RL MOD IND 2 Flashcards
●The state where the Indian National Congress couldnot attain absolute majority in the generalelections of 1937 was:—
●Under which act was dyarchy implemented inprovinces/states of India?—
1919 Act
●The Quit India Movement was a result of:— Despairamong Indians due to the proposals of CrippsMission; threat of Japanese invasion of India; anda resolution passed by the All India CongressCommittee in August
●Who proposed the creation of Pakistan at a Muslimleague Convention in 1940?—
M.A. Jinnah
●The correct chronological order of the events is:—
Cripps Plan—Wavell Plan—Cabinet Mission Plan—Mountbatten Plan
●As a weekly, ‘Young India’ was started by:—
HomeRule Party
●Who authored a book, titled ‘Indian Struggle,’ on theIndian national movement?—
Subhash ChandraBose
●Who was the Congress President at the time of itsBenares session in 1905?—
Gopal KrishnaGokhale
●Who was the first woman President of the IndianNational Congress?—
Annie Besant
●The freedom fighter who died of fast in prison was:—
Jatin Das
●Who announced the ‘Communal Award’?—
●Even after the merger of other princely states toIndia, which three states delayed their accession toIndia?—
Junagadh, Hyderabad, Jammu andKashmir
●Among the triad of Lal, Bal and Pal, who became thePresident of the Indian National Congress?—
LalaLajpat Rai
●Who was the first President of the Muslim League?—
Aga Khan
●Who became the President of Indian NationalCongress after the resignation of SubhashchandraBose?—
Rajendra Prasad
●Who was the first to call Mahatma Gandhi as ‘Fatherof the Nation’?—
Subhash Chandra Bose
●Who was the Congress president when the Quit Indiaresolution was passed?—
Maulana Abul KalamAzad
●In which year was the Gandhi-Irwin Pact signed?—
●In which year did the Indian National Congressdeclare ‘Poorna Swaraj’ as its goal? —
●The Hindustan Socialist republican Army wasformed by:—
Chandrashekhar Azad
●What was the result of Khilafat Movement?—
reduction in Hindu-Muslim differences
●Among the Non-Cooperation Movement, DandiMarch, Champaran Satyagraha and Quit IndiaMovement, which one comes third in thechronological order?—
Dandi March
●Who was associated with the English weekly, titled’Vande Mataram’?—
Arvind Ghosh
●The Indian Councils Act of 1909 made provisions for:—
Communal representation
●The Poona Pact was related to:—
Dalit class
●Where was the Muslim league founded in 1906?—
●Who, among Gopal Krishna Gokhale, BalGangadhar Tilak, A.O. Hume and Madan MohanMalaviya, was not a moderate?—
Bal GangadharTilak
“●Who gave the slogan of ““Inquilab Zindabad””?—”
Mohammad Iqbal
●6 April 1930 is known in the Indian History for:—
The Dandi March of Mahatma Gandhi
●Who received the title of ‘National Poet’ for makinginvaluable contributions to the national movementthrough his literary works?—
“●Who said: ““Nehru is a patriot, whereas Jinnah is apolitician””?—”
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
●Under whose leadership was the Home Rule startedin 1916-16?—
Tilak and Annie Besant
●The plan for the transfer of sovereign power to theIndians in 1947 is better known as:—
Mountbatten Plan
●Who assassinated General Dyer, responsible for theJallianwala Bagh Massacre?—
Udham Singh
●The Harijan Sangh was formed after the Poona Pactof 1932. Its President was:—
Ghanshyamdas Birla
●The proposal for the partition of India was approvedat the Delhi session of the Congress on 14 June1947. Who presided over this session?—
●Lord Curzon partitioned Bengal in 1905. When wasthe partition annulled?—
●What were the twin principles of Gandhiji’s vision of’Ram Rajya’?—
Abolition of untouchability andprohibition
●Who was the founder of the servants of India society?—
Gopal Krishna Gokhale
●Who was elected as the President of the All IndiaKhilafat Conference in 1919?—
Mahatma Gandhi
●The Dandi March was started to:—
break salt laws
●The Lahore session of the Indian National Congresswas held in:—
●Which movement was proposed to be suspended inthe Gandhi-Irwin Pact?—
Civil Disobedience Movement
●Who was wounded in the lathi charge perpetrated onthe mob protesting against the SimonCommission?—
Lala Lajpat Rai
●How were the members of the Constituent Assemblyelected?—
By Provincial assemblies
●In which of the states among Central Provinces,Bihar, Punjab and Madras, the Indian NationalCongress did not attain absolute majority in theassembly elections held in 1937?—
●’My last wish will be to wipe tears from the eyes ofeach person.’ Who said these words?—
●Who, among the Indian leaders, travelled acrossIndia for social regeneration?—
Tilak and Gandhi
●The time scale which denotes the period of friendshipbetween the Indian National Congress andMuslim league was:—
●Who was the founder of a newsletter, titled ‘Kesari’?—
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
●Who set up the first independent Indian governmentabroad?—
Raja Mahendra Pratap Singh
●When did the Congress split?—
●Who gave the slogan of ‘Jai Hind’?—
SubhashChandra Bose
●Where did the Quit India Movement begin from?—
●What was the purpose behind the visit of SimonCommission to India in 1928?—
to discussadministrative reforms
●With which movement was Gandhi unassociated?—
Swadeshi Movement
●Who was the viceroy of India when the capital ofIndia was transferred from Calcutta to Delhi in1911?—
Lord Hardinge
●The Non-Cooperation Movement started in 1920. Inwhich year did it end?—
●In which movement did Sardar Vallabhbhai Patelplay a crucial role?—
Bardoli Satyagraha
●Who took Gandhiji’s place after he was arrested atthe time of Salt Satyagraha?—
Jawaharlal Nehru
●Against the arrest of which two leaders did peoplegather in huge numbers at the Jallianwala Bagh ofAmritsar on 13 April 1919?—
Dr. SaifuddinKichlu and Dr. Satyapal
●During which movement was ‘Vande Mataram’ usedas a slogan for the first time?—
Partition ofBengal in 1905
●Who voted against the partition of India at the AllIndia Congress Committee meeting held on 14June 1947?—
Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
●Which Gandhian movement was related to thestruggle of industrial workers?—
●Who described the burning of foreign clothes duringthe Non-Cooperation Movement as a brutalwastage?—
Rabindranath Tagore
●Which among the Congress leaders was fully infavour of the Cabinet Mission Plan?—
●For participating in which movement was VinobaBhave arrested for the first time?—
CivilDisobedience Movement
●Who gave the slogan of ‘Do or Die’?—
●The idea for the setting up of a Constituent Assemblyfor the drafting of a constitution for a free Indiawas first proposed by:—
Congress in 1936
●During the national movement the event whichshowed the seeds of differences and ultimately ledto the partition of the nation was:—
Provision ofreservation of seats and separate electorates forMuslims in the legislative assemblies.
●Gandhi started his first Satyagraha movementagainst:—
low wages paid to workers
“●Who said: ““the congress is tottering to its fall, andone of my great ambitions, while in India, is toassist it to a peaceful demise””?—”
Lord Curzon
●Who was the writer of the official history ofCongress?—
Pattabhi Sitaramaiya
●The draft of Quit India resolution was prepared by:—
Mahatma Gandhi
●The Home Rule movement represented the arrival ofa new phase in India’s struggle for independencebecause:—
it put forward a concrete plan of self government before the country.
●In which year was the Ghadar Party formed?—
●Who was secretary of Mahatma Gandhi during theNoakhali episode?—
●Jai Prakash Narayan got recognition as a nationalleader during the:—
Quit India Movement
●Who was the last Governor General of free India?—
C. Rajagopalachari
●After the failure of the Civil Disobedience Movement,Gandhiji assigned primacy to:—
●The reason behind the revival of revolutionaryactivities in Indian politics during the period of1923-28 was:—
Suspension of the Non-Cooperation Movement by Gandhiji
●Which region witnessed relatively widespread riots inthe wake of the Quit India Movement?—
Biharand United Provinces
●In which Satyagraha movement Gandhiji did notparticipate directly?—
Rajkot Satyagraha
●After the passage of Quit India resolution, Gandhijiwas imprisoned in:—
Aga Palace
●Who was elected as the President of Congress in1938?—
Pattabhi Sitaramaiya
●The Moplah Rebellion of 1921 was an offshoot of:—
Khilafat Movement
●Mahatma Gandhi had discussed the Quit IndiaMovement at the meeting of Congress WorkingCommittee in Wardha on 6 July 1942. Who wasthe Chairman of that committee?—
MaulanaAbul Kalam Azad
●The real name of ‘Frontier Gandhi’ is:—
AbdulGaffar Khan
●Who presided over the convention of the BenaresHindu Mahasabha in August 1923?—
●Bihar witnessed several episodes of violence due tocrackdown on Gandhiji and his supporters in1942. This had paralyzing effect on Railways.Which was the most affected district?—
●In which year was the Indian National Army (I.N.A)founded?—
●Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were hanged in:—
March 1931
●Who had fired bullets at General Dyer in London?—
Udham Singh
●The Indian National Army was formed in:—
●Who was elected President of the All India KhilafatConference in 1919?—
Mahatma Gandhi
●Bal Gangadhar Tilak was imprisoned in 1908 for:—
6 years
●Most of the moderates were from:—
urban areas
●Two leaders of Hazaribagh who were arrested on 6August 1942 were:—
Shiv Kumar andRamananda
●What was the name of the wife of Shri Jagat NarayanLal?—
Srimati Rampyari
●After being arrested on 9 August 1942, Dr. RajendraPrasad was sent to:—
Hazaribagh Jail
●Jai Prakash Day was celebrated on:—
January 1946
●Which Indian leader participated in the First RoundTable Conference held in London?—
MaulanaMohammad Ali
●Which leader presided over the Calcutta session ofCongress in 1906?—
Dadabhai Naoroji
“●According to whom, ““The Cripps Mission was a post-dated cheque upon a crashing bank””?—”
●The Quit India Movement was started in:—
●Where was the first meeting of Congress SocialistParty held?—
●Who composed the song ‘Vande Mataram’?—
Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
“●”“Swaraj is my birthright, and I will take it.”” Whosewords were these?—”
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
●The Indian National Congress was founded by:—
A.O. Hume
●The Partition of Bengal took place in:—
●Where was the first session of the Indian NationalCongress held?—
●Who, among Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Madanlal, GopalKrishna Gokhale and Udham Singh, was not anextremist?—
Gopalkrishna Gokhale
●Dr. Rajendra Prasad was a native of:—
●Birsa Munda was in favour of:—
Who presided over the Constituent Assembly on 9December 1946?—
Sachidananda Sinha
●Who composed the ‘Flag Song’?—
Shyamlal Parshad
●Who used the word ‘Sarvodaya’ for the first time?—
Vinoba Bhave
●The Muslim delegation which met Lord Minto atShimla in 1906 asked for:—
Separate electoratesfor the Muslims
●The objective of Poona Pact was to:—
giverepresentation to the Dalit class
●What was the goal of Butler Committee of 1927?:—
Betterment of relations between the Governmentof India and native states
●What was responsible for the decline of textileindustry of Bengal in the 18th century?—
Hightaxation rates on goods exported to Britain
●The Second Round Table Conference held in Londonfailed under the cover of:—
Gandhi-Irwin Pact
●The Indian National Congress was proclaimed illegalby an executive order passed in 1932. Which wasthat order?—
Executive Rights Ordinance
●The Englishman who remained a close friend ofMahatma Gandhi during the independencestruggle was:—
Reverend Charlie Andrews
●The first India to become the Governor General ofindependent India was:—
C. Rajagopalachari
●Mahatma Gandhi felt that any participation in theSecond World War would be a violation of theprinciple of:—
Ahimsa (Non-violence)
●In the Congress Working Committee meeting held inAllahabad (April-May 1947), a member was ableto muster support in favour of his plan forguerilla war against Japan because of his definitestand against Fascism and Nazism. Who was thatmember?—
Jawaharlal Nehru
●Who was the Chairman of the Joint ParliamentaryCommittee formed under the 1935 Bill which ledto the Government of India Act 1935?—
●In which state, among Hyderabad, Oudh, Mysoreand Junagadh, did the Congress have a fullydeveloped organization at the time of transfer ofpower?—
●Against the arbitrary rule of which Diwan ofTravancore state did Congress launch the CivilDisobedience Movement?—
C.P. RamaswamyIyer
●Who is credited with the propagation of socialistideas in Bihar before India’s independence?—
Western education of Jayaprakash Narayan andB.P. Sinha
●Under which class were the cultivators of Bihar keptduring the British rule in India?—
●Which revolutionary was not hanged in the LahoreConspiracy case?—
Batukeshwar Dutt
●The birth and death years of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkarwere:—
1891, 1956
●Which far-reaching decision was mainly taken at theLucknow session of Congress in 1919?—
Temporary merger of Congress and MuslimLeague
●Which Muslim leader was associated with the HomeRule movement?—
M.A. Jinnah
●When was the Non-Cooperation movement calledoff?—
12 February, 1922
●In which year did Bhagat Singh and BatukeshwarDutt hurl bombs in the Central LegislativeCouncil?—
●When was the national flag of India first unfurled?—
●Who was the viceroy of India when the CrippsMission delegation came to India?—
●The Swadeshi Movement was started:—
as a protestagainst the partition of Bengal.
●At the height of Civil Disobedience Movement, withwhom did Gandhiji sign an agreement in 1931?—
Lord Irwin
●Who was ruling Pakistan at the time of Bangladesh’sindependence?—
Yahya Khan
●Who founded the ‘Deccan Educational Society’during India’s freedom struggle?—
M.G. Ranade
●Who founded the All India Harijan Sangh in 1932?—
Mahatma Gandhi
●At which place was the Azad Hind government ofindependent India proclaimed on 21 October1943?—
●The correct chronological order of the events is:—
Meerut Conspiracy Case—Gandhi Irwin Pact—McDonald’s Communal Award
●With which objective was the Simon Commissionappointed during the Indian freedom struggle?—
For making an evaluation of the reforms of 1919
●The Congress ministers resigned after the elections of1937 because:—
the British government madeIndia a participant in the Second World Warwithout consulting them.
●By which act was dual administrative systemincorporated in the states/provinces?—
IndianCouncils Act of 1909
●Who has authored the book, titled ‘A Nation in theMaking’?—
Surendranath Banerjee
●Who represented the Indian National Congress at theSecond Roundtable Conference?—
MohandasKaramchand Gandhi
●What was the intention behind the partition ofBengal?—
To divide the Hindus of eastern andwestern Bengal and increase tensions betweenHindus and Muslims.
●In which year was the ‘Gateway of India’ built?—
●Who played important role in the formation of theCongress in 1885?—
A.O. Hume
●Where was the headquarters of Ghadar Partylocated?—
San Francisco
●Who was the leader of Young Bengal movement?—
Henry Vivian Derozio
●The Lucknow Pact of 1916 holds a distinct place inthe history of India’s freedom struggle because:—
of the resolution of differences between the twowings of Congress
●Who founded the All India Home Rule League in1916?—
Annie Besant
●The Khilafat movement was essentially:—
a religiousmovement
●The only Congress session which was presided overby Mahatma Gandhi was:—
●’Every blow that is hurled to me will act as a nail inthe coffin of the British Empire.’ Who said thesewords?—
Lala Lajpat Rai
●Bardoli Satyagraha is related to:—
Sardar Patel
●In which year were Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev andRajguru hanged?—
March 1931
●Subhashchandra Bose resigned as Congress Presidentin:—
●Who started the Bhoodan movement?—
AcharyaVinoba Bhave
●In which year did the Muslim League demandedPakistan for the first time?—
●Who were the famous lawyers in the defencecommittee of INA trial?—
Bhulabhai Desai,Pandit Nehru, M.A. Jinnah
●The Hunter Committee was set up to investigate into:—
Jallianwala Bagh incident
●How many times was Jawaharlal Nehru elected as thePresident of Indian National Congress duringIndia’s freedom struggle?—
●Who was the viceroy of India at the time of QuitIndia Movement?—
Lord Linlithgow
●Upon whom was the cognomen of ‘Punjab Kesari’bestowed?—
Lala Lajpat Rai
●Who was famous as ‘Deshbandhu’?—
“●The freedom fighter who was popularly known as”“Karnataka Gandhi”” was:—”
Hadekar Majappa
●Who proposed the idea of ‘Antyodaya’?—
“●Which hymn was so dear to Mahatma Gandhi that heremarked, ““This song is alone capable of givingme might, even if I forget the Bhagvad Gita””?—”
Vaishnava Jana to tene kahiye…
“●Who said, ““At the stroke of the midnight hour, whenthe world sleeps, India will awake to life andfreedom.””?—”
Jawaharlal Nehru
“●Who said, ““Rest is forbidden””?—”
Jawaharlal Nehru
●Who said: The only hope of India is from the masses.The upper classes are physically and morallydead.’’?—
●Who led the Salt Satyagraha after Gandhi’simprisonment?—
Abbas Taiyyabji
●When was Mohandas Gandhi imprisoned for the firsttime for the observance of Satyagraha?—
●What was the basis of choosing 15 August as the datefor transfer of power by Lord Mountbatten?—
It was the anniversary ofJapanese surrender before him
●From whom did Mahatma Gandhi draw inspirationwith regard to civil disobedience?—
●Who, among the leaders of 1857 Revolt such asKunwar Singh, Tatya Tope, Rani of JhansiLakshmibai and Mangal Pandey, gave up his lifeas a martyr?—
Mangal Pandey
●Who is known as the Father of Extremism in India?—
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
●The person who was once a friend of MahatmaGandhi, but then separated from him to begin aradically revolutionary movement, known as ‘SelfRespect Movement,’ was:—
E.V. RamaswamyNaicker
●What was the medium through which arepresentative and popular element wasintroduced in the Indian administrative system?—
Indian Councils Act 1892
●The efforts made by Jyotiba Phule in the last centurywas aimed at:—
protecting lower castes from theBrahmins and their opportunist religious texts
●In which movement did Mahatma Gandhi usedhunger strike as a weapon?—
Ahmedabad MillStrike of 1918
●Who co-led the Salt Satyagraha along with Gandhiji?—
Sarojini Naidu
●Where, in India, was the first cotton textile millstarted?—
●What was the purpose behind the constitution ofSimon Commission?—
To discuss on aconstitution for India
●The Muslim League supported the cause of aseparate Pakistan at:—
the Lahore session in 1940
●The land revenue system, devised by the British,which provided greater attention to the interest ofpeasants was:—
Ryotwari land settlement ofMadras province.
●Who played a great role in the merger of native stateswith the Union of India?—
Sardar Patel and V.P.Menon
●By which act was English made the medium ofinstruction of education in all government-aidedschools and colleges?—
Macaulay Minute, 1835
●Which was that field in which mainly British capitalwas invested during the colonial period?—
●During his initial life, M.A. Jinnah was:—
aproponent of Hindu-Muslim unity
●Who was that national leader to write the history ofIndia on the walls of the Cellular jail ofAndaman?—
Vir Savarkar
“●Which Indian statesman said these words: ““Longyears ago we made a tryst with destiny, and nowthe time comes when we shall redeem ourpledge””?—”
Jawaharlal Nehru
●Who was not involved in the Chatgaon armoury raidof 1934?—
Dinesh Gupta
●Apart from the launch of Quit India Movement on 9August 1942, which other sensational action offreedom fighters took place on 9 August?—
Kakori Train robbery
●The Ahmedabad Satyagraha of Gandhi was against:—
British mill owner and government officials
“●Who was the first Indian to become a fellow of the”“Royal Society of London””?—”
A.C. Wadia
●Who started the first English newspaper in India?—
J.A. Hickey
●Punjab was annexed to the British Empire in Indiaduring the Governor-Generalship of:—
●Who is known as the ‘Father of Indian NationalCongress’?—
A.O. Hume
●Who established the Home Rule League in Calcuttain 1916?—
Mrs. Annie Besant
●Who went to South Africa to see Gandhiji?—
GopalKrishna Gokhale
●As a result of which educational report did theCalcutta University come into existence?—
Wood’s Dispatch
●In which year did the Cabinet Mission come to India?—
“●Who composed the famous revolutionary song:”“Sarfaroshi ki Tamanna ab hamare dil meinhai…””?—”
Ram Prasad Bismil
●Who was the first Viceroy of India?—
Lord Canning
●Lahore was the political capital of Ranjit Singh.Which city was known as his religious capital?—
●Who was the Chairman of Partition Council?—
●Who first envisioned the idea of Pakistan?—
●The Muhammedan Anglo-Oriental College later onbecame:—
Aligarh Muslim University
●Who composed the immortal song of ‘VandeMataram’?—
Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
●Who founded the Muhammedan Anglo-OrientalCollege in Aligarh?—
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
●In which year did Bankim Chandra pen down’Anandmath’?—
●According to Gandhiji, khadi was the symbol of:—
economic independence
●The Round Table Conference was organized inLondon for discussing:—
future government ofIndia
●With whom is Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel generallycompared?—
●In the Gandhian socialism:—
state is undeterminable
“●Who said, ““The report of Simon Commission shouldbe thrown into dustbin””?—”
Mahatma Gandhi
●Which date was fixed as ‘Direct Action Day’ by theMuslim League?—
16 August 1946
●When was Mahatma Gandhi arrested during theQuit India Movement?—
9 August 1942
●The Home Rule League was started by:—
B.G. Tilakand Annie Besant
●Who started the Revolt of 1857?—
●Subhash Chandra Bose formed a new outfit afterleaving the Congress in 1939. The name of newoutfit was:—
Forward Block
●Bal Gangadhar Tilak was given the title of’Lokamanya’ during:—
Home Rule movement
●Which organization was started by B.R. Ambedkar?—
All India Scheduled caste Federation
●’Provincial autonomy’ was begun in India by:—
Government of India Act, 1935
●Who was the first General Secretary of IndianNational Congress?—
A.O. Hume
●Against which evil did Raja Ram Mohun Roy start anhistoric movement?—
Evils of Sati system
●In which of its sessions was the famous resolution on’non-cooperation’ passed by the Indian NationalCongress?—
●Which is considered as the most useful and importantreform of Lord Curzon, especially in the contextof people of undivided Punjab?—
●By which Government of India Act was diarchyimplemented?—
1919 Act
“●Who founded the ““Arya Samaj””?—”
SwamiDayananda Saraswati
●Where did Lord Canning announce the transfer ofgovernment from ‘company’ to ‘crown’ on 1November 1858?—
●The Indian National Congress and Muslim leaguecame closer to each other in 1916 in:—
●In which South African city was Gandhi beaten andthrown off railway tracks by white people?—
●On behalf of Indian National Congress, whoparticipated at the Congress of OppressedNationalities at Brussels in 1927?—
●Who made possible, the entry of Indians into IndianCivil Services through an open competitiveexamination?—
Lord Dalhousie
●In which year was Lala Lajpat Rai deported toMandalay for instigating an agriculturalrevolution in Punjab?—
●Which Governor General whole-heartedly welcomedRanjit Singh in Ropar?—
William Bentinck
●Maulana Abul Kalam Azad started an Urdu weekly,titled ‘Al Hilal,’ in 1912; but after its ban by thegovernment, he started ‘Al-Balagh’ in:—
●High Courts were established in Calcutta, Bombayand Madras in:—
●Which reform movement was the first to be started inthe 19th century?—
Brahmo Samaj
●The administrative consequence of the revolt of 1857was the transfer of power from:—
East IndiaCompany to the British Crown
●The differences between Moderate and Extremistwings of Indian National Congress came to fore in Surat session held in:—
●The most memorable achievement of BhulabhaiDesai was the defense of Azad Hind Fauz (INA)soldiers at the trial held in Red Fort in:—
●Who was the Portuguese viceroy in India in the past?—
Francisco da Almeida
●When was the All India Women Conference started?—
●The Kuka movement of 19th century took place in:—
Western Punjab
●Under whose leadership was the Congress SocialistParty founded in 1934?—
Acharya Narendra Devand Jayaprakash Narain
●In which year did the British made English themedium of education in India?—
●During the period of whose governor generalship wasthe Supreme Court established in Calcutta?—
Lord Cornwallis
●Who was famous as ‘Nana Saheb’?—
Balaji Bajirao
●During which historic session of Indian NationalCongress did the meeting of Congress and Muslimleague take place?—
Lucknow session
●Who attended the Imperial Darbar in 1877 in clothesspun from hand?—
Ganesh Vasudev Joshi
●Who was the founder-editor of the famous newspaper’Kesari’ during the freedom struggle?—
Lokamanya Tilak
●Who, among Motilal Nehru, Sardar Patel and GopalKrishna Gokhale was not a member of the SwarajParty?—
Motilal Nehru
●What was the intention behind introduction ofRailways in India by the British?—
Facilitation ofBritish commerce and administrative control
●Which religious reformer of western India is knownas ‘Lokhitawadi’?—
Gopal Hari Deshmukh
●Who was the first Governor General of Bengal?—
Warren Hastings
●Which religious text was described by MahatmaGandhi as his ‘mother’?—
Bhagvad Gita
●Who was the first British President of IndianNational Congress?—
George Yule
●With whose works was Mahatma Gandhi highlyinfluenced?—
Leo Tolstoy
●On which date did India receive the DominionStatus?—
15 August 1947
●Who was the first person to sign the document ofaccession?—
Diwan of Travancore
●In accordance with provisions of the Charter Act of1833, under whose chairmanship was a lawcommission constituted for the compilation,codification and revision of Indian laws?—
“●Who said: ““Patriotism is religion and religion is lovefor India””?—”
Acharya Vinoba Bhave
●Har Dayal, a great intellectual, was associated with:—
Ghadar Movement
●Under which title was ‘Jana Gana Mana,’ composedby Rabindranath Tagore, first of all published inJanuary 1912?—
Bharat Vidhata
●After being arrested by the British in 1908, BalGangadhar Tilak was sent to:—
●Who was the editor of ‘Young India’ and ‘Harijan’?—
Mahatma Gandhi
●Who participated in all the three Round Tableconferences?—
B.R. Ambedkar
●Among the British, who accepted that the Revolt of1857 was a national revolt?—
●In which year was communal electorate introduced inIndia?—
●Which two states had non-Congress governments in1937?—
Bengal and Punjab
●Who founded the All India Muslim League?—
●In which year did Mahatma Gandhi start theSatyagraha movement in India?—
●Where was the royal durbar held for publishing theQueen’s Royal proclamation on 1 November1858?—
●The tricolour was accepted as the national flag in:—
Lahore session of Congress
●Who was the first exponent of the principle of passiveresistance?—
Gopal Krishna Gokhale
●Who was the Congress President during 1940-46?—
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
●During the British rule, what did ‘Secretary to India’signify?—
A British minister under whom the government of India worked
●Between whom was the Lucknow Pact signed?—
Between Hindus and Muslims for legislativeassembly seats
●Which Governor General took the decision to makeEnglish the medium of education in India?—
Lord William Bentinck, 1835
●Who is known as ‘Periyar’ because of his popularity?—
E.V. Ramaswamy
●Where was the Ryotwari settlement implemented?—
Madras and Bombay
●Among Agra, Kanpur, Jhansi and Lucknow, whichone was not a major centre of the 1857 Revolt?—
●Who ended the dual administration in Bengal?—
Lord Warren Hastings
●Who is famous for his minute on education?—
●What was denoted by land holding in the Ryotwarisettlement?—
Ryot was a land owner who paid theassessed tax on his land directly to the government
●Where was the first Arya Samaj established bySwami Dayananda Saraswati in 1875?—
●Who was the harbinger of social reform movementsin India in the 19th century?—
Raja Ram MohunRoy
●Who was the author of ‘Nil Darpan,’ a play depictingthe refusal of farmers to sow indigo in their fieldsas a protest against exploitative farming under theBritish Raj?—
Dinabandhu Mitra
●The Champaran Satyagraha was related to:—
●Which was the first newspaper to be published inIndia?—
The Bengal Gazette
●In which region of India did the Portuguese establishtheir first fort on the Indian soil? —
●Who, after having analyzed the causes of 1857 Revolt,advocated cordial relations between the Britishand Muslims?—
Syed Ahmed Khan
●Who founded Madras Presidency which existed tillthe time of India’s independence?—
Sir ThomasMunro
●Who was the leader of Chittagong Armoury Raid of1930?—
Surya Sen
●Where did Jawaharlal Nehru first unfurl the Indiantricolour?—
On the banks of Ravi in Lahore in1929
●During the reign of which viceroy was the firstWorkshop Act passed?—
Lord Ripon
●Who threw bomb at a car under the assumption thatKingsford, the magistrate of Muzaffarpur, wassitting in it?—
Khudiram Bose and PrafullaChaki
●When did the British annex Sindh?—
●The telegraph line, started by Lord Dalhousie in1853, ran between:—
Calcutta and Agra
●Who led the Dandi March in southern India?—
●For which crime were Bhagat Singh and his friendsRajguru and Sukhdev were hanged on 23 March1931?—
Lahore conspiracy
●Where was the 1906 session of Congress held inwhich Swaraj was declared as a goal?—
●Who was the founder of the Asiatic Society of Bengalin 1784?—
Sir William Jones
●Where did Mahatma Gandhi, for the first time, applyhis technique of Satyagraha?—
South Africa
●When was the Azad Hind Fauj started?—
●Who started the Bhoodan movement?—
AcharyaVinoba Bhave
●Who laid the first railway tracks in India?—
●The original name of Swami Vivekananda was:—
Narendranath Dutt
●Who were given separate representation by theCommunal Award of 1932?—
Harijans, Muslims,Sikhs and Christians
●Who was the Portuguese to capture Goa?—
Alfansode Albuquerque
●During the period of which governor general was theIndian National Congress established?—
●The federal system of government was introduced inIndia by:—
Government of India Act, 1935
●Who was the first Indian woman to have become thePresident of Indian National Congress?—
●Subhash Chandra Bose set up the interimgovernment of free India in:—
●Which was the most important act to announce thatthe sovereignty of the British empire in India liedwith the British monarch?—
Company CharterAct, 1853
●On which ground was Oudh annexed to the BritishEmpire by Lord Dalhousie?—
On grounds ofmaladministration
●Who was the last British viceroy in India?—
●In which year did Gandhiji set up the SabarmatiAshram in Gujarat?—
●The main objective of Gandhi’s movement to boycottforeign goods was:—
to promote cottageindustries
●Bahadur Shah was:—
The last Mughal emperor
●The first fire of 1857 Revolt was opened by MangalPandey in:—
●Who gave the theory of drain?—
Dadabhai Naoroji
●Which place in India was the headquarters of thePortuguese?—
●On which Governor General of India was impeachedby the House of Commons of England?—
●What was the name of fort built by the British inCalcutta?—
Fort William
●C. R. Das and Motilal Nehru formed the SwarajParty after the:—
Non-Cooperation movement
●The last Governor General of East India Companyand the first Viceroy under the British crown was:—
Lord Canning
●Subhash Chandra Bose unfurled the flag of IndianNational Army in a city on 12 April 1944. Inwhich union territory of India is that city locatedat present?—
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
“●”“The soul of India resides in villages.”” Who said thesewords?—”
Mahatma Gandhi
●What was the name of newspaper edited by MahatmaGandhi in 1933?—
Young India
●In which state of India was Civil DisobedienceMovement launched in 1930 by MahatmaGandhi?—
●Who was the first woman Governor of independentIndia?—
Mrs. Sarojini Naidu
●Against whom was the Lahore Conspiracy caseregistered?—
Bhagat Singh
●In 1937, Congress constituted ministries in:—
7 states
●In which incident was Aurobindo arrested?—
●Who started the Ramakrishna Mission?—
●What was the other name of Nana Saheb?—
●’Kesari’ was a:—
Marathi newspaper
●The greatest Portuguese governor to have laid thefoundation of his country’s power in India was:—
●For marrying the princess of which country wasCharles II, the British ruler, given Bombay asdowry?—
●The Ilbert Bill was introduced during the Governor-Generalship of:—
Lord Ripon
●Where was the Muslim League formed in 1906?—
“●On the death of Mahatma Gandhi, who remarked:”“The light has gone away from our lives””?—”
Jawaharlal Nehru
●By which principle or means did Gandhiji try to curbeconomic inequalities?—
trusteeship principle
●When is the Independence Day of Pakistancelebrated?—
14 August
●In India, French settlements are found in:—
Pondicherry, Mahe and Chandar Nagar
●’India Wins Freedom’ is the autobiography of:—
Abul Kalam Azad
“●Who had said: ““the real seat of taste [is] not thetongue but the mind””? -—”
Mahatma Gandhi
●Who were the first to come and last to leave India?—
●According to Dadabhai Naoroji, ‘Swaraj’ meant:—
Economic independence
●What was the definition of Gandhiji’s ‘Ram Rajya’?—
Maximum benefit to all
●Who wrote the ‘Prison Diary’?—
●On which principle was the Gandhian economybased?—
●Who is known as ‘The Nightingale of India’?—
Sarojini Naidu