RL GEO 3 Flashcards
Which is the first national park established in India?—
Bandipur National Park
●Singhbhum is famous for:—
●The oldest mountain range in India is—
●Mumbai receives more rainfall than Pune because:—
Mumbai is on the windward side
●degrees E longitude is geographically significant to Indiabecause:—
It determines the Indian standard time
“●River Damodar is called ‘Sorrow of Bengal”” because:—”
itgets flooded often causing havoc
●Indian Institute of Petroleum is located in—
●The cost producing iron in India is considerably lower thanin other countries because of:—
Coal and Iron ore arefound in the same area
●The Sundarbans or the ‘Mangrove’ forests are found in:—
Deltaic West Bengal
●Hirakud Dam has been built over the river—
●The Indian city which used electricity commercially first—
●The highest multipurpose dam built on the river Ravi is:—
Ranjit Sagar Dam
●In which State is Jawahar Tunnel located?—
Jammu andKashmir
●Which of the following is correctly matched with regard tothermal power projects?—
●Kharif crops are sown at the beginning of the:—
South-West Monsoon
●The crops grown after the summer monsoon are called:—
Rabi crops
● The proposed sea-route Sethu Samudram is a canalthrough which of the sea-lanes?—
Gulf of Mannar
●The largest irrigation canal in India is called the:—
IndiraGandhi Canal
●The Iron & Steel Industry was developed with Germantechnical collaboration at—
●Which canal is located in West Bengal? —
Eden Canal
●Where is Tala Hydroelectric project, which is expected togenerate 1020 MW power, located?—
●Where are the Saltora Ranges located?—
Part of theKarakoram Ranges
●Gujarat is the largest producer of salt in India because it hasextensive:—
dry coast
●Approximately what is the length of the rail-route open totraffic in India?—
63,000 kms
●Which highway sector is common to both the GoldenQuadrilateral Highway and the North-South’ CorridorHighway?—
Bangalore Krishnagiri
●Tehri Dam receives water from which river—
●Which state is irrigated by Ganga canal?—
Uttar Pradesh
●Generally, the soil of the northern plains of India has beenformed by:—
●What is the longest irrigation canal in India called?—
Indira Gandhi Canal
●Which group of the industries maximise savings ontransport costs by being located near the sources ofmaterials?—
Iron and steel, Aluminium, Cement
●With which state of India is the Ukai project associated?—
●The responsible for producing the sand dunes in westernRajasthan is—
Wind deposition
●Monoculture is a typical characteristic of:—
Commercialgrain farming
●Rajasthan receives very little rain because: —
winds donot come across any barriers to cause the necessaryuplift to cool the wind
●Which State has the largest proportion of its net irrigationarea under well irrigation?—
●Where are MIG engines assembled?—
●Which cities were first connected by the STD services?—
Kanpur and Lucknow
●Which part of the Himalayas has the maximum stretchfrom east to West?—
Nepal Himalayas
●The standard time of a country differs from the GMT inmultiples of:—
Half hours
●Blue Revolution is related to:—
Fish production
●In India, the population growth rate is high because: —
death rate has fallen less than the birthrate
●The standard time of India is:—
5 ½ hours ahead of GMT
●Which city is referred to as the Silicon Valley of India?—
●What is the stage in the population cycle in which India isclassified on the basis of its demographic characteristics?—
Late expanding stage
●Jaduguda mines are famous for:—
Uranium deposits
Thelargest irrigated area in India is occupied by which crop ?—
●Which industries are the major beneficiaries of the Mumbaiport?—
Cotton textile and Petrochemical industry
●In India, the ‘Yellow revolution’ is associated with:—
production of oilseeds
●West Bengal shares boundaries with how many countries?—
●Where is the Nathpa Jhakri Power Project located?—
Himachal Pradesh
●Ankleshwar and Kalol are two oil fields in:—
●The confluence of the rivers Alaknanda and Bhagirathi isknown as:—
●In India, population density is defined as the number ofpersons:—
per square kilometre
●The Indian Sub-continent was originally a part of:—
●In India, rain forests are found in:—
N.E. Himalayas andWestern Ghats
●In a slanting hilly Indian terrain experiencing more than200 cms of annual rainfall, which crop can be cultivatedbest?—
●Naga, Khasi and Garo hills are located in:—
●If the commodities manufactured in Surat are sold inMumbai or Delhi, then it is—
Internal Trade
●Slash and Burn agriculture is the name given to:—
●Nathu La, a place where India China border trade has beenresumed after 44 years, is located on the Indian border in:—
●The only ape of India found in hill forests of Assam andNagaland is:—
●The river also known as Tsangpo in Tibet is:—
●In terms of area, India is the _____ largest country of theworld:—
●The only sanctuary where Kashmir stag is found is:—
●The approximate length of the coastline of India is:—
7,000 km
●Of the gross cropped area in India, the foodgrains occupy:—
more than 70 per cent
●In India, the irrigation of agricultural land is carried outmaximum by:—
●India is one of the largest producers of manganese are inthe world along with:—
Brazil and Russia
●Baltora glacier is located in: —
Karakoram Ranges
●The Andaman group and Nicobar group of islands areseparated from each other by:—
Ten Degree Channel
●The Loktak Lake on which a hydroelectric project wasconstructed is situated in the State of:—
●In Indian agriculture, the period from July to OctoberNovember is called:—
Kharif season
●In which state is the Maikala range situated?—
●The latitude passing through the northern most part of Indiais:—
350 N
● Nallamala hills are located in the state of:—
●The South West monsoon engulfs the entire India by:—
15th July
●Where was the first iron and steel industry of Indiaestablished?—
●Integral Coach Factory is located at:—
Perambur (TamilNadu)
●Which is used in large quantities in Cement Industry?—
●Which State possesses biggest coal reserve?—
●The coastal tract of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu iscalled:—
● The highest Indian water fall is:—
● Which Indian State has the largest coastline?—
●In the world, India tops in the production of:—
●Which breed of buffalo is found in the South-Western partof Gujarat?—
●Where in India can ‘Mushroom’ rock found?—
●Badland topography is characteristic of:—
Chambal valley
●There was a substantial increase in foodgrains productionspecially wheat production, during the period after:—
●The Bhilai Steel Plant has been established with theassistance of:—
●Indian desert is called:—
●Silent Valley is situated in:—
●Diu is an island off:—
●Sivasamudram Falls is found in the course of river:—
●The position of Indian Railways network in the world is:—
●Which is the longest irrigation canal in India?—
IndiraGandhi Canal
●The common tree species in Nilgiri hills is:—
●River Indus originates from:—
Kailash Range
●The Konkan Railway connects: —
●The pass located in Himachal Pradesh is:—
●’Brown Revolution’ is:—
growth of food processing andsoft drinks industries in India
●Mechanization of Indian agriculture on a considerable scaleis not possible due to:—
Small holdings
●Majuli, the largest river island in the world, lies in the stateof:—
●Guwahati is situated on the bank of the river:—
●With which set of countries has Arunachal Pradeshcommon border?—
Bhutan, China and Myanmar
●The least populated State in India is:—
●The causes of low productivity in Indian agriculture are:—
Inadequate inputs availability— Sub-division andfragmentation of land holdings— Poor finance andmarketing facilities
●Ethnic group Mongoloids are found in India in:—
North-eastern region
●Kamakhya temple is an important place of tourism in theState of:—
“●Where is ““Sir Creek”” located?—”
Indo-Pak boundaryalong Gujarat
●The culture of silkworms is known as:—
●At Sindri in Jharkhand, the fertilizer produced is:—
●Crop rotation is being adopted to:—
increase productivityof the land
● In the north-east of the Deccan plateau is the:—
● The southern tip of India is:—
Indira Point in NicobarIslands
●A coastal district of Tamil Nadu is—
●Where did a major earthquake take place in India in 1999?—
●What is approximately the percentage of forest cover inIndia?—
19.5 per cent
●How can a dairy farmer reduce fodder consumption by hiscattle and also increase milk production?—
By allowingthe cattle to graze in the fields
●The largest Masonry dam has been constructed on the river:—
●Raniganj in West Bengal is known for:—
●The dispute about the Mullaperiyar Dam concerns whichstates of India?—
Tamil Nadu and Kerala
●Arakan Yoma is the extension of the Himalayas located in:—
●The period by which the entire country in India comesunder southwest monsoon is:—
1st-15th July
●The most extensive soil cover of India comprises:—
Alluvial soils
● Nepanagar in Madhya Pradesh has a:—
newsprint factory
●Which states- produces about 50 per cent of the total silktextiles in India?—
●The package technology which brought about GreenRevolution comprised mainly of: —
irrigation, bio-chemical fertilizers and high-yield varieties of seeds
●Which is the main reason for the peninsular rivers to flowtowards east?—
Eastern Ghats are lower than theWestern Ghats
● In India, Dhariwal and Ludhiana towns are famous for:—
Woollen textiles
●The most commonly consumed staple cereal in India, is:—
●The oldest oil-field in India is at:—
●In India, where is the bio-reserve to preserve the diversesub-marine flora and fauna situated?—
Andaman andNicobar Islands
●The Mansarovar lake is situated in:—
●The joint river valley venture of India and Nepal is:—
●Guru Shikhar on the Abu Hills is the highest peak of whichmountain ranges?—
● ‘Kulu Valley ‘ in India is famous for the cultivation of:—
●The iron and steel industries at Bhilai, Durgapur andRourkela were set up during the:—
2nd Five Year Plan
“● ““Meghna”” is the combined stream of which two rivers?—”
Ganga and Brahmaputra
●The first biosphere reserve that was set up in India in 1986is:—
●There is a need to keep larger land area under forests for:—
Ecological balance
“●It forms the bed-rock of all industrial activities and isconsidered ““mother industry””. Which industry is beingreferred here?—”
Iron and Steel Industry
●Which of the following states, among West Bengal,Sikkim, Mizoram and Jammu & Kashmir, has international borders with three countries?—
Jammu and Kashmir
●Which of the following regions in India is the richest iniron and coal deposits?—
Chhotanagpur Plateau
●Which wild life sanctuary has the project to conserve therhinos in India?—
● The river which joins Ganges from southern side is:—
“●In which State among Kerala, Maharashtra, Rajasthan andPunjab, have Indian Railways introduced ““Palace onWheels”” to promote tourism?—”
● With an area of more than 200,000 square kilometre, theThar Desert is world’s 7th largest desert and also Asia’s___ largest desert.—
●Pokhran is a city and a municipality located in ___ districtin the Indian state of Rajasthan. It is a remote location inthe Thar Desert region.—
●The Indo-Gangetic plain is bound on the north by theabruptly rising Himalayas, the southern edge of the plainis marked by the ___ and Satpura Range, and the ChhotaNagpur Plateau.—
●The ___ belt is the world’s most extensive expanse ofuninterrupted alluvium formed by the deposition of silt bythe numerous rivers.—
● After entering Bangladesh, the main branch of the Gangesis known as the Padma River until it is joined by the ___River, the largest distributary of the Brahmaputra.—
●Only two rivers, the Amazon and the ___, have greaterdischarge than the combined flow of the Ganges, theBrahmaputra and the Surma-Meghna river system.—
●___ are temporary islands formed by the deposition ofsediments eroded off the banks of the river in the State ofWest Bengal.—
● Lakshadweep, the smallest union territory of India, is agroup of islands 200 to 300 km off of the coast of Keralain the ___ Sea.—
●The southernmost portion of the Deccan plateau is drainedby the Kaveri River, which rises in the Western Ghats ofKarnataka and bends south to break through the NilgiriHills at ___ Falls into Tamil Nadu.—
●The ___, are situated near India’s eastern border withMyanmar. They were created by the same tectonicprocesses which led to the formation of the Himalayas.—
●The northern frontiers of India are defined largely by theHimalayan mountain range where its political boundarieswith China, ___, and Nepal lie. —
●India is entirely contained on the Indian Plate, a majortectonic plate that was formed when it split off from theancient continent ___.—
●Assam comprises the Brahmaputra and the ___ rivervalleys and the Karbi Anglong and the North Cachar Hillswith an area of 78,438 km².—
“●Assam is surrounded by the other six of the Seven SisterStates which are connected to the rest of India via anarrow strip in West Bengal called the ___ Corridor or”“Chicken’s Neck.”“—”
●The Teen Bigha Corridor is a strip of land formerlybelonging to India on the West Bengal-Bangladesh borderwhich has been leased indefinitely to Bangladesh so that itcan access its ___ enclaves.—
●There are three hill ranges that come under the Patkai: thePatkai-Bum, the Garo-Khasi-Jaintia and the ___ hills.—
●The Satpura Range begins in eastern Gujarat near theArabian Sea coast and runs east across Maharashtra,Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. It is ___ in shape.—
● The Aravali Range is the oldest mountain range in India,running across Rajasthan from northeast to southwestdirection. The highest peak in this range is ___ at MountAbu. —
Guru Shikhar
●The ___ Plateau is spread across Rajasthan, MadhyaPradesh and Gujarat. Most of the region is drained by theChambal River and its tributaries.—
●Indira Point, India’s southernmost land point is situated inthe Nicobar Islands, and lies just 189 km from theIndonesian island of ___ to the southeast.—
● ___ Island is India’s most populous island on which thecity of Mumbai (Bombay) is located.—
●Located south of the eastern Himalayas, Assam comprisesthe Brahmaputra and the Barak river valleys and the___and the North Cachar Hills.—
Karbi Anglong
●Puducherry consists of four unconnected regions:Pondicherry, Karaikal, and ___ on the Bay of Bengal andMahé on the Arabian Sea.—
●The southern boundary of the ___ is formed by the Gilgit,Indus and Shyok rivers, which separate the range from thenorthwestern end of the Himalayas.—
● The ___ run approximately 1,600 km from south of theTapti River near the Gujarat-Maharashtra border andacross Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and TamilNadu to the southern tip of the Deccan peninsula.—
Western Ghats
●The ___ plateau is the source of the Koel, Damodar,Brahmani, Kharkai, and Subarnarekha rivers, which havemany beautiful waterfalls such as Lodh Falls.—
● ___ Island is India’s most populous island on which thecity of Mumbai (Bombay) is located. Forty-two islands inthe Gulf of Kutch constitute the Marine National Park.—
●The Brahmaputra, another tributary of the Ganga,originates in Tibet and enters India through the far-easternstate of ___. It proceeds westwards, joining the Ganges inBangladesh.—
Arunachal Pradesh
●The ___ are the source of all Deccan Rivers, which includethe Mahanadi River through the Mahanadi River Delta,Godavari River, Krishna River and Kaveri River, alldraining into the Bay of Bengal.—
Western Ghats
● ___ shares international borders with Bhutan andBangladesh; and cultures, peoples and climate with South-East Asia—important elements in India’s Look Eastpolicy.—
● ___ lies mid-way between the humid West Bengal in theeast and the sub humid Uttar Pradesh in the west whichprovides it with a transitional position in respect ofclimate, economy and culture.—
●The upper Mahanadi basin is separated from the upperNarmada basin to the west by the ___, (part of theSatpuras), and from the plains of Orissa to the east byranges of hills.—
Maikal Hills
●The highest peak in Mizoram is the ___ (Blue Mountain)with a height of 2210 metres.—
●There are four coral reefs in India, located in the Andamanand Nicobar Islands, Gulf of Mannar, Lakshadweep and___.—
Gulf of Kutch
● ___ in Haryana is home to Maruti Udyog Limited, India’slargest automobile manufacturer, and Hero HondaLimited, the world’s largest manufacturer of two-wheelers.—
●The Himalayas divide the Kashmir valley from Ladakhwhile the Pir Panjal range, which encloses the valley fromthe west and the south, separates it from the ___ ofnorthern India.—
Great Plains
●The ___ belt — is adjacent to the foothills of the Himalayasand consists of boulders and pebbles which have beencarried down by the river streams.—
●The Chhota Nagpur Plateau covers much of Jharkhandstate as well as adjacent parts of Orissa, West Bengal,Bihar and Chhattisgarh. The plateau is made up of ancient___ rocks.—
●The Ganga originates from the Gangotri Glacier inUttarakhand. It flows ___, draining into the Bay ofBengal.—
●In the upper reaches of the Godavari and the Krishna, andthe north western part of the Deccan Plateau, the black soilis very deep. These soils are also known as the ‘____ Soil’or the ‘Black Cotton Soil’.—
Regur (black soil)
●The ____ soils are commonly found in Karnataka, Kerala,Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh and the hilly areas of Orissaand Assam.—
●In India, the mangrove forests cover ____ per cent of theworld’s mangrove forests. They are highly developed inthe Andaman and Nicobar Islands and the Sunderbans ofWest Bengal.—
●Located in the Mandla district of Madhya Pradesh, Kanhanational park cum Tiger reserve is marked by the ____shape valley and the whole park area is surrounded by thespurs of the Mekal.—
●The languages of India belong to several major linguisticfamilies, the two largest being the Indo-Europeanlanguages—Indo-Aryan (spoken by 70% of Indians)—andthe ____ languages (spoken by 22% of Indians).—
●India accounts for about 2.45 per cent of world’s surfacearea, ____ per cent of the world’s water resources andabout 16 per cent of world’s population.—
●The state of ____ straddles the Narmada River, which runseast and west between the Vindhya and Satpura ranges;these ranges and the Narmada are the traditional boundarybetween the north and south of India.—
Madhya Pradesh
●The Indian state which literally means the ‘abode ofclouds’ and the capital city of which is popularly referredto as ‘the Scotland of the East’ is ____.—
●One of the world’s oldest mountain ranges, the AravaliRange, cradles the only hill station of Rajasthan, ____,and its world-famous Dilwara Temples, a sacredpilgrimage for Jains.—
Mount Abu
●Eastern Rajasthan has two national tiger reserves,Ranthambore and Sariska, as well as Keoladeo NationalPark near ____, once famous for its bird life.—
●The Darjeeling Himalayan hill region in the northernextreme of West Bengal belongs to the eastern Himalaya.This region contains ____ (3,636 metres)— the highestpeak of the state.—
● Dadra and Nagar Haveli are in the watershed of the ____River, which flows through the territory. The towns ofDadra and Silvassa both lie on the north bank of the river.—
Daman Ganga
● India’s border with Bangladesh runs 4,096.70 km. Thereare ____ enclaves of Bangladesh on Indian soil and 106enclaves of India are on Bangladeshi soil.—
●The great arc of mountains on the northern side of Indiawas formed by the ongoing tectonic collision of the IndianPlate with the ____ Plate that started around 50 millionyears ago.—
●Geographical features of Rajasthan include the Thar Desertalong north-western parts and the termination of the ____River near the archaeological ruins at Kalibangan.—
●The ____ belt of the Indian Plains lies in lowland areasafter the Bangar belt and is made up of fresh neweralluvium which is deposited by the rivers flowing downthe plain.—
● The Western Coastal Plain is a narrow strip of landsandwiched between the Western Ghats and the ArabianSea, ranging from ____ km in width.—
50 to 100
● ____ accounts for about 53.2 per cent of the total croppedarea and contributes more than half of total production oftea in the country.—
●About 85 per cent of total area under wheat crop isconcentrated in north and central regions of the countryi.e. Indo-Gangetic Plain, Malwa Plateau and Himalayas upto ____ altitude.—
2,700 m
●The total replenishable groundwater resources in thecountry are about 432 cubic km out of which Ganga andthe Brahmaputra basins have about ____ per cent of thetotal replenishable groundwater resources.—
●The Ganga, the Brahmaputra and the Barak rivers,accounting for only about one-third of the total area in thecountry, have ____ per cent of the total surface waterresources.—
● Nanda Devi is the second highest mountain in India andthe highest entirely within the country (____ being on theborder of India and Nepal).—
●The Wullar Lake, one of the largest fresh water lakes inAsia and situated in the ____ district of Jammu andKashmir, was formed as a result of tectonic activity.—
“● ____, also known as ““Little Tibet””, is renowned for itsremote mountain beauty and Buddhist culture and is hometo several valleys such as the Kashmir Valley, Tawi Valley,Chenab Valley, Poonch Valley, Sind Valley and LidderValley.—”
● _____ is generally referred to as a tropical paradise ofwaving palms and wide sandy beaches and considered tobe the global capital of Ayurveda.—
● Mount ____ at an elevation of 3,826 m is the highest peakof Nagaland; this is where the Naga Hills merge with thePatkai Range in Burma.—
● In Andhra Pradesh, the cotton textile industry is located inthe cotton producing ____ region, where most of the millsare spinning mills producing yarn.—
● After independence, during the Second Five Year Plan(1956-61), three new integrated steel plants were set upwith foreign collaboration: Rourkela in Orissa, Bhilai inChhattisgarh and ____ in West Bengal.—
●The third integrated steel plant, the Visvesvaraiya Iron andSteel Works, initially called the Mysore Iron and SteelWorks, is located close to an iron ore producing area ofKemangundi in the ____ hills.—
●In West Bengal farmers grow three crops of rice called’aus’, ‘aman’ and ‘_____’. But in Himalayas andnorthwestern parts of the country, it is grown as a kharifcrop during southwest Monsoon season.—
● The important nuclear power projects are Tarapore(Maharashtra), Rawatbhata near Kota (Rajasthan),Kalpakkam (Tamil Nadu), Narora (Uttar Pradesh), Kaiga(Karnataka) and _____ (Gujarat).—
● _____ is mostly grown in Madhya Pradesh andMaharashtra, the two states together producing about 90per cent of total output in the country.—
● Coal occurs in rock sequences mainly of two geologicalages, namely Gondwana and tertiary deposits. About 80per cent of the coal deposits in India is of _____ type andis of non-coking grade.—
●Tropical ____ is particularly common in the northernreaches of the Indian Ocean in and around the Bay ofBengal.—
● ____ Soils occur widely in the northern part of Bihar,southern part of Uttaranchal and the coastal areas of WestBengal, Orissa and Tamil Nadu.—
● The Sundarbans National Park is home of the RoyalBengal Tiger and the largest mangrove forest in the world,with name derived from ____ trees, once found inabundance here.—
● Special schemes like Project Tiger (1973) and ProjectElephant (____) have been launched by the Governmentof India to conserve the species and their habitat in asustainable manner.—
●The Ganges is the main river, which divides in WestBengal; one branch enters Bangladesh as the Padma orPôdda, while the other flows through West Bengal as theBhagirathi River and ____ River.—
●The Thar Desert covers 9 districts of Rajasthan : Bikaner,Churu, Sriganganagar, Pali, Jalore, Barmer, Nagaur,Jaisalmer and _____—
●The Malwa Plateau is spread across Rajasthan, MadhyaPradesh and Gujarat; most of the region is drained by theChambal River and its tributaries; the western part isdrained by the upper reaches of the ____ River.—
●The Chhota Nagpur plateau is made up of three smallerplateaus, the Ranchi, with an average elevation of 700meters, Hazaribagh, and ____ plateaus.—
●The plains on the eastern coast of India are divided into sixregions — the Mahanadi delta, the southern AndhraPradesh plain, the Krishna-Godavari deltas, theKanyakumari coast, the ____ and sandy coastal.—
Coromandel Coast
●Depending upon the variations in the climate and the ____,the vegetation of India changes from one region toanother.—
●A nearby attraction of ____, in the state of Rajasthan,Ranthambore National Park is an outstanding example ofProject Tiger’s efforts at conservation in the India.—
Sawai Madhopur
● India’s first national park (an ____ category II protectedarea) was established in 1936 as Hailey National Park,now known as Jim Corbett National Park.—
●Anshi National Park is located in ____ district, in theIndian state of Karnataka, bordering the state of Goa; it isa habitat of melanistic leopards, tigers and elephants,amongst other fauna.—
Uttar Kannada
“●____ National Park is a national park located about 3,000metres above sea level, near the Garo Hills in Meghalaya;it is often referred to as the ““abode of perpetual winds”” aswell as the ““land of spirits.”“—”
● ____ National Park is one of the popular national parks inIndia located in the Umaria district of Madhya Pradesh;the park has a large breeding population of Leopards, andvarious species of deer.—
●Vansda National Park, a protected area representing thethick woodlands of the Dangs and southern Gujarat, ridingon the banks of ____ River is situated in the NavsariDistrict of Gujarat state, India.—
●Betla National Park is a national park located in the ChhotaNagpur Plateau of the ____ district of Jharkhand, in India;being famous for forest owls, drongos, tigers, civets andthe rhesus monkey.—
●Fishing is a major activity of ____; the sea around theisland is highly productive. The islands stand first in thecountry in per capita availability of fish.—
●Which soil constitutes the largest soil group in India,constituting 80% of the total land surface?—
●The Namdhapa National Park is the 15th tiger reserve ofIndia. In which state is it located?—
Arunachal Pradesh
●The source of the Narmada is a small tank called NarmadaKund located on the Amarkantak hill in the AnuppurDistrict of eastern ____.—
Madhya Pradesh.
●The Indira Gandhi Canal is one of the biggest canalprojects in India. It starts from the ____, a few kilometersbelow the confluence of the Sutlej and Beas rivers inPunjab.—
Harike Barrage
●Currently Geological Survey of India is an organizationunder the control of the Government of India. Which is the concerned ministry? —
Union Ministry of Mines
●The Gandhi Sagar dam is the first of the four dams built onthe Chambal River. The water released after powergeneration is utilised for irrigation through ____.—
●Where is Noonmati located in North East India?—
●Kerala, Karnataka, Goa and Maharashtra are the majorproducers of _____ in India.—
●The Jhelum originates in the south-eastern part of Jammuand Kashmir, in a spring known as ____.—
●The Sutlej originates from the Rakas Lake (Rakshas Tal),which is connected to the Mansarovar Lake by a stream, inTibet. It enters Pakistan near—
●The Brahmaputra originates in Tibet, near the sources ofthe Indus and the Sutlej and is about 2,900 kilometreslong. In Tibet, where it is known as the Yarlung ZangboRiver, or ____.—
●There are four coral reefs in India, located in the Andamanand Nicobar Islands, Gulf of Mannar, Lakshadweep and___.—
Gulf of Kutch
“●The name ““Jharkhand”” comes from the Sanskrit wordJharikhanda, which is the ancient name of the region’s_____. —”
Dense forest
●Modern history of Arunachal Pradesh begins with theinception of British rule in Assam after the treaty ofYandaboo, concluded on 24 February 1826. Before 1962,the area was popularly known as the _____.—
●Yellow and red soils are also found in parts of Orissa andChhattisgarh and in the southern parts of the middleGanga plain. The soil develops a reddish colour due to awide diffusion of iron in crystalline and ____.—
Metamorphic rocks
●The upper level winds, which blow at a height of about 12to 13 Kms. from the surface, with a speed exceeding 180km/hour and meander during their movement are called_______.—
Jet streams
●The Shillong Plateau a highly dissected and jungle tract,descends in a deep slope towards the Surma valley. Thenorthern outliers are represented by the _____ and theRengma hills.—
“● _____, meaning ““Child Christ””, it is a warm ocean currentappearing along the Peru coast in December. It replacesthe Peru or Humboldt cold Ocean current flowing overthis region in normal years.—”
EL- Nino
● It is an area, which is drained by a river; demarcated by aline that separates the watershed of one river from theadjoining rivers. What is it? —
Catchment Area
● Sri Lanka is separated from India by a narrow channel ofsea formed by _____ Strait and the Gulf of Mannar.—
● In the northeast of India, Garo, Khasi, Jaintia and NagaHills, running almost east-west, join the chain to Mizo and___ Hills running north-south.—
●Who surveyed the courses of the rivers of India along withtheir tributaries and branches in 1810-11 AD andpresented a minute account of it?—
Dr. FrancisBuchanan
●Before the devastating floods of 1937, who proposed adetailed investigation for storage reservoirs in theMahanadi basin to tackle the problem of floods in theMahanadi delta? —
Sir M. Visveswaraya
●Also known as the Vetravati, the Betwa rises in theVindhya Range just north of Hoshangabad in MadhyaPradesh and flows north-east through Madhya Pradesh andflow through _____ to Uttar Pradesh.—
●The Darjeeling Himalayan hill region in the northernextreme of West Bengal belongs to the eastern Himalaya.This region contains ____ (3,636 metres)—the highestpeak of the state.—
“● Who was the first person to use the word ““Geography”” andis known to have realized that Earth could be located witha basic grid of lines called Longitude and latitude?—”
●Which method of heat transfer is maximum responsible forheating of the lower layers of the atmosphere near earth’ssurface?—
Radiation from the Earth
●Which is the ecological region at the lowest level of a bodyof water such as an ocean or a lake, including the sedimentsurface and some sub- surface layers?—
Benthic Zone
● India’s Andaman and Nicobar Islands share a maritimeborder with Thailand and which other country in theAndaman Sea?—
● Which is the largest tribal community in India, who livemainly in the states of Jharkhand, West Bengal, Bihar,Orissa, and Assam? —
Santhal tribe
●Which was the first factory in India to produce AmmoniumSulphate (1951), Urea (1959), and Ammonium Nitrate-Sulphate, commonly called the Double salt (1959)?—
●What is the term for a body of water formed wherefreshwater from rivers and streams flows into the ocean,mixing with the seawater?—
●Which mountain pass connects Afghanistan and Pakistan,cutting through the northeastern part of the Spin GharMountains?—
Khyber Pass
● Who introduced in India a number of new crops likecashew nut, tobacco, tapioca, pineapple, papaya and manyothers?—
●___ is a strait in the Indian Ocean; is about 48 km wide;separates Rutland Island (part of Great Andaman) to thenorth and Little Andaman to the south.—
Duncan Passage
●Indian coffee is said to be the finest coffee grown in theshade rather than direct sunlight anywhere in the world.The four well known varieties of coffee grown are theBarista, Arabica, and ___. —
●Which is the pass, a 53-kilometer passage through theHindu Kush mountain range, which connects the northernfrontier of Pakistan with Afghanistan?—
Khyber Pass
“●”“Climate is extreme, rainfall is scanty and the people usedto be nomadic herders.”” The above statement bestdescribes which of the following regions?—”
CentralAfrican Steppe
●The Narmada River flows to the west, while most otherlarge peninsular rivers flow to the east. Why?—
Itoccupies a linear rift valley
●Which of the following is / are the characteristic/characteristics of Indian coal? —
High ash content andLow sulphur content
●Variations in the length of daytime and night time fromseason to season are due to:—
revolution of the earth ona tilted axis
● On the planet earth, most of the freshwater exists as icecaps and glaciers. Out of the remaining freshwater, thelargest proportion:—
exists as groundwater
●The number of wells in South India is very low because:—
Wells are difficult to dig because of hard rockunderneath the thin layer of the soil
●The moist air masses that cause winter rains in the north-western region of India are part of:—
● States with long coastal boundaries are producers of salt inIndia. However half of the country’s sea salt productioncomes from Saurashtra-Gujarat. This is due to:—
HighSalinity of water
●India’s biggest hydro-electric project in the private sector isVishnu Prayag Hydro Power Project. This project islocated in—
●Which project supplies the bulk quantity of power to theRourkela Steel Plant, the first integrated steel plant in thepublic sector in India?—
Hirakud Project
● India’s Tobacco Board is headquarted in—
Guntur inAndhra Pradesh
●Which is the world’s largest masonry dam at the time of itsconstruction, built across Krishna River at Nagarjunasagarin Guntur and Nalgonda districts of Andhra Pradesh?—
Nagarjunasagar Dam
● Which is the largest coastal lagoon in India and the secondlargest lagoon in the World and the largest winteringground for migratory birds on the Indian sub-continent?—
Chilka Lake
●Which Bird Sanctuary, located in the Sunderbans Forests,is home to a wide variety of birds including the SpottedBilled Pelican?—
Sajnekhali Bird Sanctuary
● Which is India’s largest saline lake and produces 196,000tonnes of clean salt every year, which equals 8.7 % ofIndia’s salt production?—
Sambhar Salt Lake