renal- fluid management and filtration Flashcards
how does blood enter each kidnet?
the renal arteries
this structure transports urine from kidneys to the bladder
this structure stores urine until voided
this structure carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body
this is released from the kidney to control RBC production
this is released from the kidneys and controls the formation of angiotensin from angiotensinogen
the kidneys convert 25-hydroxyvitamin D which influences _______ balance
the body is what % water?
plasma is about ____% of blood volume
this is the proportion of blood that is made up of RBCs
what is a normal hematocrit?
this is the concentration of particles in fluid
what is normal osmolarity?
300 mOsm/L
this is addition of high salts (increased osmolarity) that causes a shift of fluid
hyperosmotic contraction or expansion
this is the addition of low salts (low osmolarity) that causes a shift of fluid from ECF to ICF
hypoosmotic contraction or expansion
this refers to when volume increases or decreases without a fluid shift
volume contraction always results in _______ (+/-) ECF
volume expansion always results in ______ (+/-) ECF
diarrhea results in what type of fluid shift?
isosmotic volume contraction
water deprivation results in what type of fluid shift?
hyperosmotic volume contraction
adrenal insufficiency results in what type of fluid shift?
hypoosmotic volume contraction
isotonic NaCl results in what type of fluid shift?
isosmotic volume expansion
high salt intake results in what type of fluid shift?
hyperosmotic volume expansion
SIADH results in what type of fluid shift?
hypoosmotic volume expansion
where are the kidneys located?
this is the outer area of the kidney
this is the inner area of the kidney which surrounds the renal sinus
these are cone-shaped structures in the kidney and the base is the boundary between cortex and medulla
renal pyramids
this calyce converges to form the renal pelvis
this is an enlarged chamber formed by major calyces
renal pelvis
this structure exits at the hilum and connects to the urinary bladder
is osmolarity higher in the cortex or medulla?
this is a tuft of capillaries in the nephron which receives blood from an afferent arteriole
this is a renal tubule that forms a cup shape around the glomerulus
Bowman’s capsule
this type of nephron has a long loop of henle and is heavily involved in the concentration of urine
juxtamedullary nephrons
this type of nephron includes most nephrons and has a short loop of henle
cortical nephrons
this is the amount of filtrate produced each minute
average urine production/ day
1-2 L
what pressure pushes fluid out of the glomerular capillary?
capillary hydrostatic pressure
what two pressures push back against fluid movement out of the glomeruluar capillary?
capsular hydrostatic pressure
blood colloid osmotic pressure
this law states that the amount of substance entering an organ equals the amount leaving an organ
Fick’s law
these cells are enlarged smooth muscle cells that are mechanoreceptors and contain renin
juxtaglomerular cells
these cells are chemoreceptors that respond to NaCl changes in the filtrate
macula densa
an increase in NaCl ions in the filtrate triggers the release of ________ from macula densa cells
adenosine causes _________ of afferent aterioles, leading to ________ GFR
afferent and efferent arterioles are controlled by what receptor type
alpha 1
sympathetic activation will _________ blood flow and filtration rate
constricting the _____ arteriole leads to decreased GFR
constricting the _____ arteriole leads to increased GFR
PGs cause __________ in the kidneys
these capillaries are specialized for filtration and have fenestrations
glomerular capillaries
these capillaries are where most filtrate is reabsorbed and secretion occurs
peritubular capillaries
these capillaries are important for maintaining proper osmolarity from cortex to medulla
this is where filtrate enters the glomerular capsular space
filtration slits between the foot processes of podocytes
this is the fraction of blood that enters the glomerulus but is filtered into the renal tubules
filtration fraction
is capillary oncotic pressure higher at the afferent or efferent arteriole end?
this is the volume of plasma that is cleared of a substance in one min
renal clearance
this substance is used to determine renal clearance because it is freely filtered but not reabsorbed or secreted
clearance of inulin = ___
________ can significantly increase the renal clearance of a substance to be greater than GFR
once something moves into the tubule, it’s next stop is ________, unless it is reabsorbed
excretion as urine