RL BIO 2 Flashcards
●Jalpriya is a variety of:
●Sugarcane + Potato is an intercropping system of:
Autumn season
●Seed-rate of potato per hectare is:
●What kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make itsuitable for cropping?
●The branch of agriculture which deals with thefeeding, shelter, health and breeding of thedomestic animals is called:
Animal Husbandry
●A plant with compound leaves is:
●Study of field crops is called:
●The term ‘GM food’ refers to the food:
that isgenetically modified
●Bee keeping is known as:
●HYV refers to:
High yielding variety
●Vegetables are easily perishable because of their highcontent of:
●Deficiency symptoms of calcium on plants firstappear at:
terminal leaves
●Which weedicide is used to kill broad leaf weeds inwheat?
2, 4 - D.S.S. (WPSS)
●Maya is the variety of:
●The weed that causes Asthma is:
●Which crop requires maximum amount of nitrogen?
●First dwarf variety of paddy developed in India is:
●Sprinkler irrigation is suitable, where the soil has:
Clayey texture, loamy texture and undulatingtypography
●Endosulphan is also known as:
●DDVP is known as:
●Seed treatment with Vitavex is the main controllingmethod of:
Loose Smut, Rust and DownyMildew
●Covered smut of barley is a disease of:
Internallyseed borne
●In India, about 142 million hectare land is under:
●The headquarters of Indian MeteorologicalDepartment was established in 1875 at:
●Moisture condensed in small drops upon cool surfaceis called:
●How many agro-climatic zones (ACZ) are found inIndia?
●Pudding is done to:
Reduce percolation of water,Pulverise and levelling soil and kill weeds
●This ‘Biofertilizer’ is a nitrogen fixing micro-organism, beneficial for non-leguminous as well asfor vegetable crops:
●This variety of Tomato is highyielding with goodquality fruits and suitable for Jharkhand State forcultivation:
Swarna Lalima
●’Sweta Seedless’ grape variety recently released byIIHRBangalore, is suitable for growing in:
South India
●Rabi Sorghum is an important crop suitable for’Rainfed Ecosystem’ of which state of India?
●Which ‘Agro-Ecosystem’ is characterized by low,erratic rainfall with high coefficient of variationand frequent droughts in India?
Arid agro-ecosystem
●What is botanical (Scientific) name of Safed Musli-amedicinal plant grown almost all over India?
Chlorophytum borivilianum
●Drip-irrigation has been most successful for:
●Contract farming consists of:
company taking onlease basis farmers’ land for cultivation
●Water held in the soil is not available to the plant, if itis held at tension?
above 15 atmosphere
●While starting cultivation of medicinal and aromaticplants, first it should be ensured:
availability ofassured profitable market
●West Coast Tall (WCT) is a variety of:
●Norman Borlaug the ‘Father of Green Revolution’has developed a highly recognized andappreciated cultivating variety of:
●Which one of the following helps in absorption ofphosphorus from soil by plants?
●An organism used as biofertilizer for raising soybeancrop is:
●In tissue culture medium, the embryoids formed frompollen grains is due to:
Cellular totipotency
Haploid plantlets can be produced by:
●Pure line breeds refer to:
Homozygosity only
●Necrosis, or death of tissue particularly leaf tissue, isdue to the deficiency of:
Ca, Mg, Cu and K
“●”“Jaya”” and ““Ratna”” developed for green revolutionin India are the varieties of:”
●The entire collections of plants/seeds having alldiverse alleles for all the genes of a crop is called:
●The capacity to generate a whole plant from anycell/explants is called:
●The method of producing thousands of plantsthrough tissue culture is called:
●Mutations can be induced with:
●’Himgiri’ developed by hybridisation and selectionfor disease resistance against rust pathogens is avariety of:
●Breeding crops with higher levels of minerals,vitamins or higher protein and healthier fats iscalled:
●The superiority of the hybrid over either parent inone or more traits is:
●Plants having similar genotypes produced by plantbreeding are called:
●The process to induce mutations artificially throughuse of chemicals or radiations is called:
Gamma Radiations
●The emasculation of flower buds is achieved byremoving:
●A transgenic food crap which may help in solving theproblem of night blindness in developing countriesis:
Golden Rice
●The phenomenon of Heterosis has been mostcommercially exploited first in:
●Processed meat and poultry products have goodmarket. However, their export is mainlyhampered due to:
unhygienic conditions ofslaughter houses and animal diseases
●Arabica is a type of:
●Vermicompost is prepared with the help of following:
●The average carbon / nitrogen ratio of soils isgenerally:
●In case of Drip irrigation which of the followingadvantage is observed?
It saves water
●The hybrid of which one of the following crops wasevolved by India using modern DNA techniquesand released in February 2005?
India has notreleased any such hybrid so far
●Approximately how many eggs does a femalesilkworm lay in 24 hours after the propercopulation with the male moth in India?
●Other things being suitable, what level oftemperature is considered ideal for optimumgrowth of banana crop?
18 degree celsius
●Iodine deficiency in the Sow’s ratio during pregnancywould be reflected through the symptom of:
Birth of hairless piglets
●In the literature on the development of GMO crops,which one of the following crops is among thosecrops that have been designated as OrphanCrops?
●Milk fever in cattle is caused due to the deficiency of :
●Atherosclerosis refers to ailment of:
●Our bones and teeth are generally made of:
Tri-calcium Phosphate
●Pituitary gland is located in:
●What is the limit of MG/DL of blood sugar in thenormal person at the time of fast?
●Labourers who do hard manual labour develop thickskin on their palms and soles due to:
thickepidermis, thick dermis and thick subcutaneoustissue
●Pathogenic bacteria secrete:
●The element which is the most abundant in thehuman body is:
●The area of the human tongue sensitive to bitternessis restricted to:
Posterior part
●Amniocentesis is a method for:
Determination offetal health conditions
●What may be the cause of malfunctioning of thyroidgland?
Iodine deficiency
●The element which is the most abundant in thehuman body is:
●What are the blood corpuscles that help to build upresistance against diseases?
●Which is the gland that holds the body’s thermostat?
●What is the chromosome number in a human ovum?
●Which organ of the body never rests?
●In which part of the eye lies the pigment that decidesthe colour of the eyes of a person?
●In a human body, the longest bone is in the:
●The total number of vertebrae in a human being is:
●On the average, what percentage of human body hasthe element of oxygen?
●Dehydration in human body is caused due to thedeficiency of:
●The tissue in man where no cell division occurs afterbirth is:
●At very high altitude, the Red Blood Corpuscles inthe human body will:
increase in size
●The metal present in insulin is:
●What is the number of chromosomes in a normalhuman body cell?
●Out of the following glands, which is referred to asthe master gland?
Pituitary gland
●What is an antibiotic?
A synthetic compoundinhibiting the growth of bacteria
●Which is the organ that excretes water, fat andvarious catabolic wastes?
●Excretory products of mammalian embryo areeliminated out by:
●During dehydration what is the substance that isusually lost by the body?
Sodium Chloride
●A person will have brown eyes, blue eyes or blackeyes depending on the particular pigment presentin the:
●Development of an egg without fertilization is called:
●In the process of dialysis used on patients withaffected kidneys, the phenomenon involved is:
●What is the normal blood sugar level of a humanbeing?
120-150 mg/dl
“●Literal meaning of the term ““Homo Sapiens”” is:”
Man: The Wise
●The blood cholesterol level in 100 ml of blood in anormal person varies between:
150 and 200 mg
●The body temperature is regulated by:
●Fluid part of blood devoid of corpuscles is called:
●Heart murmur indicates a:
defective valve
●The enzyme in whose presence glucose and fructoseare converted into alcohol is:
●The medical term used for the sleeplessness is:
●The enzyme that is present in the saliva of man is:
●Study of newly born up to the age of 3 months iscalled:
●The colour of human skin is produced by:
●Which is the anti-coagulant substance in blood?
●The number of chambers in a human heart is:
●How many bones are there in the human body?
●The normal RBC count in adult male is:
●Which of the part of tongue bears cells for sour taste?
●The large amount of sugar present in human blood is:
●Deep fried food materials are carcinogenic becausethey are rich in:
●Besides carbohydrates, a major source of energy inour food is constituted by:
●The average heart beat rate per minute in a normalperson is:
●EEG records the activity of:
●What happens to a person who receives the wrongtype of blood?
The RBCs
●Pituitary gland is situated in:
The base of thebrain
●The brain of human adult weighs about:
1200-1300 gram
●The ability of the eye to see in the dark, is due to theproduction of a purple pigment known as:
●Adrenaline directly affects:
Sinoatrial node
●All arteries carry oxygenated blood, except:
Pulmonary artery
●Which chamber of the human heart has the thickestmuscular wall?
Left Ventricle
●If one litre of water is introduced in human blood,then:
RBC collapses and urine productionincreases
●The vein that does not directly open into the heart is:
Posterior mesenteric vein
●What is reabsorbed through loop of Henle?
●Why do we urinate more in wet and cold months?
Sweating is much reduced
●When the infection invades the urinary bladder, it iscalled:
●When the infection is localized in the urethra, it iscalled:
●Which two waste products are removed from theblood in liver by Ornithine cycle?
Ammoniaand Carbon dioxide
●Volume of urine is regulated by:
Aldosterone andADH
●Coronary heart disease is due to:
Insufficient bloodsupply to the heart muscles
●Maximum amount of oxygen is exchanged from theblood in the:
capillaries surrounding tissue cells
●Organ that produces bile is:
●The component in bile which helps to emulsify fat inthe duodenum is:
Bile salts
●The HCl in gastric juice converts:
Pepsinogen topepsin
●Enzymes that is found on the mucosa of the intestinalvilli is:
●Which factor is required for maturation oferythrocytes?
Vitamin B12
●The hardest substance in the vertebrate body is:
●Neuroglial cells support and protect:
●How many laminae are present in the grey matter ofspinal cord?
●A short Gap in the myelin sheath around a nervefiber is called:
Node of Ranvier
●Broca’s area in the left hemisphere of the brain isrelated to:
●Cocaine as a stimulant of the CNS interferes with thereuptake of ____ at synapses.
●Functions of smooth muscles, cardiac muscles,organs, and glands are regulated by ______system.
●Comprehension of spoken and written words takeplace in which region of the brain?
●There are ______ pairs of cranial nerves arising fromthe brain.
●Recording of the electrical activity associated with theheartbeat is called:
●Skeletal muscles are controlled by
Somatic nerves
●Spinal cord and brain are wrapped in protectivemembranes known as:
●The basic cyclic pattern of inspiration and expirationare established by a respiratory center within the:
Medulla oblongata
●Which portion of the brain is responsible for variousemotions such as pleasure, fear, and happiness?
Limbic system
●The difference in charge between inside and outsideenvironment (change in voltage) of the nerve cellmembrane is measured by:
●The thin and convoluted outer layer of gray matterthat covers the cerebral hemispheres is:
Cerebral cortex
●When sympathetic nervous system is activated itcauses the secretion of:
Adrenaline whichstimulates the organ
●The glucose is converted into glycogen in liver andstored in:
●The vitamin essential for blood clotting is:
●Enzymes that is found on the mucosa of the intestinalvilli is:
●To prevent entry of food into the trachea the openingis guarded by:
Sericteries are modified:
Salivary glands
●Angiotensinogen is a protein produced and secretedby:
Liver cells
●The main function of lacteals in the villi of humansmall intestine is the absorption of:
Fatty acidsand glycerol
●Continued consumption of a diet rich in butter, redmeat and eggs for a long period may lead to:
●The backflow of faecal matter in the large intestine isprevented by the presence of:
ileocecal(ileocaecal) valve
●An artificial pace-maker is implanted subcutaneouslyand connected to the heart in patients:
withirregularity in the heart rhythm
●In a healthy adult man the normal diastolic pressureis:
80 mm Hg
●In which of the following disorders, blood has adefective hemoglobin?
Sickle cell anemia
●Lead concentration in blood is considered alarming ifit is:
30 ìg/100 ml
●The difference between systolic and diastolic pressurein human is:
40 mm Hg
●Rh -ve person donated blood to Rh +ve person forthe second time. Then :
Nothing happens to Rh+ve person
●The deposition of lipids on the wall lining the lumenof large and medium sized arteries is referred toas:
●The valves which allow blood to flow from theventricles into the arteries and not in the oppositedirection are:
A.V valve (Atrioventricularvalve) and semilunar valve
●Arteries are best defined as the vessels which:
Carry blood away from the heart to differentorgans
●Artificial pace maker is transplanted in:
Below thecollar bone
●Average cardiac output is:
5.3 litre/minute
●Serum is:
Blood without corpuscles and fibrinogen
●Blood pressure increases and heart rate decreases inresponse to:
Increased intracranial pressure
●Both erythrocytes and leucocytes are formed in:
Bone Marrow
●Which neuroglia cells produce a fatty insulatingmaterial called myelin?
Schwann Cells
●Patients suffering from cholera are given a saline dripbecause:
Na+ ions help in the retention of water in the body tissues
●If vagus nerve in man is damaged, which of thefollowing will be affected?
Pancreatic secretion,gastrointestinal movements and cardiacmovements
●Cornea transplant in humans is almost neverrejected. This is because:
It has no bloodsupply
●Brain completely depends on blood from the supplyof:
Oxygen and Glucose
●Bundle of His is a network of:
Muscle fibres foundonly in the ventricle wall
●’Bundle of His’ is a part of which one of the followingorgans in humans?
●Cardiac output is defined as the amount of blood:
Pumped by each ventricle per minute
●Christmas disease is also known as:
●Major part of the plasma consists of:
●Compared to blood our lymph has:
More WBCsand no RBCs
●Diastole occurs due to:
Relaxation of heartmuscles
●During storage of blood anticoagulant added to itmay be:
Sodium oxalate
●Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) does not contain:
●Globulins contained in human blood plasma areprimarily involved in:
Defence mechanisms ofbody
●Graveyard of RBCs is:
●Haemoglobin oxygen dissociation curve is:
●The function of vagus nerve innervating the heart isto:
Reduce the heart beat
●Hardening of the arteries due to deposition ofcholesterol is called:
●Largest amount of urea is normally carried by:
Hepatic vein
●The kind of epithelium which forms the inner walls ofblood vessels is:
Squamous epithelium
●Heparin is:
●Murmur is a disorder of:
Heart Valves
●Heparin is produced by:
Liver cells
●Hepatic portal system connects:
Digestive systemto liver
●In a cardiac output of 5250 ml/minute, with 75 heartbeats per minute, the stroke volume is:
70 ml
●In a typical heart, if EDV is 120 ml of blood and ESVis 50 ml of blood, the stroke volume (SV) is:
120- 50 = 70 ml
●In developing embryo RBCs are formed in:
●Opening to the trachea is covered by a small flap oftissues termed as the:
●The exchange of gases between inhaled air and bloodis referred as:
External respiration
●The maximum volume of air contained in the lung bya full forced inhalation is called:
Total lungcapacity
●The maximum volume of air that can be releasedfrom the lungs by forceful expiration after deepestinspiration is called the:
Vital capacity
●The trachea divides into two smaller tubes called:
●Oxygenated blood occurs in:
Pulmonary vein
●Which one of the following makes all the cholesterolthat human body needs?
●Carrier ions like Na+ facilitate the absorption ofsubstances like:
Fructose and some amino acids
●In higher vertebrates, SA node helps in:
Initiationof heart beat
●Which type of white blood cells are concerned withthe release of histamine and the natural anticoagulant heparin?
●If due to some injury the chordae tendinae of thetricuspid valve of the human heart is partiallynon-functional, what will be the immediate effect?
The flow of blood into the pulmonary arterywill be reduced
●The cells lining the blood vessels belong to thecategory of:
Squamous epithelium
●In humans, blood passes from the post caval to thediastolic right atrium of heart due to:
Pressuredifference between the post caval and atrium
●The most active phagocytic white blood cells are:
Neutrophils and monocytes
●To obtain a standard ECG, a patient is connected tothe machine with three electrodes:
One to eachwrist and to the left ankle
●If for some reason our goblet cells are non-functionalthis will adversely affect:
Smooth movement offood down the intestine
●The average diameter of Red Blood Corpuscles ofman is:
7.2 ìm
●Name the hormone that stimulates the secretion ofgastric juice.
●Bile salts act as activator of which enzyme?
●Concentration of the urine is controlled by:
●Damage to thymus in children may lead to:
Loss ofcell-mediated immunity
●ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex to release agroup of hormones called:
●Adrenocorticotropic hormone stimulates the adrenalcortex to produce:
●Chemical signals released by an organism thatinfluence the behavior of other individuals of thesame species are called:
●An enlarged thyroid is the result of ______ deficiency.
●Anabolic steroids are _____ versions of testosterone.
●The hormone known to participate in metabolism ofcalcium and phosphorus is:
●Respiratory centre is located in the:
●Bronchi branch into the tubes of smaller diameters(less than 1 mm) known as:
●What is the instrument that measures the amount ofair inhaled and exhaled with each breath?
______ of the person is/are found damaged.
Alveolar walls
●Asthma is due to:
Bronchioles constrict due tomuscle spasms
●Amount of air in the lungs that remains after deepbreathing is called:
Residual volume
●What protects the moist membranes of therespiratory tract?
Mucus and cilia
●Bulk of carbon dioxide (CO2) released from bodytissues into the blood is present as:
Bicarbonatein blood plasma and RBCs
●The kind of tissue that forms the supportive structurein our Pinna (external ears) is also found in:
Tip of the nose
●Deficiency of adrenal cortex hormones results in:
Addison Disease
●During growth period release of too much growthhormone can lead to:
●Endemic goitre is a state of:
Decreased thyroidfunction
●Glucagon hormone is secreted by the:
●Hormone responsible for the secretion of milk afterparturition:
●The nerve centres which control the bodytemperature and the urge for eating are containedin:
●Which part of human brain is concerned with theregulation of body temperature?
●In adults, insufficient thyroxine can lead to:
●In children, hypothyroidism (underactive thyroidgland) can lead to:
●In Male the sex hormone that maintains sexualorgans and secondary sex characteristics is:
●In the body, both the blood sodium and potassiumlevels are regulated by:
●Islets of Langerhans are found in:
●Name the condition when the concentration of Ketonebody increases in urine.
Diabetes mellitus
●Pituitary gland known as the ‘master’ endocrinegland is under the control of:
●The endocrine gland which contributes to setting thebody’s biological clock is the:
Pineal gland
●In human adult females oxytocin:
Causes stronguterine contractions during parturition
●Aggregates of lymphoid tissue present in the distalportion of the small intestine are known as:
Peyer’s patches
●The basic functional unit of human kidney is:
●The Bowman’s capsules are found in:
●The hollow space at the centre of kidney where urineis collected after its formation is called:
●The lungs are important organs for excretion of:
Carbon dioxide
●The main nitrogen-containing waste excreted in urineis:
●The muscular tubes which take the urine from thekidneys to the bladder are:
●The principal nitrogenous excretory compound inhumans is synthesised:
In the liver buteliminated mostly through kidneys
●The process of dilution of urine takes place in:
Loop of Henle
●The renal medulla consists of cone-shaped tissuemasses called:
Renal Pyramid
●The size of filtration slits of Glomerulus areapproximately:
25 nm
●The term haematuria is used to describe:
Presenceof Red Blood cells in Urine
●The yellow pigment derived from heme breakdownand excreted by kidneys is:
●Urea is produced as an excretory substance in humanbody in:
●Ability of the kidneys for the production ofconcentrated urine is dependent on:
Countercurrent mechanism
●Accumulation of urea and other waste substances inthe blood is called:
●Bile manufactured by liver is stored within the:
Gall bladder
●Hemoglobin retains oxygen and releases it in the:
●Human nose contains ______ nasal cavities.
●In the human body which concentration is regulatedmainly by the kidneys?
●Lungs are enclosed by:
pleural membranes
●Number of lobes in both right land left lungs arerespectively:
3 and 2
●Rheumatic fever can cause damage to:
●The oxygen dissociation curve is shifted to the rightby an increase in:
H+ concentration, PCO2 andtemperature
●The primary muscle of inspiration which forms thefloor of the thoracic cavity is:
●The tube which leads to the stomach from the throatis:
●Voice box or ______ is the portion of the respiratorytract which contains the vocal cords for producingsound.
●Creatinine the waste product closely regulated by thebrain and kidneys is the end product of themetabolism of:
●Glomerular capsule and convoluted tubules alwayslie within the:
Renal Cortex
●If a man takes large amount of protein, he is likely toexcrete more amount of:
Urea and Uric acid
●If a person undergoes a prolonged fasting then hisurine will be found to contain higher levels of:
●In the kidneys, osmotic pressure controls:
●A certain patient is suspected to be suffering fromAcquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. Whichdiagnostic technique will you recommend for itsdetection?
●A metastatic cancerous tissue is termed ‘sarcoma’ ifthe disorder is in:
●A health disorder that results from the deficiency ofthyroxin in a adults and characterized by (i) a lowmetabolic rate, (ii) increase in body weight and(iii) tendency to retain water in tissues is:
●Bile helps in digestion of fats through:
●Bile secretion occurs in the proportion of:
amountof fat in food
●If a patient is advised to take more meat, butter milkand eggs in his diet. The person is:
Sufferingfrom Kwashiorkor disease
●Correct enzyme-substrate pair is:
●A pair of small lymphatic tissue present at the sidesof root tongue is called as:
●Anxiety and eating spicy food together in anotherwise normal human, may lead to:
●Aneurin is the other name for:
Vitamin B1
●Bilirubin and biliverdin are present in:
●Penicillin is extracted from:
●Which is the effect of antigen in an ill person?
Itincreases the production of antibiotics
●The disease caused by Asbestos is:
●In the eye, colour vision is affected by the presence of:
●Quantity of fresh air required for a man is:
1000cubic feet of air for every 20 minutes
●Reserpine is used to:
reduce high blood pressure
●A ‘breath test’ used by traffic police to checkdrunken driving uses:
potassiumdichromatesulphuric acid
●Typhoid fever is caused by:
●Sweetex used by the diabetic patients has energycontent of:
Zero calories
●Night blindness results from:
Vitamin A
●Edward Jenner is associated with:
Small Pox
●The scientist who explained about blood circulationfor the first time was:
William Harvey
●Hay fever is a sign of:
“●Where did the new form of pneumonia ““SARS”“start?”
●BCG vaccination is to be given to a new-born child:
within 48 hours
●The Vitamin which helps in clotting of blood is:
Vitamin K
●Roundworm is a human parasite found in the:
Large Intestine
●Xerophthalmia is a deficiency disease caused by lackof:
Vitamin A
●EEG is used to detect the functioning of:
●Locked jaw disorder is the other name of the disease:
●Milk is not considered a balanced diet now-a-daysbecause of the absence of:
Iron and Vitamin C
●Sea sickness is due to the effect of the motion of ship,on:
●The main function of white blood cells in the body isto:
Protect body against diseases
●What part of the eye gets inflamed and becomes pinkwhen dust gets into?
●Pregnant women usually become deficient in:
Calcium and Iron
●The causative organism of dengue fever is:
●Thalassemia is a hereditary disease. It affects:
●Full form of the infectious disease SARS is:
SevereAcute Respiratory Syndrome
●Insects responsible for transmitting diseases arecalled:
●Founder of Homeopathy is:
Samuel Hahnemann
●Bleeding of gums and loosening of teeth is caused dueto deficiency of:
Vitamin C
●Deficiency of vitamin D in children causes:
●Scurvy is a disease which is caused due to thedeficiency of vitamin:
Vitamin C
●Tamiflu is frontline drug against:
Bird Flu
●Why excessive heating and repeated use of cookingoil are most undesirable?
Carcinogenicsubstances like benzpyrene are produced
●Quarantine regulation is concerned with:
prevention of entry of diseased organism
●Toxicology is related to the study of:
●Which part of human body is first highly affected bynuclear radiation?
●The standard audible capacity of a healthy humanbeing as per World Health Organisation is in therange of:
5-10 decibels
●Cancer is a disease where we find uncontrolled:
Cell Division
●Triple vaccine is administered to a new born child toimmunize it against:
whooping cough, tetanusand diphtheria
●An antibiotic is:
a chemical synthesized by a micro-organism against another microorganisms
●M.R.I stands for:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
●The science dealing with the study of teeth is:
●The causative agent of Tuberculosis is:
●Blood cancer is otherwise called as:
●Radioimmunoassay (RIA) is a therapy used:
todetect antibodies and hormones present in theblood samples
●The disease in which the sugar level of bloodincreases is known as:
Diabetes insipidus
●Jaundice is a symptom of disease of:
●The vaccination against small pox involves theintroduction of:
weakened germs
●Deficiency of Vitamin B6 in man causes:
●First successful heart transplantation was done by:
C.N. Barnard
●Yellow Fever is transmitted by:
●Washing of peeled vegetables removes whichvitamin?
Vitamin C
●A man with colour blindness will see red as:
●The metal, which is a constituent of Vitamin B12 is:
●According to WHO, the bird flu virus cannot betransmitted through food cooked beyond: