RL MOD IND 1 Flashcards
●Pitts India Act of 1784 was a—
Regulating Act
●Which movement saw the biggest peasant guerillawar on the eve of independence?—
●Under an agreement with which country did SubhashChandra Bose organize the Indian soldiers, takenas prisoners by the Axis Powers, into the AzadHind Fauj ?—
●Battle of Jamrud was fought between Sikhs andAfghans in April 1837 in which Afghans weredefeated but an important Sikh general was killed.Who was this Sikh General ?—
Hari Singh Nalwa
●Who was the first Muslim president of IndianNational Congress?—
Badruddin Tayabji
●Three Round Table Conferences were organized byBritish Government between 1930 and 1932 todiscuss the constitutional reform in India. Inwhich Round Table Conference did the Congressattended?—
●Who was the Chairman of Drafting Committee ofIndian Constitution?—
B R Ambedkar
●Non-violence as taught and practised by MahatmaGandhi is rooted in the Indian Doctrine of—
●Who was the founder of the Aligarh Movement ?—
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
●The Dandi March of Gandhi is an example of—
Direct Action
●Which war decided the fate of the French in India ?—
Battle of Wandiwash
“●For the annexation of which Indian Kingdom, the”“Doctrine of Lapse”” was not followed ?—”
●The Government of India Act, 1935 was based on :—
Simon Commission
●Who founded the Indian National Party in Berlinduring 1914?—
Champakaraman Pillai
●During Quit India Movement, ‘Parallel Government’was constituted at:—
●The Poona Pact (1932) was an agreement between:—
Gandhi and Ambedkar
“●Who gave the titie of ““Sardar”” to Ballabh Bhai Patel?—”
Mahatma Gandhi
●What Satyagraha was held at Nagpur in 1923?—
Flag Satyagraha
●Who was the viceroy when Delhi became the capitalof British India?—
Lord Hardinge
●Who established the Indian Civil Liberties Union in1936 ?—
Jawahar Lal Nehru
●Lord William Bentinck was the governor generalduring the period—
●The Montague-Chelmsford reform was passed in theyear—
●Clement Attlee’s announcement proclaimed in theParliament—
British decision to quit India
“●In which session of the Indian National Congress wasthe ““Poorna Swaraj”” resolution adopted ?—”
Lahore Session in 1929
●Who was regarded by Gandhiji as his political Guru?—
Gopal Krishna Gokhale
●Mahatma Gandhi led various movements, such as,—
Quit India Movement, Non-CooperationMovement, Civil Disobedience Movement
●Rowlatt Act 1919 was enacted during the period of—
Lord Chelmsford
“●Who said ““Truth is the ultimate reality and it is God””?—”
“●Which tribe was associated with the ““Tana Bhagat”“movement ?—”
●Who founded the Naujawan Bharat Sabha ?—
Sardar Bagat Singh
●The Narendra Mandal or Chamber of Princes wasinaugurated in 1921 by—
Duke of Cannaught
●Who is commonly known as the Iron Man ?—
SardarVallabh Bhai Patel
●Pitt’s India Act’ created—
Board of Control
●What was the main cause for starting of the QuitIndia Movement in 1942 ?—
Failure of the CrippsMission
●Which movement got the support both from Hindusand Muslims?—
Non Cooperation Movement
●Name the Governor-General who accepted the viewof Macaulay to make English as the medium ofinstruction.—
Lord William Bentinck
●’Give me blood, I will give you freedom’. These wordsare attributed to :—
Subhash Chandra Bose
●Who was the first Indian Governor General afterLord Mountbatten?—
C. Rajagopalachari
●Where did the so-called ‘Black Hole Tragedy’ takeplace?—
●India was granted freedom during the British PrimeMinister:—
Clement Attlee
●The battle of Plassey was fought between—
EastIndia Company and Sirajuddaula
●Name the Pakistan Prime-Minister who signed theSimla Agreement in 1972.—
Z.A. Bhutto
●The Non-Cooperation Movement started in—
●Who was the Nawab when Dalhousie annexed Awadhin 1856?—
Wajid Ali Shah
●Who among the following is referred to as’Loknayak’ ?—
Jayaprakash Narayan
●In the integration of Princely States, who played amajor role?—
Vallabhbhai Patel and V.P. Menon
●The Viceroy who became a victim of one of theconvicts during his visit to the Andamans was—
●The Third Battle of Panipat was fought between—
the Marathas and the Afghans
●Who termed Cripps’ proposals as ‘a post datedcheque in a crashing bank’ ?—
●The State Jhansi was made a part of the BritishEmpire in India through—
Doctrine of Lapse
●Mahatma Gandhi started his Dandi March from—
Sabarmati Ashram
●The Cabinet Mission was sent to India—
to work outa constitutional arrangement for the transfer ofpower
●The Khilafat Movement was launched to protestagainst the humiliation of—
The Turkish Caliph
●Who among the following founded the All IndiaMuslim League ?—
Aga Khan
●The first Satyagraha of Gandhiji for the cause ofindigo farmers was observed at—
●Gandhi’s concept of Trusteeship:—
Transforms thecapitalistic society into an egalitarian one
●Gandhiji withdraw the Non Cooperation Movementdue to—
Chauri-Chaura Incident
“●Who said about Mahatma Gandhi that he is a ““halfnaked fakir”” ?—”
Winston Churchill
●Who propounded the Panchsheel principles?—
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
●In 1937, an educational conference endorsingGandhi’s proposals for ‘basic education’ throughthe vernacular medium was held at—
●Gandhi’s Salt Satyagraha was a part of——
CivilDisobedience Movement
●The Peshwaship was abolished by the British at thetime of Peshwa—
Baji Rao II
●Who coined the name ‘Pakistan’?—
ChoudhryRehmat Ali
●By which Charter Act, the East India Company’smonopoly of trade with China came to an end?—
Charter Act of 1833
●The idea of federation was first proposed in—
NehruReport of 1928
“●Who gave the title of ““Mahamana”” to Madan MohanMalviya?—”
Mahatma Gandhi
●Who was the Viceroy at the time of Quit IndiaMovement ?—
Lord Linlithgow
●Who described the Government of India Act, 1935 asa new charter of bondage ?—
Pt. JawaharlalNehru
●Who was the other Congress leader who joined withMotilal Nehru to start the Swaraj Party in 1923 ?—
Chittaranjan Das
“●Who said ““Rama Rajya through Grama Rajya””?—”
Mahatma Gandhi
●Which was the earliest settlement of the Dutch inIndia?—
●During British rule, who was instrumental for theintroduction of the Ryotwari system in the thenMadras Presidency ?—
Thomas Munro
●Name three important forms of Satyagraha.—
Non-cooperation, civil disobedience and boycott
●The foundation of modern education system in Indiawas laid by—
Wood’s Dispatch of 1854
●The Asiatic Society was established in Calcutta by—
Sir William Jones
●The leaders of the Indigo Revolt were—
DigambarBiswas & Bishnucharan Biswas
●During whose tenure as the Viceroy of India were thegreat Martyrs Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev andRajguru hanged?—
Lord Irwin
●Which Dogra General led successful militaryexpedition to Laddakh, Baltistan and parts ofTibet between 1834 and 1841?—
Zorawar Singh
●Which sides were the rival fighters in the Battle ofNaushera in 1823 ?—
Sikh Empire & Emirate ofAfghanistan
●In which Anglo - Mysore war and which year wasTipu Sultan killed?—
Fourth, 1799
●The city of Kolkata was founded by—
Job Chernock
●The Civil Disobedience Movement was held in theyear—
●Gandhiji was given the name ‘Mahatma’ by-—
Rabindranath Tagore
●Who gave maximum resistance to Britishers ?—
●Mahatma Gandhi returned to India, leaving SouthAfrica for ever in -—
●The revolutionary who later turned into a yogi and aphilosopher was—
Aurobindo Ghosh
●Who founded the Banaras Hindu University ?—
Madan Mohan Malaviya
●Who is known as the ‘Heroine of 1942 Quit IndiaMovement’?—
Aruna Asaf Ali
●Who was the first Indian to pass the Indian CivilService?—
Surendranath Banerjee
●Ram Prasad Bismil was associated with -—
KakoriBomb case
“●Gandhi ji started the ““The Dandi March”“—”
To breakSalt Laws
“●Who started the ““Khudai Khidmatgars”” Movement?—”
Abdul Ghaffar Khan
●Saheed-i-Azam Bhagat Singh Rajguru and Sukhdevwere executed by the British Government on 23March, 1931. In which case they were implicated ?—
Lahore Conspiracy
●The uprising of 1857 was described as the FirstIndian War of Independence by—
V. D. Savarkar
“●’Each one teach one”” slogan was given by——”
Mahatma Gandhi
●Who was the first Indian Woman President of theIndian National Congress?—
Sarojini Naidu
●Who was the Governor General when the Revolt of1857 started?—
Lord Canning
●Who, among the Europeans, were the first to tradewith India?—
●In which year was the Battle of Plassey fought?—
●The British started the first coffee plantations inIndia in:—
Chikmangalur Janapada
●Which of the factories of Bengal was set up by thePortuguese?—
●Name the ruler who welcomed Vasco-da-Gama inCalicut? —
●Where in India did the British implement theRyotwari Settlement?—
In Madras Presidencyand Bombay Presidency
●Who was the first Indian ruler to embrace theSubsidiary Alliance?—
Nizam of Hyderabad
●The Treaty of Srirangapatna was signed betweenTipu Sultan and Lord Cornwallis in 1792. Theterms of this treaty were :—
Tipu Sultan had tocede half of his kingdom to the British, he had topay 30 lakhs as war reparation and had to keeptwo of his sons as hostage with the British.
●Where in India did the French establish their firstfactory?—
●Which ruler set up foundries for the manufacture ofcannons in Lahore?—
Maharaja Ranjit Singh
●Which ruler got Euclid’s ‘Elements of Geometry’ oftranslated into Sanskrit?—
Sawai Jai Singh ofAmber
●Which ruler gave donations for setting up the idol ofGoddess Sharda in the temple of Sringeri?—
●End of trading activities of the East India Company,changing the designation of highest executive inthe Council to that of the Governor General ofIndia, and the appointment of Indian the capacityof a Law member in the Governor GeneralCouncil. These are the main provisions of—
TheCharter Act of 1833
●Which battle establish the British supremacy inIndia?—
●Where was the first Jantar-Mantar observatoryestablished by Sawai Raja Jai Singh?—
●During whose reign did Nadir Shah invade India?—
Mohammad Shah
●Where was the capital of Tipu Sultan located?—
Srirangam (Srirangapatna)
●Who resisted the British the most?—
●When was the Regulating Act, meant to overhaul themanagement of the East India Company’s rule inIndia, passed?—
●The Carnatic Wars were fought between—
Britishand French
●Where was the capital of Maharaja Ranjit Singhlocated?—
●Where in South India did the British set up their firstfactory?—
●Where did the East India Company set up its factoryin 1633?—
●In which year did the French gain possession ofMadras?—
●The correct chronological order of the advent ofEuropean powers in India at different points oftime is:—
●With which ‘misl’ was Ranjit Singh related?—
●What was the immediate reason behind the FirstCarnatic War?—
Struggle for the Austrian throne
●Which act gave Cornwallis the power to override thedecisions of his Council?—
1786 Act
●Who was the Mughal Emperor at the time of theBattle of Plassey which was fought between theEast India Company and the Nawab of Bengal?—
Shah Alam II
●What was the reason behind the conclusion of theTreaty of Amritsar?—
To stop Ranjit Singh’sambitions of crossing beyond the Sutlej River
●Which Mughal Emperor gave ‘firman’ to the EnglishEast India Company, granting them exclusiverights to trade in India?—
Farrukh Siyar
●Who, among the Peshwas, signed the Treaty ofBassein with the British?—
Bajirao II
●Who was the founder of the autonomous kingdom ofOudh?—
Sadat Khan Burhan-ul-Mulk
●The Regulatory Act of 1773 was passed by the BritishParliament to:—
For establishing parliamentarycontrol over the administration of the subjugatedterritories of the East India Company, changingthe designation of the Governor of Bengal to the Governor General of Bengal, endingthe system of dual administration in India, etc
●The main reason behind the conflict between NawabSiraj-ud-daula and the British East IndiaCompany was:—
Excessive misuse of tradeconcessions by the British
●Who had colluded with Mir Qasim and Shuja-ud-daula to wage war against the English East IndiaCompany, and later got defeated by the British inthe Battle of Buxar?—
Shah Alam II
●During the hegemony of the British East IndiaCompany, who succeeded Robert Clive?—
●Who had the longest reign among the Mughalemperors?—
Mohammad Shah
●The correct chronological order of the enthronementof Mughal rulers is:—
Jahandar Shah, FarrukhSiyar, Mohammad Shah, and Shah Alam II.
●In which year did Vasco-da-Gama reach the coast ofCalicut after having first discovered the sea routeto India from Europe?—
1498 A.D.
●Goa was ruled by ___ in the past.—
The Portuguese
●Tipu Sultan was the ruler of:—
●What was the summer capital of Tipu Sultan?—
Mysore Palace
●With which treaty did the Second Anglo-Mysore Warend?—
Treaty of Mangalore
●Which battle made the Nawab of Oudh dependent onthe East India Company?—
Battle of Buxar
●Who went to England as a member of the WelbyCommission?—
G.K. Gokhale
●When was the Permanent Settlement in Bengalstarted?—
●Which Governor General called himself as the BengalTiger?—
Lord Wellesley
●In which year was the East India Company rule inIndia ended and the control of administration inIndia directly transferred to the British crown?—
●Who was responsible for making English the mediumof education in order to simplify the execution ofadministrative duties of the British government inIndia?—
Lord Macaulay
●Which Governor General is credited with theabolition of slavery in India?—
Lord Bentinck
●The Adyars were the rulers of the indigenousprincipality of:—
●In which year was the Education system of LordMacaulay implemented?—
●Who was the second President of the Indian NationalCongress?—
Dadabhai Naoroji
●Raja Rammohun Roy made a name for himself in theIndian history by his extraordinary works in thefield of:—
Social Reforms
●Which British Viceroy/Governor General playedcrucial role in the abolition of Sati system inIndia?—
Lord Bentinck
●During the British period, India was not consideredas a producing country because of:—
●During the Revolt of 1857, the Indian middle classesremained:—
●Which, among Subsidiary Alliance, Doctrine ofLapse, Dual Government and PermanentSettlement, came first?—
Dual Government
“●The following lines describe a person. ““He was thefirst exponent of women rights in the country. Hewas himself a landlord. He wrote to thegovernment not to tax the peasants beyond. Hewas himself a Brahmin, but was opposed to theexcesses of the caste system. He had envisioned anindependent India and suggested constitutionalagitation to achieve this end.”” Who was he?—”
Rabindranath Tagore
●Charles Wood’s dispatch of 1854 was related to:—
Educational Reforms
●The name of Lord Cornwallis is related to:—
Permanent Settlement
●By which act was the communal electoratesimplemented in India?—
1909 Act
“●Who said, ““Vedas contain absolute truth””?—”
●Raja Rammohun Roy advocated modern educationbecause:—
It gave social status to people
●With whom did the British sign the Treaty of Sagaulias a result of which Kumaon and Garhwal wereceded to the British administration?—
●During whose time did the first session of the IndianNational Congress take place?—
Lord Dufferin
Who was the author of ‘Satyarth Prakash’?—
SwamiDayananda Saraswati
●Name that scholar of the Deoband school who playedan important role in the freedom movement:—
Abul Kalam Azad
●Who started the ‘Amrita Bazar Patrika’?—
ShishirKumar Ghosh
●During the British rule in India, which region wasknown for opium cultivation?—
●Who was the leader of the Munda Uprising of 1899-1900?—
Birsa Munda
●Who presided over the first session of All India KisanSabha?—
Swami Sahajanand
●Which British commander was defeated by theSanthals in 1855?—
Major Burrough
●In which year was the Brahmo Samaj started by RamMohun Roy?—
●Who was the first President of the All India TradeUnion Congress?—
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru
●With whom is the ‘Forward Defence’ policy related?—
Lord Hastings
●Who was Shardamani?—
Wife of RamakrishnaParamhansa
●In which year were Enfield Rifles, which fired withgreased bullets, introduced in the Birtish IndianArmy?—
December 1856
●In which year was the Hindu Widow Remarriage Actpassed?—
●Diarchy in the Indian administration was started by:—
Montford Reforms
●The report of Hunter Commission laid specialemphasis on the development of:—
●In which year did the operation of electric trainssteam in India begin?—
●On which Indian estate was the state annexationpolicy first implemented?—
●Which historical event made the British the mastersof Bengal province?—
Battle of Buxar, 1764
●During whose period where Indian universities firstset up?—
Lord Canning
●The Legislative Assembly of Sindh had to decidewhether to join the Constituent Assembly of Indiaor not; Baluchistan had to decide upon thequestion of merger or separation with the Unionof India : These are related—
the MountbattenPlan
●Which ruler of India sought Napoleon’s help inforcing the British out of India?—
Tipu Sultan
●What was the capital of British India before Delhi?—
Kolkata (Calcutta)
●Which act contained the seeds of Indian participationin the Legislative Council of Governor General ofIndia?—
Indian Councils Act, 1861
●Who was the biographer of A.O. Hume?—
●During whose viceroyalty in India were Indian PenalCode, Civil Procedure Code and CriminalProcedure Code passed?—
Lord Canning
●Who was the British to participate in the Suratsession of Congress in 1907?—
●Raja Ram Mohan Roy’s ‘Brahmo Samaj’ wasopposed to child marriage. Nevertheless, one ofthe followers of this institution laid the foundationof its disintegration by marrying his minordaughter. Who was that follower?—
KeshavChandra Sen
●Name the literary work which was authored by RajaRam Mohan Roy:—
●What was the share of zamindars in land settlement?—
“●With reference to the Revolt of 1857, who said: ““Therevolt at Meerut was as sudden and short-lived asa summer storm””?—”
S.S. Sen
●Who was the Governor of Bombay Presidency duringthe Bardoli Satyagraha?—
Leslie Wilson
●With regard to Indian Muslims, what was the mainobjective of the Aligarh movement?—
Socio-religious reforms among Indian Muslims
●What is Tuhafut-ul-Muhawiddin?—
An articleagainst idol worship
●Who wrote a book, titled ‘Bhran-tivilas’?—
AkshayKumar Dutt
●Who laid the foundation of modern education systemin India?—
Macaulay Minute of 1835
●What correctly explains the ‘drain theory’ ofDadabhai Naoroji?—
A portion of India’snational wealth or total annual production whichwas exported to Britain without receiving any real return.
●Upliftment of backward classes was the mainprogram of:—
Satyasodhak Samaj
●The first political organization of India which was setup in 1838 was:—
Zamindari Association
●What was common among Madam Bhikaji Cama, M.Barkatullah, V.V. S. Aiyar and M.N. Roy?—
Theywere prominent revolutionaries who operatedfrom outside India during the period ofindependence movement.
●Which uprising took place in Bengal immediatelyafter the Revolt of 1857? —
Indigo Uprising
●Who was associated with the suppression of Thugs?—
Captain Sleeman
●The correct chronological order of educationalreforms, is:—
Macaulay’s Minute on Education—Wood’s Education Report—Hunter Commissionon Indian Education—Sergeant Education
“●Who said: ““the congress is tottering to its fall, andone of my great ambitions, while in India, is toassist it to a peaceful demise””?—”
Lord Curzon
●The educated middle class in India:—
remainedneutral in the Revolt of 1857
●Who was the founder of Dev Samaj?—
●There was no independent growth of industries inIndia during the British rule. This was due to:—
lack of heavy industries
●Which Governor General followed an enthusiastic’Forward Policy’ regarding Afghanistan?—
●What was the aim of education as expressed inWood’s Despatch’?—
Increase literacy among thepeople through use of English as medium ofinstruction
●Who was the founder of Radhaswami Satsang?—
Shiv Dayal Saheb
●In India, the local self governing institutions wereempowered in 1882 by:—
Lord Ripon
●The President of Indian National Congress in 1885was:—
W.C Banerjee
●Who was the British Prime Minister at the time of theRevolt of 1857?—
●Who set up the legal establishment in India?—
●By which name was Dadabhai Naoroji commonlyknown?—
Grand Old Man of India
●Among child marriage, sati system and westerneducation, which was not opposed by Raja RamMohan Roy?—
Western Education
●In which year was the Morley-Minto Reformspassed?—
●Oudh was incorporated in the British empire of Indiaon the basis of:—
●The reasons behind the success of East IndiaCompany in India were:—
Lack of nationalistfeelings in India; army of the company wastrained in western warfare and was equipped withmodern arms; and Indian soldiers lackednationalist spirit and anyone could hire them atthe cost of a plump salary.
●Who is known as the father of ‘Indian Renaissance’?—
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
●Who was not related to the Moderate era?—
●Queen Victoria made promises to bestow uponseveral things to Indians in 1858. Among them,which one was fulfilled by the British governmentin India?—
There will be no interference in thesocial and religious convictions of Indians.
●The first war of independence (1857) began from:—
●Who is credited with the revival of Vedas?—
SwamiDayananda Saraswati
●The first session of the Congress was held in: —
●The first railway line in India was built between:—
Bombay and Thane
●Who among, Begum Hazrat Mahal, Kunwar Singh,Udham Singh and Ahmadullah, was notconnected with the Revolt of 1857?—
●Who wrote on the original homeland of the Aryans?—
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
●The name of magazine published by MahatmaGandhi in South Africa was:—
Indian Opinion
●Who was the leader of the Bareilly Uprising of 1857?—
Khan Bahadur
●The editor of ‘Hindu Patriot’ who vehementlysupported the Indigo Revolt was:—
HarishChandra Mukherjee
●During the British rule in India, the first census washeld in the period of:—
Lord Mayo
Who was the author of ‘Gulamgiri’?—
Jyotiba Phule
●Who published the Persian weekly, titled ‘MiratulAkhbar’?—
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
●Which act gave the powers to issue ordinance to theGovernor General?—
Indian Council Act 1861
●Who is known as the ‘Father of Indian Unrest’?—
Lokamanya Tilak
●Great poet Rabindranath Tagore emerged as anexalted painter when he was of the age of:—
●In which year did Bihar attain the status of aseparate state during the British rule in India?—
●When was the system of competitive examinations forcivil services accepted in principle?—
●The British general who defeated Hyder Ali in theBattle of Porto Novo was:—
Sir Eyre Coot
●The symbols of the 1857 war of independence was:—
Lotus and Bread
●Rani Lakshmibai had to face defeat in the last battleagainst:—
Hugh Rose
●Who founded the Prarthana Samaj?—
KeshavChandra Sen
●Who is credited with the abolition of sati system andThugee?—
Lord William Bentinck
●In the first half of the 19th century, who founded theAtmiya Sabha in Calcutta?—
Rammohun Roy
●Raja Rammohan Roy and David Hare wereassociated with the founding of: —
Hindu College
●Who was a great exponent of the Doctrine of Lapse?—
Lord Dalhousie
●The original name of Swami Dayananda Saraswatiwas:—
Mool Shankar
●The 19th century renaissance in India was limited to:—
High and Middle Class
●Who was the first Indian to have been elected to theBritish Parliament?—
Dada Bhai Naoroji
●Who was the British Governor General to introducepostal tickets in India?—
Lord Dalhousie
●By whom was the Permanent Settlementimplemented in Bengal?—
Lord Cornwallis
●Who took the reins of ‘Brahmo Samaj’ after thedeparture of Raja Mohan Roy for England?—
Devendranath Tagore
●Who authored the book, titled ‘Gita Rahasya’?—
Lokamanya Tilak
●By whom and where was the Ramakrishna Missionset up in 1896?— Belur (Calcutta)—
●During whose period was the Indian Administrativeservices started?—
Lord Cornwallis
●Who established the local self-governing bodies in1882 and who is regarded as the ‘Father of LocalSelf Government of India’ ?—
Lord Ripon
●In which year did the First War of Independence takeplace?—
●During the British rule in India, which GovernorGeneral put forward the policy of annexation?—
Lord Dalhousie
●Who was the last Nawab of Oudh?—
Wajid Ali Shah
●Who was the leader of the 1857 Revolt in Kanpur?—
Nana Saheb
●After the first war of independence, Mughal emperorBahadur Shah Zafar was deported to—
●The sati system was abolished in:—
●Among M.G. Ranade, Pandit Ramabai, GopalGanesh Agarkar and Jyotiba Phule fromMaharashtra, who was the founder leader of the’Prarthana Samaj’?—
M.G. Ranade
●Which Indian ruler set up modern embassies in othercountries?—
Tipu Sultan
●Which British author translated the Bhagvad Gitainto English?—
William Jones
●By whom was the Satyagraha Ashram set up inWardha in the beginning?—
Mahatma Gandhi
●Against which measure was the Dandi March held byGandhiji in 1930?—
Taxation on salt
●Who is associated with Kakori trial?—
Bhagat Singh
●Who first used the word ‘adivasi’ to refer to thetribals?—
Mahatma Gandhi
●The Indian National Congress agreed on the partitionof the country in 1947 mainly to—
avoidwidespread riots
●As a protest against the atrocities of 1919, whichprominent Indian returned the title of knighthoodwhich had been conferred by the British?—
Rabindranath Tagore
●At the time of India’s independence, MahatmaGandhi was:—
not a member of the Congress
●Who was the leading exponent of Gandhian ideology?—
Vinoba Bhave
●Barrah dacoity was the first major act of bravery bythe revolutionary terrorists in:—
Eastern Bengal
●Who organized ‘Abhinav Bharat’?—
Vir Savarkar
●Who was the viceroy of India at the time ofJallianwala Bagh massacre?—
Lord Chelmsford
●During India’s struggle for independence, the firstpolitical organization to begin was:—
MadrasNative Association
●Name the revolutionary from Bihar who participatedin the meeting of Hindustan Socialist RepublicanArmy in 1928:—
Fanindranath Ghosh
●Who was the Congress President to hold discussionswith both Cripps Mission and Lord Wavell?—
Abul Kalam Azad
●When was the All India Trade Union Congressstarted in Bombay?—
●Who played a significant role in the signing of theGandhi Irwin Pact?—
Tej Bahadur Sapru
“●Who said: ““The Congress movement was neitherinspired by the people, nor contemplate orplanned by them””?—”
Lala Lajpat Rai
●Who was the Prime Minister of England at the timeof the Quit India Movement?—
●What was the number of seats reserved for the dalitsin the Communal Award and the Poona Pact?—
71 and 147
●Where in Bihar was the 1922 session of Congressheld?—
●Who among industrialists remained the treasurer ofthe A.I.C.C till long and even went to jail?—
Jamnalal Bajaj
●Who presided over the Delhi session of the IndianNational Congress in 1947?—
J.B. Kriplani
●Which, among newspapers, was mainly themouthpiece of liberals?—
●In which year was the Muslim league founded?—
●Who signed on the Poona Pact?—
Gandhiji andBhimrao Ambedkar
●Who was the first Indian to have contested electionsfor the British House of Commons?—
PherozeShah Mehta
●Among Annie Besant, M. A. Jinnah, madam Camaand Pheroze Shah Mehta, who was the architectbehind the reconciliation between extremist andmoderate wings of the Congress?—
Annie Besant
●Who founded the Gadar Movement?—
Sohan SinghBhakna
●Among Abhinav Bharat, New Nationalist, IndianPatriot Association and Anushilan Samiti, whichorganization was involved in revolutionaryactivities?—
Abhinav Bharat and AnushilanSamiti
●The newspapers published by Annie Besant was:—
Commonweal and New India
●The main reason behind the boycott of SimonCommission was:—
all its members were British
“●Who started the Maratha fortnightly, titled”“Bahishkrit Bharat””?—”
B.R. Ambedkar
“●With whom is ““Swaraj is our birthright”” associated?—”
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
“●Who gave the clarion call of ““Delhi Chalo””?—”
Subhash Chandra Bose
●Against which legislation did Mahatma Gandhi sit inprotest in March 1919?—
Against Rowlatt Act
●Among Lala Lajpat Rai, Subhashchandra Bose,Mahatma Gandhi and Bal Gangadhar Tilak, whostarted the Home Rule League?—
Bal GangadharTilak
●When did the Simon Commission arrive in India forthe first time?—
●Who was the last British Viceroy in India?—
●In which year did the Communist Party of Indiacome into existence?—
●Who supported Mahatma Gandhi’s resolution onNon-Cooperation at the special session of the Congress held in Calcutta in 1920?—
M.M. Malaviya
●Why was a separate political party from theCongress, named Swaraj Party, started by MotilalNehru and Chittaranjan Das?—
a reactionagainst Mahatma Gandhi’s sudden decision topostpone the Non-Cooperation Movement byMahatma Gandhi
●Who started the celebration of Ganesh Chaturthi andShivaji Festival in order to bring about unity inthe Indian society and instill nationalist feelingsamong the people?—
Bal Gangadhar Tilak
●Who is known as the ‘Indian Nightingale’?—
●What was not a part of the Non-CooperationMovement?—
Deliberate violation of laws
●By whom was the Forward block started?—
Subhashchandra Bose
“●During which session did the Muslim League calledfor ““Divide and Leave””?—”
Karachi, 1943
●At the Calcutta session of Congress in 1906, who readthe presidential address of Dadabhai Naoroji onhis behalf?—
Gopalkrishna Gokhale
●India from Curzon to Nehru and After—
Durga Das
“●Who expressed following words regarding MahatmaGandhi: ““Generations to come will scarce believethat such a one as this ever in flesh and bloodwalked upon this earth””?—”
Albert Einstein
●Why did the All India Trade Union Congress split in1929 which necessitated N.M. Joshi to form theAll India Trade Union federation?—
Differencesover combining the organization with theInternational Marxist movement
●The prison in which Vinayak Damodar Savarkar,Bhai Parmanand and Ashutosh Lahiri spent theirlife in incarceration was:—
Cellular Jail
“●Who described Subhashchandra Bose as ““BurningSword of Indian Nationalism””?—”
●The parties/organizations started by B.R. Ambedkarwere:—
Samaj Samta Party, All India ScheduledCaste Union and Independent Workers Party
“●The Muslims were fools to ask for safeguards, andthe Hindus were greater fools to refuse them.”“Whose words were these?—”
Maulana Abul KalamAzad
“●”“Indian textile trader, banker, Congressman, andclose assistant of Mahatma Gandhi.”” This is thedescription of:—”
Jamnalal Bajaj
●The correct chronological order of the events ofMahatma Gandhi’s political life is:—
ChamparanSatyagraha—Ahmedabad Mill Strike—KhedaSatyagraha—Non-Cooperation Movement
●Who cooperated with Mahatma Gandhi in hisChamparan Satyagraha?—
Rajendra Prasad andAnugrah Narayan Sinha
●The title bestowed upon Mahatma Gandhi by theBritish which he refused during the Non-Cooperation Movement was:—
●Who used the word ‘adivasi’ in the context of tribalpeople?—
Thakkar Bapa
●From where did Mahatma Gandhi start his CivilDisobedience Movement in 1930? —
●The meetings between Indian and British statesmenin London in the 1930s are described as the first,second and third Round Table Conferences. Suchdescription of these meetings would be wrongbecause:—
They were not three distinctconferences, rather they were stages of the sameconference which were held in three sessions.
●After India’s independence, who suggested theclosure of Indian National Congress?—
●What was the provision in the Poona Pact which wassigned between Mahatma Gandhi and the Britishgovernment in 1932?—
Provision of Jointelectorates along with reservation for Harijans
●When the Muslim League was admitted in theinterim government in 1946, the department givento Liaqat Ali Khan was:—
●Indian Muslims had not been generally attractedtowards the extremist movement. It was because:—
The extremist’s policy of singing paeans to theHindu past
●Which incident was described by Montague as’preventive killing’?—
Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
During the initial phase of the freedom movement inIndia, the extremist ideology was characterizedby:—
Achievement of self governance byaggressive means instead of constitutional meansand petitions.
●Lord Mountbatten came to India as a Viceroy:—
with special warning to keep India united as far aspossible.
“●”“Its proposals were published in May. It still wishedto keep India united which was to take shape of afederal state made of British provinces.”” Thisquotation is related to:—”
Cabinet Mission
●Which Indian nationalist leader viewed the warbetween Britain and Germany as a God-sentopportunity which could be used by the Indiansfor their own benefit?—
Subhash Chandra Bose
●Among the Congress leaders, who was in totalagreement with the Cabinet Mission Plan?—
Sardar Patel
●Among the Indian leaders, who was dismissed fromthe Indian Civil Services by the British?—
Surendranath Banerjee
●At which place did the Azad Hind Fauj come intoexistence in 1943?—
●As an alternative to the partition of India, Gandhijihad suggested to Mountbatten to:—
invite Jinnahfor government formation.
●The last opportunity to avoid the partition of Indiawas lost:—
with the rejection of Cabinet Missionplan
●Who was the American journalist present at the timeof Mahatma Gandhi’s Quit India Movement?—
Louis Fischer
●During India’s struggle for independence, the KhudaiKhidmatgars (known popularly as the Red Shirts)called for:—
The regional nationalist solidarity ofPathans and struggle against colonialism.
●Who was the first President of the All India TradeUnion Congress?—
●The prefix Mahatma was added before Gandhiji’sname during:—
The Champaran Satyagraha
●By which act did the Indian Legislative Council gotpowers to discuss budget proposals?—
IndianAdministrative Act, 1919
●For the determination of number of allocatedmembers in the Indian Legislative Council byeach state under the Cabinet Mission Plan, interms of population a representative wasproportional to:—
10 lakh persons
“●Who is known as the ““Mother of Indian Revolution””?—”
Bhikaji Rustam Cama
“●Who said: ““daro deewar pe hasrat se najar kartehain, khus raho ‘A’ mere vatan, ab hum to safarkarte hain””?—”
Ram Prasad Bismil
“●Who accused the Congress of indulging in politics of”“prayer, petition and opposition’?—”
BalGangadhar Tilak
●The ‘Teenkathiya’ system prevalent in Champarandistrict was related to:—
Peasants cultivatingindigo on 3/20 of land
●Who was the main pleader in the INA trial?—
Bhulabhai Desai
●The person who started the Indian Home RuleLeague in London was:—
Shyamji KrishnaVarma