Caregiver-infant human interactions Flashcards
Define attachement?
an emotional link between caregiver and infant (1)
each seek closeness feel secure in presence of attachement (1)
interactions between caregiver and an infant is when an attachement starts
responsiveness of caregiver to infants that has deep effect on child (1)
How do psychologists recognise an infant has attachement?
- proximity - ppl try stay physically close to those they are attached to
- seperation distress - ppl are distressed when an attachement fugure leaves their presence
- Secure base behaviour- We always ‘touch base’ with our AF regularly return to their attachment
What plays a part in a childs social development?
early social interactions between infants and care givers
What is interactional synchrony?
(mirroring actions) Caregiver and infant respond in time to keep communication going. (1)
e.g infant smiles, caregiver smiles back at the same time.
(1)This type of communication ensures infant and caregivers emotions
and actions mirror each other’s.
What did Meltzoff and Moore conduct?
controlled observation
- 40 two week old babies to measure caregiver and infant interactions
- adult displayed 1/3 facial expressions mouth opening tongue protrusion
- childs response was filmed and identified by an independant observer
- link found between c+i of facial expressions
What is reciproctity?
two-way, mutual process where c+i take turns to respond to each other’s behaviours/ signals, to sustain interaction (1) (like a
The behaviour of each party elicits a response from the other, E.g
child puts arms out to be held - caregiver picks up. (2)
👶🍼 ‘alert phases’ and signal when they are ready for interaction. Mothers
pick up and act on these signals 2/3rd of the time (Feldman and Eidelman).
Brazleton said both mother and baby initiate (start) the interaction and take it in
turns to do so. He called this the dance. He said it’s like when a couple dance together they respond to each other’s moves. (3 and 4 marks)
Give one criticism of research into cargiver interactions
P- research lacks ecological validity
E- controlled environment such as controlled observations c+i filmed
E-difficult to generalise findings to real life cases infant may not behave as they do in 🌍 shy in unfamiliar environment
L- lowering external validity
D- some may argue babies are young and not notice change in environment wud not affect validity
Give a second criticism of research into care giver interactions
P- prone to bias
E- as babies cannot speak, inferences must be drawn about their behaviour. E- This means that a psychologist may interpret this information in a way that fits their hypothesis, for example a baby may have wind but the psychologist may infer that this is a smile in response to their parents smile,
L- reducing the internal validity of the research in to caregiver-
infant interactions.
In order to minimise this, there should be two observers present to agree on the findings.
Give a strength for caregiver interactions
P- controlled environments
E- researcher can be praised for having high control over extraneous variables
E- eg not having other adults in room during observations may distract 👶
L- cause and effect can be established
increasing internal validity
What is the procedure of Schaffer and Emerson (1964)
Longitudinal study on 60 working class newborn babies and their
mothers from Glasgow
The babies and mothers were visited at their own homes every month
for the first year of the baby’s life and again at 18 months
Observations and interviews (with mothers) were used.
How can attachement be measured
Separation anxiety - assessed by the infant being left alone in a room, or
the researcher asking the mother how the infant reacts in this instance.
Stranger Anxiety - assessed by the researcher starting each home visit
by approaching the infant to see if this distressed the child.
Researchers asked the mothers questions such as who infants smiled at, whom they responded to etc.
What are the 4 stages of attachement?
- Asocial - 👶 behaviours to adults and inanimate objects are similar
- Indiscriminate - 👶 show a preference to ppl over inanimate objects but usually do not show stranger or seperation anxiety
- Specific - 👶 7months start to form attachements and show seperation and stranger anxiety when seperated 65% with mothers
- Multiple - within 1month form a specific attachement 29% of children formed multiple attachements
18months 75% children had attachement with father
Give decriptive feautures of asocial
babies happier when in presence of other humans
baby’s behaviour non-human objects and humans quite similar
Give descripitive feauture of Indiscriminate 2-7 months
babies usually accept cuddles and comfort from any adult they usually do not show seperation or stranger anxiety
Give descripitive feature of Specific
👶 7months start to display stranger anxiety and seperation anxiety when seperated from parent
biological mother
one who offers the most interaction and responds to 👶 signals the most