RL MED 1 Flashcards
●Who introduced the Mansabdari system ?—
●The Mughal Emperors who wrote their ownautobiographies, are—
Babur and Jahangir
●The system of payment of salary to the troops wasdecreed by—
●Name the Commander of the Arab army whoconquered the Sindh.—
Muhammad bin Qasim
●Nurjahan’s real name was:—
●Who was the last Delhi Sultan ?—
Ibrahim Lodi
●Who was defeated by Prithvi Raj Chauhan in thefirst battle of Tarain ?—
Muhammad Ghori
●Babur was succeeded to the Mughal throne by :—
●Rana Pratap Singh of Mewar was defeated by theMughal army in the battle of—
●Nayanar was related to—
Shaiva Cult
●The Sufi Saint who was associated with the MughalEmperor Akbar—
Sheikh Salim Chisti
●Who established a separate department calledDiwan-i-Khairat ?—
Firoz Shah Tughlaq
●Rajatarangini was written by—
●Who is regarded as the second Alexander ?—
Ala-ud-din Khilji
●The Portuguese Governor who abolished Sati in Goawas—
●One of the most controversial projects ofMuhammad-bin-Tughlaq was—
introduction oftoken currency
●Sher Shah became the Emperor of Delhi afterdefeating Humayun in the battle of—
●The Bhakti saint regarded by his followers as anincarnation of Vishnu, was—
●The first Sultan who requested and obtained lettersof investiture from the Caliph (Khalifa) was—
●The first Muslim king who invaded South India was—
Alauddin Khilji
●When the East India Company was formed, theMughal emperor in India was—
●Which Chola King successfully led expedition to thenorth to capture territories up to river Ganges ?—
Rajendra Chola I
●The founder of the Delhi Sultanate was—
Qutubbudin Aibak
●Who of the following was a descendent of both TimurLang and Genghis Khan ?—
●Din-e-Ilahi was a religion founded by—
●The tomb of Sher Shah Suri is located at—
●The bone of contention between the Shah of Persiaand the Mughals was the control of -—
●Which Indian King requested Napoleon to drive theBritish from India ?—
Tipu Sultan
●Which General of Allauddin Khilji, was known as theRustam of the age and the hero of the time?—
Malik Kafur
●The King who did not allow anybody to laugh in hiscourt was—
●The Mughal emperor who died due to a sudden fallfrom the staircase, was -—
●Who introduced the famous Persian festival ofNavroz in India ?—
●Tughlaq dynasty occupied Delhi throne after declineof—
Khilji dynasty
●Who built the Kandriya Mahadev Temple ofKhajuraho?—
●Who was the greatest ruler of the Chalukya dynasty?—
Pulakesin II
●The gold coins of Gupta period were called—
●Emperor Harsha transferred his capital fromThanesar to:—
●Which dynasty was the most disturbed due to Huninvasions?—
●The temples of Khajuraho are related to:—
Hinduism and Jainism
●In which period of Indian history were women wereequal to men?—
Gupta period
●Which dynasty got the Mahabalipuram templecarved out of rocks?—
Pallava dynasty
●The different styles of which art is reflected by suchschools as Pahari School, Rajput School, MughalSchool, and Kangra School?—
●Which foreign scholar visited and studied theNalanda University?—
Hiuen Tsang
●Who constructed the Konark Temple of Odisha?—
Narsingh Dev Varman
●Where is the Angor Vat Temple, dedicated to LordVishnu, situated?—
●In the Indian culture, the period of which dynasty hasbeen described as the Golden Age?—
●The caves and rock temples of Ellora are related to:—
Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism
●Who built the Ellora caves?—
●Rulers of which dynasty used to announce theirsuccessors during their own lifetimes?—
●The famous Battle of Takkolam in South India wasfought between:—
Chola and Rashtrakutadynasties
●The famous Jain temples of Dilwara were built by:—
Solanki rulers
●Among the Chalukya, Pallava, Satavahana andRashtrakuta dynasties, which was the oldest?—
The Satavahanas
●The enthronement year of ChandraguptaVikramaditya is associated with:—
375 A.D.
●Who aided the construction of Khajuraho temples?—
Chandella Rulers
●Who was eulogized by Harisena in the AllahabadInscription?—
●Which place had the world’s first republican systemin the 6th century B.C ?—
●Which Chinese general defeated Kanishka?—
●Who was the most famous among the Nine Jewels atthe court of Chandragupta Vikramaditya?—
●With which discipline is the ‘Charaka Samhita’associated?—
●The time span during which the Gupta dynasty ruledwas:—
319-500 A.D.
●During whose rule did the Hun attack India?—
●Which university received fame after the Guptaperiod?—
●Which Rashtrakuta ruler established the VictoryTower and a temple in Raameshwaram?—
Krishna III
●Madurai was the capital of:—
Pandya dynasty
●Name that first ruler who established the supremacyof Indian army in the Arabian Sea:—
Rajaraja I
●Rajaraja I defeated the Chera and Pandya dynastiesand Sri Lanka. The economic motive behind theseconquests was:—
to control trade with the South-east Asian countries and keep the sea routestowards China open.
●Who were the most important rivals of theRashtrakutas?—
Pratiharas of Kannauj
●What was the type of Gupta administrative system?—
●Pala ruler Dharmapala was the son of:—
●Jaidev was the court poet of: —
Lakshman Sena
●In whose court did Amar Singh live?—
Chandragupta II
●Who said that knowledge is the primary path ofsalvation?—
●In which Purana has Shudras been described as’Annada’ (giver of grains)?—
Skanda Purana
●Where is the Keshava Temple (Hoysala Monument)located?—
●Malabar, Madurai and Tanjore were the principalcentres of:—
Pandya dynasty
●With which royal dynasty is the Devgarh templeassociated?—
Gupta dynasty
●During which period were the highest number of goldcoins issued?—
Gupta period
●During the Gupta period, land tax was known as:—
●The Chola ruler who was known as ‘Gangaikonda’was:—
Rajendra Chola
●In which year did Hijrat Era begin?—
622 A.D.
●Where is the Meenakshi Temple situated?—
●The South Indian state which was famous for itsnaval power was:—
●Who was the ruler of Bengal at the time of RajendraChola’s Bengal expedition?—
●Whom did the Cholas overthrow to establish theirpower?—
Pallavas of Kanchi
●Rajshekhar, the author of Karpoormanjari, adornedthe court of which ruler?—
●In which work on architecture do we get descriptionof boat construction?—
●By which Indo-Greek ruler was Heliodorus, theGreek ambassador of Besanagar Inscription,sent?—
●Which document of Gupta period gives descriptionabout the sale of land?—
Damodarpur CopperPlate
●What did ‘Padikavalkuli’ mean in the Cholaadministration?—
A regular tax paid for theupkeep and maintenance of ponds
●’Adevmatrik’ land was such land which wascultivated by:—
artificial means of irrigation
●During the Chola period, who looked after gardenadministration?—
●Which author, for the first time, ascribed ‘talk’ as thegeneral instinct of Shudra Varna?—
●What was the main reason behind the fame of Palaruler Gopala?—
He was a ruler elected by thepeople and not someone chosen on the basis ofheredity
●The shape of god in the bronze statues of Natarajbelonging to the Chola period are:—
●With whom did the Chola rulers establish intimatepolitical and marital alliances?—
Chalukyas ofVengi
●The silver coins issued by the Gupta rulers wereknown as:—
●The Badami Inscription of Pulakesin I is dated in theSaka year of 465. If it has to be dated in theVikram Era, the corresponding year will be:—
●The subject matter of ‘Mrichchakatikam,’ theancient text authored by Shudraka, was:—
Thelove affair between a rich merchant and daughterof a mathematician
●The Iron Pillar, situated in the courtyard of theQuwwat-ul-Islam Mosque of Delhi, is in thememory of:—
●Who is known for his special contributions in thefield of astronomy?—
●Who was the Chola ruler killed by an opponentcrowd?—
●The Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty was established by—
●Which historian, impressed with the conquests ofSamudragupta, called him the ‘Indian Napoleon’?—
V. Smith
●The extent of the Chola kingdom was spread in:—
Coromandal Coast, some
Who was the founder of Abhira dynasty?—
●With which dynasty were the Ikshavakus primarilyrelated?—
The Satavahanas
●In 712 A.D. the first Indian city conquered by theArabs was:—
●Which famous texts were authored by Banabhatt whowas the court poet of Harshavardhana?—
Harshacharita, Kadambari
●Who built the Konark Temple?—
Eastern Gangadynasty
●In which century was the Iron Pillar, situated inDelhi, built?—
4th century A.D.
●Hiuen Tsang and Fa Hien saw the kingdoms of:—
Harshavardhana and ChandraguptaVikramaditya respectively
●’Pratapshil,’ ‘Hun-Hiran-Kesari,’ ‘Maharajadhiraj’were the epithets of:—
●Which Pala ruler was described by Suleiman as morepowerful than the Pratiharas and Rashtrakutas?—
●The book, titled Lilavati, is related to:—
●In the ancient peninsular India, who assumed theepithet of ‘Vatapikonda’?—
●Dhanvantri was:—
a famous physician at the court of Chandragupta Vikramaditya
●During whose reign did Nalanda University becameprosperous?—
●Who was the Chalukya ruler who defeatedHarshavardhana on the banks of the NarmadaRiver?—
Pulakesin II
●Where is the famous rock-cut Kailasa Templelocated?—
●During whose rule in the 6th-8th century A.D., didtemple building receive ample patronage?—
Pallava and Chalukya dynasties
●Who built the exquisite temples in Halebid?—
Hoysala dynasty
●In which cave is the statue showing the countenanceof Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh)located?—
●In India, such words as ‘Jehad’ and ‘Butsikan’ areassociated first with the name of:—
●When was Somnath invaded?—
●Who established Sultangarhi (Delhi)?—
●The word ‘Iqta’ is defined in a book, titled’Siyasatnama.’ Who is the author of this book?—
●During whose reign did Mahmud Ghaznavi plunderthe temple of Somnath?—
Bhimadeva I
●What was ‘zarib’ during the Sultanate period?—
asystem of measuring land
●What was ‘jawabit’ during the Sultanate period?—
State laws
●During which period was the ruler not considered asowner of the land, but he received taxes fromland?—
Rajput period
●During whose reign did the Vimana style come invogue in the art of temple building?—
●Where was Prophet Mohammad of Islam born?—
●Who was the expounder of Advaita philosophy?—
●Where are the caves of Ajanta and Ellora situated?—
●Where are the famous caves of Khajuraho situated?—
Madhya Pradesh
●What was the first capital of the Ganga dynasty?—
●Where is the famous Shore Temple located?—
●When was Islam founded?—
7th century A.D.
●Who were associated with the rock-cut temple ofElephanta?—
●Who has authored the famous work, titled ‘PrithviRaj Raso’?—
Chand Bardai
●During whose rule did the Mongols invade Indiaunder Chengiz Khan?—
●He never allows power to dominate his head (likeRoman Emperor Augustus), remains vigilant, andclaims himself to be nothing more than acommodity belonging to others. This satement isabout:—
Jalaluddin Khalji
●Who established the Hindushahi dynasty of Punjab?—
●Who was the highest officer in the army during the13th century?—
●Who was the first ruler of the Slave dynasty?—
Qutb-ud-din Aibak
●Who was the ruler of Devagiri at the time ofAlauddin Khalji’s invasion?
Ramachandra Dev
●Which scholar came to India along with MahmudGhaznavi?—
Al Beruni
●Who founded the city of Agra?—
Sikandar Lodi
●Who gave the order for the transfer of capital fromDelhi to Daulatabad?—
Sultan Muhammad-bin-Tughluq
●What is the height of the Qutb Minar?—
288 feet
●The correct order of the dynasties of Delhi Sultanateis:—
●To whom was Krishnadeva Raya contemporary?—
●Who were the eight luminaries (Asht Diggaj) in thecourt of Krishnadeva Raya?—
Eight GreatMinisters in his court
●Who is that foreign writer to have left an extensivedescription of the Vijayanagar Empire?—
●The last ruler of Ghazni dynasty in Lahore was:—
Khusro Malik
●Who built the Jamat Khana Mosque?—
●Which ruler of Delhi Sultanate made this rule that inany given year, increase in land revenue will notexceed 1/10th or 1/11th?—
Giyasuddin Tughlaq
●Which ruler assumed opposite side of ‘Umadan-al-Niswa’ on coins?—
●Which ruler of the Delhi Sultanate himselfencouraged bribery in administration?—
●Who was the first Delhi Sultan to have appointed’Amir-e-Sada’?—
●During the medieval India, from which communitywas a tax called ‘Tattan Pattnam’ levied?—
●When was Guru Nanak born?—
●In which empire was the empire divided into 400provinces for the ease of provincialadministration?—
Vijayanagar Empire
●Among the medieval Indian rulers, who set up aseparate department for slaves?—
Firoz Tughlaq
●Who began the system of making payments to thesoldiers through land grants during the Sultanateperiod?—
Firoz Shah Tughlaq
●After the disappearance of gold coins in the pre-medieval period, which ruler of North Indiareintroduced them first—
●In which text has the virtues of an ideal Muslim rulerbeen described?—
●Which grandiose epithet was assumed by Balban forconsolidating his power?—
●The major portion of Meenakshi Temple was built bywhom in the middle of the 17th century?—
Tirumallai Naik
●Who was the first ruler of Delhi Sultanate whoestablished direct contact with cultivators (fordetermining the exact amount paid by them inform of land revenue)?—
Alauddin Khalji
●Who saw the reign of eight Delhi Sultans?—
●Which monument has got that dome which is rankedamong the largest domes of the world?—
GoldGumbaz, Bijapur
●Which ruler of the Delhi Sultanate is famous forlaying a wide network of canals in India?—
FirozShah Tughlaq
●Which Delhi Sultan stopped the practice of makingpayments to soldiers in form of land?—
●In which monument were two domes used for thefirst time?—
Mausoleum of Sikandar Lodi
●On whose demise did Badauni comment: ‘The rulergot freed from his subjects and the subjects gotfreedom their ruler?—
Muhammad bin Tughlaq
●Who was the first writer to have used Urdu as apoetic expression?—
Amir Khusrau
●Alam Khan was one of those who had invited Baburto invade India. He was:—
relative of IbrahimLodi and one of the contenders for the throne ofDelhi.
●How did Sultan Qutb-ud-din die?—
He had a fatalaccident while playing chaugan (polo); he fellfrom his horse and died.
●Who was the court historian of Mahmud Ghaznavi?—
In whose memory was the city of Jaunpur established?—
●The saint who saw the reign of seven Sultans and thepoet who witnessed the rule of eight Sultans wererespectively:—
Nizamuddin Aulia and AmirKhusro
●Who was the scholar of both Hindi and Persian?—
Amir Khusro
●The Sultanate coins—Jital, Shashgani and Tanka—were respectively made of:—
Copper, Silver andSilver
●Which scholar adopted the Persian style of ‘Sabak-e-Hindi’?—
Amir Khusro
●In which language did Krishnadeva Raya author hisfamous work, titled ‘Amukt Malyad’?—
●Which ruler established the Hindushahi kingdom inGolconda?—
●Which ruler is also known by the epithet of ‘AndhraBhoj’?—
Krishnadeva Raya
●Who was the first Indian ruler to defeat MohammadGhori?—
Bhima II
●Which slave of Mohammad Ghori registered victoriesover Bengal and Bihar? —
Bakhtiyar Khalji
●In which year did Mohammad-bin-Qasim conquerSindh?—
712 A.D.
●To which class did most of the Amirs and Sultans ofthe Sultanate period belong?—
●Mohammad-bin-Qasim was an:—
●Who implemented market reforms during the DelhiSultanate period?—
Alauddin Khalji
●During whose reign did Mongol invader ChangezKhan come to India’s north-western border?—
●When was the Battle of Talikota fought?—
1565 A.D.
●During whose reign did the Moorish traveller IbnBatuta come to India?—
●Amir Khusro was the court poet of:—
●The battle which established the Muslim rule in Indiawas:—
Second Battle of Tarain
●Who brought two Asokan inscriptions from Meerutand Topara to Delhi?—
Feroz Shah Tughluq
●Who among the commanders of Alauddin Khaljibecame later the first ruler of the Tughlaqdynasty?—
Ghazi Malik
●Gujarat was considered as one of the mostprosperous provinces of the Delhi Sultanate. Thereasons behind its prosperity were:—
Its thrivingports and handicrafts
●During whose rule did Temur invade India?—
Nasiruddin Mahmud
●Who has given a vivid description of the postalsystem during the Delhi Sultanate? —
Ibn Batuta
●Who established the Bahmani kingdom?—
●What was the main reason behind the marketreforms of Alauddin Khalji?—
Increase inmilitary power and control over intermediaries
●Which English officer defeated the Portuguese atSowlley?—
Thomas Best
●Nizamuddin Aulia refused to meet which Sultan ofDelhi?—
Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq
●Which Delhi Sultan, at first adopted the title ofHazrat-i-ala and then of ‘Sultan’?—
Bahlul Lodi
●Which Sultan took steps to improve the quality offruits?—
Firoz Tughlaq
●Which Sultan settled a city where Agra stands today?—
Sikandar Lodi
●Which Mughal emperor was not allowed to enterDelhi by his wazir Ghaziuddin? —
Shah Alam II
●Who was the founder of the Second Afghan Empirein India?—
Shershah Suri
●The correct chronological order of the dynasties ofDelhi Sultanate is:—
Slave, Khalji, Tughlaq andLodi
“●”“When he attained kingship, he was fully free fromthe commands and rules of Shariat.”” For whomdid Baruni use these words?—”
Alauddin Khalji
●What were the names used for the initial TurkishSultans?—
Slave dynasty, Ilbari dynasty,Mamluk dynasty, etc.
●Which Delhi Sultan, for the first time, set upadministrative system for the Sultanate?—
Shamsuddin Iltutmish
●Who said: ‘Indian music not only enchants humans,but also animals’?—
Amir Khusro
●Who was the highest rural official of land revenueduring the Sultanate period?—
●Which Sultan of the Delhi Sultanate was also knownas ‘Lal Baksh’?—
Qutb-ud-din Aibak
●A new department, called Amir-e-Kohi, was startedduring the Delhi Sultanate by:—
●Which name was assumed by Mughal rulerJahiruddin Muhammad after ascending thethrone of India?—
●Who was that Delhi Sultan who wanted to start a newreligion, but had to face opposition from theUlemas?—
Alauddin Khalji
●During whose rule did Sufi saint Khwaja MuinuddinChisti come to Rajasthan?—
Prithviraj Chauhan
●Which historical monument of Delhi is an example ofIndian and Persian styles of architecture?—
Humanyun’s tomb
●Alai Darwaza is the main gate of:—
Qutub Minar
●Despite the existence of favourable conditions, theDelhi Sultans could not expand their empire inIndia. The main reason behind this failure was:—
Fear of Mongol invasion
●What was the name of the court poet of PrithvirajChauhan?—
●After which of his conquests, did Rana Kumbha ofMewar established the Victory Tower?—
●On the northern bank of which river is Hampilocated?—
●Which historian was appointed by Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq as the Qazi of Delhi?—
Ibn Batuta
●Which was the first ruling dynasty of the kingdom ofVijayanagar?—
Sangam dynasty
●Which of the Delhi Sultans agreed to come under thesubordination of Timurid ruler Mirza Shahrukh?—
Khizr Khan Sayyid
●Who was the first Delhi Sultan to maintain a standingarmy?—
Alauddin Khalji
●Who used to write poems under the pseudonym of’Gulrukhi’?—
Sikandar Lodi
●Which region was not the point of contention betweenthe rulers of Vijayanagar and Bahamani Sultans?—
Marathawada region
●Which traveller is not associated with the descriptionof splendor of Vijayanagar Empire?—
Ibn Batuta
●Between whom was the Battle of Waihind fought in1008-09?—
Mahmud Ghazni and Anandpala
●With which ruling dynasty was Prithviraj related?—
●Amir Khusro was the disciple of which Sufi saint?—
Sufi saint Shekh Nizamuddin Aulia
●The foreign traveller who came to India during theperiod of Vijayanagar Empire was: —
●Which ruler is associated with the Slave dynasty?—
●For the welfare of whom did Alauddin Khaljiimplement the price control policy?—
●In which century did paper make its advent in India?—
13th century
●’The ruler is endowed with divine rights.’ Similar tothis theory is that of ‘Dignity of the ruler.’ Whowas the first Muslim ruler to have expounded thistheory?—
●Who transferred his capital from Delhi to Devagiri?—
●Who was the founder of the Vijayanagar kingdom?—
Harihara and Bukka
●With whose defeat did the Hindu dynasty ofVijayanagar come to an end?—
Rama Rai
●In which district is the historical site of Hampilocated?—
●During whose reign in Vijayanagar did Nuniz, thePortuguese traveller, come?—
Achyuta Rai
●Which was the capital of Awadh before Lucknow?—
●Who among the Muslim scholars had goodknowledge of Sanskrit?—
During whose rule did the Mongols under ChangezKhan invade India?—
●Where was saint Ramanuja, the expounder ofVishisht Advaita, born?—
●Who established the philosophical school ofPushtimarg?—
●What is the correct chronological order of the Bhaktisaints?—
Guru Nanak-Tulsidas-Tukaram-Ramadas
●Who taught the philosophy of Vishisht Advaita?—
●Which Bhakti saint was the first to use Hindi for thepropagation of his message?—
●Who established the Chisti Sufi order in India?—
Khwaja Muinuddin
●With which sect was Chaitanya Mahaprabhuassociated?—
●The rebirth of Bhakti system in India took place in:—
15th and 16th centuries A.D.
●Mirabai was the contemporary of:—
●Adi Shankara, who later became Shankaracharya,was born in:—
●Who started the Bhakti movement?—
Alvar saints
●When was Shivaji declared as the king?—
●During the Mughal period, who was the head of theMilitary Department after receiving validationfrom the central administrative machinery?—
Mir Bakshi
●Where is the Jahangir Fort situated?—
Agra Fort
●From which place did Babur enter India for the firsttime from the west?—
●Which battle turned the fortunes of a Mughalemperor in India?—
Battle of Chausa
●Who was the Peshwa of the Marathas when the thirdBattle of Panipat took place?—
Balaji Baji Rao