RL CHEM 2 Flashcards
●Rutherford bombarded _____ particles in discoveryof nucleus.—
Alpha Rays
●Atomic orbits having same energy are called: —
Degenerate orbitals
●When electrons collide with heavy metals than ____are produced.—
●Atom with higher atomic number produces X-raysof: —
shorter wavelength
●The atomic number of an element having maximumnumber of unpaired electrons in p-subshell is:—
●When an atom absorbs energy the lines in thespectrum will appear which are:—
●Colour of fluorescene produced by cathode raysdepends upon:—
composition of glass
●Positive rays are produced: —
By the bombardmentof cathode rays on gas molecules
●Geometry of simple molecule having sp3 hybridorbital is: —
●Space around nucleus where finding probability ofelectrons is maximum is called:—
●Geometry of molecule will be pyramidal if the outerpost shell of the central atom has: —
3 bond pairone lone pair
●According to VESPR Model the geometry of moleculehaving 5 bond pair in outer most shell will be:—
Trigonal bi-pyramidal
●Molecular orbital which have higher energy thanatomic orbitals is called:—
Anti-bondingmolecular orbital
●Unpaired electron in a molecule gives _____character. —
●Unit of dipole moment is:—
●Which of the following can expel proteons fromparaffins? —
●Centrifugal forces are balanced in atom by:—
attractive forces
●Spectrum is produced due to:—
different wavelength
●Splitting of spectral lines when atoms are subjected tostrong electric filed is called:—
Stark effect
●The rate of reaction:—
Decreases as the reactionproceeds
●The addition of a catalyst to the reaction system: —
Increases the rate of forward as well as backwardreaction equally
●The specific rate constant of a first order reactiondepends on the:—
●On increasing the temperature the rate of reactionincreases mainly because:—
Collision frequencyincreases
●The value of activation energy is primarilydetermined by: —
Effective collision
●Sum of exponents of molar concentration is called: —
Order of reaction
●Unit of rate of reaction is:—
Moles dm-3 sec-1
●Rate of reaction when concentration of reactants aretaken as unity is called:—
Specific rate constant
●Radiations are absorbed in: —
●Energy of reactant higher than energy of productfavours: —
●Neutralization reactions and Ionic reactions havevery high rate of reaction because of: —
Doubledecomposition reaction
●The substances that reduces the effectiveness of acatalyst are called:—
Poisoning catalysts
●An enzyme has its specificity due to:—
●A substance which increases the reactivity of enzymeis called: —
●When the reaction completes in more than one stepsrate of reaction will be determined by:—
●Energy of activation for backward reaction is lessthan forward reaction for ________ reaction.—
●When NaCl is dissolved in water the sodium ionbecomes: —
●The oxidation number of nitrogen in NO3- is:—
●To prevent rancidification of food material, what isadded? —
●Which of these substances is a good reducing agent?—
●When H2S reacts with halogens, the halogens are:—
●What is used as an oxidant, a reductant and an acid?—
●Strongest reducing agent is:—
●Several blocks of magnesium are fixed to the bottomof a ship to:—
Prevent action of water and salt
●Prevention of corrosion of iron by zinc coating iscalled: —
●The oxidation number of C in CO2 is:—
●In the course of a chemical reaction an oxidant: —
gains electrons
●What happens when a sulphur atom becomes asulphide ion? —
It gains 2 electrons
●The atomic number of an element which shows theoxidation state of + 3 is:—
●An example for a strong electrolyte is:—
●Theory of ionization was given by:—
●An example of a Lewis acid is:—
●Ammonium hydroxide is a:—
Weak electrolyte
●Ionization depends upon:—
●The colour of an electrolyte solution depends on: —
The nature of both the ions
●The suitable indicator for strong acid and weak baseis: —
Methyl Orange
●The best conductor of electricity is a 1.0 M solutionof: —
Sulphuric acid
●In weak electrolytic solution, degree of ionization: —
Will be proportional to the square root of dilution
●A solution of FeCl3 in water acts as acidic due to: —
Hydrolysis of Fe3+
●According to which law, the degree of ionization isdirectly proportional to the dilution?—
Ostwald’sdilution law
●Enthalpy of combustion for food fuel and othercompounds can be measured accurately by:—
Bom calorimeter
●The strength of an acid depends on its tendency to: —
Donate protons
●Which of the following is non-electrolyte? —
●NaOH is a strong base because:—
It gives OH- ion
●The pH indicators are: —
Either weak acids or weakbases
●An ionizing solvent has: —
High value of dielectricconstant
●The colour of an electrolyte solution depends on: —
The nature of both the ions
●If internal energy of the system is increased: —
Change in state of the system is increased
●____ is the study about energy of a chemical system.—
●The environment in which a system is studied is:—
●Anything which depends upon initial and final stateof a system is:—
state function
●At infinite dilution, the percentage ionization for bothstrong and weak electrolytes is:—
●Reaction in which heat evolves is called:—
●When enthalpy of reactants is higher than productthen reaction will be:—
●Octane number can be improved by:—
●Alkanes containing a methyl group on main chain at2nd carbon are called:—
When one hydrogen atom of alkane is removed then itis called: —
●The rectified spirit contains:—
95% alcohol
●The basis on the mode of their formation, thepolymers can be classified:—
Both as addition andcondensation polymers
●The irritation caused by red ants bite is due to:—
Formic acid
●Which alcohol will undergo elimination reaction togive alkene in the presence of acidic potassiumdichromate? —
Tertiary alcohol
●Alkanes are also known as:—
●When - COOH is attached directly to the benzenering the acid is called:—
●The common name of propane 1 3-dioic is:—
●Sabatier Senderns reaction involve _________ inpresence of Ni.—
Aalkene & H2
●Which C-X bond has the highest bond energy permole? —
●Which compound is also known by the name ofcarbolic acid? —
●Hydrogenolysis results in the formation of:—
●Which alkyl halide has the highest reactivity for aparticular alkyl group?—
●Ethyl chloride with nascent hydrogen produces:—
●Heating phenol with Zn will yield:—
●Which acid is used in the manufacture of syntheticrubber? —
Acetic acid
●The acid which is used as ink remover is:—
●Clemmensens reduction infolves the reduction of:—
●The common thing in phthalic acid and oxalic acid isthat both are:—
●The number of molecules taking part in the ratedetermining step is called:—
Order of reaction
●Glyptals are chiefly employed in:—
Surface coating
●Acidic amino acids have: —
2 carboxylic groups and1 amino group
●Removal of CO2 is called:—
●Ethanol can be converted into ethanoic acid by:—
●The term internal salt refers to: —
Dipolar characterof amino acids
●Which alkyl halide out of the following may followboth SN1 and SN2 mechanism?—
(CH3)2 CH - X
●Natural rubber is which type of polymer?—
●Soda lime is a mixture of:—
CaO and NaOH
●Methyl alcohol is not used:—
As a substitute forpetrol
●When two moles of ethyl chloride react with twomoles of sodium in the presence of ether what willbe formed?—
1 mole of butane
●The ether used in Wurtz synthesis is:—
●Dehalogenation of ethyl tetrahalide will give:—
●The organic acid that does not has COOH group is:—
Carbolic acid
●When CO2 is made to react with ethyl magnesiumiodide followed by acid hydrolysis the productformed is:—
propanoic acid
●R-Mg-Br is called:—
Grignard reagent
●Upto ___ C atoms alkanes are gases.—
●Grignard reagent is reactive due to:—
the polarity ofC-Mg bond
●Teflon is a polymer of the monomer or Teflon isobtained by the polymerisation of:—
●Methanol can be obtained from:—
water gas
●The test which is used for the identification of amino-acids is:—
Ninhydrin test
●The starting material for the preparation of styreneis: —
●Nylon is not a:—
●Polythene is:—
●Nylon threads are made of:—
Polyamide polymer
●An alcohol which can be prepared by fermentation is:—
CH3 - CH2 - OH
●Incomplete oxidation of methane in the limitedsupply of air forms leads to:—
●The molecular weight of cellulose varies between: —
20000 to 500000
●Orlon is a polymer of:—
●Absolute alcohol is obtained when rectified spirit istreated with:—
●Carboxylic acid reacts with ammonia to formammonium salts which on heating produces:—
●Celluloid is:—
A thermoplastic material obtainedfrom cellulose nitrate and camphor
●Introduction of nitro group in a molecule is called:—
●Polymerization of glycol with dicarboxylic acids is: —
Condensation polymerization
●Nylon-66 is a:—
Condensation polymer
●The complete reduction of carboxylic acid results inthe formation of:—
●Which polymer is formed by chloroethene?—
●Triethyl aluminium titanium chloride used in plasticindustry is a:—
Ziegler-Natta catalyst
●Bakelites are:—
●When alcohol reacts with phosphorous halides itgives: —
Alkyl Halides
●Order of ease of halogenation in alkane is:—
●Among the following a natural polymer is:—
●Polymer used in bullet proof glass is:—
●Nylon polymers are:—
●Phenol was isolated by Runge from:—
Coal tar
●The organic acid that can be made from ethanol is:—
Acetic acid
●The gas used in manufacturing of urea fertilizer is: —
●The Zieglar-Natta catalysts are:—
●Melamine is a:—
White crystalline solid
●Terylene is used for making: —
Silk, Seat belts andfabrics
●Formalin is _______ % solution of formaldehyde inwater. —
●The formula of palmitic acid is:—
●Glyptal is a:—
Alkyd resin
●Ethers show functional group isomerism with:—
●Removal of halogen and hydrogen atom is: —
●Formalin is _______ % solution of formaldehyde inwater. —
●The aliphatic monocarboxylic acids are obtained bythe hydrolysis of:—
fats and oils
●Which one of the following is a linear polymer?—
●Polymer formation from monomers starts by: —
Coordinate reaction between monomers
●Monomers are converted to polymer by: —
Condensation reaction between monomers
●The catalyst used in the manufacture of polyetheneby Ziegler method is:—
Titanium tetrachlorideand trimethyl aluminium
●Alkenes are produced from dehalogenation of: —
vicinal dihalo alkane
●Caprolactam is the monomer of:—
●The process of fermentation of starch involve manyenzymes the sequence of enzymes used are:—
●The basic hydrolysis of ethyl acetate produces: —
Ethanol and sodium acetate
●’Starch’ consists of two fractions; one is á-amyloseand the other is:—
●In the natural rubber ‘Caoutchouc’ the isopreneunits are joined by:—
●What catalyst is employed when benzene is preparedfrom acetylene at 700 C?—
●Carboxylic acid on reduction with HI / phosphorousyields: —
●In benzene sulphonic acid the sulphonic group isattached with benzene ring through:—
●The residue obtained after the crystallization of sugarfrom concentrated sugar cane juice is called:—
●How many moles of H2 are added up when benzene isheated with hydrogen in the presence ofplatinum?—
●The reaction of carboxylic acids with alcohols inpresence of concentrated H2SO4 is called:—
●The amino acid present in cheese is:—
●By which method the molecular mass of benzene wasdetermined as 78.108?—
Vapour density method
●Water gas heated at 4500 C and 200 atm pressure inthe presence of ZnO+Cr2O3 will produce:—
●Preparation of vegetable ghee involves:—
●Michael Faraday discovered benzene in the gas whichwas produced by destructive distillation ofvegetable oil that is done in:—
The absence ofOxygen
●Hydro carbons which burn with smoky flame arecalled: —
●Octane number 2 2 4-trimethyl pentane is:—
●Geometric isomerism is usually found in:—
●Pentane and 2-methyl butane have the same: —
Percentage composition
●Organic compounds that are essentially non-polarand exhibit weak intermolecular forces have:—
Low melting points
●The first organic compound was synthesized inlaboratory by:—
●First organic compound synthesized in laboratorywas: —
●The property of carbon chain formation is called:—
●Chemical properties of first member of homologousseries with respect to other members are:—
●The organic compounds having very high molecularweight are called:—
●Compounds having same molecular formula butdifferent in structural formula are called:—
●Organic compounds are soluble in:—
●Methane is used in power generation in chemicalindustries being a:—
●Crude oil is blackish coloured liquid produced afterthe decay of organic matter present between:—
Sedimentary Rocks
●Which one of the following compounds shows intenseknocking?—
●What can be used as anti-knocking agent?—
●Ether functional group can be represented as:—
●Isomerism which is present only in alkene is: —
cis-trans isomerism
●A single atom or group of atoms which givescharacteristic properties to a compound is called:—
Functional Group
●Which is a Compound containing benzene ring in itsstructure?—
Aromatic compound
●Which type of isomerism is shown by 2-propanol and1-propanol?—
position isomerism
●In sp3 hybridization the expected geometry ofmolecules will be:—
●Only sigma bonds are present in:—
ethoxy ethane
●In cyano group the carbon atom shows which kind ofhybridization?—
●The structure of ethyne is:—
●The fractional distillation of petroleum producesgasoline up to:—
●The general formula of cycloalkene is:—
●Which is not heterocyclic compound?—
●What is the number of isomers in C5H12?—
●Elements in the same vertical group of the periodictable have same:—
Number of valence electrons
●Plaster of Paris hardens by:—
Uniting with water
●The most electropositive amongst the alkaline earthmetals is: —
●Hydrogen does not combine with:—
●Paramagnetism is exhibited by molecules: —
Carrying unpaired electrons
●Transitional elements exhibit variable valenciesbecause they release electrons from which of thefollowing orbits? —
(n - 1) d and ns orbits
●Stainless steel is an alloy of: —
Nickel and chromium
●The property of the alkaline earth metals thatincreases with their atomic number is:—
Solubility of their hydroxides
●In electrolysis of aluminium oxide which of thefollowing is added to accelerate the process?—
●As compared to lithium, sodium reacts quickly withwater because:—
it is
●In the first transition series, the highest boiling pointand melting point is of:—
●The H - O - H angle in water molecule is about:—
●Lanthanoids are: —
14 elements in the sixth period(atomic no. = 58 to 71) that are filling 4f sublevel
●Temporary hardness of water is due to the presenceof: —
Magnesium bicarbonate
●The composition of tritium is: —
1 electron, 1 proton,2 neutrons
●An element having low value of ionization energy andlow value of electron affinity is likely to belong to:—
Group IA
●Sodium thiosulphate is used in photography:—
Toconvert metallic silver into silver salt
●One of the important use of ferrous sulphate is in the:—
Manufacture of blue black ink
●Among halogens the highest boiling point is of:—
●Hydrogen acts as a reducing agent and thusresembles:—
alkali metals
●Of the metals Be, Mg, Ca and Sr of group II A. In theperiodic table the least ionic chloride would beformed by:—
●Tritium undergoes radioactive decay giving:—
●Hydrogen cannot reduce:—
Hot Al2O3
●The purification of alumina is called :—
●The reagent commonly used to determine hardness ofwater titrimetrically is:—
Disodium salt of EDTA
●The elements of group IA provide a colour to theflame of Bunsen burner due to:—
Low ionizationpotential
●When washing soda is heated: —
Water vapour isreleased
●The most dangerous method of preparing hydrogenwould be by the action of HCl and:—
●Valency electrons in alkali metals are:—
●Transition metals are often paramagnetic owing to:—
The presence of one or more unpaired electronsin the system
●Zinc and mercury do not show variable valency liked-block elements because:—
Their d- shells arecomplete
●In first transition series, the melting point of Mn islow because:—
of weak metallic bonds
●The tendency towards complex formation ismaximum in: —
d - block elements
●Elements which generally exhibit multiple oxidationstates and whose ions are usually coloured are: —
Transition elements
●Periodic table provides a basic framework to studyelements with respect to their: —
Physicalproperties, chemical properties and properties oftheir compounds
●Concept of Triads was introduced by:—
●In modern periodic table all the elements arearranged in ascending order of:—
atomic number
●The longest period in the modern periodic table is: —
6th period
●Variable valency is shown by:—
Transition elements
●Seventh period contains _____ normal elements.—
●Modern periodic table has been divided in how manyblocks? —
4 blocks
●Non-metals usually form:—
acidic oxides
●Amphoteric oxides are those which possess ___properties.—
acidic and basic
●Hydrogen resembles with carbon because of havingremarkable:—
reducing properties
●Heavy water is used in atomic reactor as:—
Bothmoderator and coolant
●The atomic radii decreases by increasing atomicnumber in: —
Elements from Li to Ne
●Which discovery caused a revision in the periodic lawas stated by Mendeleev?—
Atomic number byMoseley
●An element has electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p2.It belongs to:—
Group IV-A
●The property which increases up to group IV-A thendecreases onwards:—
Melting & boiling points
●The transitional metal which form green compoundin +3 oxidation state and yellow orange compoundin +6 oxidation state is:—
●The atoms of same element having same atomicnumber but different mass number are called:—
●Deuterium reacts with oxygen to form:—
●Ionization energy depends upon:—
I.E depends uponall of the above and nature of orbital
●Shielding effect across the period:—
●The ionic compound BaSO4 is insoluble in water dueto: —
High lattice energy
●Beryllium differs from rest of the members of itsfamily (Group-IIA) in many ways. The reason forthis is its: —
Small size and higherelectronegativity
●Based on lattice energy and other considerationswhich one of the following alkali metal chlorides isexpected to have the highest melting point?—
●The hardest substance amongst the following is:—
●Which of the following gives propyne on hydrolysis?—
Magnesium carbide (Mg2C3)
●When two ice cubes are pressed over each other, theyunite to form one cube. Which force is responsibleto hold them together?—
Hydrogen bondformation
●In a reaction the ferrous Fe++ iron is oxidised toferric Fe+++ ion. The equivalent weight of the ionin the above reaction is equal to:—
the atomicweight
●Mercury is the only metal which is liquid at 0° C Thisis due to its:—
Very high ionisation energy andweak metallic bond
●Addition of 2nd electron to a un-negative ion isalways:—
●Higher value of electron affinity means: —
Atom willgain electron easily
●Metallic characters of alkali metals: —
Increasedown the group
●Pure hydrogen is obtained by carrying electrolysis of:—
Ba(OH)2 solution
●Mercury is transported in metal containers made of:—
●The liquid field metal expanding on solidification is:—
●When electric current is passed through an ionichydride in the molten state?—
Hydrogen isliberated at the anode
●Melting points of VII-A group elements down thegroup: —
●Oxidation state of an atom represents: —
Apparentcharge in compound
●Halides in which halogen atoms act as a bridgebetween two atoms of the other element arecalled: —
Polymeric halides
●Pure water can be obtained from sea water by: —
Reverse osmosis
●Ordinary hydrogen at room temperature is a mixtureof: —
75% of o-Hydrogen + 25% of p-Hydrogen
●The halogen having highest electron affinity is:—
●Less electronegative elements such as Be Ga A etcform: —
Polymeric halide
●Iodine is solid due to:—
High polarizability
●The metal ion which does not form colouredcompound is: —
●The permanent hardness of water can be removed, byadding: —
Washing soda
●Stainless steel does not rust because: —
Chromiumforms an oxide layer and protects iron fromrusting
●Heavy water freezes at:—
●Triatomic hydrogen is called:—
●Hydrogen combines with other elements by: —
Losing, gaining or sharing electron
●True increasing order of acidity of the oxides of Mnis: —
MnO < MnO2 < Mn2O7
●Among the halogens the rare element is:—
●Electrolysis of fused sodium hydride liberatehydrogen at the: —
●Bromine can be liberated from KBr solution by theaction of: —
●The colour of chlorine gas is:—
greenish yellow
●The most powerful oxidizing agent among thehalogens is: —
●Hydrogen burns in air with a:—
Light bluish flame
●Heavy water D2O is: —
Water obtained by repeateddistillation and condensation
●Bleaching powder is an example of:—
Mixed salt
●Triple point of water is:—
273 K
●Deuterium differs from hydrogen in:—
The velocity of neutrons in nuclear reactor is sloweddown by: —
Heavy water D2O
●Hydrogen can be fused to form helium at: —
Hightemperature and high pressure
●The halogen which reacts spontaneously with gold(Au) to form Au+3 is:—
●The halogen which reacts very slowly with halogen is:—
●Substance which is found in dried up lakes of Tibetand California is:—
●Bleaching powder is not used for bleaching:—
●Borax is a white crystalline solid and it is: —
moresoluble in hot water
●Which pair does not show hydrogen isotopes? —
Ortho hydrogen and para hydrogen
●Photographic plates are coated with a thin film of:—
●Special features of borate glass is that it is: —
●Cassiterite is concentrated by:—
●A substance which reacts with gangue to form fusiblematerial is called:—
●In blast furnace iron oxide is reduced by:—
●Main ore of aluminium is:—
●The metal which is used in thermite process becauseof its activity is:—
●Purpose of smelting of an ore is:—
To reduce it
●Compounds of nitrogen and phosphorus are mostly:—
●The most electronegative element among thefollowing is: —
●SO3 is not absorbed in water directly because: —
Reaction is exothermic
●Phosphine gas will be produced if phosphorous acid issubjected to:—
Reduction and Decomposition
●Metallurgy is the process of: —
Extracting the metalfrom the ore
●Froth floatation process for the concentration of oresis an illustration of the practical application of:—
●Azo-dyes are prepared from:—
●C3H9N1 represents:—
●Aluminium oxide is:—
Amphoteric oxide
●Which electronic configuration corresponds to anelement of group IIIA?—
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p1
●Tincal is a mineral of:—
●Phosphorus is a Greek word and it means:—
●Aniline is usually purified by:—
Steam distillation
●Allotropic form of phosphorus that is poisonous is:—
●In network of silica (SiO2) each silicon atom issurrounded by _____ atoms of oxygen.—
●The process of aluminium extraction is called:—
●KCN reacts readily to give a cyanide with:—
●The Hinsberg’s method is used for: —
Separation ofamine mixtures
●When aniline is treated with sodium nitrite andhydrochloric acid at 0 degree C, it gives:—
Diazonium salt
●Acetic anhydride can be obtained by treating ethylalcohol with:—
P2O5 and H2SO4
●Phosphorous acid upon thermal decomposition yieldsphosphoric acid and:—
●The element of group VIA which is a non-metal is:—
●Phosphoric acid is a weak acid and its basicity is:—
●All the elements in group VIA are ____ in nature.—
●Which allotropic form of phosphorous is the moststable?—
●Boron is non metal while other elements of IIIAgroup are metals. This is because: —
it formsmolecular addition compounds; and it has smallsize
●The chemical composition of cinnabar is:—
●Oxygen and sulphur resemble in all except:—
Showsame oxidation state
●Oxygen does not react with all except:—
●CO2 is gas while SiO2 is solid at room temperature.Why? —
CO2 is an independent molecule whileSiO2 has network covalent structure
●Arsenic oxides are removed by passing through: —
Ferric hydroxide
●In which compound nitrogen has maximum oxidationstate? —
●When sulphuric acid is treated with ethanol sulphuricacid behaves like:—
a dehydrating agent
●The coloured glassy mass in borax bead test is due tothe formation of:—
metal meta borate
●Boron is non-metal whereas A1 is metal. It is due to:—
small size and high nuclear charge
●Boron in soil has been considered micronutrient for:—
proper growth of plants
●Boric acid cannot be used:—
in soda bottles
●In photography sodium thiosulphate is used as: —
complexing agent
●Lanthanides and actinides resemble in:—
●Requirement of macronutrient per acre of the land is:—
5 to 200 kg
●Three elements needed for the healthy growth ofplants are: —
●Hypochlorous acid is used for disinfecting the waterit reacts with the dissolved ammonia producing:—
NH2Cl, NHCl2, NCl2
●The yellow colour in photochemical smog is due topresence of:—
Nitrogen dioxide
●Incineration of municipal waste is carried out in thetemperature range of:—
9000-10000 C
●Which gas is the main cause of acid rain?—
●In the purification of portable water the coagulantused is:—
●Newspaper can be recycled again and again howmany times?—
5 times
●The main pollutant of leather tanneries in the wastewater is:—
Chromium IV
●A single chlorine free radical can destroy how manyozone molecules?—
●Which substance can be used for disinfecting water?—
●Chlorination of water may be harmful if the watercontains:—
●The percentage of suspended solid waste in raw wateris removed by coagulation is:—
●Ozone hole is substantial depletion of ozone in everyyear during:—
●The main product of bacterial action is:—
●Pollutants have adverse effect over:—
●The nucleus of an atom consists of:—
Protons andNeutrons
●The most electronegative element among thefollowing is:—
●The metal used to recover copper from a solution ofcopper sulphate is:—
●The number of d-electrons in Fe2+ (Z = 26) is notequal to that of:—
p-electrons in CI (Z = 17)
●The metallurgical process in which a metal isobtained in a fused state is called:—
●The law which states that the amount of gas dissolvedin a liquid is proportional to its partial pressure is:—
Henry’s Law
●The main buffer system of the human blood is:—
H2CO3 - HCO3
●The gas present in the stratosphere which filters outsome of the sun’s ultraviolet light and provides aneffective shield against radiation damage to livingthings is:—
●The most commonly used bleaching agent is:—
●The nucleus of a hydrogen atom consists of:—
1proton only
●The heat required to raise the temperature of body by1 K is called:—
Thermal capacity
●The nuclear particles which are assumed to hold thenucleons together are:—
●The mass of P4O10 that will be obtained from thereaction of 1.33 gram of P4 and 5.07 of oxygen is:—
3.05 gram
●The octane number of zero is assigned to:—
●The metal that is used as a catalyst in thehydrogenation of oils is:—
●The most abundant rare gas in the atmosphere is:—
●The Latin word ‘formica’ means ant. The nameformic acid is derived from this Latin wordbecause: —
this acid was first obtained by thedistillation of ants
●The ore which is found in abundance in India is:—
●The heat energy produced when the human bodymetabolizes 1 gram of fat is:—
39 KJ
●What are the number of moles of CO2 which contains16 g of oxygen?—
0.5 mole
●The main use of salt in the diet is to: —
produce insmall amounts the hydrochloric acid required forthe digestion of food
●The luster of a metal is due to: —
presence of freeelectrons
●The number of water molecules present in a drop ofwater (volume 0.0018 ml) at room temperature is:—
6.023 × 1019
●The most malleable metal is:—
●The oil used in the froth floatation process is:—
●The mass of one Avogadro number of helium atom is:—
4.00 gram
●The items amenable to detection by soft x-rays are:—
genuine coins from counterfeit coins
●The material which can be deformed permanently byheat and pressure is called a:—
●The mass number of a nucleus is:—
the sum of thenumber of protons and neutrons present in thenucleus
●The inexpensive and commonly used variety of glassis called soda glass. It is called so because: —
ismade using soda (sodium carbonate)
●The gas used in the manufacture of Vanaspati fromvegetable oil is:—