RL GEO 1 Flashcards
●The Galilean Satellites of Jupiter are—
Europa,Ganymede, Callisto
●In Astrophysics, what name is given to a hypothetical holein outer space from which stars and energy emerge?—
White hole
●The largest natural satellite in the solar system is—
●The outermost layer of the Sun is called -—
●Which planet of the solar system spins on its axis at thefastest rate?—
●Lunar eclipse is caused when the—
earth comes betweenthe sun and the moon
●Sunlight always overcomes the lights of the stars. Thefading away of stars in the presence of the sun is known as——
●’Aurora Australis’ is seen in—
Antarctic region
●The jovian planets (gaseous planets) in the Solar system are—
Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune
●The family of stars with which the Sun is related is:—
●What is the time taken by the sun’s rays to reach the Earth?—
8 minutes
●Where is the ‘Sea of Tranquility’ situated?—
On the Moon
●The shortest day falls on :—
23 December
●For studying which one of the planets among Mars, Jupiter,Saturn and Mercury, was the Cassini spacecraft launched?—
●In which color does an astronaut view the sky away fromthe Sun in space?—
●Which is considered to be the coldest planet (notconsidered a planet now)?—
●An astronomical unit is approximately equal to :—
distance between the Earth and the Sun
●Who is credited with the expounding of the theory of blackholes?—
S. Chandrashekhar
●Which among zodiac, meteor and comet, is known as’shooting star’?—
●The word ‘equinox’ is related to a specific state of the Sun.What is that state?—
The sun is at the equatorial line
●The Transit of Venus was seen on 8 June, 2004. Thiscelestial event took place after a gap of :—
122 years
●Which was the first American rover to reach Mars in 2004?—
●Cosmos 2406 is—
a Russian expedition to Mars
●Lunar eclipse takes place when :—
The Earth comes in between the Sun and the Moon
●Which name has been given to the recently discoveredfarthest planetoid of the solar system?—
●Which is the brightest planet?—
●Which is the nearest star (apart from Sun) from the Earth?—
Proxima Centauri
●An astronaut on the Moon cannot sip lemon water througha pipe because :—
Moon does not have an atmosphere
●The point in the orbit of the Earth where it is nearest to thesun is known as :—
●What is the unit for the measurement of distance betweenthe Earth and the stars?—
Light Year
●To which constellation does the Pole Star belong?—
UrsaMinor constellation
●Astronomers have determined the approximate age of Sunto be:—
1010 years
●In how many does the Moon complete one revolution ofthe Earth?—
about 27.3 days
●What is the time taken by the Sun to complete acircumambulation of our galaxy?—
25 crore years
●The brightness of a star indicates its :—
●The length of day of a planet and the tilt of its axis aresimilar to those of Earth.’ This fact is regarding:—
●A meteor is : —
small particle from a comet or asteroidthat enters the Earth’s atmosphere
●With which planet did the Shoemaker Levi comet collide?—
●A comet, when close enough to the Sun, displays a tail dueto: —
effects of solar radiation and the solar windupon the nucleus of the comet
●Which planet has rings on four sides?—
●Small pieces of rocks found between the orbits of Mars andJupiter that that revolve around the Sun are called :—
●Which star, among Pole Star, Alpha Centauri, the Sun andOrion, is nearest to the Earth?—
the sun
●Which of the planets, among Earth, Jupiter, Mars andVenus, take maximum time to revolve around the Sun?—
●The nearest planet from the Earth is :—
●The two planets which do not have their own satellites are: —
Mercury and Venus
●Which of the following among Jupiter, Mars, Europa-asatellite of Jupiter, Moon-a satellite of the Earth, haspossibility of life because of the presence of suitableenvironment?—
●Who first expounded that the Sun is located at the centre ofour solar system and the Earth revolves around it?—
●The shape of our milky way is:—
●Which planet of our solar system emits green light?—
●What is the proportion of Hydrogen in the chemicalcomposition of the solar energy?—
71 per cent
●The Earth revolves in an elliptical path around the Sun.while revolving around the Sun, the speed of the Earth is:—
decreases when the distance between the twoincreases and vice-versa
●The ascending order of planets in terms of the number ofsatellites they have is :—
●Which is the fastest planet in the solar system?—
●Ozone is important because they absorb the harmful :—
ultraviolet radiatio
●Pisces, Leo, Aries are:—
●By which name is the farthest atmospheric layer from theEarth’s surface known?—
●Tides are highest when:—
When the Sun and the Moonlie on the same side of the Earth
●Which planet among the Earth, Mercury, Saturn, andJupiter moves with the lowest intensity?—
●Which planet among the Earth, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus,is the largest in the solar system?—
●What is the altitude of geostationary satellites?—
●The rise of evening star indicates :—
●The closest planet to the Sun is:—
●The distance of separation between two points in the spaceis known as:—
●Which planet completes a revolution in least time whichmoving on its orbit?—
●On which of the planets among Jupiter, Earth, Mars andVenus, is water found?—
●Asteroids move around the Sun in between :—
Mars andJupiter
●Which planet is known as the twin of the Earth?—
●Surface temperature of the Sun has been measured to be of:—
60000 C
●Which planet is known as the ‘red planet’?—
●The hottest planet of the solar system is:—
●Who was the first to view the Milky Way galaxy?—
●Gaseous storms are seen in the Chromosphere of the Sunduring:—
Solar eclipse
●Which celestial body among Saturn, Uranus, Neptune andPluto, lies farthest from the Earth?—
●Pulsars are—
fast moving stars
●Which planet is also known as Evening Star?—
●The planet which moves from east to west is:—
●What is the name of that galaxy in which the Earth exists asone of the planets?—
Milky Way
●The planet nearest to the Earth in the orbit is:—
“●Among Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Venus, which plant isknown as the ““Morning Star’?—”
●The mass of Jupiter is approximately:—
1000th part of theSun’s mass
●Due the gravitational force of which celestial bodies dotides take place on the earth?—
Gravitational force ofthe Sun and the Moon on the earth
●What is ‘supernova’?—
Explosive star
●Which planet of the solar system is as big as the Earth?—
●The four largest planets of the solar system in descendingorder are:—
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
●Which one is not related to the solar system?—
●Which is the coldest celestial body of our solar system?—
●The same side of the Moon is visible from the Earthbecause:—
the duration of its rotation and revolutionare the same
●A layer of the Earth made up of mixed metals and silicatesis called—
●The cup-shaped mouth of the volcano is—
●The deepest place on earth is/The deepest surfacedepression found on the Earth is—
Mariana Trench
●Maps on large scale, representing both natural and man-made features are called—
Topographic maps
●At which point of Earth there is no gravity?—
At centre ofthe Earth
●The following are caused by movement of tectonic plates?—
Earthquakes, Volcanic eruptions, Oceanic trenchformation
●Earth received heat from the sun is known as :—
●The molten rock below the surface of earth is called—
●The largest delta of the world is—
●Oceans are spread over ___ of the Earth’s surface :—
71per cent
●A line drawn on a map connecting points at whichsomething occurs or arrives at the same time is known as :—
●Form where does the International Date Line pass?—
●Line joining places of same altitude from sea level on mapsis called:—
●Time of two places is influenced by :—
Latitude, longitudeand distance from the equatorial line
●If the time on Greenwich is 12 at mid day, what will be thetime at a place situated at east longitude?—
3.20 P.M
●The latitudinal line passing through the northernmost partof India is:—
370 N
●Among Carbon, Iron, Silica, Calcium, which is the mostabundant element found on the earth’s crust?—
●Which are those dates when days and nights are equal inboth the hemispheres?—
21 March and 23 September
●Total solar eclipse is seen only in limited geographicalregions because : —
In comparison to the horizontalextent of the Earth, the shadow of Moon falling on theEarth is of smaller size
●If it is mid-day at 820 30’ east longitudes, whichlongitudinal degree will have time of 6.30 A.M?—
00 eastor west
●An airplane takes off at 30 0 North latitude and 500 Eastlongitude and lands at the opposite end of the Earth.Where will it land?—
At 300 South latitude, 1300 Westlongitude
●Diamond ring can be seen:—
on the peripheral regions ofcomplete path
●When it is mid-day at the I.S.T meridian, then people atsome places on the earth are sipping their 6.00 A.Mmorning tea. The longitude of that place is:—
7030’ E
●The solar eclipse takes place when:—
the Moon comes inbetween the Earth and the Sun
●The Sun is seen at midnight at:—
both the poles
●What is the reason behind the happening of tides in oceans?—
The combined effect of the Sun and the Moon
●The longest day of Northern Hemisphere falls on :—
●High Tide occurs when:—
when the Sun and the Moonfalls in a straight line
●Which longitude, along with the Prime Meridian, makesthe Great Circle on the globe?—
●Among Desert, grassland, mountainous and marineecosystems, which one is spread over the maximum areaon the Earth?—
Marine ecosystem
●What is the declination of the Earth’s tilt on its axis?—
●What will be the time difference between two places if theirlongitudinal difference is that of 900? —
6 hours
●Under what circumstance does a lunar eclipse occur?—
Full Moon
●Which attribute of a place is indicated by its latitudinalposition?—
●When it is 4 PM in India, then the corresponding time inLondon (England) will be :—
10:30 AM
●What is the approximate length of the Earth’s equatorialdiameter?—
12750 km
●What is the term for earth’s movement on its imaginaryaxis?—
●The movement of the Earth in its orbit is from:—
West toEast
●If the longitudinal difference between the locations of twoplaces is 150, what will be the difference in their localtime?—
1 hour
●The distance between the Earth and the Sun is maximumduring:—
●The phenomenon of seasons is due to:—
revolution of theEarth around the Sun
●In an hour, the Earth traverses a distance of:—
●The latitude of South Pole is:—
●The layer of earth’s surface is also known as:—
●The International Date Line is:—
1800 longitudinal line
●What is the interval between tides at a place?—
12 hourand 26 minutes
●The reason behind most of the destructive earthquakes is:—
organization of Earth’s plates
●A spring/well characterized by intermittent discharge ofwater ejected turbulently and accompanied by a vapourphase is called:—
●The contour line that connects points of equal temperatureat a given date or time on a geographic map is called:—
●The largest circle is:—
Equatorial circle
●Which term is used for a person who is involved with thescientific, technological and artistic aspects of developingand producing maps?—
●The word ‘equinox’ refers to:—
When days and nights areequal
●The isobar lines connect places having equal:—
●Where are Hot Deserts found? —
On the western marginsof Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
●Solar radiation reaching the earth is known as:—
●What is the declination of the earth’s rotation on its axis?—
●What will be the temperature of earth’s surface if there isno carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?—
It will be lessthan the present temperature
●The sphere of earth’s surface constituted by water, air, soiland organic matter is called:—
●What is the difference between local time and GreenwichTime for every longitudinal degree?—
Four minutes
●Mohorovicic discontinuity separates:—
Earth’s crust andthe mantle
●If we sit on a beach and measure the time elapsed duringtwo sunsets, we can estimate:—
Radius of the earth
●A line drawn on a map connecting points that receive equalamounts of rainfall is called:—
●The equatorial line:—
is an imaginary line equidistantfrom the North Pole and South Pole, dividing theEarth into the Northern Hemisphere and SouthernHemisphere
●The art and science of drawing maps is called :—
●Acceleration due to gravity at the equatorial line is:—
lessthan acceleration due to gravity at the poles
●The largest ecosystem on earth is:—
●What is the percentage of earth’s surface comprised bydeserts?—
●An artificial ecosystem is represented by:—
●When the distance of the earth from the sun is maximum, itis known as:—
●The most interior layer of the Earth’s is known as:—
●The epicentre of an earthquake is:—
The point on theEarth’s surface that is directly above the hypocenter orfocus of the earthquake
●By whom is an ecosystem constituted?—
A community ofliving organisms and their environment
●What is the source of energy in an ecosystem?—
The Sun
●The imaginary lines on a map that joins places of equaltemperature are called:—
●Which planet is also known as the ‘Blue Planet’?—
●What is the meaning of ‘Midnight Sun’?—
The sunremains visible at the local midnight in the polarcircles
●The term ‘lithosphere’ is related to:—
Earth’s surface
●The series of lines which join places vibrating at the sametime are called:—
Homoseismal lines
●What is the studied in Paleontology?—
●The cause of earthquakes is:—
Vibration of the earth’ssurface
●The instrument which is used for measuring area on mapsis called:—
●The atmospheric layer farthest from the Earth’s surface isknown as—
●Which polluting agent is responsible for creating a hole inthe ozone layer ?—
Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)
●Layer of the atmosphere which is closest to the Earth:—
●Approximately how many kilometres are represented by 1°of latitude ?—
111 km
●What is the significance of Ozone layer in atmosphere?—
It filters the ultraviolet rays of the sun
●The layer of the atmosphere in which Radio Waves arereflected back is called ;—
●Earth’s atmosphere is an envelope of gases extending to aheight of—
200 km
●The intensity of which one is measured by the Richterscale?—
● The lowest layer of the atmosphere is known as:—
● In which layer of the atmosphere do clouds appear?—
● Which type of places is joined by Isobars?—
Placeshaving same pressure
● What is a tornado/typhoon?—
Very low pressure centre
●In which layer of the atmosphere is the ozone layer found?—
● Willy-Willy is a :—
Tropical cyclone of North-WesternAustralia
●The correct order of the different layers of the atmosphereabove the Earth’s surface is:—
Troposphere,Stratosphere, Mesosphere, and Ionosphere
●Winds that blow from the high pressure centres to theMediterranean Sea are:—
Trade Winds
●Which gas has the highest percentage in the atmosphere?—
●Tornadoes are extremely powerful tropical cyclones whichrise in:—
The Caribbean Sea
●Daily weather changes in the atmosphere takes placemostly in:—
●Excessively cold and forceful winds that blow in the PolarRegions are known as:—
●Tornado belongs to—
●Meteorology is the study of:—
●Monsoon winds are:—
local winds
●Roaring Forties are:—
Westerly wind
●Cirrus is a type of:—
high altitude cloud
● The amount of water vapour (in grams) in a given volumeof air (cubic metre) is called:—
Specific Humidity
●Troposphere is the most heated portion of the atmospherebecause:—
It gets directly heated from the Earth’ssurface
●What is the name for the atmospheric zone which is foundup to 16 km above the equatorial line on the earth’ssurface and stretches up to 8 km above the poles?—
●The maximum density of Earth’s atmosphere is found inthe:—
●What is the name of that layer of atmosphere where most ofweather incidents occur?—
●What is the main cause of cyclones?—
Low Pressure
●Transfer of heat due to the horizontal movement of wind iscalled:—
●Clouds float in the atmosphere due to their:—
low density
● Smog is formed because of:—
Smoke and fog
●The capacity of rock to allow water to pass through it, iscalled—
●Which soil is used for the production of bricks?—
Red andyellow
●The organic matter present in soil is known collectively as—
●Soil formed by leaching and oxidation is—
Laterite soil
●The highest peak in Africa is—
●Soil which is prone to intensive leaching due to rain iscalled—
●The formation of ‘Mushroom rock’ in desert region is anexample of—
●In which type of rocks would you find coal and petroleum ?—
●Moraines are formed in—
Glacial regions
●An example of Plutonic Igneous Rock is—
●When granite rocks get metamorphosed, they change into—
● Godwin Austen is—
●The rapid sliding of large masses of bed rocks is called:—
● Central Highlands of Indian peninsular block are formedof—
Igneous and metamorphic rocks
● In a desert region, soil erosion can be checked by—
●Humus is a type of—
decaying organic matters in soil
●The predominant soil in the Coastal plains and NorthIndian plains is—
●Rocks having large quantity of underground water andpermitting ready flow of water are called —
●The land between two rivers is called—
●To which types of rocks do Basalt, Granite and Grabobelong?—
Igneous Rocks
●An example of a metamorphic rock is:—
●In which types of rocks are coal found?—
●The height of Tibetan plateau above the sea level is:—
4 km
●Rocks found in the Himalayan regions are mainly:—
●The Shivalik hills are spread between—
Potwar Basin andTeest
●An example of an organic rock is—
●What is the term for the process by which snow melts atmountainous heights?—
●Where is the tallest mountain peak of the world MountEverest situated?—
●The Alps in Europe, Rockies in North America and Andesin South America are the examples of:—
●Most of the active volcanoes of the world are found in the—
Pacific Ocean
●The formation of Laterite soils is due to:—
●What is the extent of the Himalayas from the west to theeast?—
From the Indus Valley to the Dihang valley
●The colour of loamy soil is: —Yellowish-Brown Hangingvalleys are formed by the action of:—
●Laterite soils are found in those regions which arecharacterized by:—
High temperature and heavy rainfall
●Where are the basaltic lava found?—
Deccan Trap
●What is the term for soils which develop underneath thePrairie vegetation of long grasses?—
Chernozem soil
● To which rock is shale metamorphosed?—
● Marble is the metamorphosed form of:—
● Dolomite is a type of:—
Sedimentary Rock
● The topography of plateaus is suitable for:—
Hydroelectricity generation
● In which rock combination is Mica found?—
● How is soil erosion controlled on hill slopes?—
● The Pacific Ring of Fire is related to:—
Earthquakes andvolcanoes
● Hanging Valleys are generally found in:—
● Rocks which are formed from the loose and fragmentedparts of old and present rocks are known as:—
Sedimentary Rocks
● Which rock is formed from shells and skeletal fragmentsof organisms?—
● Where are anticlines and synclines found?—
Fault regions
● Laterite soils formed in high altitude regions are:—
● What is the term for the natural gaps of mountains whichform pathways?—
● Petrology is the study of:—
●A plant with 30 cm or more circumference from human chest height is identified as—
Medicinal herbs
● Hurricanes are generally—
active over the sea
● The advantage of rain-water harvesting is that it—
increases the ground water level
●The cool temperate grasslands of South America are knownas—
“● Which biome is called the ““Bread Basket”” of the world?—”
Mid-latitude grasslands
●Subtropical high pressure belts are otherwise called—
Horse latitudes
●The Tundra type of vegetation is found in—
Arctic regions
● The Chinook refers to—
A type of wind in NorthAmerica
● Plantation of trees on a large scale to check soil erosion iscalled:—
● ‘Kyoto Protocol’, an agreement signed by variouscountries, is associated with—
Clean Environment andClimate Change
● Typhoons are common in the—
Seas of China and Japan
“● ““Tidal forest”” is otherwise called :—”
Mangrove forest
● The Temperate grasslands of North America are known as:—
● The typical natural vegetation above 3600 metres on theHimalaya is—
alpine grassland
● Pine trees are typical vegetation of—
Coniferous forests
● Where is the doldrums belt located ?—
Near the equator
● Subtropical High Pressure Belts which are also known as’Horse Latitudes’ are located in between:—
300 and 350
● The state of India which has dry weather for only three tofour months is:—
● The ideal climatic conditions for the cultivation of Riceare:—
Rainfall above 100 cm and temperature above250C
● Maximum diversity among the species of animals andplants are found in: —
Wet forests of tropical regions
●In the world forest area, which forest type has themaximum percentage in terms of distribution?—
Temperate coniferous forest
●Where is the Savannah grassland located?—
●The Gobi Desert is situated in:—
● The largest desert of the world is:—
Sahara Desert
● The largest desert of South Asia is:—
Thar Desert
● Roots of the desert plants is long because:—
Roots getelongated in search of water
● Extended tropical rainforest is found in:—
Congo Valley
● During the summer season, humid heat is felt because theweather then is:—
●With a decrease in temperature, relative humidity:—
●In which specific regions is intensive livelihood adopted?—
High population density and low technology
●Rice is the foremost crop of which climatic region?—
● Barren land of Asia is known as:—
Thar Desert
● Doldrums is :—
A low pressure region near theequatorial line where north-eastern and south-easterntrade winds converge
●Widespread deserts are found in the western tropicalregions of continents because of:—
Eastern Trade windsand blowing of cold ocean currents on the westerncoasts
●Winds are deflected to their right in the southernhemisphere due to:—
Earth’s rotation
●Which conditions is considered as ideal for the growth ofSavannah?—
Hot humid climate marked by long dryweather
● What should be the proportion of forest area in India tomaintain ecological balance?—
33.3 per cent
● To check the spread of desert, smallest trees are planted onthe side of desert and the tallest ones one the other side intree plantation strips or belts. This is known as:—
● Food chain implies the transfer of energy:—
From oneorganism to another
● For what purpose should Tiger be present in forests?—
Toprevent overgrazing of pastures
● Trade Winds are caused by:—
● With which wind is the ‘Roaring Forties’ associated?—
Westerly wind
●In which forest are such trees found which are leaflessduring most time of the year?—
Deciduous forest
●Excessively cold and forceful winds that blow in the PolarRegions are known as:—
●The Land breeze and Sea breeze are formed due to:—
●Trade winds blow from the:—
Subtropical Highs
●Convectional rainfall is seen in:—
Tropical regions
●The tropical regions are characterized by:—
Hot andhumid climate
● The distinctive feature of the Mediterranean type ofclimate is:—
Dry Summers and Humid Winters
●Which wind is also known as ‘Anti-Trades’?—
●In comparison to the northern hemisphere, winters areharsher in southern hemisphere because:—
NorthernHemisphere receives more sunlight
●El Nino is—
Warm Ocean Current
● The main cause of global climate change is:—
Increase inthe levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
● Tropical grasslands are known as:—
● Name that continent where Tundra type of climate is notfound?—
● During the winters, the climate of North America isinfluenced by:—
Air Masses
● Which type of region has the highest biodiversity?—
Tropical regions
●Sea breeze blows during:—
●Which one is a more stable ecosystem?—
●Desertification can be checked by:—
●An ecosystem comprises:—
Any existing community andits environment
●An ecosystem is a:—
Biological system
●In which type of predation, the predator has more controlover the prey?—
Lizard and insects
●Roaring Forties are:—
Winds that blow in the southernhemisphere in between 400-600 South
● Which type of trees is found in the Taiga forest?—
●The highest diversity among animal and plant species isfound in:—
Tropical Wet Forest
●The equatorial forests of the Amazon Basin of SouthAmerica are known as:—
●Which feature is related to the Bread Basket region of theUnited States of America?—
Average rainfall in winters
●What is the distribution of annual rainfall in regions wherethe Evergreen rainforests are found?—
100-200 cm
●In which natural vegetation region are trees of Sal and teakfound?—
Tropical forest
●The distribution of distinctive vegetation of a region isdetermined by:—
Soil, water and temperature
● Katrina is the name of:—
● Which region receives rainfall round the year?—
Equatorial region
● There is a necessity of keeping large regions for forest—
For the absorption of carbon dioxide
● The method of controlled disposal of municipal solidwaste (refuse) on land is known as:—
Sanitary landfilling
● The reason behind decreasing forest cover is:—
● ‘Green House Effect’ means:—
a process by whichthermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbedby atmospheric greenhouse gases
● A Natural Region has similarities in terms of:—
Climateand natural vegetation
● Frontal rainfall is caused by:—
Cyclonic activity
● What could be the likely results of global warming?—
Rise in sea level, changes in cropping pattern, andchanges in coastline
●Man can maintain ecological balance in the biosphere by—
Understanding the delicate balance of relative number of organisms
●Flash flood is related to:—
Cyclonic storm
●Which represents uni-directional flow in an ecosystem?—
●The North Polar Tundra is:—
Cold Desert
● The most harmful effect of excessive deforestation is:—
destruction of several valuable plants
● Which is a human activity that obstructs ecologicalbalance?—
Wood cutting
● The ‘El Nino Effect’ is intimately related to:—
●Where is the Coral Sea located?—
North-Eastern part ofAustralia
●Which is called the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes ?—
Minnesota (USA)
● Lake formed in a cut off river, meander is called—
Ox-Bow Lake
● Which strait separates Australia and Tasmania?—
● In ‘annular’ pattern, rivers flow—
like a ring
●The eastward continuation of the Brazil current is called—
South Atlantic drift
●Asia and North America are separated by—
Bering Strait
●The stagnant water at the bottom of a lake is called—
“● The ““Grand Canyon”” is on the river—”
● Which Sea has highest salinity in the world ?—
● The highest waterfall in the world is—
Angel Falls
●Tides are the highest -—
when the Sun, the Moon andthe Earth are in line
● Suez canal connects—
The Mediterranean Sea and theRed Sea
● A narrow strip of land that connects two larger landmasses is called—
●Where is Titicaca, the highest lake in the world, located?—
Peru and Bolivia border
●Cold ocean currnets are—
Kurile, Canary, Labrador
●The longest river of Europe is—
●The Coast of Norway is an example of—
Fiord Coast
●The Sargasso sea is situated in the :—
Atlantic Ocean
“●”“Yosemite”” is a—”
●Sea water is saltier than rain water because—
rivers washaway salts from earth and pour them into the sea
●The river which has a greater flow of water than any otherriver in the world is .—
River Amazon
●El Nino occurs over—
Pacific Ocean
●The world’s largest producer of desalinated sea water is—
Saudi Arabia
● The largest sweet water lake in the world is—
● Which lake is the oldest in the world and it is the deepestfresh water lake?—
Lake Baikal
● Which type of lake is formed by volcanic activities ?—
Caldera lake
● The well through which water comes out throughhydraulic pressure is called—
Artesian well
● The canal which links Atlantic Ocean with Pacific Oceanis—
●Which is the longest river of the world?—
●The Mariana Trench is located in:—
Pacific Ocean
●Which city is situated on the banks of the Hudson River?—
New York
● In which bay is Cigasvi Island located?—
Hudson Bay
● On the bank of which river is Paris situated?—
●The most saline sea is:—
Dead Sea
●The canals which joins the Baltic Sea with North Sea is:—
Kiel Canal
● On the bank of which river is Baghdad situated?—
● How is high water waves formed in oceans?—
●Which African River crosses the Tropic of Capricorntwice?—
●The Della waterfall is situated in:—
●With which river is the Victoria Falls associated?—
●Which factor is responsible for alteration in regulardirection of the flow of ocean currents of the IndianOcean?—
Monsoonal wind in the Indian Ocean
●When the density of seawater increases:—
Both salinityand depth increases
● Which one, among Norton, Challenger, Manhattan andRichards, is the world’s deepest marine trough?—
Challenger Deep
● The Su Canal connects:—
Superior and Huron
● Which is the largest island of Japan?—
● Where does the Volga River drain into?—
Caspian Sea
● The largest island of the world is:—
● Highest salinity is found in:—
Van Lake in Turkey
●Which is the most important shipping canal of the world?—
Suez Canal
● How many islands are there in Indonesia which is theworld’s largest archipelago?—
About 17000
● The land area of Asia is ___ million square kilometres.—
About 44
● In which ocean is a small island, called Diego Garcia.situated?—
Indian Ocean
● Which is the largest continent of the world?—
● Which is the smallest ocean of the world?—
Indian Ocean
● Which is the highest dam of the world?—
Inguri (Russia)
● The deepest place of the world is:—
Mariana Trench inNorth Pacific Ocean
● A glacier is a large mass of ice which:—
floats on water
● With the opening of the Suez Canal, sea voyage gotshortened between ____ and ___.—
London and Chennai
●On the banks of which river is Rome situated?—
● In which country do Tigris and Euphrates rivers flow?—
● In which country is the Niagara Falls situated?—
UnitedStates of America
● Which city is located on the banks of the Nile River?—
● On the bank of which river is Vienna (Austria) situated?—
● Sea floor which gradually subsides and encircles acontinent is known as:—
Continental Shelf
● The ravines of Chambal have been formed by:—
● Which is that soil water so essential for the growth ofplants?—
Gravitational water
● Which ocean has the shape of ‘S’ letter?—
Atlantic Ocean
● Which is the place where fresh and saline water mix witheach other?—
● Geyser which is a source of water is: —
Emits water andvapour at regular intervals
● The narrow stretch of water which connects two seas iscalled:—
● The recharge of groundwater level depends on:—
Therelief of that region
● Seismic sea waves which reach the shores with immenseforce are known as:—
● Troughs formed by the deflection action of wind is knownas:—
● What percentage of freshwater resources of the worldpresent in form of glacier ice?—
70 %
● Tsunami waves are formed by: —
Undersea earthquakes
● The narrow stretch of water that joins two seas or watermasses is known as:—
● The word ‘tail shape’ is associated with:—
● What is the main source of usable water on the earth?—
The angular distancebetween Prime Meridian and a meridian line passingthrough a point on the earth’s surface is called:—