Risk Factors In Addiction Flashcards
Define Risk Factor
anything Internal or external that increases likelihood of an individual starting to use drugs or engage in addictive behaviour 💊
What is Genetic Vulnerability
- Possibility we may inherit predisposition that ⬆️ risk of disorder (addiction)
explains why others become dependant and others aren’t
How is Genetic Vulnerability explained
Interaction bw genes and environmental factors as an individual will not be addicted unless exposed to substance or opportunity
How does D2 Receptor cause GV
D2 Receptors responsible for communicating with Dopamine (NT)
the number of D2 receptors determined by genetics
fewer of these associated w addiction = leads to experiencing pleasure from everyday activities eg 🍫
they turn to more addictive substances such as nictotine to exp same feeling of pleasure and compensate for this deficiency
How doe’s metabolism cause addiction
- Some individuals able to metabolise (break down) certain addictive substances faster than others
= easier for them to be addicted nay need more to have same effects.
Rate of Metabolism inherited through genes
eg Pianezza ppl lack fully functioning CYP2A6 enzyme which metabolises nictotine = less likely to smoke than those w fully functioning CYP2A6
expression of gene genetically determined
Whats RTS for GV
P - Kendler using data from National Swedish Adoption Study
E - looked at adults who had been adopted as children from biological fams where atleast 1 parent had an Addiction
E - these children had greater risk of developing A
L - supports GV as risk factor dor A
What is Stress?
I experiences state of arousal (psychs and psych) state that occurs when they believe they do not have ability to cope with perceived threats
How is Stress a risk factor of addiction
- Ppl who exp stress turn to addictive substances/bh as a form of self medication for stress to avoid pain/to cope
- Periods of long lasting chronic stress and traumatic life events in childhood have been linked with increased risk of dev A
What did Anderson and Teacher (2008) find stress?
- early experiences of severe stress have damaging effects on a young brain in a sensitive period of development
more vulnerable to later stress
further stressful experiences could trigger vulnerability make it more likely the a person may self medicate w substance/bh A’s
How can we criticise Stress A03
P - Based on Correlational R C + E cannot be established
E - R shown link bw risk facts such as stress and addiction does not show which came first
E - A caused I to become stressed (loss of money, lack of sleep) rather than stress causing A
L - R lacks IV as doesn’t allow us to conclude that STRESS does make someone more at risk of A
D - Could have GV
What did psychs proposed about addictive personality
correlation bw certain traits and addiction
How is personality a risk factor
- Is is suggested that anti-social personality disorder leads to high v to A including neurotic and psychotic personality traits (Eyesenck)
What does high levels of neuroticism lead to
high levels of anxiety , irritability and low self efficacy
What does high levels of psychotics lead to
aggressive , impulsive sometimes emotionally detached leading to risk tasking and sensation seeking bh
What is it about these I
I who have these pathological personalities are more likely to become addicts as bh/substance helps them and offers relief
Give a strength of personality as a RF in A bh
P - Eysenck & Gossop supporting R
E - assessed personality of a sample of 221 drug addicts and 310 non-addicted ppts using Eysencks personality Q
E - found evidence of high neuroticism and psychotism in addicted ppts compared to non addicted ppts
L - supports role of neuroticism + psych personality traits as RF in A bh giving validity to RF
How is Family Influences a RF
- perceived parental approval
- if an adolescent believes their parents show positive attitudes towards particular addictive bh/substance then they will be more v to dev A themselves
What did Livingstone find?
- final year hs students who were allowed to drink by their parents alcohol at home were sig more likely to develop A the following year by drinking excessively in uni
What happens when parents show little interest in monitoring adolescents
- peer relations and internt use
- are sig more likely to develop A
How does SLT play a role in developing A in FI
- exposure within family life to substance/bh creates risk of developing A
- I observes family member (role model) engaging in addictive bh and imitate this bh as they identify with them and want to be like them
Give RTS for FI
P - Madras (2019)
E - She studies families w adolescents whose parents used cannabis and the adolescents use cannabis alcohol nicotine and opioids
E - this may show that ad perceived that parents were accepting of drug use went on to use drugs themselves
observes parents using cannabis meddles bh
L - supports FI as RF for A
how is peers a RF ao1?
- peers can influence I dev during adolescence as they spend more time w them than family
- O conell suggests that adolescents are at risk of dev alcohol addiction due to influence of peers of 3 major elements
What are O conelles 3 major elements
- Attitudes and Norms to drinking alcohol - influenced by associating w peers who drink alcohol ISI/NSI
- Opportunities to drink alcohol - experienced peers provide more opps to drink
- Individuals perception - overestimate how much drink drinking more to ‘keep up w em’
Give a limitation of Peer review
P - correlational R C + E not established
E - R shown link be peers and A often does not show which comes first
E - could be A that seeks out peers w same addictive bh eg drug/alcohol use rather than their peers and norms engaging them in A bh
L - Therefore lacks IV does not allow us to conclude PEERS make someone more of risk of A