RL COMP 1 Flashcards
● Instructions or programs for controlling thecomputer are called
● A _____ typically identifies the type of file.
● A device that copies or reproduces text and images iscalled a/an
●What should be used to move a paragraph from oneplace to another in a Word document ?
Cut andPaste
● An Excel spreadsheet has the extension
● A thin plate or board that contains electroniccomponents is called
circuit board
● The is the box that houses the mostimportant parts of a computer system
. systemunit
● The device containing a circuit breaker that is usedto separate the hardware from the power sourceand protect from voltage spikes is called a
surge protector
● Which menu should be selected to perform Cut andPaste in Word ?
Edit Menu
● In a spreadsheet, the point at which a column and arow intersect is called a
● An online backing storage system capable of storinglarger quantities of data is
Mass storage
● ROM stands for
Read Only Memory
● Trackball is an example of a
pointing device
●Starting the next part of the document on a new pageis called
Page Break
● ____ of the worksheet appear vertically and areidentified by letters at the top of the worksheetwindow.
●A computer can perform -
Inputting, Processing,Controlling and Outputting
● BIT stands for
Binary Digit
●The keys on the keyboard which may beprogrammed to do special tasks are referred to as
function keys
● What is the shortcut key for centering the textselected by the user in Word ?
● Excel is a
spreadsheet program
● Excel documents are stored as files called
●A computer programmer
does all thethinking for a computer
●Printer and Monitor are
Output Devices
● Software turns data into
● Which words in a WORD document can bedisplayed in colour ?
all words
● What stores information about the user’s webactivity?
● A name or number used to identify a storage locationis called
An address
● Which is the best position for operating the mouse?
Tail towards the user
● An
converts and executes one statement at atime. interpreter
●Which toolbar displays the buttons for alignment andfont size in Word ?
Formatting toolbar
●Which is the network strategy used extensively by theInternet?
client / server network system
coordinates all of the processor’sactivities. control unit
●RAM is an example of
volatile memory
●Which programming language does not need atranslator ?
Machine language
●To move to the bottom of a WORD document, whichkey (s) should be used
Ctrl and End
●A machine independent program is
High levellanguage
BASIC program. The given description stands for
●A web site is a collection of
web pages
●A computer’s RAM is
computer hardware
●Mouse, Printer, Monitor and Scanner etc. areexamples of
●Codes consisting of lines of varying widths or lengthsthat are computer-readable are known as
amagnetic tape
●A Web site’s main page is called its ____
●A program that uses a variety of different approachesto identify and eliminate spam is
●To access properties of an object, the mousetechnique to use is _____
●Computers use the ____ number system to store dataand perform calculations.
●_____ are attempts by individuals to obtainconfidential information from you by falsifyingtheir identity.
Phishing trips
●Why is it unethical to share copyrighted files withyour friends?
breaks copyright laws.
●What is used to select the entire document?
●____ is the container that houses electroniccomponents
System Unit
●The simultaneous processing of two or moreprograms by multiple processors is ____
●An _____ is a special visual and audio effect appliedin Powerpoint to text or content.
●Which programming language is for creating specialprograms like applets ?
● Personal computers can be connected together toform a
●Portable computer, also known as laptop computer,weighing between 4 and 10 pounds is called
notebook computer
●______ allows users to upload files to an online site sothey can be viewed and edited from anotherlocation.
Office Live
●What feature adjusts the top and bottom margins sothat the text is centred vertically on the printedpage?
Vertical centring
●What is the overall term for creating, editing,formatting, storing, retrieving, and printing a textdocument?
Word processing
●Fourth-generation mobile technology providesenhanced capabilities allowing the transfer of both_______ data, including full-motion video, high-speed Internet access, and videoconferencing.
voice and nonvoice
●A program, either talk or music, that is madeavailable in digital format for automatic downloadover the Internet is called a
●Which PowerPoint view displays each slide of thepresentation as a thumbnail and is useful forrearranging slides ?
Slide Sorter
●What is the name given to those applications thatcombine text, sound, graphics, motion video, and/or animation ?
●A USB communication device that supports dataencryption for secure wireless communication fornotebook users is called a
USB wirelessnetwork adapter
●If you wish to extend the length of the networkwithout having the signal degrade, you would usea
●A repair for a known software bug, usually availableat no charge on the internet, is called a
●URL stands for
Uniform Resource Locator
●When data changes in multiple lists and all lists arenot updated, this causes
data inconsistency
●A large network of networks is called
●Computers that are portable and convenient for userswho travel are known as
●What is the storage area for e-mail messages called?
A mailbox
●One advantage of dial-up Internet access is
itutilizes existing telephone service
●What is the process of copying software programsfrom secondary storage media to the hard diskcalled?
BASIC program. The given description stands for
●A web site is a collection of
web pages
●A computer’s RAM is
computer hardware
●Mouse, Printer, Monitor and Scanner etc. areexamples of
●Codes consisting of lines of varying widths or lengthsthat are computer-readable are known as
amagnetic tape
●A Web site’s main page is called its ____
●A program that uses a variety of different approachesto identify and eliminate spam is
●To access properties of an object, the mousetechnique to use is _____
●Computers use the ____ number system to store dataand perform calculations.
●_____ are attempts by individuals to obtainconfidential information from you by falsifyingtheir identity.
Phishing trips
●Why is it unethical to share copyrighted files withyour friends?
breaks copyright laws.
●What is used to select the entire document?
●____ is the container that houses electroniccomponents
System Unit
●The simultaneous processing of two or moreprograms by multiple processors is ____
●An _____ is a special visual and audio effect appliedin Powerpoint to text or content.
●Which programming language is for creating specialprograms like applets ?
● Personal computers can be connected together toform a
●Portable computer, also known as laptop computer,weighing between 4 and 10 pounds is called
notebook computer
●______ allows users to upload files to an online site sothey can be viewed and edited from anotherlocation.
Office Live
●What feature adjusts the top and bottom margins sothat the text is centred vertically on the printedpage?
Vertical centring
●What is the overall term for creating, editing,formatting, storing, retrieving, and printing a textdocument?
Word processing
●Fourth-generation mobile technology providesenhanced capabilities allowing the transfer of both_______ data, including full-motion video, high-speed Internet access, and videoconferencing.
voice and nonvoice
●A program, either talk or music, that is madeavailable in digital format for automatic downloadover the Internet is called a
●Which PowerPoint view displays each slide of thepresentation as a thumbnail and is useful forrearranging slides ?
Slide Sorter
●What is the name given to those applications thatcombine text, sound, graphics, motion video, and/or animation ?
●A USB communication device that supports dataencryption for secure wireless communication fornotebook users is called a
USB wirelessnetwork adapter
●If you wish to extend the length of the networkwithout having the signal degrade, you would usea
●A repair for a known software bug, usually availableat no charge on the internet, is called a
●URL stands for
Uniform Resource Locator
●When data changes in multiple lists and all lists arenot updated, this causes
data inconsistency
●A large network of networks is called
●Computers that are portable and convenient for userswho travel are known as
●What is the storage area for e-mail messages called?
A mailbox
●One advantage of dial-up Internet access is
itutilizes existing telephone service
●What is the process of copying software programsfrom secondary storage media to the hard diskcalled?
Which process checks to ensure the components of thecomputer are operating and connected properly?
●A means of capturing an image (drawing or photo) sothat it can be stored on a computer is
●An error in a computer program
●Access control based on a person’s fingerprints is anexample of
biometric identification
●The patterns of printed lines on most products arecalled
●The primary output device for computers is a ____
video monitor
●A directory within a directory is called
●Compatibility in regard to computers refers to
the software being able to run on the computer
●How is it possible that both programs and data canbe stored on the same floppy disk ?
Programsand data are both software, and both can bestored on any memory device
●Output which is made up of pictures, sounds, andvideo is called.
●A device that provides emergency power to yourcomputer, conditions the voltage, and protectsagainst powers surges is called a
UPS =Uninterruptible Power Supply
●Two different files can have the same name if ___
they are in different folders; they are on differentdrives
●What the user sees on the screen and how they caninteract with ___ it is called
User Interface
●The first computers were programmed using
machine language
●A low-level programming language is
● The binary system is a number system to the base
● Which contents are lost when the computer turnsoff?
●On a CD-RW you can
read, write and rewriteinformation
“●To be able to ““boot””, the computer must have an”
Operating System
●This is not a function category in Excel
Data Series
●In Excel, this is a prerecorded formula that providesa shortcut for complex calculations
●The computer’s memory that is characterised by lowcost per bit stored is
●What happens when we try to delete the files on thefloppy ?
The files get deleted and cannot berestored again
●In word, replace option is available on
●In word, you can change Page Margins by
Dragging the margin boundaries on the Ruler
●What type of keys are ‘ctrl’ and ‘shift’ ?
●A word gets selected by clicking it to select a word, inWord
●To reverse the effect of your last action in word,
Use the Undo command
●Your position in the text is shown by a
●The time for the actual data transfer after receivingthe request for data from secondary storage isreferred to as the disk’s
access time
● Using output devices one can
view or print data
● Why is the Caps Lock key referred to as a togglekey?
its function goes back and forth everytime it is pressed
● Using Print Preview is useful when you want to
View how the document will appear when printed
● Which can input graphical images and pictures for acomputer?
● When a chart is placed on this, it is much larger andthere is no other data on it
Chart sheet
● The process of trading goods over the Internet isknown as
● Information that comes from an external source andfed into computer software is called
●The main system board of a computer is called the
● This dialog box specifies or modifies the worksheetcell range containing data to be charted
Chart Source Data
● If you change Windows 98 to Windows XP, you areactually performing
●The operating system that is self-contained in adevice and resident in the ROM is
Embedded Operating System
● To make a copy of the current document to disk
“Use the ““save as”” command”
●_____ is the process of carrying out commands.
● In the formula, = B1/B2 + B3, the correct precedenceis
Division higher precedence than addition
● POST stands for
Power on Self Test
●In word, you can use Styles to
Format yourdocuments
● How many megabytes make a gigabyte ?
● An educational institution would generally have inits domain name
●What is used by the browser to connect to thelocation of the Internet resources ?
●Excel would evaluate the formula, = 20 10/48, andreturn the answer
●The fastest type of computer is
●Linux is a type of _____ software.
●In a web site, the ‘home’ page refers to
the firstpage
●Which key is used to delete one character to the leftof the current position of the cursor ?
●Which part of the computer helps to storeinformation ?
Disk drive
● To restart the computer the following combination ofkeys is used
Ctrl + Alt + Del
● ASCII stands for
American Standard Code forInformation Interchange
●In word, when you indent a paragraph, you
push the text in with respect to the margin
●Which keys enable the input of numbers quickly ?
the numeric keypad
● The ____ folder retains copies of messages that youhave started but are not yet ready to send.
● You can _____ a search by providing moreinformation the search engine can use to select asmaller, more useful set of results.
●The contents of _____ are lost when the computerturns off.
●The _____ enables you to simultaneously keepmultiple Web pages open in one browser window.
tab row
●A DVD is an example of an __
optical disc
●The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enterdata in Excel is called a ____
●_____ is the process of dividing the disk into tracksand sectors.
●Which ports connect special types of musicinstruments to sound cards?
●The process of transferring files from a computer onthe Internet to your computer is called
●Computer and communication technologies, such ascommunication links to the Internet that providehelp and understanding to the end user is knownas
●Forms that are used to organize business data intorows and columns are called
●In Power Point, the Header & Footer button can befound on the Insert tab in what group ?
●An ______ is a set of programs designed to managethe resources of a computer, including starting thecomputer, managing programs, managingmemory, and coordinating tasks between inputand output devices.
operating system (OS)
●A typical slide in a slide presentation would notinclude
full-motion video
●The PC productivity tool that manipulates dataorganized in rows and columns is called a
●______ a document means the file is transferred fromanother computer to your computer.
●Which computer memory is used for storingprograms and data currently being processed bythe CPU?
Internal memory
●Computers that control processes accept data in acontinuous
feedback loop
What refers to a set of characters of a particulardesign ?
●______ is used by public and private enterprises topublish and share financial information with eachother and industry analysts across all computerplatforms and the Internet.
Extensible BusinessReporting Language (XBRL)
●Which part of the computer is used for calculatingand comparing ?
●The method of Internet access that requires a phoneline, but offers faster access speeds than dial-up isthe ______ connection.
Digital Subscriber Line(DSL)
●______ software creates a mirror image of the entirehard disk, including the operating system,applications, files, and data.
Driver imaging
“●The address of a document or ““page”” on the WorldWide Web”
●What is the significance of a faded (dimmed)command in a pull-down menu ?
The commandis not currently accessible
● What is the most popular har-dware for multimediacreations?
● For sound recording, what is necessary ?
● The life-span of a CD-ROM is
approximately fiveyears
● The _____ settings are automatic and standard.
●What are the two parts of an E-mail address ?
User name and domain name
●Participants can see and hear each other in a
●Magnetic tape is not practical for applications wheredata must be quickly recalled because tape is
Asequential-access medium
●Why should you delete unknown e-mail attachments?
it might contain a virus that could hurt yourcomputer
●How is it possible that both programs and data canbe stored on the same floppy disk?
Programsand data are both software, and both can bestored on any memory device
●A computer and software system that controls amachine or appliance is an
Embedded System
●A CD-ROM disk ____
can be written to only once
●What is the main folder on a storage device called?
Root Directory
●Storage device found inside the computer ____.
Hard Disk
●If you are going to a site you use often, instead ofhaving to type in the address every time, youshould ____.
bookmark it
●The computer monitor is which type of device ?
●How many options does a binary choice offer ?
●The smallest unit of information a computer canunderstand and process is known as a
●RAM is ____ and ____
volatile, temporary
●A process of preparing a floppy diskette for use iscalled
●A prescribed set of well-defined instructions forsolving mathematical problems is called ___
●A program that enables you to perform calculationsinvolving rows and columns of numbers is called a____
spreadsheet program
●A record is related to a file, as a statement is relatedto a _____
●Housing all hardware, software, storage, andprocessing in one site location is called ____
centralized processing
●A secondary memory device is
●The result of a formula in a cell is the
●Hard disk, flash drive, DVD and CD are examples of
Storage Medium
●________ is the part of the comouter that does thearithmetical calculations.
●In a sequence of events that takes place in aninstruction cycle, the first cycle is
●Peripheral devices such as printers and plotters areconsidered to be
. hardware