●Which Indo-Greek king became a famous figure ofBuddhism after his close encounter withNagarjuna and established a new capital ofSagala, the modern city of Sialkot?—
●The Indo-Parthians (also known as Pahlavas) came tocontrol most of present-day Afghanistan andnorthern Pakistan, after fighting many localrulers such as the Kushan ruler ____, in theGandhara region.—
Kujula Kadphises
●The Tamil Sangams were legendary assemblies ofTamil scholars and poets that extended fromroughly 300 BC to ____, when the earliest extantworks of Tamil literature were created (alsoknown as Sangam literature.—
300 AD
●The ____, also known as the Andhras, was a dynastywhich ruled in Southern and Central Indiastarting from around 230 BC.—
●During his stay in India up to AD 411, ____ went on apilgrimage to Mathura, Kannauj, Kapilavastu,Kushinagar, Vaishali, Pataliputra, Kashi andRajagriha and made careful observations aboutthe Gupta Empire’s conditions.—
Fa Hsien
●The Chinese traveler ____ provides more knowledgeof the Gupta kingdom in Magadha. He came tonorth India in 672 CE and heard of Maharaja Sri-Gupta.—
●The White Huns, who seem to have been part of the____ group, established themselves in Afghanistanby the first half of the fifth century A.D, with theircapital at Bamiyan.—
●From the 7th to the 9th century, three dynastiescontested for control of northern India: thePratiharas of Malwa, the Palas of Bengal and the____ of Deccan.—
●With the decline of the Chalukya Empire, theirfeudatories, Hoysalas of Halebid, Kakatiya ofWarangal, ____ of Devagiri and the Kalachurisdivided the vast Chalukya Empire amongstthemselves around the middle of 12th century.—
Seuna Yadavas
“●____ (literally meaning ““horde”” or ““camp””) was bornduring the Delhi Sultanate period as a result of theinter-mingling of the local speakers of Sanskriticprakrits with the Persian, Turkic and Arabicspeaking immigrants under the Muslim rulers.—”
●In the Charter Act of ____, the British parliamentrevoked the Company’s trade license altogether,making the Company a part of Britishgovernance, although the administration ofBritish India remained the province of Companyofficers.—
●Inspired by a suggestion made by ____, a retiredBritish civil servant, seventy-three Indiandelegates met in Mumbai in 1885 and founded theIndian National Congress.—
A.O. Hume
●The influences of socio-religious groups such as ____(started by Swami Dayanand Saraswati) andBrahmo Samaj (founded by Raja Ram MohanRoy) were pioneering in reform of Indian society.—
Arya Samaj
●In 1784, the British Parliament had passed ____ Actwhich created a Board of Control for overseeingthe administration of East India Company.—
Pitt’s India
●In 1839, the Company’s effort to more activelysupport Shah Shuja as Amir in Afghanistan, ledto the First Afghan War (____) and resulted in amilitary disaster for it.—
●In 1773, the British Parliament granted regulatorycontrol over East India Company to the Britishgovernment and established the post of Governor-General of India, with ____ as the first incumbent.—
Warren Hastings
●The Cabinet Mission of 1946 consisted of LordPethick Lawrence, the Secretary of State forIndia, Sir Stafford Cripps, President of the Boardof Trade, and ____, the First Lord of theAdmiralty.—
A. V. Alexander
●____, an Indian officer of the British Indian Army who did not join the retreating British army inMalaya first conceived the idea of the IndianNational Army and asked for Japanese help.—
Mohan Singh
●Subhash Chandra Bose and ____ in a strongstatement said in 1933 that ‘Mr. Gandhi as apolitical leader has failed’ and called for ‘a radicalreorganization of the Congress on a new principle.—
Vithalbhai Patel
●The First Round Table Conferences was held inNovember 1930, attended by ____ delegates fromdifferent religious, political groups and princelystates, with the Indian National Congress, thenengaged in civil disobedience, being notrepresented.—
●In ____, Rani Gaidilieu, a 13-year girl raised a flagagainst the British and was put into prison for lifein 1932.—
●Lala Lajpat Rai died, as the result of a brutal lathi-charge when he was leading an anti-SimonCommission demonstration at Lahore on 30October ____.—
●Qutb-ud-din Aibak, a slave of _____, who became theruler of Delhi after the death of his master,founded the Slave Dynasty which ruled the Indiansubcontinent for eighty-four years.—
●Lord Ripon was appointed the Viceroy of India in____. During his rule the Vernacular Press Act of1882 was repealed.—
●It was during the viceroyalty of Lord Reading thatthe Duke of _____came to India to inaugurate theMontague-Chelmsford reforms.—
●Ghyasuddin Tughlaq, who was the Governor ofPunjab during the reign of Ala-ud-din Khilji,ascended the throne in _____ A.D. and foundedthe Tughlaq dynasty.—
●It was during the reign of the last king of the Tughlaqdynasty that the mighty king Timur or Tamerlaneinvaded India in ____ A.D.—
●The ruler of the Afghanistan conferred the title ofRaja upon Ranjeet Singh and appointed him theSubedar of—
●During Warren Hastings period, the Treasury wastransferred by the East India Company toCalcutta from ___ and Calcutta was made thecapital.—
●In the fourth separate Buddhist council held in SriLanka in the first century B.C., the ____ PaliCanon was for the first time committed to writing,on palm leaves.—
“●The Asokan Edicts were remarkable for accuratelylocate their territory ““600 yojanas away”” (ayojanas being about 7 miles), corresponding to thedistance between the center of India and ___.—”
●Brihadrata, the last Mauryan ruler, was assassinatedin 185 BC during a military parade, by thecommander-in-chief of his guard, the Brahmingeneral Pusyamitra, who then took over thethrone and established the ____ dynasty.—
●Scythian tribes, renamed Indo-Scythians, broughtabout the demise of the Indo-Greeks from around____ B.C. and retained lands in the Trans-Indus,the region of Mathura, and Gujarat.—
●The Sassanid Empire of Persia, who werecontemporaries of the ____, expanded into theregion of present-day Pakistan, where themingling of Indian and Persian cultures gave birthto the Indo-Sassanid culture.—
●On 16th August 1946, mob violence and riotingerupted in Calcutta and many people died and onOctober 14, 1946, to reduce the increasingcommunal tension ____, invited Muslim League toparticipate in the interim Government led byCongress.—
Lord Wavell
●On the 21st of February ____, mutiny broke out onboard the Royal Indian Navy which highlightedthe amount of discontent amongst the Indiantroops who were serving British Raj.—
“●The Quit India resolution was passed in ____,Bombay session of Congress in which Gandhistressed, ““We shall either free India or die in theattempt. We shall not live to see the perpetuationof our slavery””. This is famously known as ““Do orDie””.—”
●____ took the revenge for the Jallianwala massacreby killing Sir Michael O’Dwyer on 13th March1940. He was captured and executed On July 31,1940.—
Udham Singh
●Sardar Patel, Rajendra Prasad, J.B. Kriplani,Jawaharlal Nehru and Gandhi supported ____
asa candidate for the post of Congress presidentagainst Subhash
Chandra Bose in 1939.—
Pattabhi Sitaramayya
●In 1938 Subhash Chandra Bose was elected as thePresident of Indian Congress and made thehistoric speech in ____ convention.—
●In 1935, the Government of India Act was passed inthe British Parliament which created an All-Indian Federation based on ____ autonomy.—
●The third round table conference began on November17, _____, which was short and unimportant, andthe Congress and the Labor opposition in theBritish Parliament were both absent.—
●Fathullah Shirazi , a Persian-Indian polymath andmechanical engineer who worked for Akbar theGreat in the Mughal Empire, invented the ___, theearliest multi-shot gun.—
●The writings of ___ helped in scattering theknowledge of India to Europe before the invasionby Alexander. He highlights the features of theIndo-Persian relations.—
“●The ruins of Harrappa were first described in 1842by ___ in his Narrative of Various Journeys inBalochistan, Afghanistan and the Punjab, wherelocals talked of an ancient city extending ““thirteencosses””.—”
Charles Masson
●The Sultanate under ____ established cordialdiplomatic contact with the Abbasid Caliphateduring1228-1229 and had managed to keep Indiaunaffected by the invasions of Genghis Khan andhis successors.—
●The Khalji dynasty came into being when Jalal uddin Firoz Khilji overthrew the last of the Slavedynasty rulers, ____, the grandson of Balban, andassumed the throne at Delhi.—
●____ was a scholar versed in logic, philosophy,mathematics, astronomy and physical scienceswho had knowledge of medicine and was skillfulin dialectics and was also a calligrapher.—
Muhammad Tughluq
●Sher Shah Suri (1486 - May 22, 1545), also known asSher Khan (The Lion King), was a powerfulAfghan (Pashtun) conqueror in medieval Delhi,India who first served in the army of Mughalleader ____ until becoming the governor of Bihar.—
●The chief events of Shahjahan’s reign were thedestruction of the kingdom of ____ (1636), the lossof Kandahar to the Persians (1653), and a secondwar against the Deccan princes (1655).—
●The period of Shahjahan’s reign was the golden ageof Mughal architecture as he erected manysplendid monuments, the most famous of which isthe Taj Mahal at Agra built as a tomb for his wifeMumtaz Mahal (birth name ____).—
ArjumandBanu Begum
●A free and sovereign India absorbed three otherterritories after independence: Goa (fromPortuguese control in 1961), Pondicherry (theFrench ceded in 1953-1954) and ____ wasabsorbed in 1975.—
“●Sardar Patel took on the responsibility of unifying565 princely states, steering efforts by his ““ironfist in a velvet glove”” policies, exemplified by theuse of military force to integrate Junagadh,Jammu and Kashmir, and Hyderabad state(Operation ____) into India.—”
●After the Congress and the Muslim League agreedthat India would become free on August 15, 1947,the country was partitioned under the guidance ofthe ____ Mission.—
●Accompanied by _____, Netaji Subhash ChandraBose arrived at Singapore from Tokyo on 27 June,1943, where he was given a tumultuous welcomeby the resident Indians and was profusely’garlanded’ wherever he went.—
Rashbehari Bose
●On September 1, 1939, German troops invaded ____as a result of which Britain and France declaredwar against Germany on September 3, 1939.Beginning of World War II hastened the end ofBritish rule in India.—
●On 27th February 1931 Chandra Shekhar Azad wasbetrayed by an informer and was encircled by ahuge posse of British troops in the Alfred Park,____; he was asked to surrender but he refused.—
●On 17 December 1928, Bhagat Singh, Azad andRajguru assassinated, at Lahore, ____, a policeofficial involved in deadly lathi-charge on LalaLajpat Rai.—
●The major young revolutionaries of northern Indiamet at ____ in Delhi in September 1928, adopted socialism as their officialgoal and changed the name of the party to theHindustan Socialist Republican Association.—
Ferozeshah Kotla Ground
●The revolutionaries of northern India, in October1924, founded the Hindustan RepublicanAssociation (HRA) in ____ to organize armedrevolution to overthrow colonial rule and establishin its place a Federal Republic of the United Statesof India.—
●One of the most important descriptions of the city ofVijayanagara in the fifteenth century comes fromAbdur Razzaq Samarqandi, a diplomat who camevisiting from ____.—
●Al-Biruni’s Kitab-ul-Hind, written in ____, is avoluminous text, divided into 80 chapters onsubjects such as religion and philosophy, festivals,astronomy, alchemy, manners and customs, sociallife, weights and measures, iconography, laws andmetrology.—
●Ibn Battuta’s book of travels, called ____, written inArabic, provides extremely rich and interestingdetails about the social and cultural life in thesubcontinent in the fourteenth century.—
●François Bernier, a Frenchman was in India fortwelve years, from 1656 to 1668, and was closelyassociated with the Mughal court, as a physicianto Prince Dara Shukoh, the eldest son of EmperorShah Jahan, and later as an intellectual andscientist, with ____, an Armenian noble at theMughal court.—
Danishmand Khan
●Aurangzeb, having ruled most of the Indiansubcontinent for nearly half a century, was thesecond longest reigning Mughal emperor after____ and during his reign he successfully broughta larger area, notably in southern India, underMughal rule than ever before.—
●Which Mughal emperor espoused a moreconservative interpretation of Islam and abehavior based on the Sharia (Islamic law), whichhe set about codifying through edicts and policies?—
●After the death of Shahu, the Peshwas became the defacto leaders of the Empire from 1749 to 1761,while Shivaji’s successors continued as nominalrulers from their base in ____.—
●After the death of Madhavrao, the Maratha empiregave way to a ‘pentarchy’ of five mostly Marathadynasties: the Peshwas of Pune; the Sindhias ofMalwa and Gwalior; the Holkars of ____; theBhosle of Nagpur; and the Gaikwad of Baroda.—
●The Portuguese were the first Europeans to arrive inIndia in ____ as the closing of traditional traderoutes in western Asia by the Ottomans andrivalry with the Italian states set Portugal insearch of an alternate sea route to India.—
●Alauddin Khilji’s historic attack on Chittor in 1303AD, after hearing of the beauty of queen ofChittor, Rani Padmini, the wife of King RawalRatan Singh and the subsequent story has beenimmortalized in the epic poem ____, by MalikMuhammad Jayasi.—
●To strengthen the sultanate’s hold on its southernparts, Muhammad bin Tughluq early in his reignmoved the capital from Delhi to Devagiri,(1500km) south in the Deccan, renaming Devagiri as____.—
●Muhammad bin Tughluq introduced token currencyfor the first time in India, modeled after the ____example, using brass or copper coins, backed bysilver and gold kept in the treasury.—
●Which Delhi sultanate ruler set up hospitals for thefree treatment of the poor, provided money for themarriage of girls belonging to poor families anddug 5 major canals for irrigation bringing moreland under cultivation for growing grain andfruit?—
Firoz Shah Tughluq
●The Sayyid dynasty ruled the Delhi Sultanate from1414 to 1451, succeeding the Tughlaq dynasty; itwas established by Khizr Khan, who wasdeputized by Timur to be the governor of ____(Punjab).—
●Sikandar Lodi (1489-1517) (born Nizam Khan), thesecond son of Bahlul, succeeded him after hisdeath on July 17, 1489 and took up the titleSikandar Shah; he was a kind ruler and foundedthe present-day city of ____ in 1504.—
President of the Indian National Congress.—
●1925 saw the first woman becoming the president ofIndian National Congress when Sarojini Naiduwas elected President for the _____ session.—
●Deshbandhu Chit Ranjan Das, along with MotilalNehru, founded the Swaraj Party in ____ formaintaining of continued participation inlegislative councils.—
●Under the leadership of the Ali Brothers, MaulanaMuhammad Ali and Maulana Shaukat Ali, theMuslims of South Asia launched the historic ____Movement.—
●On ____, 1948, Mahatma Gandhi was shot whilehaving his nightly public walk on the grounds ofthe Birla Bhavan (Birla House) in New Delhi.—
●Gandhi is commonly known around the world asMahatma Gandhi, an honorific first applied tohim by ____), and in India also as Bapu.—
Rabindranath Tagore
●The province of Burma in the eastern region of theIndian Empire became a separate colony in ____,and gained independence in 1948.—
●Dadabhai Naoroji formed East India Association in1867, and Surendranath Banerjee founded IndianNational Association in ____.—
●The British recognised some of Muslim League’spetitions by increasing the number of electiveoffices reserved for Muslims in the Government ofIndia Act ____.—
●Flourishing around the Indus River basin, the IndusValley Civilization primarily centered along theIndus and the Punjab region, extending into theGhaggar-Hakra River valley and the ____ Doab.—
●The Indus Valley is one of the world’s earliest urbancivilizations, along with its contemporaries,Mesopotamia and ____.—
Ancient Egypt
●The officer responsible for the safe custody of landrecords during the Gupta period was known bywhich name?—
●Which is the biography of Indian Emperor Harshaby Banabhatta, also known as Bana, who was aSanskrit writer of 7th century in India?—
●Which is the earliest metrical work of theDharmasastra textual tradition of Hinduism?—
●Rajendra Chola I was the son of Rajaraja Chola I,the great Chola king of present day southernIndia. He defeated Mahipal, the Pala king ofBengal and Bihar, and to commemorate hisvictory he built a new capital called _____.—
Gangaikonda Cholapuram
●In Vedic religion, who is a god of the sky, of watersand of the celestial ocean, as well as a god of lawand of the underworld?—
●Which is the Doctrine of Postulation of Jainism whichprovides the body of teachings or instructionwhich one uses to derive a postulate or axiom?—
●What is name for Mahavir, the last Jain Tirthankarain Buddhist literature?—
Nigantha Nataputta
●Brahmarshi Vishvamitra is one of the most veneratedrishis or sages of ancient times in India. He is alsocredited as the author of most of Mandala III ofthe Rig-Veda, including the ______.—
●Who was the Indian philosopher who founded theMadhyamik school of Mahayana Buddhism?—
Acharya Nagarjuna
“●The Mundaka Upanishad is one of the earlier,”“primary”” (Mukhya) Upanishads, a genre ofHindu scriptures commented upon by _____.—”
●The main objective of the Satya Shodhak Samaj wasto liberate the Bahujanas, Shudras and ____ andto prevent them from ‘exploitations’ and’atrocities’ created by the Brahmins.—
●The Treaty of ____ was a pact signed on December31, 1802 between the British East India Companyand Baji Rao II, the Maratha Peshwa of
●Pather Dabi, unlike other novels of ___, whichconcern about the suppressed women of thecontemporary society, put forward the entiresociety encompassing both men and women as thepoor victims of the monstrous society.—
●Behramji Merwanji Malabari was an Indian poet,publicist, author, and social reformer best knownfor his ardent advocacy for the protection of therights of ___.—
●Babu Veer Kunwar Singh was one of the leaders ofthe Indian rising of 1857 belonged to a royalRajput house of ____, currently a part of Bhojpurdistrict, Bihar state, India.—
●After conducting various raids against Afghan tribes,who was promoted to major in 1839, andappointed political agent in Lower Sind, and laterin Upper Sind (as part of the Bombay Presidency?—
James Outram
●Who chaired the Royal Commission on Labour inIndia, which reported in 1931?—
John HenryWhitley
●The East India Company created trading posts inSurat (where a factory was built in 1612), Madras(1639), Bombay (1668) and ___ (1690).—
●Mahavira organized his followers into a fourfoldorder; monk (Sadhu), nun (Sadhvi), layman(Shravak), and laywoman (Shravika). This orderis known as ___ Jain Sangh.—
●The Third Anglo-Mysore War (____) was a war inSouth India between the Kingdom of Mysore andthe English East India Company.—
●Who was a British historian, Liberal Party politicianand thinker who made a significant contributionto the development of liberal political philosophyin the 1920s and 1930s through his work ondomestic industrial policy?—
Ramsay Bryce Muir
●The ____ is a work composed by the 12th-centurypoet, Jayadeva which describes the relationshipbetween Krishna and the gopis (female cowherders) of Vrindavana, and in particular onegopi named Radha.—
Gita Govinda
●____ (1385-1469) was a Venetian merchant andexplorer, born in Chioggia, who traveled to Indiaand Southeast Asia, and possibly to SouthernChina, during the early 15th century.—
Niccolode’ Conti
●Babur defeated a formidable army raised by RanaSanga of Mewar in a ten hour battle and firmlyestablished his rule over northern India. Babur’sgrandson Akbar the Great established the city andfort of _____.—
Fatehpur Sikri
●Sri Vallabhacharya (1479 - 1531) was a devotionalphilosopher, who founded the Pushti sect in India,following the philosophy of ____.—
●Shams-ud-din Iltutmish was the third MuslimTurkish sultan of the Sultanate of Delhi and thethird ruler of the Mamluk dynasty. He was a slaveof ____.—
●When Muhammad Tughlaq was losing his power inDeccan, the two Hindu princes, ____ and Bukkafounded the independent kingdom of Vijaynagarin the region between the river Krishna andTungabhadra in 1336.—
●On _______, Goa was liberated from the Portugueserule and made a composite union territory withDaman and Diu.—
19 December 1961
●The White Huns, who seem to have been part of theHephthalite group, established themselves inAfghanistan by the first half of the fifth century,with their capital at ______.—
“●Who said: ““India is, the cradle of the human race, thebirthplace of human speech, the mother of history,the grandmother of legend, and the greatgrandmother of tradition. Our most valuable andmost instructive materials in the history of manare treasured up in India only?”“—”
Mark Twain
●The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana,and he explained the concept of what is known asthe Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this inthe _____ century long before the Europeanmathematicians.—
●The State of Kashmir was governed by which rulerstill 1947 when Maharaja Hari Singh signed theInstrument of Accession in favour of the IndianUnion on 26 October 1947?—
●The world renowned Gomateshwara monolith atSaravanabelogala was installed in the medievalperiod of Indian history by a Ganga minister.Who was he?—
●Much of the northwestern Indian Subcontinent(present day Eastern Afghanistan and Pakistan)came under the rule of the Persian AchaemenidEmpire in which year during the reign of Dariusthe Great, and remained so for two centuriesthereafter?—
520 B.C
●In 1757, at the Battle of Plassey, Robert Clive, anemployee of the British East India Company, defeated the Nawab of Bengal, andestablished their political sovereignty in India.Who was the Nawab of Bengal?—
●Which Englishman looked after the affairs of thecompany till 1798 when he was recalled due tofailure in tackling with the mutiny of armyofficials of Bengal in 1785?—
John Shore
●Who was the king of Kashmir in the medieval periodof Indian history who extended his rule up toBengal in the east, Konkan in the south, Turkistanin the northwest and Tibet in the northeast andalso constructed beautiful buildings?—
●In November 1913, the Ghadar Party was founded at____ city of America by the great revolutionary ofPunjab named Lala Hardayal.—
San Francisco
“●The Indian state, meaning ““Abode of Clouds””, whichwas created as an autonomous State within theState of Assam on 2 April 1970 and came in toexistence as a full-fledged state in 1972 is_________—”
●Under the State’s Re-organisation Act 1956,Travancore-Cochin state and Malabar wereunited to form _____state on 1 November 1956.—
●The most important historical source of thegeography of post-Vedic India is the 2nd centuryGreek historian ___ whose report is based on theMauryan time ambassador to Patna,Megasthenes.—
●After the ____, all the states in the Rajputana regionentered into subsidiary alliance with the EastIndia Company and became princely states underthe British Raj.—
Third Anglo-Maratha War
●After Aurangzeb’s death in 1707, Shahuji, son of____ was released by Azam Shah, the next Mughalemperor, under conditions that rendered him avassal of the Mughal emperor but his mother wasstill held captive to ensure good behaviour fromShahuji.—
●Bindusara was the second Mauryan emperor (c. 320BC - 272 BC, ruled. 298 BC - c. 272 BC) afterChandragupta Maurya, during whose reign, theempire expanded southwards. The Greeks calledhim ____.—
●Nalanda was an ancient centre of higher learning inBihar, which was a Buddhist centre of learningfrom the fifth or sixth century A.D. to 1197 CE. Nalanda flourished between the reign of ____.—
●Rajaraja Chola I created a powerful standing armyand a considerable navy, which achieved evengreater success under his son Rajendra Chola I.One of the last conquests of Rajaraja was thenaval conquest of the ‘old islands of the seanumbering 12,000’, the ____.—
●In Jainism, Rishabh was the first of the 24Tirthankaras who founded the Ikshavaku dynastyand was the first Tirthankara of the present age.Because of this, he was called ____.—
●Who established Vedanta College, English School andHindu College at Calcutta during the modernperiod of Indian history?—
Raja Ram MohanRoy
●On 7 September, 1875 in ____, U.S.A. Madame H.P.Blatavesky (Russian) and Col. H. S. Alcott(American) founded the Theosophical Society.—
New York
●In ____ Narayan Malhar Joshi organised the SocialService League, a society to solve the socialproblems.—
●The first Conference of the Indian National Congresswas held at ____ College, Bombay under thechairmanship of W. C. Banerjee.—
GokuldasTejpal Sanskrit
●In the Charter Act of ____, the British parliamentrevoked the Company’s trade license altogether,making the Company a part of Britishgovernance, although the administration ofBritish India remained the province of Companyofficers.—
“●The Dutch East India Company was created in 1602as ““United East India Company”” and its firstpermanent trading post was in Indonesia. Whenthe established a factory in Pulicat, in 1610, itbecame their main center of activities. It was laterknown as ____.—”
Fort Geldria
●The territory of Porus who offered strong resistanceto Alexander was situated between the rivers ofJhelum and ____.—
●On July 31, 1937, Gandhi published an article in theHarijan. Based upon this article, an all IndiaNational Education Conference was held onOctober 22 and 23, 1937, which was called the____
Educational Conference.— Wardha
●What was the name of mouthpiece of RadicalDemocratic Party which was founded by M Nroy?—
●Who gave the famous slogan Inquilab Zindabadwhich was popularized by such revolutionaries asBhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru of HindustanSocialist Republic Association?—
●Bombay Primary Education Act was the first act inIndia via which the state accepted the principle ofcompulsory primary education in a province. TheBill was introduced in the Legislative assembly ofBombay by ____.—
Vitthal Bhai Patel
●Who had introduced a bill in the Imperial legislativeAssembly in 1911 to implement the principle ofcompulsory primary education for children of 6-10 years age?—
Gopal Krishna Gokhale
●Who set up the Atmiya Sabha (circa. 1815-19) withan objective of propagation of the monotheisticdoctrine of the ancient Hindu scriptures?—
RajaRammohun Roy
“●In 1866, Keshub Chandra Sen is known to have madea very controversial lecture titled ““Jesus Christ:Europe and Asia”” in the Medical College Hall ofKolkata, that led to a concept called ____.—”
”"”Oriental Jesus”””
●The beginning of extremism has its roots in 1905, butthe rift started only after 1905 partition of Bengal.However, the first authoritative exposition of theExtremist Ideology was written by ____.—
Aurobindo Ghose
●The first disciples of Buddha after becomingenlightened were two merchants named Tapussaand ____.—
●Mahatma Gandhi had selected Vinoba Bhave inOctober 1940 as first Satyagrahi. Who was thesecond individual Satyagrahi who was arrested onOctober 31, 1940 and then released in 1941?—
Jawahar Lal Nehru
●Kalidas is generally associated with ____ who wasone of the most powerful emperors of the GuptaEmpire in northern India.—
Chandragupta II
●Kanishka worked for preaching of Buddhism whospread Buddhism to China, Japan, Central Asiaand Tibet; and convened the 4th Buddhist Councilat Kundalvana in ____.—
●Khalsa is the collective body of Singhs and Kaursrepresented by the five beloved-ones and is thefinal temporal Guru/leader of the Sikhs. It wasinaugurated on March 30, 1699, by whom?—
Guru Gobind Singh
●Mahabalipuram, derived from ‘Mamallapuram’ isthe prior and colloquial name of a town in whichdistrict in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, nowofficially called Mamallapuram?—
●The Treaty of Purandhar was signed on June 11,1665, between the Rajput ruler ____, who wascommander of the Mughal Empire, and MarathaChhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.—
Jai Singh I
●Todar Mal was the Finance Minister in Akbar’sDarbar of the Mughal Empire. He was made incharge of Agra and settled in ____.—
●Which is the oldest temple of Kanchipuram, built bythe Pallavas in the early 8th century CE?—
Kailasanatha temple
●Who was an Emperor of the Vijayanagar Empirewho reigned from 1509-1529 A.D.?—
KrishnaDeva Raya
●The Asiatic Society was founded by Sir William Joneson January 15, 1784 in a meeting presided over bySir Robert Chambers, the Chief Justice of theSupreme Court at the Fort William in ___.—
●Pawapuri is a holy site for Jains located in theNalanda district in Bihar. Around 500 BC, LordMahavira, the last of the ___ Tirthankarasachieved Moksha or Nirvana.—
●What was the name of an armed force formed byIndian nationalists in 1942 in Southeast Asiaduring World War II?—
Indian National Army(Azad Hind Fauj)
●The four major Vedic Shulba Sutras, which aremathematically the most significant, are thosecomposed by Baudhayana, Manava, Apastambaand ___.—
“●Which Indian philosopher, also known as PurnaPrajna and Ananda Tirtha, was the chiefproponent of Tattvavada ““Philosophy of Reality”“,popularly known as the Dvaita (dualism) school ofHindu philosophy?—”
Who was appointed by Mahatma Gandhi to replacehim as leader of the Salt Satyagraha in May 1930after his arrest?—
Abbas Tyabji
●Who was a Perso-Turkic Princess, the daughter ofEmperor Zâhir ud-Dîn Mohammad Babur ofIndia, most known as the author of HumayunNama?—
Gulbadan Begum
●The two most famous individual painted images atAjanta are the two over-life size figures of theprotective bodhisattvas Padmapani and ____ oneither side of the entrance to the Buddha shrine.—
●Tansen was among the Navaratnas (nine jewels) atthe court of the Mughal Emperor Akbar. LikeTansen, the musician at the court of MughalEmperor Akbar, Bawra was a disciple of:—
Swami Haridas
●What is the name of that movement/rebellion of 1946in which the sharecroppers of Bengal began toassert that they would no longer pay a half shareof their crops to Jotedars but only 1/3rd and thatbefore division?—
Tebhaga Movement
●Tilak started Home Rule league in April 1916. In thiscontext, who launched her Home Rule league inSeptember 1916?—
Annie Besant
●The Ilbert Bill (1883) of ____ sought to empower theIndian district Magistrates and sessions judges totry Europeans in criminal cases.—
Lord Ripon
●Some Buddhist rock-cut caves are called Chaityas,while the others are called Viharas. What is thedifference between the two?—
Chaitya is a placeof worship, while Vihara is the dwelling place ofthe monks
●According which religion, the surest way ofannihilating Karma is to practice penance andevery object, even the smallest particle has a soul?—
●The Barabar rock-cut caves were originally made forAjivika sect by Emperor ____.—
●The Third battle of Panipat was fought on 14January 1761, between the Afghan commanderAhmed Shah Abdali and the Maratha general_____, cousin of the Maratha Peshwa Balaji BajiRao.—
Sadashiva Rao Bhau
●The Indian Independence Act 1947 that partitionedBritish India into the two new independentdominions of India and Pakistan received theroyal assent on ____.—
18 July 1947
●In a decisive battle fought on the banks of which riverdid Pulakesin II defeat Harshavardhana between631 and 634 AD?—
●Which Delhi Sultan broke up the ‘Chahalgani’, agroup of the forty most important nobles in thecourt and tried to establish peace and order inIndia?—
●Which Mughal Prince completed the translation of 50Upanishads from its original Sanskrit into Persianin 1657 so it could be read by Muslim scholars?—
Dara Shikoh
●Which venerated Rishi (saint) is credited as theauthor of most of Mandala 3 of the Rig Veda,including the Gayatri Mantra?—
●Which is the highest seat of temporal authority of theKhalsa and an important symbol of Sikhism? —
Akal Takht
●Who was an important military commander, generalof the Mughal army, a powerful statesman andregent at the court of the Mughal emperorsHumayun and Akbar?—
Bairam Khan
●Who was initially the Prime Minister of SultanNasiruddin Mahmud from 1246 to 1266 andmarried his daughter?—
●Adi Shankaracharya was an Indian philosopher fromKaladi in present day Eranakulam district, Keralawho consolidated the doctrine of:—
●Which place in Bihar is associated with Valmiki,Ashtavakra, Yagnavalkya, Udayana, Mahavira,Kanada, Jaimini and Kapila as well as the womenphilosophers, such as, Gargi, Maitreyi, Bharatiand Katyayani?—
●Who professed a different ethics from that of Gandhiand followed a trend of extremism and violence,which earned him the appellation of the ‘father ofIndian unrest’?—
●In 1893 in the All Religion Conference at ____,Swami Vivekananda impressed everyone, andstarted a Vedanta Samaj there.—