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POS 110 Week 9 Final Project Democracy in America
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POS 110 Week 9 Final Project Democracy in America
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POS 110 Week 9 Final Project Democracy in America
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POS 110 Week 9 Capstone CheckPoint
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POS 110 Week 9 Capstone CheckPoint
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Resources: Government in America and Appendix A
Address the following in 200 to 300 words:
· After learning about American government in this course, what is your opinion of the American political system?
· What are the system’s greatest strengths and weaknesses?
· If you could change one fundamental element of American democracy, what would it be? Why?
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POS 110 Week 8 DQ 2
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POS 110 Week 8 DQ 2
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What are the implications for judicial review on American democracy? Should any branch of government be able to review the actions and legislation of the others? Is this good for democracy or does it concentrate too much power in one branch?
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POS 110 Week 8 DQ 1
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POS 110 Week 8 DQ 1
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View the Judicial Review Video Round Table located on your materials tab. Then, please post a response to the following discussion question by clicking on Reply.
Do you think the judicial branch is the least dangerous branch of government, as the video discusses? Why or why not? Discuss one example you think demonstrates the power of the Supreme Court.
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POS 110 Week 7 CheckPoint Bureaucratic Reform
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POS 110 Week 7 CheckPoint Bureaucratic Reform
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Resource: Bureaucratic Reform video roundtable
Watch the Bureaucratic Reform video roundtable located in Week Seven on the Materials tab of the student website and then address the following in 200 to 300 words:
· What does the term red tape mean, and how does it relate to the federal bureaucracy?
· To what extent is Congress to blame for bureaucratic red tape?
· What are some of the benefits of the federal bureaucracy?
· What are some of the drawbacks to the current bureaucratic system?
Post your response.
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POS 110 Week 7 Assignment Bureaucracy and You
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POS 110 Week 7 Assignment Bureaucracy and You
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Research at least five ways in which the federal bureaucracy regulates your life. Which regulated activities surprised you the most? Which surprised you the least? Why?
Reflect on the activity with which you were most surprised.
Research the agency charged with regulating that activity. If you were most surprised by the Food and Drug Administration’s role in your daily life, for example, search for information on that particular agency by going to the agency website, the University Library, or MyPoliSciLab. Then, address the following:
· When and why was this agency formed? Was it in response to a national event or some sort of emergency?
· What is this agency’s main job? Has it implemented any new rules recently?
· Has this agency been in the news recently?
· Discuss two facts about this agency that you find most interesting.
Incorporate your answers into a 1,050- to 1,400–word paper in APA format.
Post your paper as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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POS 110 Week 6 DQ 2
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POS 110 Week 6 DQ 2
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Watch the Presidential Power video debate located in Week Six on the Materials tab of the student web page and then post your response to the following: The president derives power from the Constitution and the people. Which power source do you think is more important? Why? Of all the president’s specific powers (chief diplomat, for example), which specific power do you think is most important? Why?
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POS 110 Week 6 DQ 1
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POS 110 Week 6 DQ 1
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Complete the Presidential Leadership: Which Hat Do You Wear? simulation located in Week Six on the Materials tab of the student web page and then post your response to the three questions on the simulation conclusion page.
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POS 110 Week 5 CheckPoint Congressional Organization
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POS 110 Week 5 CheckPoint Congressional Organization
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POS 110 Week 5 CheckPoint Congressional Organization
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POS 110 Week 5 Assignment Get to Know Your Member of Congress
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POS 110 Week 5 Assignment Get to Know Your Member of Congress
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Resources: Get Connected: The Organization of Congress on p. 373 of Government in America
Address the following, along with the three bulleted questions at the bottom of p. 373:
· Who is your representative?
· How long has he or she served in the House of Representatives?
· Did your representative hold public office before he or she was elected to the House? You may need to consult the biography on his or her website to find this information.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in APA format describing the characteristics of your congressional district, your guess about the committee on which your member serves, and his or her actual committee assignment.
Post your paper as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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POS 110 Week 4 DQ 2
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POS 110 Week 4 DQ 2
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Watch The Electoral College video roundtable located in Week Four on the Materials tab of the student web page. After watching the video debate, decide whether you are in favor of or opposed to the Electoral College. Defend your answer. Do you think the Electoral College is necessary? Respond to a classmate with a different opinion.
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POS 110 Week 4 DQ 1
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POS 110 Week 4 DQ 1
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Chapter 6 discusses background factors that affect elections. These factors include such things as the immigrant society, the melting pot, regional shift, the graying of America, political ideologies, and participation. To what extent do you think liberalism, conservatism, and the aforementioned factors affect elections in America? Use a personal experience or a current news article to support your answer.
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POS 110 Week 3 CheckPoint Equality in Americ
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POS 110 Week 3 CheckPoint Equality in Americ
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POS 110 Week 3 CheckPoint Equality in Americ
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Consider the content in Ch. 4 and 5 of the text and select the chapter that interests you more.
Choose one main category in the chapter. Main categories in the text are denoted by bold red headers, for example, Freedom of Religion in Ch. 4. Under each main category in red, there are subcategories denoted by bold blue headers in the text. An example of a subcategory in Ch. 4 is The Establishment Clause. You must select one main category and then narrow your topic to only one subcategory. The subcategory subject matter serves as the basis for this assignment.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in APA format answering the following questions about the subcategory you choose:
· Why did you choose this category within civil liberties or civil rights? Why did you choose the particular subcategory?
· Describe a public policy designed to protect the civil liberty or civil right. Do you support or oppose this policy?
· Summarize a news or journal article that discusses your group or issue. This article must have been published within the last 10 years.
· What did you learn from the article that is not included in the book (or vice versa)?
· What strides have individuals or groups in your category made in the past 10 years?
· How have federal court rulings in this area affected public policy? You may refer to the text and MyPoliSciLab for specific court cases.
· Address only one of the following depending on your selected category:
o Civil liberties: Currently, do we need more or less protection of this liberty in contemporary American society? Defend your answer.
o Civil rights: Currently, do groups need more or less protection of this right in contemporary American society? Defend your answer.
Post your paper as a Microsoft® Word attachment.
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POS 110 Week 2 DQ 2
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POS 110 Week 2 DQ 2
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What is the significance of checks and balances? Is one branch of government more powerful than the others? Provide a current event example that you think illustrates the power of one branch of government to check another. Do you think this style of government is appropriate for contemporary America? Why or why not?
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POS 110 Week 2 DQ 1
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POS 110 Week 2 DQ 1
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Turbulent times preceded the ratification of the Constitution. Of all the challenges the country faced during this time, which challenge do you think was the most important one the new nation had to overcome? Defend your answer.
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POS 110 Week 1 CheckPoint Defining Democracy
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POS 110 Week 1 CheckPoint Defining Democracy
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Define democracy and address the following in 200 to 300 words: What does American democracy mean to you as an individual? What are some of the criticisms of this style of government?
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POS 110 Week 1 Assignment American Government Concepts
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POS 110 Week 1 Assignment American Government Concepts
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Resources: Chapter 1 of the text lists several key concepts in American government. Among these are government, politics, policymaking system, public policy, democracy, majority rule, minority rights, representation, and political culture. University Library, Library of Congress American Memory website, credible Internet sources
Choose seven of the nine concepts listed above and use the Library or a credible Internet source to locate an image or symbol that illustrates or represents each concept. A helpful place to start looking for images or symbols is the Library of Congress
American Memory website at http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/index.html. You may not use the same image or symbol to represent more than one concept; you must have seven different images or symbols.
Include your images or symbols in a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation containing 6 to 8 slides. Include the following in your presentation:
· Introductory slide
· Conclusion slide
· 4 to 6 image or symbol slides
· Speaker notes
· References in APA style in the speaker notes
Explain why you chose each particular image or symbol and why you think it represents the respective concept. You may showcase more than one image or symbol on a slide.
Post your assignment as a Microsoft® PowerPoint® attachment.
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POS 110 Complete Class Version 2
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POS 110 Complete Class Version 2
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POS 110 Complete Class Version 2
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