RL CHEM 1 Flashcards
●The element having strongest intermolecular forces of attraction—
●When substance moves from a solid to a liquid stateall of the following changes occur except:—
Kinetic energy of molecules decrease
●When the atoms of third layer are arranged in such away that they directly lie above the atoms of firstlayer, then this arrangement is called:—
●Most of thermodynamic parameters are:—
State functions
●The correct set of four quantum numbers for thevalence electron of rubidium atoms (Z = 37) is:—
5, 0, 0, +1/2
●The atomic radius of the elements ____ as one movesdown the first group of the periodic table.—
●Beryllium Sulphate is less soluble in water due to: —
High inflammable energy
●What is the name of that system, which usesradioactivity to decide the period of materials of-pre-historic period?—
Carbon Dating
●The anode in a dry cell consists of:—
●Cement is made hard with: —
Hydration anddissociation of water
●What happens when a chemical bond is formed? —
Energy is always absorbed
●Cane sugar is a—
●In which state maximum iron ore is found?—
“●”“All the four quantum numbers of two electrons in anatom are not the same.”” It is the law of: —”
Exclusion Principle of Pauli
●Commercial nitric acid is coloured because itcontains dissolved?—
Nitrous Oxide
●Fertiliser having high nitrogen content is:—
Ammonium Nitrate
●Where does the oxygen that keeps us alive comefrom: —
●The gas used for artificial fruit ripening of green fruitis: —
●The three elements most needed in commonfertilizers are:—
Nitrogen, Potassium andPhosphorus
●Which metal pollutes the air of a city having largenumber of automobiles?—
●Which gas is present under pressure in soft drinks?—
Carbon dioxide
●The substance which does not expand on going fromliquid slate to solid state is:—
Type Metal
●The radio-active element used in heart pacemakersis:—
●The element which is commonly used in nuclear forproducing electricity by nuclear fission is:—
●What is used as a lubricant in heavy machines?—
●What is used to iodize common salt?—
lMilk is a colloidal system in which:—
Fat is dispersedin water
●The enzyme that converts glucose to ethyl alcohol is:—
●Silk fibre chemically is:—
●Who developed Hydrogen Bomb?—
Edward Teller
●When there are two electrons in the same orbital,they have: —
Opposite spin
●Galvanization is the:—
deposition of zinc on iron
●Fermentation of milk to curd is due to:—
●By which organic compound all the oils are known?—
●The atomic number of carbon is 6 and its atomicmass is 12. How many are there protons in thenucleus of carbon?—
●Who developed atom bomb?—
J. RobertOpenheimer
●The major harmful gas emitted by automobile vehiclewhich causes air pollution is:—
Carbon dioxide
The acid used in lead storage cells is:—
Sulphuric Acid
●Milk tastes sour when kept in the open for sometimedue to the formation of:—
Lactic Acid
●What is the most commonly used substance influorescent tubes?—
Mercury vapour and argon
“●What is ““milk of magnesia”” chemically?—”
Magnesium Hydroxide
●Soap is prepared by boiling caustic soda with:—
●Bronze is an alloy of:—
Copper and Tin
●The natural source of hydrocarbon is:—
Crude Oil
●What is chiefly present in LPG (Liquefied PetroleumGas)? —
●Humburger effect is otherwise known as:—
●Bauxite is an alloy of which of the following metals?—
●Nucleus of an atom consists of:—
Proton and Neutron
●Galvanized iron is made by coating iron with:—
●Isobars are lines joining places having equal:—
●Global warming is mainly due to the accumulationof:—
Carbon dioxide
●The most suitable vessel for storing concentratedsulphuric acid is:—
Glass Vessel
●What is the element that is in the highest percentagein the composition of the earth?—
●The advantage of detergents over soaps is: —
Detergents give lather even with hard water
●The fundamental particles present in the nucleus ofan atom are:—
Proton, Neutron
●Bleaching action of moist sulphur dioxide is becauseof its: —
Oxidizing property
●The long range potential of nuclear energy in Indiadepends on its reserves of:—
●The ratio of pure gold in 18 carat gold is:—
●Diamond is harder than graphite because of:—
Difference in layers of atoms
●Gobar gas contains mainly:—
●The gas used for artificial fruit ripening of green fruitis: —
●What is the element required for solar energyconversion? —
●Liquid crystal was discovered by:—
Fredrick Reinter
●If electricity is passed through CuSO4 solution byusing Pt electrode then which of the followingpossible change occurs? —
Colour of the solutionbecomes fade
●Two fundamental ways to transfer energy are:—
Heat and Work
●Stronger the oxidizing agent greater is the: —
Reduction potential
●What happens when common salt is dissolved inwater?—
Boiling point of water increases
●Which one is a conductor but is not malleable?—
●Every sample of matter with uniform properties andfixed composition is called:—
●Which has maximum oxidation number?—
●Homogeneous mixture of two or more than twocompounds is called:—
●The component of solution which is in smalleramount is called:—
●The density of water may be:—
Greater than that ofice
●Forces of attraction which may be present between allkinds of atoms and molecules are:—
Van der Waal
●The quantity of heat required to convert one mole ofliquid into its vapours at its boiling point is calledmolar heat of: —
●Solution with maximum concentration of solute atgiven temperature is called:—
Saturated solution
●The molal boiling point constant is the ration of theelevation of boiling point to:—
●In an electrolytic cell current flows?—
From anode tocathode outside the cell
●Steam causes more sever burn than the boiling waterbecause it possesses because of the:—
Latent heatof vaporization
●Water has maximum density at:—
40 C
●In a galvanic cell: —
Chemical energy is convertedinto electricity
●Number of moles in 1 kg of solvent is called:—
●In partially miscible liquids the two layers are: —
saturated solutions of each liquid
●If the volume of solution is equal to sum of volumes ofits all components then the solution: —
will be anideal solution
●The degree of dissociation of week electrolyteincreases as: —
Dilution increases
●Molten NaCl conducts electricity due to the presenceof: —
Free ions
●The conversion of vapours back into their liquid stateis called: —
●When water freezes at 00 C its density decreases dueto: —
the presence of Empty space in thestructure of ice
●Electricity in voltaic cell is produced due to: —
Bothoxidation and reduction
●In electrolytic solution conductance of electricity isdue to: —
●In electrolytic cell electricity carries: —
Non-spontaneous reaction
●Which one of the following is a correct statement? —
Acetic acid is a weak electrolyte
●Reaction at anode is called:—
●In an electrolytic cell cathode provides electrons to:—
Positive ion
●In Galvanic cell electrons flow from anode to cathodethrough: —
External electric circuit
●Decrease in oxidation number is called:—
●For the measurement of standard electrode potentialZn is dipped in:—
1 M ZnSO4 solution
●A gas absorbs a photon of 355 nm and emits at twowavelengths. If one of the emissions is at 680 nm,the other is at: —
●The solution which distils over with change incomposition is: —
Zeotropic solution
●Salt bridge transfers:—
●Isotopes differs in:—
chemical properties
●The attractive forces between the partial positive endof one molecule and partial negative end of othermolecule are called:—
Dipole-dipole forces
●Vapour pressure is not affected by:—
Surface area
●Voltaic cell can be recharged by:—
by replacingexternal circuit with external source of electricity
●Temperature for the measurement of standardelectrode potential is:—
●Electrode potential of Zn: —
depends on the natureof the coupled electrode
●List of elements based on hydrogen scale is called: —
electrochemical series
●The mass of one mole of electron is:—
●Mixtures which distill over without change incomposition is called:—
azeotropic mixture
●The conductivity of strong electrolyte: —
Increase ondilution slightly
●The number of atoms in a molecule determines:—
●Rising of a wetting liquid in a capillary tube is due to:—
Adhesive forces
●Which element has same isotopes like palladium?—
●Water absorber used in combustion analysis is:—
●A limiting reactant is one which: —
gives theminimum amount of the product underconsideration
●Table salt crystallizes with a: —
body centered cubiclattice
●Concentration of solute molecule when they are inequilibrium with solid substance at particulartemperature is called: —
●During which process empty spaces between particlesbecome minimum?—
●When a solution of an electrolyte is heated theconductance of the solution:—
Increases becausethe electrolyte is dissociated more
●In the electrolytic cell, flow of electrons is from: —
Anode to cathode through internal supply
●The element that act as anode always have _______position in electrochemical cell.—
●Beckmanns apparatus is used to measure:—
depression in freezing point
●The determination of correct molecular weight fromRaoult’s law is applicable to:—
non volatile solutein a dilute solution
In galvanic cell Zn acts as an anode so its value ofstandard reduction potential in comparison tocoupled electrode would be:—
●Liquid gets the shape of the container when it ispoured into it. Which one of the following reasonsjustifies it? —
Liquid molecules can slide overeach other
●Greater value of standard reduction potential greaterwill be tendency:—
to get reduced
●Greater value of standard reduction potential greaterwill be tendency:—
to accept electrons
●Boiling point elevations can be measured by: —
Landsbergers method
●Greater value of standard reduction potential smallerwill be tendency:—
to form positive ions
●Lead accumulators are:—
voltaic cell
●In alkaline battery the anode is made up of:—
●The strength of solution of an element whoseelectrode potential is to be measured is:—
●Apparent charge on atom in molecule is:—
●Percentage of sulphuric acid in lead accumulator is:—
●The half cells are interconnected through:—
●The compounds in which water molecules are addedare called:—
●What is the chemical name for ‘Baking Soda’? —
Sodium bicarbonate
●Saccharin is made up of:—
●PVC is obtained by the polymerization of:—
●The metallic constituents of hard water are:—
Calcium, magnesium and iron
●The pH of human blood is between:—
●Aspirin is:—
Acetyl Salicilic Acid
●Cloud is a colloidal dispersion of:—
Water drops in adispersion medium of air
●Which variety of coal contains recognizable traces ofthe original plant material?—
●Which is the purest form of iron?—
Wrought Iron
●Which metals forms an amalgam with other metals?—
●Detergents used for cleaning clothes and utensilscontain:—
●Radioactive disintegration of uranium ultimatelyresults in formation of:—
●What is used in making smoke bombs?—
●German silver is an alloy of:—
Zinc, Copper andNickel
●A metal is exposed to the atmosphere for some time.It becomes coated with green carbonate. Themetal must be: —
●A super-cooled liquid is—
●If we provide very high amount of heat to a liquid itsboiling point will:—
remain constant
●Crystallites are present in:—
amorphous solids
●A solid may be made up of:—
Atoms, ions ormolecules
●One Faraday of electricity when passed through asolution of copper sulphate deposits:—
1 gmequivalent of Cu
●The amount of ion discharged during electrolysis isnot directly proportional to:—
●When the sample of copper with zinc impurity is tobe purified by electrolysis, the appropriateelectrodes are Cathode Anode for:—
Pure copperImpure sample
●A malleable solid is one which can be: —
Convertedinto thin sheets
●The type of filtering media used for filtrationdepending upon: —
Nature of precipitate
●A safe and more reliable method for drying thecrystal is: —
Vacuum desiccators
●Amorphous substances posses: —
No sharp meltingpoints
●Crystalline solids can be identified easily from their:—
sharp melting points
●Boiling points of hydrocarbons increase with theincrease in number of carbon atoms. It is mainlydue to: —
More strength of London forces
●The viscosity of solids is:—
●A method of separation of components from itssolution using Distribution law is:—
●During the electrolysis of fused NaCl3 which reactionoccurs at anode?—
Chloride ions are oxidized
●The number of moles of solute per kg of a solvent iscalled its:—
●Equal masses of methane and oxygen are mixed inempty container at 250?(c)The fraction of totalpressure exerted by oxygen is:—
one / three
●Hydration is a process in which:—
Both ions andmolecules are surrounded by water molecules
●Plasma is used in:—
Fluorescent bulb
●The molecules of CO2 in dry ice form:—
●Electrolysis of aqueous HCl solution produces: —
H2gas at the cathode
●The phenomenon in which a compound exists in twoor more crystalline forms is called:—
●Bucky balls is an allotropic from of:—
●ppm means: —
parts of solute in one million parts ofsolution
●1 molar solution of glucose in water contains weightof glucose:—
●Dilution, temperature and nature of electrolyte affectthe:—
conductivity of solution
●Increasing the temperature of an aqueous solutionwill cause: —
Decrease in molarity
●Amount of electricity that can deposit 108 gm ofsilver from AgNO3 solution is:—
1 faraday
●What will be the molarity of a solution containing 5gof sodium hydroxide in 250ml solution?—
●Bohr’s model is contradicted by: —
Heisenbergsuncertainty principle
●Only London dispersion forces are present amongthe: —
Molecules of solid iodine
●Water of crystallization can be removed by:—
●Atomic radius can be determined by:—
X - raydiffraction
●A solution of sodium sulphate in water is electrolysedusing inert electrodes. The products at the cathodeand anode are respectively:—
H2 ,O2
●The rate constant of a reaction is equal to rate ofreaction: —
When concentrations of all reactantsare unity
●The number amino acid units for each turn of helixon average are:—
●An electric current is passed through an aqueoussolution of the following. Which one shalldecompose?—
●Stronger is the oxidizing agent greater is the: —
standard reduction potential
●The relative lowering of vapour pressure is directlyproportional to molality if the solution is:—
●If a physical and chemical change takes place at aconstant pressure then the heat change during theprocess is called:—
Enthalpy change
●On the electrolysis of aqueous solution of sodiumsulphate, on cathode we get:—
●Nitrates of which pair gives different products onthermal decomposition?—
Li Na
●Which is carnalite?—
●Isomorphic substances have: —
Different physicaland chemical properties
●The pressure during the molar heat of fusion is kept:—
1 atmosphere
●Conductivity of a solution is directly proportional to:—
Number of ions
●Under a given set of experimental conditions, withincrease in the concentration of the reactants therate of a chemical reaction:—
●During the electrolysis of an electrolyte, the numberof ions produced, is directly proportional to the:—
Quantity of electricity passed
●Electrolytic conduction differs from metallicconduction in that in the case of electrolyticconduction. Which of the following statementsis/are correct? —
The resistance decreases withincreasing temperature
●The rate at which a substance reacts depends on its:—
Active Mass
●The addition of a polar solvent to a solid electrolyteresults in: —
●Electrolysis involves oxidation and reductionrespectively at:—
Anode and Cathode
●On electrolyzing a solution of dilute H2SO4 betweenplatinum electrodes, the gas evolved at the anodeis:—
●36 g water and 828 g ethyl alcohol form an idealsolution. The mole fraction of water in it, is:—
●A molal solution is one that contains one mole of asolute in:—
1000 gm of the solvent
●The most reactive allotropic form of phosphorus is:—
●Chemical composition of cinnabar is:—
●Which molecule has the highest bond energy amongthe halogens?—
●When chlorine is passed through hot solution ofcaustic soda the reaction is said as:—
Disproportionation reaction
●The most paramagnetic element is:—
●Diameter of an atom is in the order of:—
0.2 nm
●Mass spectrometer is used to determine Mass numberof isotopes and:—
Relative abundance
●Molecular ions are formed by passing: —
Highenergy electron beam and X-Rays
●Empirical formula of chloroform is:—
●Which one of the following looks odd?—
●A great variety of the organic compounds is due to itsproperty of carbon:—
Exhibit catenation
●The amount of heat absorbed when one mole of aliquid is changed into gas at its boiling point is: —
Molar heat of vaporization
●Pure water does not conduct electricity because it: —
Is almost totally unionized
●In aqueous solution, strong electrolytes: —
Ionizealmost completely
●Vinyl acetylene combines with hydrochloric acidproduces: —
●Molecular mass of water (18g) means: —
1-molemolecules of water
●0.36 moles of each aluminium and oxygen react witheach other to produce aluminium oxide. Theamount of product formed is:—
0.18 mole
●When 1 coulomb of charge is passed throughelectrolyte solution, then the mass deposited isequal to:—
Electrochemical equivalent
●In electrolysis of a fused salt, the weight of the depositon an electrode will not depend on:—
Temperature of the bath
●Electrolysis of molten anhydrous calcium chlorideproduces: —
●Strong electrolytes are those which: —
Completelydissociate into ions at all dilutions
●Which of the following is not a non electrolyte?—
Acetic Acid
●One mole of CO2 contains:—
6.022 × 1023 atoms ofcarbon
●The number of isotopes of elements with even massnumber and even atomic number are:—
●Size of molecule depends upon: —
Shape of moleculeand atomicity
●The number of moles of CO2 which contains 16 g ofoxygen is: —
●How many isotopes have odd atomic number?—
●Percentage of calcium in calcium carbonate is:—
●When benzene is heated in air with V2O5 at 4500Cyields: —
Maleic anhydride
●Combustion analysis is performed to determine:—
Empirical formula
●When toluene reacts with chlorine in sunlight thefirst major product is:—
Benzyl chloride
●When CO2 is made to react with ethyl magnesiumiodide in dry ether followed by acid hydrolysisyields: —
Propanoic acid
●The process of fermentation involves all the enzymesexcept: —
●Ethyl chloride on reduction in the presence ofZn/HCI produces:—
●Which one does not exhibit aldol condensation?—
●The common name of propane -1 3-dioic acid is:—
Malonic acid
●Industrial materials thermal power stations arecoated with:—
Epoxy paints
●Chlorination of water may be harmful if the watercontains:—
Carbon dioxide
●What is the relative rate of effusion of CO and CO2?—
CO is 1.25 times faster than CO2
●The weakest (in strength) of the followingintermolecular forces is:—
Vander Waals force
●Ideal gasses have all the following characteristicsexcept:—
The molecules occupy no space
●Isotopes of the same elements have:—
differentnumber of neutrons
●The nucleus of an atom of every element will alwayscontain: —
The properties of an element mostly corresponds tothat isotope which has greater:—
●Isotopes differ in: —
properties which depend uponmass
●Under what conditions the gases deviate from theideal behavior?—
Low temperature and Highpressure
●The introduction of Kelvin scale in thermometry isaccording to:—
Charles law
●0.5 mole of nitrogen gas and 0.5 mole of carbonmonoxide gas at STP have same:—
Mass andAtoms
●At constant temperature the pressure of an ideal gasis doubled its density becomes:—
●The diffusion of gases at absolute zero will be:—
●Critical temperature for different gases is differentand depends upon: —
Size of molecule, Shape ofmolecule and Intermolecular attractions
●What is the simplest form of matter?—
●What is the abundant form of matter on earth?—
●Which state of matter has the lowest density?—
●What do we call to sudden expansion of plasma? —
Joule Thompson effect
●One mole of an ideal gas at 546.5 K under 2 atmpressure has a volume of:—
22.414 dm3
●The solid particles only possess:—
Vibrational motion
●If 1/V is plotted on X-axis and pressure on Y-axis atconstant temperature what should appear:—
Straight line
●The partial pressure exerted by the water vapours iscalled: —
Aqueous tension
●The spreading of fragrance or scent in air is due to:—
●The kinetic molecular theory of gases was putforward in 1738 by:—
●The highest temperature at which a substance canexist as a liquid is called its:—
●What will be the pressure of 1 mole of an ideal gasmaintained at 300 K and 250cm3 volume?—
●The processes of effusion and diffusion are bestunderstand by:—
Graham’s law
●Who made volume and pressure correction to explaindeviation of gases from ideal behaviour?—
Vander Waal
●The non-ideal behaviour results chiefly from:—
Intermolecular attractions and finite volume
●The gases become non-ideal at: —
Low temperatureand high pressure
●Lind’s method is employed for:—
Liquefaction ofgases
●The relative attraction of the nucleus for the electronsin a chemical bond is called:—
Electro negativity
●Which type of bond is formed by overlap of porbitals? —
Pi and Sigma
●The octet rule does not always hold for which of thefollowing elements?—
●Shielding effect across the period:—
●In O2 each oxygen atom is hybridized:—
●Molecular orbitals are filled according to: —
Auf bauprinciple, Hunds rule and Paulis Exclusionprinciple
●Measurement of the degree of polarity is:—
●A specie with maximum number of unpairedelectrons: —
●Force responsible to hold atoms together in acompound is called:—
●Energy of atom in compound is: —
Lesser thanindividual
●An atom loses or gains electrons to:—
Gain stability,Form a bond and complete its outermost shell
●Energy required to remove electron from an atom: —
Ionization potential
●Ionization energy in a period generally:—
●Greater shielding effect corresponds to ionizationenergy value:—
●Elements having high I.P values are:—
Non metals
●Energy released or absorbed when electrons areadded in atom is:—
Electron affinity
●In a period electronegativity from left to right:—
●Ionic bond is produced after complete transfer of: —
●Bond will be ionic when E.N difference of bondedatom is:—
Greater than 1.7
●Mostly ionic compound are produced in betweenelements of: —
IA, IIA and
●The Lewis acids are:—
Electron deficient
●Sharing of 1 electron pair by one specie forms: —
Coordinate covalent bond
●Angle in water molecule is:—
●The geometry of ammonia is:—
Trigonal Pyramidal
●Orbitals of same energy produced after mixing oforbitals of different energy are called:—
Degenerate orbitals
●The relationship between energy of a photon of lightand its frequency is given by:—
Planck’sQuantum Theory
●Splitting of spectral lines when atom is subjected tomagnetic field is called:—
Zeemans Effect
●The number of fundamental particles in an atom ofthe lightest isotope carbon are:—
●Increase in atomic number is observed during: —
Beta emission
●Free neutron changes into proton with the emissionof:—
Neutrino and Electron