land revenue reformsduring the period of Akbar?—
●The Rathas built by Pallavas are found in:—
●Krishnadeva ray was a contemporary of:—
●Who was the first Muslim woman ruler of NorthIndia?—
Razia Sultan
●The Mir Bakshi of Mughal ruler was the head of:—
Army organization
●With which period of Indian history were twogreatest artists—Beetpal and Dhiman-associated?—
Pala Age
●Which Rashtrakuta ruler built the renowned KailasShiva temple at Ellora?—
Krishna I
●Which Delhi Sultan set up an Employment Bureau,Charity Department and a proper hospital?—
Feroz Shah Tughlaq
●Where did the Chalukyas establish their empire?—
In the South
●In the memory of which victorious campaign ofAkbar was the Buland Darwaza built?—
●Which, among the European powers, providedShivaji with cannons?—
●Who established the Chisti order in India?—
SheikhMuinuddin Chisti
●Who conquered Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia?—
●Who was the Mughal Emperor who condemned theSati system?—
●Who is considered as the second founder of theMaratha Empire?—
Bajirao I
●Who wrote the biography of Akbar? —
Abul Fazl
●Who defeated Pulakesin II, the Chalukya ruler?—
Narasimha Varman I
●Among the Sultans of Delhi, who has been describedas a ‘Mixture of Contradictions’ by historians?—
●Who was the last ruler of the Lodi kingdom?—
Ibrahim Lodi
●Which Mughal Emperor has given vivid descriptionof flora and fauna and fruits of India in his diary?—
●What is the indicator of Shershah’s greatness?—
Administrative Reforms
●At which place can the remains of grandeur ofVijayanagar and historical importance of itsarchitecture be seen today?—
●Which is that temple built in 1100 A.D. which enjoyssupremacy over other temples built in Bhubaneshwar?—
TribhuvaneshwarLingaraja Temple
●During whose rule did maximum Mongol invasionstake place?—
●Where was the capital of the Pandyan kingdomsituated?—
●Who was the first ruler of Vijayanagar who enteredinto a treaty with the Portuguese?—
Devaraya II
●Who was the founder of the Rashtrakuta kingdom?—
●Who defeated whom in Second First Battle of Tarain(1192 A.D.)?—
Mohammad Ghori defeatedPrithviraj Chauhan
●Who popularized copper coins as token currencyduring 1329 and 1330?—
●Who began the Mansabdari system in the Mughaladministrative set up?—
●What was ‘Chauth’?—
A road tax levied by Shivaji
●During the rule of which dynasty did the cavepaintings of Ajanta and Ellora bloom? —
●Tansen, one of the greatest musicians, lived at thecourt of:—
●Who got the Brihadeswara Temple built in Tanjore?—
Rajaraja Chola
●Who started a new religion, called ‘Din-e-Ilahi’?—
●The capital of Bahmani rulers was:—
●Who was known as the Peshwa under theadministration of Shivaji?—
Prime Minister
●Which ruler established the famous VikramashilaUniversity as a centre of Buddhist learning?—
●The place where the world’s largest dome, ‘GolGumbad,’ is located is:—
●The Bhakti Movement in Maharashtra spreadbecause of the teachings of:—
Samarth GuruRamadas
●Which Sikh Guru wrote the biography of GuruNanak?—
Guru Arjun Dev
●Who were the first to attack India?—
●Which trusted general was appointed by MohammadGhori to look after the conquered territories inIndia after his departure?—
Qutb-ud-din Aibak
●Which Rajput ruler established the famous city ofBhopal?—
Raja Bhoj
●With which kingdom was Chand Bibi, the firstMuslim queen, related?—
●Which city was the capital of the Chola rulers?—
●During the medieval period, the Grand Trunk inIndia extended till which place?—
●Which language was known as ‘camp language’during the medieval period?—
●Who was the famous Jain scholar revered by Akbarthe Great?—
Hari Vijay
●During the rule of which Pallava king were the RathaTemples in Mahabalipuram built?—
Narasimhavarman I
●Which Rajput ruler defeated Muhammad Ghori inthe First Battle of Panipat?—
Baghela rulerBhima
●Who was the first among the Chola rulers to conquerSri Lanka?—
Rajaraja I
●To which god/goddess are most of the Chola templesdedicated?—
●Where is the ‘Bada Imambara’ situated?—
●What was the age of Akbar at the time of hiscoronation in Kalanaur? —
●The fundamental reason behind the exposition ofDin-e-Ilahi was:—
Universal brotherhood
●Who was the Chola ruler to brought the Ganges fromnorth to south?—
Rajendra Chola
●Who was the author of Geet Govind?—
●Which battle opened the gates of Delhi beforeMuhammad Ghori?—
Second Battle of Tarain
●The Chola rulers administered in:—
Tamil Nadu
●Sultans of which dynasty had the longest rule?—
Slave dynasty
●The Qutb Minar, as we see today, was rebuilt in itspresent form by:—
Feroz Shah Tughlaq
●What does ‘Pir’ mean in Sufi tradition?—
Guru ofthe Sufis
●Who discovered sea route to India via the Cape ofGood Hope?—
Vasco da Gama
●Who established the Akal Takht?—
Guru Hargovind
●With whom was Bairam Khan associated?—
●Who was the regent of Akbar during the early daysof his life?—
Bairam Khan
●The Sikh army was known as:—
●Before ascending the throne of Delhi as Sultan,Balban was the Prime Minister of:—
●Who was the lone among the courtiers of Akbar tohave adopted Din-e-Ilahi?—
●Which Mughal Emperor was credited to havecomposed Hindi songs? —
●During the reign of which Delhi Sultan, did ChangezKhan attack Indian borders in the pursuit ofJalaluddin?—
●Who established the four Mathas in Srinegri,Badrinath, Dwarka and Puri?—
●Who established the Vikramashila University?—
●Who is credited to have destroyed the group ofpowerful nobles, called Chahalgani?—
●The grand Trunk Road, built by Shershah, connectedPunjab with place?—
●Who was the Maratha saint contemporary to Shivaji?—
Saint Tukaram
●Which ruler paid considerable attention on irrigationand public welfare works?—
Feroz Shah Tughlaq
●In which language was Chachnama originallywritten?—