RL ECO 2 Flashcards
●The ____, the apex institution of housing finance inIndia, was set up as a wholly-owned subsidiary ofthe Reserve Bank of India.
National HousingBank
●Regarding the procurement of food-grains,Government of India follows a procurement targetrather than an ___ procurement policy.
●For distribution under Targeted Public DistributionSystem (TPDS), which cereals are issued by theGovernment of India at uniform central issueprices to the States/Union Territories?
wheatand rice
●Most of the cultivation of ____ crops in Indiacontinues to be dependent on rainfall:
●Which airport in India is the first to be owned by apublic limited company?
Bangalore airport
●The second report of which Committee dealing withdirect and indirect taxes has maintained itsoriginal recommendation including the abolitionof exemptions relating to housing loans?
●For calculating the____, all the stock are assignedproportional weightage.
●The weekly compilation and Publication of WholesalePrice Indices (WPI) is done by the:
Office ofEconomic Advisor
●Which comapny has started a rural marketingnetwork called ‘e-chaupals’?
●People belonging to which age groups are eligible fortraining under TRYSEM scheme?
18-35 years
●RBI revision of Repo/Reverse Repo rate by 10 basispoints implies
0.10 per cent
●Under Repo rate banks can borrow above SLRRequirements. Under which facility can Banksborrow within SLR requirements?
MarginalStanding Facility
●Which one provides training in macroeconomicanalysis and policy and related subject as a part ofprogramme of the IMF institute?
Singaporeregional Training Institute (STI)
●The series of index number of wholesale pricesintroduced from April, 2000 had the year ____ asbase year.
●Which system is operated under the jointresponsibility of the Central and the StateGovernments?
Public Distribution System
●Core Inflation is essentially ____ driven.
●Which type of planning is a feature of ‘MixedEconomy’?
Indicative Planning
●Which type of financing is for infrastructure projectswhich have long gestation period and helps toprevent any possible asset-liability mismatch?
Take-Out Financing
●Deposit Insurance and Credit GuaranteeCorporation (DICGC), National Housing Bank(NHB), National Bank for Agriculture and RuralDevelopment (NABARD) and Bharatiya ReserveBank Note Mudran Private Limited (BRBNMPL)are the wholly/partly owned subsidiaries of the
Reserve Bank of India
●Once a Budget has been presented in the Parliament,the government has to get all money bills relatedto the union budget passed within:
75 days
●Subsidiaries of foreign companies in India, Majorityforeign equity holding in Indian companies andCompanies exclusively financed by foreigncompanies constitute ____ in India.
ForeignDirect Investment
●What happens when there is a natural increase in thevalue of the property owned and when wepurchase a painting and there is a growth in itsvalue due to increase in its popularity?
CapitalGains arise
●Purchase of Government securities from the publicby the central bank and borrowing by theGovernment from the central bank lead to anincrease in the:
Money supply in the economy
●Despite having large reserves of coal, why does Indiaimport millions of tonnes of coal?
Most of thepower plants in India are coal based and they arenot able to get sufficient applies of coal fromwithin the country
●In India, Steel companies need large quantity of ____coal which has to be imported.
Coking coal
●Purchasing power parity at national level and Extentof budget deficit and GDP growth rate at nationallevel have been included in the:
Poverty Index
●The Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index developed byOxford Poverty and Human DevelopmentInitiative with UNDP support covers
Deprivation of education, health, assets andservices at household level
●Which Finance Commission of India recommendedDevolution of a specific share of central taxes tolocal bodies as grants?
13th FinanceCommission
●The Government of India is providing the benefit of’single window clearance’ and Establishing theTechnology Acquisition and Development Fund topromote the growth of:
Manufacturing sector inIndia
●In India, the food supply chain has been found tohave structural constraints. What is the fallout ofthis feature?
High Food Inflation
●Placing Annual Financial Statement before theParliament and Withdrawal of moneys fromConsolidated Fund of India only after passing theAppropriation Bill are methods of:
Parliamentary control over public finance in India
●What do Provisions of supplementary grants andvote-on-account and a periodic or at least a mid-year review of programme of the Governmentagainst macroeconomic forecasts and expenditureby a Parliamentary Budget Office, signify?
Parliamentary control over public finance in India
●India has experienced persistent and high foodinflation in the recent past. What could be thereasons?
As a consequence of increasingincomes, the consumption patterns of the peoplehave undergone a significant change.
“●A rapid increase in the rate of inflation is sometimesattribute to the ““base effect””. What is ““baseeffect””?”
It is the impact of the price levels ofprevious year on the calculation of inflation rate
●Which is a tax levied on value addition at each stageof transaction in production-distribution chain?
Value Added Tax
●A tax on the final consumption of goods or servicesand must ultimately be borne by the consumer
Value Added Tax
“●A ““closed economy”” is an economy is which:”
neitherexports nor imports take place
“●With what purpose is the Government of Indiapromoting the concept of ““Mega Food Parks””?”
To provide good infrast-ructure facilities for thefood processing industry.
●To increase the processing of perishable items andreduce wastage and to provide emerging and eco-friendly food processing technologies toentrepreneurs, the Government of India ispromoting:
Mega Food Parks
●All revenues received by the Union Government byway of taxes and other receipts for the conduct ofGovernment business are credited to the:
Consolidated Fund of India
●What is the term for the provision of financial serviceto people of low-income groups and includes boththe consumers and the self-employed:
●Promoting Self-Help Groups, Micro, Small andMedium Enterprises and Implementing the Rightto Education Act can aid in furthering theGovernment’s objective of:
Inclusive growth
●Why is the Government of India disinvesting itsequity in the Central Public Sector Enterprises(CPSEs)?
The Government no longer intends toretain the management control of the CPSEs
●Economic growth is usually coupled with:
●The lowering of Bank Rate by the Reserve Bank ofIndia leads to:
More liquidity in the market
●What happens when the interest rate in the economyincreases?
lending decreases
●Demand curve of a firm under perfect competition is:
Perfectly Elastic
●The object of every producing firm is:
To maximiseprofit
●Who determines price under perfect competition?
●Marshall’s representative firm is a long-run averagefirm while optimum firm is a:
Minimum costfirm
●In perfect competition average revenue curve is:
Parallel to x-axis
●In the long-run, perfect competitive firm gets:
onlynormal profit
●What minimum price is acceptable by a firm in theshort-period?
Equal to AVC
●Selling cost is a must in:
Imperfect competition
●Which category of land is rent less land?
●Land is the only factor of production whose supply is:
Perfectly Inelastic
●The Example of derived demand is:
Demand forlabour
●Which of the following is an active factor ofproduction?
●Who developed the innovation theory of profit?
“●”“An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of Wealth ofNations”” is the book of economist:”
Adam Smith
“●”“Economics is the Science of Wealth”” who gave thisdefinition:”
Adam Smith
“●Economics is what economists do.”” It has beensupported by:”
Richard Jones, Comte andGunnar Myrdal
“●Human Welfare is the subject of Economics.”” Thisstatement is associated with the name of”
Marshall, Pigou and Penson
●Who has given scarcity definition of economics?
●Characteristics of economic laws are:
Merestatements of economic tendencies, Less certainAND Hypothetical
●Which theory is generally included under microeconomics?
Price Theory
●Whose opinions have revolutionized the scope ofmacro economics?
J.M. Keynes
●Passive factor of production is:
Land and capital
●Under law of demand:
Price of commodity is anindependent variable Quantity demanded is adependent variable Reciprocal relationship isfound between price and quantity demanded
●For inferior commodities, income effect is:
●When total utility becomes maximum, then marginalutility will be:
●Utility means:
Power to satisfy a want
●Marginal utility is equal to average utility at that timewhen average utility is:
●At point of satiety, marginal utility is:
●Total utility of a commodity is measured by
Valuein use
●According to Marshall, the basis of consumer surplusis:
Law of diminishing marginal utility
●Which commodity can be called as Giffen commodity
Inferior commodity
●The price of a commodity is determined where:
Demand = supply
In perfect competition, the demand for a commodity is:
Perfectly elastic
●Which condition is not found in perfect competition?
Product differentiation
●In which market, a firm cannot determine price?
Perfect competition
●Sea water, fresh air etc. are regarded in economics as:
Free goods
●If the price of tea falls, demand for coffee will:
●At present the National commission on population isunder:
Ministry of Health
●Division of labour is a concept advocated by:
●When a leather industry discharges its waste in theriver causing water pollution the cost incurred onhealth hazards is called:
Social cost
●Demand for labour is a:
derived demand
●Employment in Agriculture comes under:
unorganized sector
●There is no selling cost under:
●Planning and control are so related that:
Both goon simultaneously in cycle
●What does National Income mean?
The total valueof all goods and services produced in the countryduring a period of one year
●Depreciation means:
loss of equipment over timedue to wear and tear
●Deficit financing leads to inflation in general, but itcan be checked if:
government expenditureleads to increase in the aggregate supply in ratioof aggregate demand
●When only aggregate demand is increased and all theexpenditure is denoted national debt paymentonly:
deficit financing can be checked
●If all the banks in an economy are nationalized andconverted into a monopoly bank, the totaldeposits:
will neither increase nor decrease
●When elasticity of demand and elasticity of supplyare equal, the burden of tax:
lies more on buyer
●If interest payment is deducted from the fiscal deficit,then the balance is:
Primary Deficit
●Which government income is included in revenuebudget?
Tax-revenue and Non-tax revenue
●Which is included in Capital budget?
Incomereceived from public borrowings
●Revealed Preference Theory was propounded by:
P.A. Samuelson
●Gross Domestic Product is defined as the value of all:
Final goods and services produced in aneconomy in a year
●An exceptional demand curve is one that moves:
upward to the right
●Production function explains the relationshipbetween:
Initial inputs and ultimate output
●In Economics the terms ‘Utility’ and ‘Usefulness’have:
Different meaning
●Nature of unemployment in agriculture in India is:
seasonal and disguised
“●The terms ““Micro Economics”” and ““MacroEconomics”” were coined by:”
Ragner Frisch
●The excess of price a person is to pay rather thanforego the consumption of the commodity iscalled:
consumer surplus
●A want becomes a demand only when it is backed bythe:
ability to purchase
●The ‘break-even’ point is where:
total revenueequals total cost
●Rate of interest is determined by:
●The purchase of shares and bonds of Indiancompanies by Foreign Institutional Investors iscalled
Foreign Indirect Investment
●An individual’s actual standard of living can beassessed by:
per capita income
●When there is an official change in the exchange rateof domestic currency, then it is called:
●Inflation redistributes income and wealth in favourof:
●Excise Duty is a tax levied on:
Commodities thatare produced and consumed within the country
●Who said ‘Supply creates its own demand’?
●Effective demand depends on:
Supply price
●The degree of monopoly power is to be measured interms of the firm’s:
supernormal profit
●Under perfect competition, the industry does nothave any excess capacity because each firmproduces at the minimum point on its:
Long runaverage cost curve
●A teacher teaching students in his college, in acoaching institute and teaching students underSarva Shiksha Abhiyan Scheme constitute:
economic activity
●Elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness ofthe quantity demanded of a good to a:
change inthe price of the good
●Consumption function expresses the relationshipbetween consumption and:
●State ownership of means of production ischaracteristic feature of:
socialist economy
●The main objective of a firm is to maximise:
●’Gresham’s law’ in economics relates to:
Circulation of currency
●In a system of free enterprise, consumers decide whatgoods and services shall be produced and in whatquantities. It is known as:
●According to Karl Marx, the change in economicsystem results in inevitable changes in:
theentire system
●A camera in the hands of a professionalphotographer is a
Capital good
●Externality theory is the basic theory of the followingbranch of Economics:
International Economics
“●”“Functional Finance”” is associated with:”
Abba ‘P’Lerner
●To buy a book, from the market by giving money iscalled:
direct exchange
●A firm is in equilibrium when its:
Marginal costequals the marginal revenue
●Personal disposable income is:
Equal to personalincome minus direct taxes paid by household
●When there is no direct relationship between the taxpayer and the Government, the tax is called:
Indirect tax
●Gross Domestic Product is the monetary value of:
all final goods and services produced in a year
●In economics, production means:
Creating utility
●What does the letter ‘C’ denote in the term ‘ECB’ asused in the banking and financial operations?
●The decimal system of Indian currency was startedin:
●Which authority recommends the principlesgoverning the grants-in-aid of the revenues of thestates out of the Consolidated Fund of India?
Finance Commission
●The main source of revenue for a State Governmentin India is:
Sales Tax
●To achieve high rates of growth of national output,the economy has to:
step up the rate of savings
●The proceeds of income tax go to:
●What is the purpose of the India Brand Equity Fund?
To make ‘Made in India’ a label of quality
●How does the consumer benefit with VAT?
Itremoves tax on tax and thus reduces price rise
●In estimating the budgetary deficit, the officialapproach in India is to exclude:
drawing downof the cash balance
●During which Five-Year Plan did India lay down theobjective of the need to ensure environmentalsustainability of the development strategy?
9thFive Year Plan
●The Government of India made it obligatory on thepart of all commercial banks that they should givesome cash amount while purchasing Governmentbonds. What would you call this?
StatutoryLiquidity Ratio
●The receipts of which of the following taxes/duties arenot shared with the States?
Tax on incomeexcept agriculture
●Currency notes of Rs. 2 denomination and above areliabilities of:
Reserve Bank of India
●The type of note issue system followed in India is:
Minimum Reserve System
●When was Consumer Protection Act enacted?
●When was National Development Council formed?
6th August, 1952
●Who becomes the Chairman of NationalDevelopment Council?
Prime Minister
●When was first five year plan introduced?
1stApril, 1951
●When was 10th five year plan introduced?
1stApril, 2002
●Which system enables paperless trading and transferof shares?
Depository system
●In India the share of different sectors in the installedelectricity generation capacity is:
central sector> state sector > private sector
●’CAPART’ is engaged primarily with which one ofthe following in India?
Rural development
●The present monetary system in India is managed by:
Reserve Bank of India
●What is a Multinational Company?
A companyhaving operations in many countries
●A Trade Cycle consists of
four phases
●The expenses of the Government of India are thehighest on account of subsidy on:
●When a large number of investors in a countrytransfer their investments elsewhere because ofdisturbed economic conditions, it is called:
Flight of capital
●On the basis of size and composition of external debt.World Bank has classified India as:
A lessindebted country
●Golden Handshake Scheme was associated with:
Voluntary retirement
●The existence of agriculture and industry andcommercial agriculture with subsistence farmingis known as:
Dual economy
●Modern industry and commercial agriculture co-existing with subsistence farming and traditionalhandicrafts is known as:
Dual economy
●Acute shortage of capital, technologicalbackwardness and lack of skilled manpower hasgreatly obstructed the economic development ofIndia. These are:
economic factors
●Development expenditure of the Central governmentdoes not include:
defence expenditure
●Since independence, both development and non-development expenditures have increased; theincrease in the former being a little more than inthe other. Non-development expenditure involves:
interest payments, subsidies and defence
●The association of the rupee with pound sterling asthe intervention currency was broken in:
●If the cash reserve ratio is lowered by the RBI, itsimpact on credit creation will be to:
increase it
●The central co-operative banks are in direct touchwith:
state co-operative banks
●The first wholly Indian Bank was set up in:
●States earn maximum revenue through:
commercial taxes
●Non Tax revenues can be increased by improving theworking of the:
commercial irrigation projects
●The condition of indirect taxes in the country’srevenue is approximately:
86 per cent
●Deficit financing means that the government borrowsmoney from the:
Reserve Bank of India
●Since the inception of the co-operative movement,rural credits has been:
institutionalized,rationalized, and cheapened
●If an economy is equilibrium at the point where plansto save and to invest are equal, then governmentexpenditure must be:
equal to governmentincome
●The co-operative credit societies have a:
●National Agricultural Insurance Scheme replacingComprehensive Crop Insurance Scheme wasintroduced in the year:
●If the fiscal deficit of the Union Government is Rs.75,000 crores relending to State is Rs. 25,000crores, interest payments are Rs. 25,000 crores,what is the amount of the primary deficit?
Rs.50,000 crores
●Fiscal deficit in the Union Budget means:
the sumof budgetary deficit and net increase in internaland external borrowings
●The annual yield from which of the following UnionGovernment taxes is the highest?
Excise duties
●In the budget figures of the Government of India,fiscal deficit is:
sum of budget deficit andGovernment market borrowings and liabilities
●Which authority decides about the States’ share incentral taxes?
Finance Commission
●In India, one-rupee coins and notes and subsidiarycoins are issued by:
The Central Government
●In the budget figures of the Government of India thedifference between total expenditure and totalreceipts is called:
Fiscal deficit
●In the budget figures of the Government of India,interest payments, subsidies, pensions, socialservices and the like are parts of the:
●Who coined the term ‘Hindu rate of growth’ forIndian economy?
Raj Krishna
●In the post-independence period, economic reformswere first introduced in India under:
P.V.Narasimha Rao Government (1990)
●The Report of Vijay Kelkar Committee relates to:
Tax Reforms
●Reserve Bank of India was nationalised in:
●Per capita income is obtained by dividing NationalIncome by:
Total population of the country
●What is CENVAT?
Indirect tax
●Where is Indian Diamond Institute (IDI) established?
●What is the nature of income tax in India?
●Which factor is not related to economic development?
Compulsory change in economic welfare
●Process of economic development means:
economicchange, social change, ethical, institutional andcultural change
●What is the main characteristic of a capitalist or freemarket economy?
Individuals are the owners offactors of production and Profit is the mainmotive of carrying out various activities
●When the productive capacity of the economic systemof a State is inadequate to create sufficientnumber of jobs, it is called:
●Fiscal policy in India is formulated by:
●Special Drawings Rights (SDRs) relate to:
International Monetary Fund
●Who estimated the National Income for the first timein India?
Dadabhai Naoroji
●Natural resources, Capital formation and Size of themarket determine:
economic development
●National income is generated from:
any moneymaking activity
●The Draft of the Five Year Plans in India is approvedby:
National Development Council
●The Government has renamed NREGA scheme andthe name associated with the scheme is that of:
Mahatma Gandhi
●A single tax that replaces state taxes like, surchargeturnover tax and sales tax, etc, is known as:
Value Added Tax (VAT)
●The outcome of devaluation of currency is:
Increased export and improvement in balance ofpayment
●Eco-Mark is given to an Indian Product which is:
environment friendly
●In which list does the subject ‘planning’ figure?
Concurrent list
●SCOPE’ is the abbreviated form of:
StandingConference of Public Enterprises
●According to the Constitution, which Fund will beunder the control of the President of India?
Contingency Fund of India
●According to Keynes, real inflation takes place:
After the level of full employment
●What is necessary to control cost push inflation?
Toimpose control on wages of labour, and To removemarket imperfections
●Inflation occurs when aggregate supply is:
Lessthan aggregate demand
●Notes on which denomination has the portrait ofMahatma Gandhi printed on them?
1000 rupee, 500 rupee and 100 rupee
●Devaluation of currency will be more beneficial if:
prices of exports remain constant
●In India, inflation measured by the:
WholesalePrice Index number
●Selling of securities in the open market by the centralbank creates:
●To control inflation the central bank should:
sellgovernment securities and to increase bank rate
●During periods of inflations, tax rates should:
●A situation where we have people whose level ofincome is not sufficient to meet the minimumconsumption expenditure is considered as:
Absolute poverty
●Which term refers to a situation where Rate ofgrowth is slower than the rate of price increase?
●Decline in the price of goods and services istechnically known as:
●An essential attribute of Inflation is:
increase inprices
●The Tarapore Committee recommended that beforecapital account was made convertible the rate ofinflation should be brought down for three yearsto within:
3.5 %
●What is NABARD’s primary role?
to provide termloans to state co-operative banks
●RBI does not transact the business of which stategovernment?
Jammu & Kashmir
●The symbol of Reserve Bank of India is:
Tigerbefore a Palm tree
●What is known as the open market operation of theReserve Bank of India?
Trading in securities
●When did the Rupee become a freely convertiblecurrency on current account, in India?
●What is the name of the electronic communicationnetwork of the Reserve Bank of India?
●The central banking functions in India are performedby the:
Reserve Bank of India
●In the second nationalization of commercial banks,___ banks were nationalized.
●In pursuance with the recommendations ofNarasimhan Committee, the RBI has framed newguidelines:
to govern entry of new private sectorbanks to make the banking sector morecompetitive
●For whom was the first departmental life insurancestarted?
Employees of postal department
●What is the animal on the insignia of the RBI?
●A Scheduled Bank is one which is included in the:
II Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act
●The best way, a bank can avoid loss is to:
acceptsound collateral
●In India, the first bank of limited liability manages byIndians and founded in 1881 was:
OudhCommercial Bank
●If the RBI adopts an expansionist open marketoperations policy, this means that it will:
offercommercial banks more credit in the open market
●Since 1983, the RBI’s responsibility with respect toregional rural banks was transferred to:
●The Small Industries Development Bank of India(SIDBI) has been operating under SWS. What isthe full form of SWS?
Single Window Service
●When was the Small Industries Development Bank ofIndia (SIDBI) set up?
●The Headquarters of SIDBI is located at:
●Which term is used for the rate at which other banksborrow from the Reserve Bank of India?
●A value of 1 for ____ in country implies that there isperfectly equal income for everyone in itspopulation.
Gini co-efficient
●Reserve Bank of India keeps some securities againstnotes. These securities are always less in comparison to:
Gold, Foreign Bondsand Government Bonds
●Merchant Banking is an institution which providesfinances to:
international trade among countries
●The system of issuing and monitoring of money in themarket is known as:
Minimum Reserve Ratio
●Accounts are allowed to be operated by cheques inrespect of:
Savings bank accounts and currentaccounts
●Normally no interest is paid on ____ accounts.
Current deposit account
●Current accounts, savings bank accounts and termdeposit accounts are the usual:
deposit accountsof banks
●Fixed deposits and recurring deposits are:
repayable after an agreed period
●Provision of financial services namely, payments,remittances, savings, loans and insurance ataffordable cost to persons not yet given the same,is known as:
Financial Inclusion
●When a bank returns a cheque unpaid, it is called:
dishonor of the cheque
●The security on immovable property for a loan givenby a bank is known as:
●Distribution of insurance products and insurancepolicies by banks as corporate agents is known as:
●NEFT means:
National Electronic Funds Transfersystem
●Interest on savings bank account is now calculated bybanks on:
daily product basis
●A centralized database with online connectivity tobranches, Internet as well as ATM-network whichhas been adopted by almost all major banks ofour country is known as:
Mobile banking
●Treasury bills, repurchase agreement, commercialpaper and certificate of deposit are known as:
Money market instruments
●With a view to facilitate payment of balance in thedeposit account to the person named by thedepositor without any hassles in the event of deathof the account holder, the following facility wasintroduced for bank accounts in our country?
●Banks in our country normally publicise thatadditional interest rate is allowed on retaildomestic term deposits of:
Senior Citizens
●Largest shareholder (in percentage shareholding) of anationalised bank is:
Government of India
●SEBI’ Tightens Consent Norms was the headline insome papers/magazines recently. What is the fullform of SEBI?
Securities and Exchange Boardof India
●’Pure Banking, Nothing Else’ is a slogan raised by?
●’Smart Money’ is a term used for:
Credit Card
●For which Loan Product ‘teaser loans’ are offered byBanks?
Home Loans
●A Saving Bank Deposit Account is one where:
Amounts are deposited and are withdrawn as perrequirement of the customers
●Zero balance account is generally allowed to beopened for:
salaried class
●In Deposits Account ‘KYC’ (Know Your Customer)was implemented in 2002 as per directive of:
Reserve Bank of India
●Ten Rupee notes contain the signature of:
Governor, Reserve Bank of India
●In Corporate Hedging, which one of the followingtypes of risks can be covered?
Currency risk
●RTGS stands for:
Real Time Gross Settlements
●What is the full form of ‘ULIP’, the term which wasin the news recently?
Unit Linked InsurancePlan
●Many times we read a term CBS used in bankingoperation. What is the full form of the letter ‘C’ inthe term ‘CBS’?
●In which sector of economy is Open MarketOperations used?
●How will a reduction in ‘Bank rate’ affect theavailability of credit?
Credit will increase
●Providing bank finance to Self Help Groups (SHGs)is considered a part of
Micro credit
●Many a time we read a term ‘PPP’ in financialdailies/magazines. What is the full form of thesame as used in financial world?
PurchasingPower Parity
●What is the expanded form of the term BCBS?
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
●The RBI reviews its credit and monetary policy atregular intervals and also in between. What is thepurpose of the same?
To ensure that inflationdoes not cross the limit; To ensure that banks haveenough liquidity; and To ensure that cost of thefund does not reach a very high level
●A major Public Sector Bank raised interest rates onloans by 25 basis point was news in some majorfinancial newspapers recently. This means bankhas raised interest by 25 basis points of:
BaseLending Rate
●What is the full form of ‘FINO’ a term we seefrequently in financial newspapers?
FinancialInclusion Network and Operations
●Under which Act/Policy was the BIFR established?
Sick Industrial Companies Act
●Which is the first Public Sector Corporation ofindependent India?
Damodar ValleyCorporation
●What is the main function of Central StatisticalOrganisation (CSO)?
Collection of estimates ofnational income
●ICICI is the name of a:
financial institution
●The currency convertibility concept in its originalform originated in:
Bretton Woods Agreement
●Our financial system has provided for the transfer ofresources from the centre to the states; theimportant means of resource transfer are:
taxsharing, grant-in-aids, and loans
●Debenture holders of a company are its:
●Regional rural banks:
have limited area ofoperation, have free access to liberal refinancefacilities from NABARD
●Excise duty is a tax levied on the:
production ofgoods
●The Board of Industrial and FinancialReconstruction (BIFR) came into existence in:
●The official agency responsible for estimatingNational Income in India is:
Central StatisticalOrganisation
●’Nextzone,’ an information technology SEZ is beingestablihsed at:
Panvel in Maharashtra
●Where is the Indian Institute of Foreign Tradelocated?
New Delhi
●The Centre for Agricultural Marketing is located at:
●Invisible export means export of:
●A labour intensive industry is one that:
Employsmore hands
●Which body monitors the execution of works withinthe Gram Panchayat and conducts regular socialaudits of all the projects taken up with in theGram Panchayat?
Gram Sabha
●Industrial exit policy means:
Allowing businessunits to close down
●In India, ‘Yellow Revolution’ is associated with:
Production of oilseeds
●Along with goods manufactured using child labour,some of the developed countries have started toboycott goods manufactured in developingcountries using ‘sweat labour’. ‘Sweat Labour’implies goods produced by:
labourers workingfor more than eight hours a day without anybreak
●Which steel plant was started in 1965 in India withWest German collaboration?
Rourkela SteelPlant
“●Multi-purpose river valley projects are the ““Newtemples of modern India””. Who said this?”
Jawaharlal Nehru
●For which year the latest census was conducted inIndia?
●How many censuses (including the 2011 census) havebeen carried out since independence?
●At what interval of years population census isconducted in India?
10 years
●What had been the annual growth rate of populationduring 1991-2001?
1.95 %
“● In the history of population growth of India, whichyear is called ““the year of great divide””?”
●Which state produces maximum Soyabean?
Madhya Pradesh
●Which state produces maximum pulses in thecountry?
Madhya Pradesh
●Kasturba Gandhi Education Scheme is related to:
Girl Education
●Which state stands first in the length of roads in thecountry?
●What is ‘green gold’?
●The leading state in the production of groundnut inthe country