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PSY 220 Week 9 Final Project Personal Topics Presentation
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PSY 220 Week 9 Final Project Personal Topics Presentation
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Resource: Appendix A
Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, in which you summarize each of the topics you have chosen and outline how you may implement what you have learned about these topics into your life.
Include detailed speaker’s notes.
Follow APA gudelines.
Post your presentation as an attachment. During this week, you will add the future time period to your Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation portfolio. Choose any three of the following major topics from the course: 1. Love 2. Empathy 3. Wisdom 4. Commitment 5. Happiness 6. Self-respect 7. Hope
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PSY 220 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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PSY 220 Week 9 Capstone DQ
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In what ways has the information in this course changed your life? Your personal belief system? Your understanding of your fellow human beings? How have you implemented the concepts from this course in your life?
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PSY 220 Week 8 CheckPoint Fostering Hope Presentation
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PSY 220 Week 8 CheckPoint Fostering Hope Presentation
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Review pp. 172-178 in the text.
Choose two to three of the suggestions for fostering hope outlined in your text that you practice in your life. Decide if these practices help you foster hope in your life.
Submit 3 to 5 slides identifying which suggestions you have chosen and how you are currently using them. Provide specific examples. You must include a conclusion slide summarizing how you plan to foster hope from the present time period. Do you plan to follow the same course or have you learned something new which has caused you to amend your plan? Include how someone else helps you foster hope in your life.
Include detailed speaker’s notes.
Post your presentation as an attachment.
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PSY 220 Week 8 Assignment Optimism and Health Paper
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PSY 220 Week 8 Assignment Optimism and Health Paper
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Many research projects have been completed that discuss the effects of optimism on physical and psychological health.
Find a peer reviewed article which discusses the effects of optimism on physical and psychological health. (You may need to find two articles in order to cover both the physical and the psychological areas).
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper summarizing the article(s) and stating your opinion on the validity of the study or studies.
Follow APA guidelines.
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PSY 220 Week 7 DQ 2
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PSY 220 Week 7 DQ 2
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Research has demonstrated that people with high self-esteem are generally happier, less depressed, and more likely to enjoy social activity; however, is having a high self-esteem always a good thing? How might someone with a high self-esteem be more likely to act inappropriately in certain situations?
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PSY 220 Week 7 DQ 1
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PSY 220 Week 7 DQ 1
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A person’s self-concept plays a large role in how he or she views the world; it helps a person process social information, judge feedback, and influences what he or she notices in others. Culture teaches people what values are important and can determine if they view themselves as independent, emphasizing being unique and expressing oneself, or interdependent, emphasizing a social connectedness. Your culture includes your family, friends, city, and country. Explain how your culture has influenced your self-concept.
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PSY 220 Week 7 CheckPoint Humility Action Plan
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PSY 220 Week 7 CheckPoint Humility Action Plan
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One of the most important discussions in this chapter is practicing self-forgetfulness. Many cultures place a high value on achievement, appearance, and a strong self. In such a culture, it is important to cultivate humility.
Review pp. 154-158 of the text.
Create an action plan. This action plan must detail how you can use the 12 factors in the book to become more humble in your life.
Post your action plan in 200 to 300 words.
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PSY 220 Week 6 CheckPoint Pursuing Happiness Presentation
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PSY 220 Week 6 CheckPoint Pursuing Happiness Presentation
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Review pp. 134-137 of the text.
Choose three to four of the recommendations for happiness that you have practiced in your life.
Decide if these practices have helped you become a happier person.
Submit 4 to 6 slides identifying which recommendations you have chosen and how they have or have not been effective in your pursuit of happiness.
You must include a conclusion slide summarizing your thoughts on the effectiveness of these recommendations and what recommendations may be helpful in the future.
Include detailed speaker’s notes.
Post your presentation as an attachment.
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PSY 220 Week 6 Assignment Changing Perspective Paper
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PSY 220 Week 6 Assignment Changing Perspective Paper
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This course has discussed how people look at life events differently. Many factors influence how people as individuals may view a situation. Just as people can make snap judgments about a person, they can also make those same judgments about situations. For example, a man was riding on a train and observed a woman in the seat across the aisle from him with two children. The children were being loud and fighting. When one of the children knocked over the man’s coffee, he became aggravated and asked the woman, who sat there starring out the window, if she could control her children. The woman turned to the man half coherent and apologized explaining that she and her children were coming from the hospital where their father, her husband, had just passed away. Immediately, this changed how the man viewed the situation.
Describe a situation that might be viewed differently by two people. This event can be as small as an encounter on the street or as major as the birth of a child.
Summarize how it could be viewed differently. How might religious, cultural, or personal beliefs influence how this event is interpreted? How might a person’s mood, personality, or situation influence how he or she interprets this event?
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper following APA guidelines
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PSY 220 Week 5 DQ 2
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PSY 220 Week 5 DQ 2
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Earning your degree takes dedication, commitment, and time. The motivation that drives you through the tough times and keeps you focused is the foundation for your commitment. Discuss whether your motivations for striving are intrinsic, introjected, identified, or extrinsic. Do you believe your goal of earning a degree is an approach goal or an avoidant goal? Explain your answer.
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PSY 220 Week 5 DQ 1
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PSY 220 Week 5 DQ 1
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You have made a life changing decision of earning a degree. It may change your opportunities in life and your ability to earn and obtain the career you want, but it takes a significant commitment. What is the level of commitment to your goal? How has, or may this commitment to your goal help you in difficult times? What specific changes have you made in your life to ensure that you will complete this commitment to yourself?
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PSY 220 Week 5 CheckPoint Fostering Commitment
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PSY 220 Week 5 CheckPoint Fostering Commitment
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Commitment does not come easy; it takes hard work and a desire to overcome adversity. Whether that commitment is to a person, a goal, or an activity, it has to be nurtured and re-examined periodically. Psychological research suggests specific steps to nurture commitment.
Review pp. 112-116 of the text.
Choose a personal goal.
Describe how the suggestions for fostering commitment listed in your text can be applied to your goal. How might these suggestions refocus your commitment? Do you have to rethink any areas of your goals? Explain your answer.Post your response in 200 to 300 words.
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PSY 220 Week 4 CheckPoint Intelligence vs. Wisdom
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PSY 220 Week 4 CheckPoint Intelligence vs. Wisdom
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Examples of the difference between intelligence and wisdom are generally easy to find in the news. Find an example of an intelligent person who acted unwisely and had to pay the consequences such as fines or jail time. You can choose a business person, celebrity, government official, or anyone who has acted unwisely and otherwise seems intelligent.
Choose a public figure who has acted unwisely.
Describe if it was a lack of emotional intelligence, successful intelligence, or both that caused his or her lack in judgment. What aspects of wisdom was this person lacking that contributed to his or her lack of judgment?
Post your response in 200 to 300 words.
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PSY 220 Week 4 Assignment Wise Judgment Scenario
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PSY 220 Week 4 Assignment Wise Judgment Scenario
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Resource: Appendix B
Read Appendix B.
Post your response in 1,050 to 1,400 words.
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PSY 220 Week 3 DQ 2
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PSY 220 Week 3 DQ 2
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What can you do to teach your children, a coworker, or anyone in your life to be empathetic? Why would you want to teach this skill?
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PSY 220 Week 3 DQ 1
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PSY 220 Week 3 DQ 1
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Take the self-test on p. 47 prior to answering the following questions: Is it difficult to see and feel significant personal issues from the perspective of another? Explain your answer. After taking the self-test, how open are you to viewing the world from a perspective opposite of your own? How can your ability to see another’s perspective affect the way you form impressions about others?
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PSY 220 Week 3 CheckPoint Empathy Exercise
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PSY 220 Week 3 CheckPoint Empathy Exercise
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Animosity often exists because people are unwilling or unable to see the world or a single experience from the perspective of another person. Often people make snap judgments based on the first thing they see or hear about a person.
Consider a person in your life—a neighbor or coworker about whom you have negative feelings. Think about how you formed those feelings.
Post a 200- to 300-word response to the following: If you found out you were wrong, would you be willing to change the opinion you have held? Would you be willing to make an effort to change the basic relationship? What were the circumstances that created the snap judgment? How might you make the effort to change the basic relationship?
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PSY 220 Week 2 CheckPoint Relationship Strategies
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PSY 220 Week 2 CheckPoint Relationship Strategies
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Based on a review of the literature on love and the minding theory, the text suggests several strategies for strengthening love relationships.
Choose one love relationship in your life (it does not have to be a romantic love relationship).
Post a 200- to 300-word response explaining which strategies you could use to strengthen the relationship and describe how the relationship would be strengthened.
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PSY 220 Week 2 Assignment Attachment Style and Relationships
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PSY 220 Week 2 Assignment Attachment Style and Relationships
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Robert Sternberg created his triangular theory of love based on three dimensions: passion, intimacy, and commitment. The degree to which a relationship demonstrates these three dimensions determines the type of love relationship. People begin love relationships with those who care for them as children. These early relationships can have a great impact on their adult relationships.
Write a 350- to 700-word response summarizing the three dimensions of love and how they interrelate to identify a specific type of love relationship.
Review the First Attachment exercise on pp. 22 and 23.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word response explaining how you believe an individual’s attachment style can affect the types of love relationships he or she has.
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PSY 220 Week 1 DQ 2
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PSY 220 Week 1 DQ 2
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The text states that the most significant contribution positive psychology makes to the scientific study of well-being is the assessment of specific strengths. The text summarizes positive psychology as being aware that humans are both creatures and creators of their personal and social worlds. What does this statement mean to you? Do you agree that humans are creatures as well as creators of their personal and social worlds? Explain your answer.
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PSY 220 Week 1 DQ 1
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PSY 220 Week 1 DQ 1
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As individuals, people have the ability to make their own choices and decide for themselves. Many things can influence their ability to choose freely. Choice, change, and control are three factors that influence the degree to which people choose. How does a person’s level of autonomy affect their sense of freedom? How would a person, who aligns him or herself with the incremental theory, view his or her sense of freedom differently from a person who aligns him or herself with the entity theory? How would a person with an internal locus of control view personal freedom as opposed to a person with an external locus of control?
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PSY 220 Week 1 CheckPoint Positive Psychology Themes
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PSY 220 Week 1 CheckPoint Positive Psychology Themes
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Post a 200- to 300-word description of the central themes and strategies of positive psychology as you understand them from your reading.
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PSY 220 Positive Psychology
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PSY 220 Positive Psychology
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PSY 220 Positive Psychology
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