RL COMP 2 Flashcards
●Which of Excel charts represents only one value foreach variable ?
●To see the document before the printout is taken, use___
Print Preview
●ALU works on the instructions and data held in the___
● To move data from one part of the document toanother, following is used ___
Cut and Paste
●Another name for a pre-programmed formula inExcel is ___
To save a document for the first time, ________ optionis used
Save as
●What is a device that can change images into codesfor the computer ?
● Two basic types of graphics used in Word 2000 are____
Autoshapes and ClipArt
● User can use ___________ commands to search forand correct words in a document.
Spelling andGrammar
●What is the advantage of using basic HTML to createa document?
HTML is very easy to use
●The feature that keeps track of the right margin is___
ragged right
●Keyboard shortcuts are used to move the ___.
insertion point
●To specify margins in Word, the user has to selectPage Setup option from the ____menu.
●What is the name of the package which helps tocreate, manipulate and analyse data arranged inrows and columns ?
Spreadsheet package
●What does an electronic spreadsheet consist of ?
Rows, Columns, Cells
●Which of the following options is used to displayinformation such as title, page number of thedocument?
Header and Footer
●Which part of the computer can display the user’swork ?
●When a computer prints a report, this output iscalled ___
Hard copy
●The processor is a ______ chip plugged onto themotherboard in a computer system.
●A register that keeps track of the next instruction tobe executed is called a ______
Program Counter
●The microprocessor of a computer
understandsonly machine language
●A set of choices on the screen is called a_____
●What is the full form of PROM?
ProgrammableRead-Only Memory
●What will be used if a sender of e-mail wants to bold,itlaics etc. the text message ?
Reach Text
●What justification align the text on both the sides -left and right - of margin?
●What is the full form of LIS ?
●To move the text from its original position to anotherposition without deleling it is called
●What is that secret code is called which prohibitsentry into some programs ?
●Which type of menu shows the further sub-choices ?
●Which operation is safe if an e-mail from anunknown sender is received?
Delete it withoutopening it
●The other name of motherboard is
System Board
●By which any part of a document can be seen on thescreen ?
●Which characteristics is used to compute dynamicalythe results from Excel data?
Formula andFunction
●Which type of storage in hard disc ?
●To reload a Web page, press the _____ button.
●Which is contained on chips connected to the systemboard and is a holding area for data instructionsand information ? (processed data waiting to beoutput to secondary storage)
●Buying and selling goods/services through wirelesshandheld devices is called
Mobile Commerce
●Video processors consist of _____ and ____ , whichstore and process images.
CPU and memory
●The main circuit-board of the system unit is the
●What is the process of copying software programsfrom secondary storage media to the hard diskcalled?
●What is billionth of a second ?
●When the pointer is positioned on a _____, it isshaped like a hand.
●The computer abbreviation KB usually means
Kilo Byte
● Connection or link to other documents or Web Pagesthat contain related information is called -
●In the absence of parentheses, the order of operationis
●To find the Paste Special option, you use theClipboard group on the ______ tab of PowerPoint.
●An ______ program is one that is ready to run anddoes not need to be altered in any way.
●Usually downloaded into folders that hold temporaryInternet files, ______ are written to yourcomputer’s hard disk by some of the Web sitesyou visit.
●What is the easiest way to change the phrase,revenues, profits, gross margin, to read revenues,profits, and gross margin ?
Use the insert mode, position the cursor before the gin gross, then type the word and followed by aspace
●Your business has contracted with another companyto have them host and run an application for yourcompany over the Internet. The companyproviding this service to your business is called an
Application service provider
●A ______ allows you to access your e-mail fromanywhere.
Webmail interface
●What would you find on LinkedIn ?
●______ is a technique that is used to send more thanone call over a single line.
●_______ locate all files containing a specified phraseand restrict its search to a specified set of folders
Search Companion
●Which information system focuses on makingmanufacturing processes more efficient and ofhigher quality?
Computer-aided manufacturing
●A mistake in an algorithm that causes incorrectresults is called a
logical error
●A device for changing the connection on a connectorto a different configuration is
an adapter
●The signal that a computer is waiting for a commandfrom the user
●This software allows the user to move from page topage on the Web by clicking on or selecting ahyperlink, or by typing in the address of thedestination page
Web browser
●For viewing video CDs, you would use
Windows Media Player
●Executing more than one program concurrently byone user on one computer is known as
●What controls the manner of interaction between theuser and the operating system?
user interface
●You can keep your personal files/folders in
My Documents
●Three types of compact disks include CD-ROM, CD-R, and
●All computers must have
An operating system
●Collecting personal information and effectivelyposing as another individual is known as the crimeof
identity theft
●The box that contains the central electroniccomponents of the computer is the
●What menu is selected to cut, copy, and paste ?
●A program that converts a high-level language sourcefile into a machine-language file is called a -
●A _______ is created by an application.
●The ______ key and the ______ key can be used incombination with other keys to perform shortcutsand special tasks.
Control, Alt
●For creating a document, you use ____ command atFile Menu.
●Applications are often referred to as
●Several computers linked to a server to shareprograms and storage space _______
●Soft copy refers to ____
screen output
●Meaningful filename helps in easy file ____
●LAN stands for ____
Local Area Network
●The operation of combining two cells into a single cellin Excel is referred to as _______
Merge Cells
●What can be used to store a large number of files in asmall amount of storage space ?
●In a computer most processing takes place in_____
●Data is organized in a worksheet as
rows andcolumns
●In Excel, when the contents and attributes of a cell orrange of cells have to be erased using the menu,the user must_____
Select the cells, choose Edit,and select Clear, then All
●If an Excel Worksheet is to be linked for use in aPowerPoint presentation, the following should beclicked_____
Edit, Paste Special
●The common name for a modulator-demodulatoris_____
●What do you see when you click the right mousebutton ?
A special menu
●In order to choose the font for a sentence in a WORDdocument_____
select Font in the Format menu
●Excel is a program that is used to prepare a_____
●_____consists of volatile chips that temporarily storedata or instructions.
●In order to delete a sentence from a document youwould use____
highlight and delete
●Editing a document that has been createdmeans_____
correcting it
●Translates entire source program into machinelanguage program; It is involved in program’sexecution; Is a translating program. Thisdescription stands for
●Keyboards, scanners, and microphones are examplesof_____
input devices
●In Excel, the contents of the active cell are displayedin the______
formula bar
●When machine instructions are being executed by acomputer, the instruction phase followed by theexecution phase is referred to as_____
●In Windows ME. what does ME stand for ?
●The fastest, biggest and most expensive computers?
●Peripheral devices such as printers and monitors areconsidered to be_____
●Which language is directly understood by thecomputer without translation program ?
Machine language
●To insert a page break in a WORD document, thefollowing options are used
Insert and Break
●This is the part of the computer system that onecannot touch.
●While selecting multiple worksheets in Excel, thefollowing key must also be used when clicking thesheet tab______
● Restarting a computer that is already on is referredto as____
Warm booting
●A word processor would be used best to_______.
type a story
● The file that is linked with an e-mail and sent to thereceiver of the e-mail is referred to as____
●The process of a computer receiving informationfrom a server on the Internet is called
●A_____is an example of an input device.
●A hard copy of a document is______
printed on theprinter
“● The term ““host”” with respect to the internet,means______”
A computer that is connected tothe Internet
●The translator program used in assembly language iscalled_____
●A set of instructions telling the computer what to dois called ____
●A disk’s content that is recorded at the time ofmanufacture and that cannot be changed orerased by the user is _____
●What is the permanent memory built into yourcomputer called?
●The default view in Excel is _____ view.
●System software
helps the computer manageinternal resources
● By positioning your cursor at the appropriate placeand pressing Ctrl+Enter in Word
You can forcea page break
● Grouping and processing all of a firm’s transactionsat one time is called ____
batch processing
●Help Menu is available at which button?
●You can keep your personal files/folders in ____
My Documents
● A central computer that holds collections of data andprograms for many PCs, workstations, and othercomputers is a(n) ___
When you save to this, your data will remain intacteven when the computer is turned off.
secondary storage device
●To change selected text to all capital letters, click thechange case button, then click
●A person who used his or her expertise to gain accessto other people’s computers to get informationillegally or do damage is a ____.
●Where you are likely to find an embedded operatingsystem?
on a PDA
●Reusable optical storage will typically have theacronym
“●An online discussion group that allows direct ““live”“communication is known as”
chat group
●______ is a form of denial of service attack in which ahostile client repeatedly sends SYN packets toevery port on the server using fake IP addresses.
Syn flooding
●A point-and-draw device is
●The letter and number of the intersecting column androw is the
cell address
●A set of rules for telling the computer whatoperations to perform is called a
programming language
●A detailed written description of the programmingcycle and the program, along with the test resultsand a printout of the program is called
●A ______ language reflects the way people thinkmathematically.
●When entering text within a document, the Enter keyis normally pressed at the end of every
●When a real-time telephone call between people ismade over the Internet using computers, it iscalled
Internet telephony
●What is the first step in sizing a window ?
Point toany corner or border
●Which software could assist someone who cannot usetheir hands for computer input ?
●Most mail programs automatically complete thefollowing two parts in an e-mail
From:and Date :
●The computer’s capability of distinguishing spokenwords is called
voice recognition
●Advantage of mounting an application on the Web
the possibility of 24-hour access for users, creatinga system that can extend globally, standardtzingthe design of the interface
●ERP is an acronym for
Enterprise ResourcePlanning
●The software that allows users to surf the Internet iscalled a/an
●The issues that deal with the collection and use ofdata about individuals is
●A term relating to sending data to a satellite is
●Online documents containing underlined phrases oricons that a user can click in order to moveimmediately to related parts of the currentdocument or to other documents with relationinformation are called
●What is usually used for displaying information atpublic places?
Overhead Projections
● Physical security is concerned with protectingcomputer hardware from human tampering andnatural disasters and —– security is concernedwith protecting software from unauthorizedtampering or damage.
● Unauthorized copying of software to be used forpersonal gain instead of for personal backups iscalled
software piracy
● Junk e-mail is also called
● What is MP3 ?
A Sound format
●Deleted data remains on a disk until
the data isoverwritten
●When you cut or copy information it gets place in the
●Provides the means to move the pointer on the screenand give information to the computer by clickingits buttons ____
●The name of the location of a particular piece of datais its
●A device that is connected to the motherboard is.
must connect using ribbon cable
●The physical components of a computer system ____
●A computer works on a ______ number system
Which is a graphical representation of an application?
●A field is a related group of
●To restart the computer ____ key is used.
Ctrl + Alt +Del
●______ allows users to upload files to an online site sothey can be viewed and edited from anotherlocation.
Office Live
●What is the overall term for creating, editing,formatting, storing, retrieving, and printing a textdocument ?
Word processing
●Fourth-generation mobile technology providesenhanced capabilities allowing the transfer of both_______ data, including full-motion video, high-speed Internet access, and videoconferencing.
voice and nonvoice
●______ is a form of denial of service attack in which ahostile client repeatedly sends SYN packets to everyport on the server using fake IP addresses.
●A set of rules for telling the computer what operationsto perform is called a
●A detailed written description of the programmingcycle and the program, along with the test resultsand a printout of the program is called
●A typical slide in a slide presentation would not include
full-motion video
●The PC productivity tool that manipulates dataorganized in rows and columns is called a