RL POL 1 Flashcards
●In India other than ensuring that public funds areused efficiently and for intended purpose what isthe importance of the office of the CAG?
CAGreports on the execution of projects orprogrammes by the ministries are discussed by thePAC.
●The Prime Minister of India, at the time of his/ herappointment:
need not necessarily be a memberof one of the Houses of the Parliament but mustbecome a member of one of the Houses within sixmonths
●According to the Constitution of India, it is the dutyof the President of India to cause to be laid beforethe Parliament
Recommendations of the UnionFinance Commission Report of the Comptrollerand Auditor General Report of the NationalCommission for the Scheduled Castes
●The distribution of powers between the Centre andthe States in the Indian Constitution is based onthe scheme provided in the:
Government ofIndia Act 1935
●In the areas covered under the Panchayat (Extensionto the Scheduled Areas) Act, 1996 the roles/powers of Gram Sabha are :
Gram Sabha hasthe power to prevent alienation of land in thescheduled area. Gram Sabha has the ownershipof minor forest produce.
●Which were the first two states in India whichestablished Panchayati Raj in 1956?
Rajasthanand Andhra Pradesh
●Once a Budget has been presented in the Parliament,the government has to get all money bills relatedto the union budget passed within ___.
75 Days
●The parts of Nagar Panchayat are
Notified AreaCommittee Town Area Committee
●The political party of India having an election symbolalmost close to the election symbol of RepublicanParty of USA is
Bahujan Samaj party
●By which amendment of the Constitution, theterritories of Goa, Daman & Diu wereincorporated in the Indian Union?
Constitution(12th) Amendment Act 1962
●The Vice President of India is elected by the ElectoralCollege consisting of the members of __.
RajyaSabha and Lok Sabha
●The power to vote money for public expenditure restsin India with
Lok Sabha, Legislative Assembly
●The national green tribunal Act of 2010 was enactedin consonance with which provision of theConstitution of India?
Right to healthyenvironment, construed as a part of Right to Lifeunder Article 21
●What are the Gandhian Principles that are reflectedin the Directive Principles of State Policy?
Organising village Panchayats,Promoting cottage industries in rural areas
●According to the Constitution of India, Parliamentconsists of the President, Lok Sabha and
●The original jurisdiction of the Supreme Courtincludes
Dispute between the Government ofIndia and one or more States. All disputesbetween two or more States.
●The most profound influence exercised in framing theIndian Constitution by
Government of IndiaAct, 1935
●In which Article of the Constitution of India has theJoint Sitting of the Lok Sabha and the RajyaSabha been provided?
Article 108
●Separation of the Judiciary from the Executive hasbeen provided in which part of the IndianConstitution?
Directive Principles of StatePolicy
●A Money Bill passed by the Lok Sabha is deemed tohave been passed by the Rajya Sabha also whenno action is taken by the Upper House within
●Who is legally competent under the IndianConstitution to declare war or conclude peace?
●Which Schedule of the Constitution deals with thedisqualification of elected members on the groundof defection?
10th Schedule
●What was the exact constitutional position of theIndian Republic when the Constitution wasbrought into force with effect from January 26,1950?
Sovereign Democratic Republic
●A federal structure of India was first put forward bythe
Act of 1919
●Which writ is issued by a High Court or the SupremeCourt to compel an authority to perform afunction that it was not performing?
Writ ofMandamus
●The Chief Election Commissioner can be removedfrom his office
On the basis of provedmisbehaviour by two-third majority of bothHouses of Parliament
●In an election, electioneering has to be stopped in aConstituency
48 hours before the closing hourof polling
●If the Speaker of the Lok Sabha intends to vacate hisoffice before the expiry of his term, he sends hisresignation to
Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha
●Parliament enjoys the exclusive right to legislate onthe subjects contained in
Union List
●Which Fundamental Right was described by Dr.Ambedkar as the ‘Heart and Soul’ of theConstitution?
Right to Constitutional Remedies
●In which case did the Supreme Court of Indiadetermine that the Parliament has power to makeamendment in Fundamental Rights, but it cannotmake any change in the basic structure of theConstitution?
Kesavananda Bharati Case
●The constitution (Seventy-Third Amendment) Act,1992, which aims at promoting the Panchayati rajInstitutions in the Country, provides for
StateElection Commissions to conduct all panchayatelections. Establishments of State FinanceCommissions
●In India, if a religious sect/ community is given thestatus of a national minority, what specialadvantages it is entitled to
It can establish andadminister exclusive educational Institutions. Itcan derive from the Prime Minister’s 15- pointsprogramme.
●The first woman judge to be appointed to SupremeCourt was
M. Fathima Beevi
●What can be said to be essentially the parts of’Inclusive Governance’?
Increasing thegovernment spending on public healthStrengthening the Mid-day Meal Scheme
●With reference to the Delimitation Commission, thecorrect statements are:
The orders of theDelimitation Commission cannot be challenged ina Court of Law.When the orders of the Delimitation Commissionare laid before the Lok Sabha or State LegislativeAssembly, they cannot effect any modifications inthe orders
●When was the draft Constitution of India preparedby the Drafting Committee submitted to thePresident of the Constituent Assembly?
21stFebruary, 1948
●With reference to consumer’s rights/privileges underthe provision of law in India the the statementsare
Consumers are empowered to take samplesfor food testing.In case of death of consumer, his/her legal heir canfile a complaint in the consumer forum on his/herbehalf.
●When was the Second Reading of the Constitutioncompleted in the Constituent Assembly?
16thNovember, 1949
●How many readings were held on the Constitution inthe Constituent Assembly?
●When was the Constitution of India adopted by theConstituent Assembly?
26th November 1949
●The correct statements regarding the Centre-Statelegislative relations are:
When there is a conflictover a matter between the State list and theConcurrent list, the latter prevails over theformer.
●How many Princely States existed at the time whenthe Constituent Assembly was making theConstitution?
●Who said, ‘I feel, however, good a Constitution maybe, it is sure to turn out bad because those who arecalled to work it, taken to be a bad lot. Howeverbad a Constitution may be, it may turn out to be good ifthose who are called to work it, happens to be agood lot. The working of a Constitution does notdepend wholly upon the nature of theConstitution’?
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
●Who stated, ‘As to the execution that the DraftConstitution has produced a good part of theprovisions of the Government of India Act 1935,make no apologies. There is nothing to beashamed of in Borrowing’?
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
●Who said, ‘If the people who are elected are capableand men of character and integrity, they would beable to make the best even of a defectiveConstitution. If they are lacking in these, theConstitution cannot help the country’?
Dr.Rajendra Prasad
●When were the elections to the Constituent Assemblyheld?
July 1946
●In the Constituent Assembly how many seats weregot by the Congress?
●How many seats were obtained by the MuslimLeague in the Constituent Assembly?
●How many seats were acquired by the other parties inthe Constituent Assembly?
●How many total members were elected in theConstituent Assembly?
●In the Parliament of India, Upper House in known as
Rajya Sabha
●The authorization for the withdrawal of funds fromthe Consolidated Fund of India must come from:
Parliament of India
●All revenues received by the Union Government byway of taxes and other receipts for the conduct ofGovernment business are credited to the:
Consolidated Fund of India
●When the annual Union Budget is not passed by theLok Sabha :
Prime Minister submits theresignation of Council of Ministers
●In the Parliament, Lower House is called as
LokSabha (House of People)
●In the Constituent Assembly who was the Head of theUnion Constitution Committee?
●In the Constituent Assembly which words wereassociated with the Parliament?
Parliament ofthe Federation
●The immunity enjoyed by the President in respect ofhis/her personal acts, during his/her tenure is anexception to the fundamental right to equality (oftreatment in similar circumstances and absence ofany special privilege in favour of any individual)as mentioned in ____ of the Indian Constitution.
Article 14
●The Sixth Schedule of the Indian Constitution dealswith the administration and control of ScheduledAreas and Scheduled Tribes in the four states of:
Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura and Mizoram
●Which Schedule of the Constitution deals with theadministration and control of Scheduled Areasand Scheduled Tribes in any state, except in thefour states?
5th Schedule
●The resolution for removing the Vice-President ofIndia can be moved in:
Rajya Sabha only
“● Parliament cannot alter the name and territory ofState without the consent of the State Legislature,No proclamation of Emergency can be made bythe President under Article 352 on the ground of”“internal disturbance”” in the State without theconcurrence of State Government. The Unionshall have no power to make a Proclamation ofFinancial Emergency with respect to the Statethese statements are applicable to the statae of”
Jammu and Kashmir
“●Under Part XXI of the Constitution of India, whichdeals with ““Temporary, Transitional and Specialprovisions””, the State of Jammu and Kashmir hasbeen accorded special status under Article ____.”
●In the Constituent Assembly, how many seats werefixed for House of People?
●The grounds for disqualification for being elected asa Member of Parliament are
A person shall bedisqualified for being chosen as, and for being, amember of either House of Parliament- if heholds any office of profit under the Government ofIndia or the Government of any State, other thanan office declared by Parliament by law not todisqualify its holder; if he is of unsound mindand stands so declared by a competent court; ifhe is an un-discharged insolvent
With reference to the jurisdiction exercised by theSupreme Court and the High Court of India, thecorrect statement is :
The Writ jurisdiction ofthe High Court is wider than that of the SupremeCourt.
●The correct statements regarding the CentralVigilance Commission (CVC) are:
The office ofCVC was established by the recommendations ofSanthanam Committee in 1964. The CVC holdsoffice for tenure of four years.
●In the Constituent Assembly, it was said thatParliament of the Federation shall consist of thePresident and what else
National Legislature
●In the Constituent Assembly, which committeerecommended that Indian Constitution adoptParliamentary Form of Executive?
UnionConstitution Committee
●In the Constituent Assembly, what was the number ofpopulation fixed for one Representative?
●Which languages were added to the 8th Schedule bythe 92nd Amendment Act of 2003?
Bodo,Santhali and Konkani
●In the Constituent Assembly who proposed the nameof Dr. Rajendra Prasad as President of India
Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Patel
●When did the Constituent Assembly adopt NationalAnthem?
24th January, 1950
●In the Indian National Flag, what does Asoka’s wheelrepresent?
Wheel of the Law
●In the last session of the Constituent Assembly whichsongs were sung?
Jan Gana Mana and VandeMataram
●Which woman presented National Flag in theConstituent Assembly?
Smt. Hansa Mehta
●The concept of Public Interest Litigation originatedin the United States. Who was the Chief Justice ofIndia when PIL was introduced to the IndianJudicial System ?
Justice PN Bhagwati
●In the National Flag, what does green colourrepresent?
Faith and fertility
●Which Schedule of the Constitution of India has to beamended to provide for the formation of a newState?
First Schedule
●In the National Flag, what does saffron colourrepresent?
Spirit of Renunciation
●In the Constituent Assembly, when was the ad-hocCommittee appointed for the National Flag?
23rd June, 1947
●Who was the first Speaker of free India’s firstLegislature (Constituent Assembly)?
G. V.Mavalankar
●After Indian Independence who representedProvisional Parliament?
Constituent Assembly
●In India which amended the Constitution through thefirst Amendment Bill 1951?
●Who can dismiss Governor of a state from his office?
●What is the maximum (sanctioned) strength ofSupreme Court including the Chief Justice ofIndia?
●Which is the middle unit of Three Tier PanchayatiRaj System?
Panchayat Samiti
●There is a prescribed procedure for the amendmentof the provisions of the Indian Constitution. Thisfeature has been borrowed from the Constitutionof:
South Africa
●Many key features of the constitution such as thefederal structure of government, provincialautonomy, a bicameral central legislature and theprinciple of separation of powers, are directlytaken from:
Government of India Act, 1935
●For which bill, there is no constitutional provision fora joint sitting of both the houses of the Parliamentto resolve a deadlock?
Constitution AmendmentBill and Money Bill
●Which writ literally means ‘We Command’?
●Article 123 of the Indian Constitution provides for:
Ordinance making power
●President can proclaim National Emergency underArticle 352 in the entire country or in any part ofit, on the grounds of:
Armed Rebellion andExternal Aggression
●Election Commission of India is not concerned withthe elections of /to the:
Panchayats andMunicipalities in the State
●Article 20 of the Indian Constitution is an importantFundamental Right as it provides protection inrespect of conviction for offences. The safeguardwhich is not provided to the persons accused ofcrime under Article 20 is:
Right to be producedbefore a magistrate within 24 hours
●The President of India can nominate to how manymembers to Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabharespectively?
12, 2
●Indian States having a Bicameral Legislature are
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Jammu andKashmir, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
●The Swaran Singh Committee recommended:
Inclusion of Fundamental Duties in the IndianConstitution.
●Which commission was formed in 1983 torecommend the relationship and balance of powerbetween state and central governments?
Sarkaria Commission
●According to the provisions of which article of theIndian Constitution that the Parliament cancreate a new all India service, if a resolution ispassed by Rajya Sabha?
Article 312
●The power to vote money for public expenditure vestsin _____.
Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly
●A National Emergency on the grounds of securitythreat is proclaimed under which article?
Article 352
●The Department of Border Management is adepartment under which Union Ministries?
Ministry of Home Affairs
●Which committee was appointed by the governmentof India in 1986 to revitalize Panchayati rajinstitutions for democracy and development?
L.M. Singhvi Committee
●The jurisdiction covering the Andaman and NicobarIslands falls under the supervision of ____.
Acircuit bench of the Kolkata High Court at PortBlair
●Who was the first Prime Minister of India at the timeof Provisional Parliament?
Jawahar Lal Nehru
●Which Article of the Indian Constitution says thatVice-President of India shall be ex officioChairman of the Council of States?
Article 89
●Who was the Deputy Prime Minister of India at thetime of Provisional Parliament?
Sardar BallabhBhai Patel
●The Constitution of India provides that Trade,Commerce and Intercourse throughout theterritory of Union of India is free. However,despite this provision, a state in India can makelaw for imposing taxes on imports of goods fromother states in India, provided the goods producedin other states are also taxes in that state in thesame manner. Who decides whether the states canmake such law or not?
President of India
●Jurisdiction of which High Court covers the UnionTerritory of Lakshadweep?
Kerala High Court
●The number of judges can be altered in the SupremeCourt by ____.
Parliament by Law
●How long a person should have practiced in a HighCourt to be eligible to be appointed as a Judge ofSupreme Court of India?
10 years
●By which amendment of the Constitution of India,Delhi was designated as National CapitalTerritory (NCT)?
69th Amendment Act
●In India, a three tier Panchayat is envisaged for stateswhich have a population above___.
20 Lakh
●A member of a State Public Service Commission canbe appointed and removed respectively by ____.
Governor, President
●The various Amendments of Citizenship Act in 1986have resulted in the following:
Difficulty inacquiring citizenship by refugees of Sri Lanka,Bangladesh etc
The salary and allowances of Chief Justice of Indiaand Other judges can be reduced only if approvalcomes:
During a state of financial emergency inthe country.
●In India, a Metropolitan Planning Committee:
isconstituted under the provisions of theConstitution of India prepares the draftdevelopment plans for metropolitan area
●Who functions as a Constitutional Ruler and an agentof the Centre?
●The salary of the Judge of High Court are chargedfrom:
Consolidated Fund of State
●The Commission appointed by the BritishGovernment abolished the statutory civil serviceand recommended a Provincial Civil Service in1888
Aitchison Commission
“●What is the difference between ““vote on account”” and”“interim budget””?”
“A ““vote-on-account”” onlydeals with the expenditure in Government’sbudget, while an ““interim budget”” includes bothexpenditure and receipts”
“●”“Advisory Jurisdiction”” of the Supreme Court ofIndia is”
It tenders advice to the President ofIndia on demand
●Which systems are adopted in various elections inIndia?
Direct Election on the basis of AdultSuffrage Proportional Representation by meansof single transferable Vote
●The registration of Voters is a responsibility of
Election Commission
“●The ““Universal Adult Suffrage”” is enshrined in whicharticle of Constitution of India?”
Article 326
●Who decides on the matter of disqualification of aMember of Rajya Sabha?
President by adviceof Election Commission
●Who can pardon the Capital Punishment?
“●Which constitution interalia influenced the”“emergency provisions’ in the IndianConstitution?”
Constitution of Germany
●Which article was inserted by an amendment of theConstitution of India to give full statehood toMizoram?
Article 371 G
●What is the minimum stay essential before a personcan apply for Indian Citizenship?
5 years
●In which three states the Article 164(1) provided aMinister in charge of tribal welfare who may inaddition be in charge of the welfare of theScheduled Castes and backward classes?
Bihar,Madhya Pradesh and Odisha
●Since which year the government of India startedrecognizing the ‘Primitive Tribal Groups’ (PTGs)as more backward communities among the tribalpopulation groups?
●Which Constitutional Amendment has authorized thepresident to publish a authoritative HindiTranslation of the Constitution of India?
TheConstitution (58th Amendment) Act
●With reference to the eligibility of chairman ofNational Human Rights Commission (NHRC), thecorrect statement is :
The Chairman of theNHRC must have been a Chief Justice of SupremeCourt of India
●Which part of Indian Constitution resembles thestandard-setting Charter of the United Nationsand the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of1948?
Part III, Fundamental Rights
●Till the 42nd Amendment in 1976, the word Secularwas nowhere in the constitution except in Article:
Article 25(2) A
●Which part of Indian Constitution has only oneArticle?
Part XX, Article 368
●In which year was Sikkim added to the North EasternCouncil?
●Department of Border Management functions underwhich of the following ministries of Governmentof India?
Union Home Ministry
●Who was appointed as chairman of a committeeestablished by the Supreme Court to make thePrevention of Damage to Public Property Act,1984 more effective and also to suggest suitablechanges or alterations which can make the statuemore meaningful?
Justice K.T. Thomas
●What is the most appropriate size of Table Flags asper Flag Code of India 2002?
150 × 100 mm
“leaders must be indifferent to material gains anddedicate themselves to their work. The white inthe centre is light, the path of truth to guide ourconduct. The green shows our relation to soil, ourrelation to the plant life here on which all otherlife depends. The Ashoka Wheel in the center ofthe white is the wheel of the law of dharma. Truthor satya, dharma or virtue ought to be thecontrolling principles of those who work underthis flag. Again, the wheel denotes motion. Thereis death in stagnation. There is life in movement.India should no more resist change, it must moveand go forward. The wheel represents thedynamism of a peaceful change.”” The abovedescription about our National Flag was depictedby whom in the Constituent Assembly?”
Dr. S.Radhakrishnan
●The Indian federalism is founded on a theory of’unequal federalism’ under which all States arenot equal and many enjoy a special status. Underwhich of the following articles Nagaland Enjoys aspecial status?
Article 371 A
●Under which article comes the appointment ofAdministrator of the Union territory by thePresident of India?
Article 239
●The Advocate-General of an state shall hold officeduring the pleasure of :
●Sexual Harassment comes under which section ofIndian Penal Code?
Section 509
●Where was Sardar Vallabhai Patel Police Academyestablished in 1948?
Mount Abu
●Which one is not expressly mentioned in Article 19 ofthe Indian Constitution?
Freedom of Press
“●Article 13 of Indian constitution uses the words ““tothe extent of such inconsistency be void”” Whichdoctrine is coherent to this?”
Doctrine ofSeverability
●The date August 29, 1947 is known with regard to ourconstitution for
Drafting Committee was set upon this date.
●As per the Article 358, when the proclamation ofemergency is made by the President under article352, the freedoms guaranteed in which article getsautomatically suspended?
Article 19
“●The Supreme Court of India has held that ““WhereArticle _______ comes in, article 14 goes out.”
Article 31 A
●Article 213 which embodies the ordinance makingpower of the governor of the state is very similarto that of President embodied in the Article
●By which amendment act of the Constitution, Article31-C was inserted in the constitution of India?
25th Constitution amendment, 1971
●Why is the Indian Constitution called asFundamental law of the land?
Because thegovernment organs owe their origin to theConstitution of India and derive their authorityfrom & discharge their responsibilities within theframework of the Constitution
●In which case the Supreme Court of India held theBundhs illegal as they cause violation of Article19(1) and 21 of the constitution in addition tocausing a national loss?
Communist party ofIndia (M) v/s Bharat Kumar and Others
●Directive principles particularly Article 39 (b) and (c) of the constitution of India are many timesreferred as charters of the
Social and economicjustice
●Which Article was added to Indian Constitution by25th amendment act , which gives the directiveprinciples in Article 39 (b) and ( c) primacy overfundamental rights guaranteed under Article 14& 19 of the Indian Constitution?
Article 31 C
●The real executive power lies in:
Council ofMinisters
“●”“Test of reasonableness”” is a very importantconsequence under the article”
Article 14 of theIndian Constitution
●The office of the Comptroller & Auditor General ofIndia has been created in / on the basis of:
Indian Constitution
●In which year was the Comptroller & AuditorGeneral of India relieved from his responsibilitiesof maintenance of accounts?
●In which year two election commissioners were firstappointed after the President of India fixed thenumber of election commissioners to 2?
“●The Constitution 61st Amendment act 1988substituted the words ““Eighteen years”” for ““Twenty One years”” so that a person whoattains the age of 18 years is eligible to vote. Inwhich Article this amendment was made?”
Article 326
●Who recommends the President of India regardingthe principles which should govern the grants-in-aid of the revenues of the states out ofConsolidated Fund of India?
●The first Deputy Chairman of the PlanningCommission was
Gulzari Lal Nanda
●Which Article deals with the appointment, duty andtenure of the Advocate General of State?
●Which act later led to creation of Zonal Councils?
States Reorganization Act 1956
●In which session of Indian National Congress, ournational anthem was first sung on December 27,1911?
Calcutta session
●The constitution of Jammu and Kashmir was framedby:
A special constituent assembly set up bystate
●Which is called as lengthiest amendment to IndianConstitution?
42nd amendment
●Which Article of the Indian Constitution guaranteesrights to arrested persons?
Article 22
“●All those laws that were in force immediately beforethe enactment of the constitution shall be void tothe extent of inconsistency with the fundamentalrights””. Essence of Article 13(1) which quotes thiscan be placed under which of the following?”
Judicial Review
●By exercising its amending power under article 368,Parliament can amend even Part III of theConstitution. Through which cases SupremeCourt held this?
Sajjan Singh v/s State ofRajasthan Case Shankari Prasad v/s Union ofIndia Case
“●Which article says that ““directive principles are notenforceable by any court but at the same timedeclared that they are nevertheless fundamental inthe governance of the country and it shall be dutyof the state to apply these principles in makinglaws?”
Article 37
●Who was the chairman of the First NationalCommission for Women?
Jayanti Patnaik
●Constitution Part IV (Article 36-51) contains thedirective principles of state policy. Which Articlesinclude the scope of Gandhian principles?
Articles 40, 47 and 48
●Which justifies the reason that Directive Principleswere made explicitly unjustifiable?
Theimplementation of directive principles needsresources which the states may not have
●When Vice President acts as the president
He/ Sheceases to be the chairman of Rajya Sabha ANew chairman of the Rajya Sabha is elected
●In which year a non statutory minority commissionwas established in India?
●How many matters are listed in Schedule XII addedby 74th Amendment, which are responsibility ofthe municipalities?
●The Proposed Article 47 (A) by Constitution ReviewCommission of Justice M N Venkatchaliah in theDirective Principles of State Policy is related towhich of the following?
Control of population.
●In which decade India saw the maximum number ofPrime Ministers?
●Articles 74, 75, 78 deal broadly with:
Relationshipbetween Prime Minister and President
●Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen isrelated to:
●In which year Maintenance of Internal Security Act(MISA) was repealed?
●Gurupadswamy Committee dealt with the issue of
child labour.
●Which Constitution Amendment Act seeks that thesize of the Councils of Ministers at the Centre andState must not exceed 15 per cent of the totalnumber of members in the Lok Sabha and thetotal numbers of members of the LegislativeAssembly of that state, respectively?
Department of Border Management is a Department ofwhich one of the following Union Ministries?
Ministry of Home Affairs
●In which year the practice of presenting the railwaybudget separate from the general budget (or viceversa in true sense) started in India?
●What was envisaged in the 74th ConstitutionalAmendment Bill?
Constitution andComposition of a municipality
●For which reforms was a Commission set up underthe Chairmanship of Veerappa Moily by theGovernment of India?
Administrative Reforms
●The establishment of Lok Pal in India wasrecommended by the Administrative ReformsCommission (1966) on the lines of Ombudsman in
Finland, Denmark & Norway
●Under which Constitution Amendments Act, fourlanguages were added to the languages under theEighth Schedule of the Constitution of India,thereby raising their number to 22?
Constitution (Ninety-second Amendment) Act
●The Constitution of India provides that a person shallnot be qualified to be chosen to fill a seat in theLegislative Assembly of a State if he/she is lessthan
25 years of age
●In which condition, the Speaker and Deputy Speakerof the Lok Sabha have to vacate the office?
when they are not Members of Parliament
●Which system is used for elections in Lok Sabha andAssemblies in India?
Territorial representation
●The Directive Principles of State Policy include:
Prohibition of Consumption except for medicinalpurposes of intoxicating drinks and of other drugswhich are injurious to health
“●Which Article of the Indian Constitution says ““TheOfficial Language of the Union shall be Hindi inDevanagari script and English could be also usedfor official purposes””?”
Article 343
●After how many days of India becoming a SovereignDemocratic Republic, the Supreme Court cameinto being?
2 days
●There are provisions that a retired judge of SupremeCourt & High Courts can sit and act as judge of
Supreme court
●Articles 25-28 of the Indian Constitution deal with:
Freedom of religion
●Which President of India represented the country inUNESCO once in his lifetime?
Dr. S.Radhakrishnan
●Who was the vice president of the executive council inthe Interim Government 1946-47?
PanditJawaharlal Nehru
●Which amendment bill exempted the state of Biharfrom the obligation of having a tribal WelfareMinister?
●In which year the Metropolitan Council of Delhi wasreplaced by a 70 member legislative assembly?
●Creation of a very strong centre is a:
●Who was appointed head of the new commissionestablished in 2007 to reexamine centre-staterelations?
Justice Madan Mohan Punchhi
●Till which year the judges of the Supreme Court wereappointed by the President on therecommendation of the Chief Justice of India?
“●”“A rule of legislative procedure under which furtherdebate on a motion can be stopped”” is known inparliamentary terminology as ___:”
●For what is January 26, 1957 known for?
Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir came intoforce
●Which language was included in the eighth scheduleby Constitution (21st) amendment Bill on April10, 1967?
●Who has right to declare any area as a ScheduledArea?
President of India
●Which Article deals with the suspension of provisionsof Article 19 during emergencies?
Article 358
●The establishment of a finance commission wasprovided by the Indian Constitution by thePresident within a period of ______ ofcommencement of the Constitution.
2 years
●The qualifications of a candidate for AttorneyGeneral must be equivalent to:
A Judge ofSupreme Court
●Who coined the term zero hour?
●What is the minimum age qualification for a memberof Rajya Sabha?
30 years
●In whose name all the contracts of Government ofIndia are concluded?
President of India
●The Constitution 110th Amendment Bill is related to:
Reservation in Panchayats
●Whose consent is required for a money bill tooriginate in the state legislature?
●In which year Government of India bannedconducting exit polls and publishing these resultsfrom the time the polls start until all phases of theelection are completed?
●Supreme court of India has given a landmarkguideline spelled out the restrictions on the UnionGovernment’s power to dismiss a stategovernment as per the Article 356 of the IndianConstitution in which famous case?
S.R.Bommai Case
“●”“The Council of Ministers shall be collectivelyresponsible to the House of People””. Which articlestates this?”
Article 75
●Which Schedule of the Indian Constitution deals withterritories of the 29 States and 7 UnionTerritoriess of the Indian Union?
First Schedule
●The Parliament passed the Central Universities(Amendment) Bill, 2009. This bill has clearedways for setting up central universities, especiallyin:
Jammu and Kashmir
●In context of Panchayati Raj in India, the dateDecember 24, 1996 is known for:
Extension tothe Scheduled Areas
●The Contingency Fund of India has been placed atthe disposal of:
President of India
●Who recommends to the President the basis fordistribution of the net proceeds of taxes betweenthe centre and states?
Finance Commission
●The State Reorganization Act 1956 divided thecountry in five Zones. In which Zone Rajasthanwas placed?
Northern Zone
●How many states are part of the North EasternCouncil?
●If strength of a house is 520, 20 members areabstaining and a bill is voted in favour by 251members, this will be an example of ___.
Billpassed by simple majority
●In which year Uttaranchal was renamed asUttarakhand?
●The JVP Committee which was constituted in 1948-49 was related to:
Formation of new states
●The Constitution 103rd Amendment Bill is related to:
Upgrading the status of National Commission ofMinorities
●Which state was not a Union Territory before it wasaccorded the status of Full Fledged State?
●What was the outcome of The States ReorganizationAct 1956?
14 States and 6 Union Territories
●Which Fundamental Right has been to subject tomaximum litigation after inauguration of theConstitution of India?
Right to Property
●The Constitution 100th Amendment Bill is related to:
New Languages in 8th Schedule
●After how many years Finance Commission isappointed?
5 years
●Under which High Court does the Pondicherryjudiciary come?
Madras High court
●By which amendment act of the Constitution weretwo Articles added to incorporate AdministrativeTribunals?
42nd Amendment Act
●Right of Children to Free and Compulsory EducationBill, 2008 which was passed by the Parliamentseeks to reserve what fraction of seats in theprivate schools for weaker sections of the society?
25 per cent
●In the Rajya Sabha, the states have been providedrepresentation on the basis of:
●Which committee of Lok Sabha, is assisted byComptroller & Auditor General of India?
Public Accounts Committee
opinion on matters referred to it by President of India?
Advisory Jurisdiction
●Who can recommend the removal of the Chairman ofUPSC to the President?
Supreme Court of India
●The Governor of a state can nominate how manymembers of the Legislative Council of the State?
One-sixth members of the Legislative Council
●The power to create or abolish Legislative Council instates is vested with:
Legislative Assembly of theState
“●Which committee recommended to set up an ““EqualOpportunity Commission””?”
Sachar Committee
●Which one was the first State in India whereemergency was imposed due to failure ofConstitutional Machinery of the State?
●What will follow if a Money Bill is substantiallyamended by the Rajya Sabha?
The Lok Sabhamay still proceed with the Bill, accepting or notaccepting the recommendations of the RajyaSabha
●With reference to Indian History, the Members of theConstituent Assembly from the Provinces were:
elected by the Provincial Legislative Assemblies
●The Parliament can make any law for whole or anypart of India for implementing internationaltreaties:
without the consent of any State
●’Economic Justice’ as the objectives of Constitutionhas been provided in:
Preamble and theDirective Principles of State Policy
●Under the Scheduled Tribes and Other TraditionalForest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights)Act, 2006, who shall be the authority to initiate theprocess for determining the nature and extent ofindividual or community forest rights or both?
Gram Sabha
●According to the Constitution of India, which one isfundamental for the governance of the country?
Directive Principles of State Policy
●In the context of India, which principles is/areimplied institutionally in the parliamentarygovernment?
Members of the Cabinet areMembers of the Parliament.Ministers hold the office till they enjoy confidence inthe Parliament.
●As per the Constitution of India, the President is theconstitutional head of Executive of the Union.However, the real executive power vests in a _____.
Council of Ministers
●The Legislative Council or the Vidhan Parishad is theUpper Chamber of the State Legislature. Whatpercentage of its members is elected by theLegislative Assembly from amongst persons who arenot its members?
●What is the term for a judicial remedy in the form of anorder from a superior court to any governmentsubordinate court, corporation or public authority todo or forbear from doing some specific act which thatbody is obliged under law to do or refrain fromdoing?
“●”“He is the second-highest office in India, after thePresident and is elected indirectly by an electoralcollege consisting members of both Houses of theParliament.”” Who is he?”
Vice-President of India
●Money bills passed by the Lok Sabha are sent to theRajya Sabha which may not amend money bills butcan recommend amendments. A money bill must bereturned to the Lok Sabha within how many days orthe bill is deemed to have passed both houses?
●Which Constitution was the source of the DirectivePrinciples, method of Presidential elections, and thenomination of members of Rajya Sabha by thePresident in the Indian Constitution?
●As provided in the Constitution of India, how manymonths must not intervene between the last sitting inone session and the first sitting in the succeedingsession of either house of Parliament?
6 months
●Right to vote in India is a constitutional right. Whicharticle (in Part XV) of the Constitution gives thisright?
Article 326
●In contrast with a state’s Vidhan Sabha (LegislativeAssembly), the Legislative Council is a permanentbody and cannot be dissolved; each Member of theLegislative Council (MLC) serves for a ___-yearterm.
●Who is appointed by the President of India under Article76(1) of the Constitution and holds office during thepleasure of the President?
Attorney General ofIndia
●As regards recognition of parliamentary parties, wholays down the necessary guidelines for suchrecognition?
Speaker of the Lok Sabha
●Which Article of the Indian Constitution provides thatwhen a judge is transferred from one High Court tothe other, he shall be entitled to receive in addition tohis salary a compensatory allowance?
Article 222
●The Supreme Court of India may issue writs underArticle 32 of the Constitution for enforcement ofFundamental Rights and under ____ for enforcementof rights other than Fundamental Rights.
●Under the Constitution of India, who enjoys a specialposition insofar as certain matters pertaining to therelations between the two Houses of Parliament areconcerned?
Speaker of Lok Sabha
●The principle of ‘equal pay for equal work’ has animportant place in India. It is read with Article 39 (d)and ___ of the Constitution of India.
Article 14
●Which state of India was formed on November 1, 1966,on the recommendation of the ParliamentaryCommittee which was announced in the Parliamenton September 23, 1965?
●A Money Bill can be introduced in Lok Sabha only.Whose decision is final if any question arises whethera Bill is a Money Bill or not?
Speaker of LokSabha
●Which Article of the Constitution of India empowers thePresident to transfer judges from one High Court toanother?
Article 222
●What is the name of the doctrine under which legislativeand executive actions are subject to review (andpossible invalidation) by the judiciary?
●The National Capital Regional Plan covers areas in UttarPradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan and the National Capital Territory (NCT) Delhi. Who is the Chairman of NCRPlanning Board?
Union Minister for UrbanDevelopment
●Which body/organization, established under Article 280of the Indian Constitution by the President of India,defines the financial relations between the centre andthe state?
Finance Commission of India
●The Attorney General of India is the Indiangovernment’s chief legal advisor, and its primarylawyer in the Supreme Court of India. Who appointshim?
President of India
“●The Constitution declares India to be a sovereign,socialist, secular, democratic republic, assuring itscitizens of justice, equality, and liberty, andendeavours to promote fraternity among them. Inwhich year were the words ““socialist”” and ““secular”“added to the definition?”
●The Rajya Sabha, under which article of the Constitutionof India, may by a special majority of two-thirdsvotes adopt a resolution asking the Parliament tomake laws on subjects of the State list, in the nationalinterest?
Article 249
●Article 358 protects both legislative and executiveaction taken after the proclamation of emergency.National emergency is caused by war, externalaggression or ___ in the whole of India or a part ofits territory.
Armed rebellion