BUSN 258 NEW DEVRY Course,BUSN 258 NEW DEVRY Tutors,BUSN 258 NEW DEVRY Assignments Flashcards
BUSN 258 Week 7 Assignment You Decide
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BUSN 258 Week 7 Assignment You Decide
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BUSN 258 Week 6 DQ Talkng to Your Customers on Phone
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BUSN 258 Week 6 DQ Talkng to Your Customers on Phone
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Choose one of the Action Tips in Chapter 4 of the textbook, and discuss it with examples.
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BUSN 258 Week 6 Case Study Companies with Good and Bad Service, Trader Joes and Time Warner Cable
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BUSN 258 Week 6 Case Study Companies with Good and Bad Service, Trader Joes and Time Warner Cable
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BUSN 258 Week 6 Assignment
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BUSN 258 Week 6 Assignment
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1. Identify some core values of this organization as best as you can. What do they believe in (beyond organizational success or profitability)? How might their revealing these values to customers and employees create opportunities to exceed expectations? How can they translate core values into actions to produce A-plus value, thus strengthening relationships?
2. Do some creative thinking about possible ideas you could apply to create A-plus value using the seven areas described in this chapter. Describe at least three ideas for each
- Consider ways to get employees of your organization involved in generating A-plus value ideas. How would you do this? Be specific about the following:
• What you would teach employees before soliciting their ideas?
• Who would be involved in idea-generating sessions?
• How you would collect and process ideas (specifically)?
• How often you would gather ideas?
• How people might be rewarded for participating in the process?
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BUSN 258 Week 5 DQ Relation With Customers
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BUSN 258 Week 5 DQ Relation With Customers
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How can companies build healthy relationships with customers?
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BUSN 258 Week 5 Assignment You Decide Customer Feedback and Recovery
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BUSN 258 Week 5 Assignment You Decide Customer Feedback and Recovery
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BUSN 258 Week 4 Midterm
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BUSN 258 Week 4 Midterm
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(TCO 1) Among the issues of dealing with the “baby boomer” generation is the consideration
(TCO 1) Businesses that institute effective customer retention programs may see profits increase by how much?
(TCO 1) Customer loyalty is
(TCO 2,3) Value can be defined as
(TCO 2,3) The simplest way to get information about potential customer turnoffs is
(TCO 2,3) The people who bear the major responsibility for both value and systems problems are
(TCO 2,3) Reducing turnoffs can
(TCO 13) Structured knowledge bases are
(TCO 13) Which of the following benefits does NOT apply to the advantages of a company using websites?
(TCO 13) Hardware and software have lifecycles of
(TCO 13) The average cost per transaction of self-service Web assistance is
(TCO 6,7) When it comes to listening versus speaking,
(TCO 6,7) Which of the following reasons is NOT a reason for not seeking clarification in a conversation?
(TCO 6,7) One example of an internal factor that complicates the listening process is
(TCO 6,7) One example of self-centeredness is
(TCO 8,9) Behavior is
(TCO 8,9) Calling yourself Mr. or Ms. may give the impression that
(TCO 8,9) Callers should always
(TCO 8,9) Many customers get their first impression of your company from
(TCO 8,9) One problem with not seeing the person you are talking to is
(TCO 8,9) Titles convey
(TCO 3) Explain what the word “systems” means in context of this text.
(TCO 6,7) What are the three I’s of eye communication and how do you see each used in a typical face-to-face sales encounter?
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BUSN 258 Week 4 DQ Listing To Your Customers
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BUSN 258 Week 4 DQ Listing To Your Customers
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Choose one of the Action Tips presented in Chapter 3 of the textbook and describe the tip, as well as why it is important. Illustrate your argument with an example.
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BUSN 258 Week 4 Assignment
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BUSN 258 Week 4 Assignment
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BUSN 258 Week 3 DQ Engaging Your Customers
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BUSN 258 Week 3 DQ Engaging Your Customers
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Choose one of the Action Tips presented in Chapter 2 of the textbook and describe the tip, as well as how you would implement it for a particular company.
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BUSN 258 Week 3 Case Study McDuffie Dentistry
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BUSN 258 Week 3 Case Study McDuffie Dentistry
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BUSN 258 Week 3 Assignment
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BUSN 258 Week 3 Assignment
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1. How could you improve the overall quality of telephone use in your organization? Assuming you have authority to do so, what would you do? Describe specific training you could develop. What suggestions would you have for greeting callers? What are some key phrases you would encourage all employees to use? What taboos – words and phrases you would forbid – might be useful?
2. How could you develop guidelines for handling unhappy customers? Draft such a “cheat sheet” for employee reference. Make it long enough to cover most concerns but not so long that it is too complicated.
3. What kinds of routine calls do your company handle most often? Describe these and offer brief guidelines (or checklists) for handling these in ways that provide excellent service.
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BUSN 258 Week 2 DQ Electronic and Internet Communication
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BUSN 258 Week 2 DQ Electronic and Internet Communication
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Choose one of the Action Tips in Chapter 5 of the textbook, and discuss why it is important. Provide an example of the tip, from your experience as a customer, or your experience as an employee.
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BUSN 258 Week 2 Assignment You Decide
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BUSN 258 Week 2 Assignment You Decide
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BUSN 258 Week 1 DQ Impact of Good Customer Service
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BUSN 258 Week 1 DQ Impact of Good Customer Service
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How does good customer service positively affect both the company and the customer?
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BUSN 258 Week 1 Assignment
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BUSN 258 Week 1 Assignment
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1. If you were an owner or leader in this business, what could you do to help employees understand the value of excellent customer service?
2. Who are your external customers and what are their specific needs?
3. Who are your internal customers and what are their specific needs?
4. What are some starting points for developing the core competencies we discussed in your selected business? Be as specific as possible.
5. How could your business apply the ideas in this chapter to build customer loyalty?
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BUSN 258 Entire Course NEW
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BUSN 258 Entire Course NEW
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BUSN 258 Week 1 DQs impact of good customer service
BUSN 258 Week 1 AssignmentBUSN 258 Week 2 DQs Electronic and internet communication
BUSN 258 Week 2 Assignment
BUSN 258 Week 2 You Decide
BUSN 258 Week 3 DQs Engaging Your Customers
BUSN 258 Week 3 Case Study McDuffie DentistryBUSN 258 Week 4 DQs listing to your customers
BUSN 258 Week 4 Assignment
BUSN 258 Week 4 Midterm
BUSN 258 Week 5 DQs relation with customers
BUSN 258 Week 5 Assignment
BUSN 258 Week 5 You Decide Customer Feedback and Recovery
BUSN 258 Week 6 DQs talking to your customers on phone
BUSN 258 Week 6 Case Study Companies with Good and Bad Service Trader Joe’s & Time Warner Cable
BUSN 258 Week 7 Assignment
BUSN 258 Week 7 You Decide
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