quiz 4 (new book chp. 5) Flashcards
motor control theory
Describes and explains how the nervous system produces coordinated movement of motor skill in a variety of environments
-a watch keeping time
organizational relationship of movement characteristics of the head/body/limb regardless of the skill level of the perfromer
degrees of freedom
The number of independent elements in a central system and the ways each
component can act
open loop & closed loop control systems
Models of basic descriptions that show
the CNS and PNS initiate and control
-each has a control center (executive)
-executive generates & issues movement instructions to effectors
sensory system that indicates the status of a movement
motor program
control mechanism responsible for
controlling a class of actions,
i.e., kicking
rules that serve to provide
the basis for a decision based from
related experiences
what is a theory?
– Accurately describes a large class
of observations
– Make definite predictions about results of future observations
what do motor learning & control theories focus on?
–Explaining human behavior
–Providing explanations about why people perform skills as they do
– Identify variables through
observations of motor performances
Understanding motor control theory
provides the practitioner with a base of support to develop:
- effective skill instruction
- effective practice environments
what are the two issues of important in motor control theory?
- coordination
- degrees of freedom
what are two parts to consider of coordination?
- the pattern of head/body/limb movements at a specific point in time & their relationship to each other
- the pattern of head/body/limb movements relative to the pattern of environmental objects & events (the context in which the skill is performed)
-bascially body part to body part or body part to object in environment
what are the degrees of freedom problems?
-control problem
-occurs in the designing of a complex system that produces a specific result
-involves determining how many degrees of freedom is required to produce the result
what is the control center called for CNS & PNS
what does the executive do?
executive generates & issues movement instructions to effectors (muscles/joints)
what is the different between open loop & close loop systems?
-no feedback
-control center provides all info for effectors to carry out movement
-uses feedback
-control center issues info to effectors sufficient only to initiate movement
what are the two theories of motor control?
- motor program based theory
- dynamic pattern theory
motor program based theory
memory-based construct that controls
coordinated movement
dynamic pattern theory
approach to describing and explaining the control of coordinated movement that emphasize the role of information in the environment and properties of the body/limbs
-nonlinear dynamics
Hypothesized generalized motor program:
mechanism accounting for adaptive and
flexible qualities of human movement
what is motor response schema?
responsible for providing
the specific rules governing
an action in a given situation
what does schmidt’s schema theory explain?
explains how a person
can adapt to new situations or
environmental contexts
-solves degrees of freedom problem
what is stability
behavioral steady state of a system
what is an attractor
stable behavioral steady states of systems
-preferred behavioral states
-energy efficient states
order parameter
control parameter