●Acceleration due to gravity is a vector quantity and isalways directed towards the ____ of the Earth orany heavenly body; it does not depend on the massm of the object.
●When substances react, they do so by followingcertain laws; these laws are called the laws ofchemical combination and formed the basis of____ atomic theory of matter.
●In 1916, the American chemist ____ proposed thatchemical bonds are formed between atomsbecause electrons from the atoms interact witheach other.
Gilbert Newton Lewis
●Chronic ____, a type of chronic obstructivepulmonary disease, is characterized by thepresence of a productive cough that lasts for threemonths or more per year for at least two years.
●____ is the formation of excess fibrous connectivetissue in an organ or tissue in a reparative orreactive process; this is as opposed to formation offibrous tissue as a normal constituent of an organor tissue.
●Pulmonary ____ is fluid accumulation in the lungswhich is due to either failure of the heart toremove fluid from the lung circulation or a directinjury to the lung parenchyma.
●The electron is a subatomic particle carrying anegative electric charge, it has no knowncomponents or substructure, therefore, theelectron is generally thought to be an ____particle.
●By 1914, experiments by physicists ErnestRutherford, Henry Moseley, James Franck andGustav Hertz had largely established the structureof an atom as a dense nucleus of positive chargesurrounded by ____ electrons.
●In physics and thermodynamics, heat is energytransferred from one place in a body or thermodynamic system to another place, orbeyond the boundary of one system to another onedue to thermal contact even when the systems areat different ____.
●____ are water-soluble vacuolar pigments that mayappear red, purple, or blue according to pH.
●In common usage, an antibiotic is a substance orcompound that kills, or inhibits the growth of____.
●____, black quarter, quarter evil, quarter ill is aninfectious bacterial disease of sheep and cattle,caused by Clostridium chauvoei bacteria.
●A ____ is a secreted or excreted chemical factor thattriggers a social response in members of the samespecies.
●The Gattermann reaction, named for the Germanchemist Ludwig Gattermann, in organicchemistry refers to a reaction of hydrocyanic acidwith an ____ compound.
●Flint glass is optical glass that has relatively highrefractive index and low ___.
Abbe number
●Cell wall is found in plants, bacteria, fungi, algae, andsome archaea. Animals and ____ do not have cellwalls.
●The cells develop in the bone marrow and circulatefor about 100-120 days in the body before theircomponents are recycled by ____.
●The reactivity series is sometimes quoted in the strictreverse order of standard electrode potentials,when it is also known as the ____.
electrochemical series
●Rocks brought back from the moon during the Apollo17 mission are composed of 12.1% ____.
●Wrought iron is an iron alloy with a very low carboncontent, in comparison to steel, and has fibrousinclusions, known as ____.
●Sodium carbonate (also known as washing soda, sodacrystals or soda ash) is a sodium salt of carbonicacid. It is domestically well known for its everydayuse as a ____.
water softener
●A halogen element is a reddish-brown volatile liquidat standard room temperature that is intermediatein reactivity between chlorine and iodine. What isit?
“●What is known as ““red brass”” in USA?”
Gun metal
●Ultraviolet (UV) light is electromagnetic radiationwith a wavelength shorter than that of visiblelight, but longer than x-rays, in the range ____.
10 nm to 400 nm
●The visible violet light has a wavelength of about 400nm. The visible indigo light has a wavelength ofabout ____.
445 nm
●Alpha decay reduces the atomic weight, or massnumber, of a nucleus, while beta and ____ decayleave the mass number unchanged. Thus, the neteffect of alpha radioactivity is to produce nucleilighter than those of the original radioactivesubstance.
●In infrared photography, the film or image sensorused is sensitive to infrared light. The part of thespectrum used is referred to as near-infrared todistinguish it from far-infrared, which is thedomain of ____.
thermal imaging
●The blue color of the sky is due to which physicalphenomenon?
Rayleigh scattering
●If a lorry is travelling round a circular bend withuniform speed on a horizontal road, the resultantforce acting on it must be directed to the centre.i.e. it must be the ____.
centripetal force
●Blood anti-coagulation is achieved mostly by heparinsulfate proteoglycans derived from ___ cells.
“●Phycocyanin is from the Greek phyco meaning”“algae”” and cyanin is from the English word”“cyan””, which is derived from the Greek ““kyanos”“and means.”
●The fats are hydrolyzed by the base, yielding alkalisalts of fatty acids (crude soap) and ____.
●For an aqueous solution to have a higher pH, a basemust be dissolved in it, which binds away many ofthese rare ____.
hydrogen ions
●As an ____, potassium permanganate can act as adisinfectant.
●____ is the most cost-effective alloying material foriron, but various other alloying elements are usedsuch as manganese, chromium, vanadium, andtungsten.
●The ____ is commonly used in acoustics to quantifysound levels relative to some 0 dB reference.
●A reaction is feasible only if the total change in the___ free energy is negative, if it is equal to zero thechemical reaction is said to be at equilibrium.
“●Classical mechanics is a model of the physics of forcesacting upon bodies. It is often referred to as”“_____ mechanics””.”
●The periodic table of the chemical elements is atabular method of displaying the chemicalelements. Although precursors to this table exist,its invention is generally credited to whichRussian chemist in 1869?
Dmitri Mendeleev
●What is a vertical column in the periodic table of theelements which is considered the most importantmethod of classifying the elements?
●The evolutionary history of the species whichdescribes the characteristics of the various speciesfrom which it descended together with itsgenealogical relationship to every other species iscalled its ______.
●What studies the effects of changes in temperature,pressure, and volume on physical systems at themacroscopic scale, and the transfer of energy asheat?
●A hormone is a chemical messenger that carries asignal from one cell (or group of cells) to anothervia the blood. It is derived from a Greek word’opur’ which means ______.
●An infectious disease is a disease resulting from thepresence of pathogenic microbial agents, includingpathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa,multi-cellular parasites, and aberrant proteinsknown as ___.
●Anton van Leeuwenhoek advanced the science ofmicroscopy by being the first to observemicroorganisms, allowing for easy visualization of___.
●Protists are mostly single-celled organisms that havea nucleus. They usually live in water. Examples ofprotists include some algae, paramecium, and ___.
●The gravitational constant is an empirical physicalconstant involved in the calculation of thegravitational attraction between ___. It appearsEinstein’s theory of general relativity.
objectswith mass
●The most abundant cells in blood are red blood cellswhich contain hemoglobin, an iron-containing_____, which facilitates transportation of oxygenby reversibly binding to this respiratory gas andgreatly increasing its solubility in blood.
●The salivary glands in mammals are exocrine glands,glands with ducts that produce saliva. They alsosecrete ___, an enzyme that breaks down starchinto glucose.
●Human erythrocytes are produced through a processnamed erythropoiesis, developing from committedstem cells to mature erythrocytes in about ____.
7 days
●Positively charged cations (e.g. sodium cation Na+)and negatively charged anions (e.g. chloride Cl?)can form a crystalline lattice of neutral _____.
●The cholesterol contained in _____ occasionallyaccrete into lumps in the gallbladder, forminggallstones.
●The most convenient presentation of the chemicalelements is in the periodic table of the chemicalelements, which groups elements by _____.
Atomic Number
●The only known vertebrates without erythrocytes arethe _____ which live in very oxygen rich coldwater and transport oxygen freely dissolved intheir blood.
Crocodile icefishes
●___ Postulate is a hypothesis, derived from transitionstate theory, concerning the transition state oforganic chemical reactions.
●___, permittivity of free space or electric constantrelates the units for electric charge to mechanicalquantities such as length and force in theInternational System of Units.
●In physics, the space surrounding an electric chargeor in the presence of a time varying magnetic field has a property called anelectric field. The concept of an electric field wasintroduced by ___.
Michael Faraday
●Monera are single-celled organisms that don’t have anucleus. ___ make up the entire kingdom.
●The discovery by ____ in 1931 that radio signals wereemitted by celestial bodies initiated the science ofradio astronomy.
Karl Jansky
●The human musculoskeletal system consists of thehuman skeleton, made by bones attached to otherbones with joints, and skeletal muscle attached tothe skeleton by ___.
●The most convenient presentation of the chemicalelements is in the periodic table of the chemicalelements, which groups elements by ____.
atomic number
●There are approximately ___ skeletal muscles withinthe typical human, and almost every muscleconstitutes one part of a pair of identical bilateralmuscles.
●___ are self-replicating organelles that occur invarious numbers, shapes, and sizes in thecytoplasm of all eukaryotic cells.
●____ are heterogeneous mixtures in which the particlesize is too small to be seen with the naked eye, butis big enough to scatter light.
●_____, a French chemist, was the first to establish anexperimentally useful definition of an element. Hedefined an element as a basic form of matter thatcannot be broken down into simpler substances bychemical reactions.
Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
●A chemical bond is a concept for understanding howatoms stick together in molecules. It may bevisualized as the _____ balance between thepositive charges in the nuclei and the negativecharges oscillating about them.
●Existence of a chemical element in two or more formsdiffering in physical properties but giving rise toidentical chemical compounds is known as ____.
●Mitochondria are known as the powerhouses of thecell. The energy required for various chemicalactivities needed for life is released bymitochondria in the form of ATP (____)molecules.
Adenosine triphopshate
“●The generally accepted definition of health is ““a stateof complete physical, mental, and social well-beingand not merely the absence of disease orinfirmity””, used by the World HealthOrganization (WHO) since ____.”
●The property possessed by certain crystallinesubstances of losing their water of crystallizationwhen exposed to the air and becoming amorphousis called ____.
●The respiratory system consists of the nose, ____,trachea, and lungs. It brings oxygen from the airand excretes carbon dioxide and water back intothe air.
●The spaces in between the constituent particles and____ of the particles are minimum in the case ofsolids, intermediate in liquids and maximum ingases.
kinetic energy
●The unique device developed by TimiryazevAgricultural Academy in Moscow, which can givereliable forewarning of natural calamities likefloods and droughts, is _____.
Bioceo compass
●A capacitor (originally known as ____) is a passivetwo-terminal electrical component used to storeenergy in an electric field.
●____, otherwise known as electrical potentialdifference or electric tension is the electricpotential difference between two points
or thedifference in electric potential energy of a unit testcharge transported between two points. Voltage
●A ____ is an elementary particle, the quantum oflight and all other forms of electromagneticradiation, and the force carrier for theelectromagnetic force.
●Blood transfusion is the process of receiving bloodproducts into one’s circulation intravenously.They are typically only recommended when aperson’s hemoglobin levels fall below ____.
●Hard water contains calcium and ____ ions thatinterfere with action of soap and contribute to thebuildup of a scale or film of alkaline mineraldeposits in household and industrial equipmentand pipes.
A vaccine typically contains an agent that resembles adisease-causing microorganism, and is often madefrom weakened or killed forms of the microbe, itstoxins or one of its surface ____.
●Five different and diverse types of White blood cellsor leukocytes exist, but they are all produced andderived from a multi-potent cell in the bonemarrow known as a hematopoietic ____.
●Hydrochloric acid is a clear, colorless solution ofhydrogen chloride (HCl) in water, a highlycorrosive, strong mineral acid with manyindustrial uses, which is found naturally in _____.
Gastric acid
●Via which process is sodium chloride used to producesodium carbonate which is used to produce glass,sodium bicarbonate, and dyes as well as a myriadof other chemicals?
Solvay Process
●The most common function of a ____ is to allow anelectric current to pass in one direction, whileblocking current in the opposite direction (thereverse direction).
●The refractive index of many materials (such as glass)varies with the wavelength or color of the lightused, a phenomenon known as _____.
●The ____ principle is the quantum mechanicalprinciple that no two identical fermions (particleswith half-integer spin) may occupy the samequantum state simultaneously.
Pauli exclusionprinciple