quiz 5 Flashcards
sensitive periods
susceptible to insult
what are the factors that affect growth & development?
-physical activity
-low birth weight
-premature birth
what are the teratogenic effects?
- Interfere with basic biochemical processes
- Susceptibility varies with developmental stage
- Specificity
- Affects differently
- Concentration/exposure related to risk
- Affect on mother
- Temporary or delayed effects
what are teratogens?
environmental agent that can cause birth
defect or kill a fetus
what are the internal factors that can affect a fetus?
- maternal age
- nutrition
- rh incompatibility
- genetic-related abnormalities
- fetal position
- emotion state / stress
what are the external (environmental) factors that can affect a fetus?
- infection and disease (STDs, AIDS)
- drugs and chemicals (smoking, alcohol,
cocaine, other) - radiation
- breathes
- drinks
- eats
- smokes
- disease-producing bacteria
what is the chief contributor to infant illness & mortalilty?
low birth weight
what is considered LBW?
under 5.5 lbs
what is considered very LBW?
under 3.3 lbs
what are the primary causes of LBW?
poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol, drugs
what does LBW lead to?
leads to deficits physical growth & motor behavior
what is considered premature birth?
before 38 weeks
what does premature birth lead to?
immature respiratory, immune system, & temperature control
what does inadequate intake of nutrients during prenatal development & childhood result in?
affects mental and motor behavior
what is critical to development of muscle tissue during puberty?
Adequate nutrition
what foods are leading to an obesity epidemic in US?
fat, refined sugar, salt
what is the fat cell theory?
increased physical activity & control of diet in early stages of development can limit fat cell proliferation & reduce body fatness in later life
is there evidence that says that physical activity can change body proportion & overall shape?
things physical activity enhances
-skeletal mineralization and density
-increases muscular force capabilities in adults & post-pubertal children
-physiological improvement despite age
-results in improved balance, coordination, speed, power, agility
does physical activity harm the secular trend for menarche?
what may be a factor for delayed menarche?
high-intensity physical training
what does lack of physical activity result it?
heart disease
type 2 diabetes
what is malnutrition
a lack of total calories & a lack of protein & deficiences in vitamin & minerals
malnutrition symptoms
-stunted growth
-delayed menarche
what is the definition of physical activity?
intentional, habitual, physical movement that are designed
does physical activity effect growth?
no apparent effect
what are the direct effects of physical activity on human development?
-structural aspect on physical growth & maturation
-physiological function of human body
VO2 max is strongly related to what type of mass
lean body mass
what is the greatest sensitive period?
embryonic period 2-8 weeks or first trimester