RL CHEM 3 Flashcards
●The graphite rods in the nuclear reactor: —
convertfast moving neutrons into thermal neutrons
●The first metal used by man was:—
●The hydronium ion is:—
●The most electropositive elements among thefollowing is:—
●The method that cannot be used for removingpermanent hardness of water is:—
●Zone refining is used for the purification of:—
●Metal are good conductors, because: —
they containfree electrons
●Tear gas is:—
Carbonyl Chloride
●A polymeric substance used to make parachute is:—
●Drinking soda is:—
●The cathode of a lead storage battery is made up of:—
●Heat resistant variety of glass is:—
Flint Glass
●Pasteurization of milk means: —
Heating of milk toabove 620 C
●Type metal used in printing press is an alloy of: —
lead and antimony
●Sour taste of Coca Cola is due to the presence of: —
Phosphoric acid
●Bhopal gas tragedy is associated with leakage of: —
Methyl Isocyanate
●Iodized salt is beneficial for:—
Thyroid function
●The acid rain destroys vegetations because itcontains: —
Sulphuric acid
●Diamonds are glittering and attractive because lightincident on them undergoes:—
multiple internalreflections
●The substance most commonly used as a foodpreservative is:—
Sodium salt of benzoic acid
●The acid used in lead storage cells is:—
●Alum stops bleeding in minor cuts because of:—
●Plaster of Paris is made by partial dehydration of: —
Gypsum salt
●Water can be separated from alcohol water mixtureby: —
●Hydrogen is not found in atmosphere because: —
It isthe lightest gas
●A substance which readily forms colloidal solution incontact with water is called:—
Hydrophilic acid
●When formaldehyde and potassium hydroxide areheated, we get:—
Methyl alcohol
●When conc H2S04 is added to dry KN03, brownfumes are evolved. These fumes are due to:—
The luster of the metals is because of : —
reflection oflight due to the presence of free electrons
●The major harmful gas emitted by automobilevehicles which causes air pollution is:—
●Pasteurization is the process in which milk is heatedto:—
630 C for 20 minutes
●The freezer in a refrigerator is fitted near the topbecause:—
it facilitates convection currents
●The most abundant inert gas in the atmosphere is: —
●Percentage of lead in lead pencils is:—
●Water is not effective in extinguishing a fire causedby petrol because: —
water and petrol areimmiscible with each other and petrol whichforms the upper layer continues to burn
●Helium gas is used in gas balloons instead ofhydrogen gas because it is:—
●The gas used in the artificial ripening of fruits is: —
●Ruby and Sapphire are oxides of:—
●Gunpowder consists of a mixture of: —
Niter,Sulphur and Charcoal
●In nuclear reactors, graphite is used as a/an:—
●The compound to which H2 does not add is: —
Tetraphenyl ethylene
●Ammonal is a mixture of:—
aluminium powder andammonium nitrate
●Which gas does not form the part of atmosphere?—
●The fuel used in an atomic reactor is:—
●The major constituent of Gobar gas is:—
●The residue left after extracting juice from sugarbeetand sugarcane is called:—
●The isotope of Uranium used in atomic reactors is:—
●The greenhouse effect is caused by the higher level ofwhich gas in the atmosphere?—
Carbon dioxide
●Ethanol containing 5% water is known as: —
Rectified spirit
●The amount of chlorine available in water afterdisinfection is called as:—
Residual chlorine
●What are the major pollutants of Cigarette smoke?—
Carbon monoxide and Nicotine
●Nuclear energy is a mineral-based energy source. It isderived from:—
Uranium, thorium andPlutonium
●Zinc sulphide is commonly used as:—
●Aspirin is chemically known as:—
Acetylsalicylic acid
●The most abundant element in the human body is: —
●Wax used for making candle is chemically a mixtureof: —
Aliphatic hydrocarbons
●Litmus is obtained from:—
●Vinegar made by fermentation from cane sugarcontains: —
Acetic acid
●Photo-oxidation process is initiated by:—
●Ultraviolet radiation striking the earth is due to thedepletion of:—
●Major gaseous pollutant of the thermal power stationis: —
●The process of removing calcium and magnesiumfrom hard water is known as:—
Water softening
●The tip of the match-stick contains:—
●Commercially, sodium bicarbonate is known as: —
Baking soda
●An emulsifier is an agent which:—
stabilizes asemulsion
●Mortar is a mixture of water, sand and:—
●The National Chemical Laboratory (India) is locatedin: —
●One of the constituents of tear gas is:—
●An atomic clock is based on transitions in:—
●Silver halides are used in photographic plates becausethey are:—
reduced by light
●Tetra ethyle lead (TEL) is:—
An antiknockcompound
●The material used in the manufacture of lead pencilis: —
●If all bullets could not be removed from gunshotinjury of a man, it may cause poisoning by:—
●German silver, an alloy, does not contain the metal:—
●Oxygen which is vital for life is a product ofphotosynthesis and comes from:—
Carbon dioxide
●The noble gas used in radiotherapy is:—
●Steel contains:—
0.1 to 2 % carbon
●The chemical(s) most commonly used for cloudseeding or ‘artificial rainmaking’ is/are:—
●White phosphorus is always kept under:—
●Galena is a mineral of:—
●Magnalium is an alloy of:—
Aluminium andMagnesium
●Dry powder fire extinguishers contain:—
Sand andSodium bicarbonate
●Which type of glass is used for making glassreinforced plastic?—
Fibre Glass
●Two elements which are used to absorb neutrons tocontrol the chain reaction during nuclear fissionare:—
Boron and Cadmium
●The most commonly used chemicals in the artificialrainmaking or cloud seeding are:—
Silver Iodide
●Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of: —
Uncontrolled fusion reaction
●Supersonic jet causes pollution by thinning of:—
●Which of the following metals causes Itai-Itaidisease? —
●Glycol is added to aviation gasoline because it: —
prevents freezing of petrol
●Which one of the following minerals is found inMonazite sand?—
●Now a days, yellow lamps are frequently used asstreet lights. Which gas is used in these lamps?—
●The addition of gypsum to Portland cement helps in:—
preventing rapid setting of cement
●The constituents of automobile exhaust that can causecancer is/are:—
●Hard steel contains:—
0.5 to 1.5 % Carbon
●Cement is formed by strongly heating a mixture of:—
Limestone and clay
●The temperature of oxyacetylene flame is around: —
32000 C
●The Refrigerant ‘FREON’ is: —
Difluoro DichloroMethane
●Raw materials used for the manufacture of glass are:—
Sand, soda and limestone
●The BOD values of water indicate the: —
amount ofoxygen used for biochemical oxidation
●Bleaching powder is used in drinking water as a/an:—
●The iron ore which contains 72% of iron is:—
●The atmospheric gas that is mainly responsible GreenHouse effect:—
Carbon dioxide
●Electric bulbs are filled with:—
●The purest form of Iron is:—
Wrought Iron
●Non-stick kitchenware are coated with:—
●Sea weeds are important source of:—
●The fiber least prone to catch fire is:—
●The common name for the compound having formatNaOH is:—
Caustic Soda
●Bone ash contains:—
Calcium phosphate
●Slag is a name given for:—
molten alumina
●An example of replenishable energy source is:—
●Tar roads get damaged if there is:—
Stagnation ofwater on road
●The drug ‘Marijuana’ is a:—
●The material known in commerce as Terylene is a: —
Synthetic fibre
●The chemical used in embalming biological materialsis: —
Formaldehyde in water
●Sodium bicarbonate is commercially known as: —
Baking Soda
●Coal is formed from:—
compressed and hardenedbiomass
●Commercial Vaseline is derived from:—
●Colour imparted to the Bunsen flame by strontiumsalt is: —
Crimson Red
●A potato tuber has been cut into two halves. A fewdrops of iodine solution are placed on the cutsurface of one of the halves. What colour changewill be noticed?—
From brown to blue-black
●Tear gas used by the police to disperse the mobcontains:—
Epsom salt is used:—
in making tooth paste
●The chemical name of rat poison is:—
●The gas which is mainly responsible for the greenhouse effect is:—
Carbon dioxide
●Domestic Cooking gas consists mostly of:—
Liquefiedbutane and isobutene
●Quick Silver is chemically known as:—
●Extensively used nitrogenous fertilizer is:—
●Which particle moves around the nucleus of an atomand are negatively charged?—
●Hardest allotrope of carbon is:—
●Name the particle that is most essential to continuethe chain reaction during the fission of uranium.—
●Conversion of chemical energy into electrical energyoccurs in: —
A battery
●The fuel that is used in modern submarines is: —
Nuclear Fuel
●The basic chemical building block of natural rubberobtained from trees is:—
●The name of plastic polymer from which combs, toys,bowls, etc., can be made is:—
●Which metal does not undergo corrosion due to theformation of oxide layer?—
●Molasses, a by-product in the manufacture of sugar,is converted into:—
●Silver nitrate solution is kept in brown bottles inlaboratory because:—
Brown bottles stop thepassage of light through it
●Gelatin is mostly used in making ice-creams in orderto: —
Stabilize the colloid and preventcrystallization
●Two elements which can form a large number ofcompounds are:—
Carbon and Hydrogen
●An inert gas mixed with oxygen given to patientssuffering from restricted breathing is:—
●The fungus which is used in the alcohol industry is:—
●Gold dissolves in:—
●Which halide is used in making sensitive emulsion onphotographic film?—
Silver Bromide
●The material used in solar cells contains:—
●When lime juice is dropped on baking soda, briskeffervescence takes place because the gas evolvedis:—
Carbon dioxide
●In the electroplating of gold, the electrolyte used is:—
Gold Sulphate
●The acid present in red ants is:—
Formic acid
●The metal extracted from Bauxite is:—
●pH value between 6.5-7.5 makes the soil:—
●The wire of flash bulb is made of:—
●The coloured discharge tubes for advertisementmainly contains:—
●Muscle fatigue is caused by the accumulation of: —
Lactic acid
●When quick lime is added to water:—
heat isliberated
●The number of neutrons present in an element havingmass number 226 and atomic number 88 is:—
●The natural resource, known as black gold, is:—
●This group of alumino-silicate minerals is widely usedin making electric insulators. Which is it?—
●Dry Ice is:—
Solid Carbon dioxide
●Cement containing excess amount of lime: —
cracksduring setting
●Which of the following is a micro-element?—
●Rock salt is a mineral containing:—
●In a nuclear reactor, the material use for absorbingneutrons is:—
●Solder metal is an alloy of:—
Lead and Tin
●Copper is refined by:—
●The element with highest first ionization energy is: —
●An atom of an element has atomic number 17 andmass number 36. The number of neutrons in itsnucleus is:—
●Seaweeds are important source of:—
The resources which can be used continuously, year-after-year are called:—
Renewable resources
●Refrigerators keep food unspoiled because: —
at itslow temperature, bacteria and moulds are inactive
●When Hydrogen starts burning in air, it produces: —
●Spirit in contact with body gives cool sensationbecause it is: —
Highly volatile
●Taj Mahal is greatly affected due to:—
Acid Rain
●The unit of ionic product of water (Kw) is:—
●What is the chemical name of bleaching powder? —
Calcium hypochlorite
●Alcoholic (—OH) group can be identified by:—
●Pollutant from motor car exhaust that causes mentaldisease is:—
●The total energy of revolving electron in an atom: —
can never be positive
●Conduction band electrons have more mobility thanholes because they:—
experience collision lessfrequently
●Iodine can be separated from a mixture of Iodine andPotassium Chloride by:—
●Identify the metal which is non-toxic in nature.—
●The gas that usually causes explosion in coal mines is:—
●The chemical behavior of an atom depends upon: —
the number of electrons orbiting around thenucleus
●A powerful eye irritant present in smog is: —
Peroxyacetyl nitrate
●The most important ore of lead is:—
●When water itself combines chemically with someelement or mineral it is called:—
●The electronic configuration of an atom havingatomic number ‘20’ is:—
2, 8, 8, 2
●The most reactive among the halogens is:—
●KMnO4 can be used as a:—
●Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of copper sulphateusing copper electrodes gives: —
Copper atcathode and oxygen at anode
●Which inert gase can form compounds?—
●Burning pyrites ore gives out:—
Sulphur dioxide gas
●Oxygen has (+) oxidation number only in:—
●The particle required to continue the chain process ofUranium fission is:—
●The chief source for the production of nitrogenousfertilizers is:—
●The element used for making solar cells is:—
●Bakelite is a co-polymer of Phenol and:—
●When a spoon is to be electroplated with nickel, thespoon is:—
made cathode and a pure nickel red,the anode
●Wood spirit is:—
Methyl alcohol
●Fire fighting clothes are made of:—
●Water gas is the mixture of:—
Carbon monoxide andhydrogen
●Which type of fire extinguisher is used for petroleumfire? —
Foam type
●The function of skimming tank in sewage treatment isto remove:—
Oil and fatty substances
●Black lung disease occurs in people working in:—
Coal mines
●The chief source of naphthalene is:—
Coal tar
●Why water is not suitable for putting out a petrolfire?—
Water, being heavy, slips below petrolwhich thus remains in contact with air and burns
●Milk is:—
●The chemical substance present in bones and teeth is:—
Calcium phosphate
●Maximum permissible concentration of copper indrinking water in mg/L is:—
●If lime water is kept in the air, it turns milky due tothe presence of:—
Carbon dioxide
●Heavy metal pollution of water is caused by:—
●The inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in theair used by deep sea divers for breathing is:—
●One carat of diamond is equal to—
200 m
The process by which milk is converted to curd iscalled: —
●The technique of calculating the age of fossilorganisms is: —
Radiocarbon dating
●Nitrogen forms a variety of compounds in alloxidation states ranging from:—
3 to +3
●The next higher homologue of C6H14 is:—
●The chemical used as a ‘fixer’ in photography is: —
Sodium thiosulphate
●Yellow Cake, an item of smuggling across border, is:—
Uranium Oxide
●The difference between a nuclear reactor and anatomic bomb is that: —
The chain reaction innuclear reactor is controlled
●Physic-chemical characteristics of water in watersources undergo changes due to:—
●The alpha particle carries two positive charge. Itsmass is very nearly equal to that of:—
An atom ofhelium
●The offending substance in the liquor tragediesleading to blindness is:—
Methyl alcohol
●The characteristic odour of garlic is due to:—
Asulphur compound
●The most reactive among the halogens is:—
●The water pollution in rivers is measured by thedissolved amount of:—
●Coke is one of the materials of the charge added toblast furnace for the production of steel/iron. Itsfunction is to:—
act as the reducing agent
●In the production of steel/iron, what is the function ofcoke?—
To function as a fuel, supply heat
●Barium in a suitable form is administered to patientsbefore and X-Ray examination of the stomach,because:—
It is a good absorber of X-Rays andthis helps the stomach to appear clearly incontrast with the other regions in the picture
●Cobalt-60 is commonly used in radiation therapybecause it emits:—
Gamma Rays
●The correct statement is:—
To dilute sulphuric acid,acid is added to water and not water to acid.
●Large cold storage plants use ____ as refrigerant,while domestic refrigerators usechlorofluorocarbons.—
●Most of the explosions in mines occur due to themixing of: —
oxygen with acetylene
●Aluminium surface are often ‘anodized.’ This meansthe deposition of a layer of:—
Zinc oxide
●Hard water is not suitable for:—
washing clotheswith soap
●In an atom, the order of filling up of the orbital isgoverned by: —
Aufbau’s Principle
●An aqueous solution of copper sulphate is acidic innature because the salt undergoes:—
●In a group of elements, what decreases as the atomicweight increases?—
Electron affinity
●In a given period, what gradually increases along aperiod? —
Ionization Potential
●A radioactive substance has a half-life of fourmonths. Three-fourth of the substance woulddecay in:—
8 months
●If we sprinkle common salt on an earthworm, it diesdue to: —
osmotic shock
●Endosulfan, which has been in news these days, is a:—
●Gypsum is added to clinker during cementmanufacturing to: —
decrease the rate of settingof cement
●The main chemical constituent of the oil ofcardamom which is responsible for flavour of thisoil is:—
●The molecule which has the highest percentage ofionic character among the following is:—
●The high reactivity of fluorine is due to: —
its highelectro negativity
●The iron ore magnetite consists of:—
●The main chemical constituent of clay is:—
aluminium silicate
●The mineral containing both magnesium and calciumis: —
The metal does not give H2 on treatment with diluteHCl is: —
●The number of g-molecule of oxygen in 6.02 x 1024CO molecules is:—
5 gram of molecule
●The most extensive, commercially useful source ofthorium as monazite sand occurs in India at:—
Travancore Coast
●The main active constituent of tea and coffee is:—
●The maximum number of isomers for an alkene withmolecular formula C4H8 is:—
●The organic reaction represented by equation CH3 -CH = O + H2NOH gives CH3 - CH - NH + H2O isan example of:—
a condensation reaction
●The hottest part of the gas flame is known as: —
non-luminous zone
●The human body is made up of several chemicalelements; the element present in the highestproportion (65%) in the body is: —
●The isomerism which exists between CH3CHCI2 andCH2CI.CH2 CI is:—
positional isomerism
●The half life period of an isotope is 2 hours. After 6hours what fraction of the initial quantity of theisotope will be left behind? —
●The number of waves made by an electron moving inan orbit having maximum magnetic quantumnumber is +3:—
●The number of atoms present in 21.6 gram of silver(atomic weight = 108) are same as the moleculesin:—
12 moles of KMnO4
●Equal masses of oxygen, hydrogen and methane arekept under identical conditions. The ratio of thevolumes of gases will be:—
1 : 16 : 2
●The mass number of an atom is equal to: —
thenumber of nucleons
●The maximum number of covalent formed bynitrogen is:—
●The formula C6H5-CO-CH3 represents:—
●The method of concentrating the ore which makesuse of the difference in density between ore andimpurities is called:—
●The inert gases are ____ in water.—
Sparingly soluble
●The molecular formula of phosphorous is:—
●The names of the scientists, Newlands, Mendeleev,and Meyer are associated with the developmentof: —
periodic table of elements