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HSM 230 Week 9 Capstone Emerging Issue or Controversy
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HSM 230 Week 9 Capstone Emerging Issue or Controversy
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Post a 350 word minimum response describing an emerging issue or controversy in the field of human services NOT ALREADY DISCUSSED IN CLASS. Emerging issues can be found in newspapers, watching the news, or on C-span etc. Make sure to cite your source and reference it when describing the emerging issue
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HSM 230 Week 9 Assignment Building an Ethical Organization Part 2
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HSM 230 Week 9 Assignment Building an Ethical Organization Part 2
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The board of directors has accepted the draft mission and values statements of the human service organization you helped design. It is time to put the plan in action and complete the ethical framework for the organization. Use the materials and assignments from this class along with the directions below and the rubric to help you finalize the proposal for the ethical organization.
Write a 3,000 word minimum paper in APA format containing the following:
o Introduction
Provide an overview of the key elements that will be discussed with a creative attention grabbing lead in. The supplemental materials posted about writing introductions and conclusions will help ensure all possible points are earned.
o Description of the organization:
Expand and incorporate feedback from Building an Ethical Organization Part 1.
o Mission statement:
Expand and incorporate feedback from Building an Ethical Organization Part 1.
o Values statement:
Expand and incorporate feedback from Building an Ethical Organization Part 1.
o Code of ethics:
List your organization’s code of ethics, with a minimum of 10 items. Using bullets helps these codes stand out.
This code should be your own original creation tailored to meet the needs of your agency.
How does the code inspire a tangible outcome from employees?
How is it related to the mission and values of the organization?
What moral principle will your agency adhere most with?
o Organizational culture:
Ensure to use the work cultures detailed in the course text and class discussions that best fit with your agency. What type of culture do you plan to foster and how? How will the culture institutionalize the organization’s values?
o Leadership:
What approach to leadership will you take? Ensure to cite course materials used. Make sure the type of leadership from the class text that best fits is included. How will you develop and maintain organizational culture as a leader? What is your moral responsibility as a leader? How does this link with the moral principles?
o Oversight:
How will you measure your organization’s performance in maintaining an ethical standard? What structures or systems will you put in place for oversight? Ensure to include several methods of oversight that were discussed in this class. They should check and balance each other.
o Conclusion
Wrap up and summarize all key elements with a catchy and memorable closing statement at then end.
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HSM 230 Week 8 Exercise Lobbying Congress
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HSM 230 Week 8 Exercise Lobbying Congress
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For this exercise you will be divided into 2 groups as noted below for a debate about the legality of the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d112:h.r.03523:
One group will advocate for the legality of the Act and the other will advocate against it and detail why they feel it is unconstitutional. For each individual in the group to earn full credit, they must actively participate in the selection of the chief advocate, the discussion of the topic assigned and the preparation of the finalized letter to congress. This faculty reserves the right to allocate individual points earned for this assignment for team members who did not actively participate.
The links below are a good place to start learning more information about the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act:
http: //thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d112:h.r.03523:
http: //thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/D?c112:1:./temp/~c112k8XcBo::
http: //www.theverge.com/2012/4/27/2976718/cyber-intelligence-sharing-and-protection-act-cispa-hr-3523
http: //www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/congress/item/11551-cispa-awaits-its-fate-in-the-senate
Assignment Components:
1. Select a chief advocate to post your group’s statement in the Main forum upon completion of the in group discussions. The selected ‘Chief Advocate’ will post a statement accepting the responsibility within the Main Forum as a response to the Week 8 Lobbying Congress Debate Assignments Thread by Week 8 Day 1.
- Discuss your assigned side of the debate ONLY WITHIN YOUR ASSIGNED GROUPS in the Chat forum.
- The group will construct a letter to congress with 350 words or more that presents your group’s argument for or against the constitutionality of the Act.
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HSM 230 Week 8 DQ 2
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HSM 230 Week 8 DQ 2
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You are one of your state’s representatives to Congress. Which side of the debate on drilling in the Gulf would get your vote?
Are you for it or against it?
If against it, what alternative solutions would you recommend?
How will your choice benefit your constituents?
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HSM 230 Week 8 DQ 1
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HSM 230 Week 8 DQ 1
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A. What method of ethical oversight (such as a code of ethics, an ethics advisory board, oversight by the board of directors, or an ethics audit) would you suggest for Acre Woods Retirement Community as described in the case study?
B. What could Sarah have done rather than going to the media – which could bring unnecessary attention to the agency, cause closures either temporary or permanent which would result in the residents having to move, cause loss of donations/funding, etc?
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HSM 230 Week 8 CheckPoint Ethics Audit Agency Research
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HSM 230 Week 8 CheckPoint Ethics Audit Agency Research
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Resource: Appendix B: Part 3: The Audit
Due Date: Day 7
Use Appendix B questions to research a company similar to the one you are developing. Research the company’s ethical practices by using their website, or contacting them directly. Obtain the answers to 2 questions from each of the following categories. Summarize your findings in question and answer APA format. Ensure to provide the Agency being researched and a brief summary of the findings. Also ensure to end reference where the information was attained. If it was by interviewing, there is a way to cite this as well.
1. Board
- Staff
- Donors
- Fund raisers
- Clients/customers
- Volunteers
- Society
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HSM 230 Week 7 CheckPoint Acre Woods Retirement Community Case Study
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HSM 230 Week 7 CheckPoint Acre Woods Retirement Community Case Study
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Resource: Appendix D
Read the Acre Woods Retirement Community Case Study in Appendix D.
Post your 350 word minimum APA formatted essay response to these questions found at the end of the case study:
1. What are some potential legal and ethical issues present in this case study?
- How would you characterize the director’s behavior?
- Is the director an ethical role model? Why or why not?
- Were the director’s messages congruent with the organization’s stated mission? Explain your answer.
- What impact did the director’s actions and attitudes have on the Acre Woods culture?
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HSM 230 Week 7 Assignment Building an Ethical Organization Part 1
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HSM 230 Week 7 Assignment Building an Ethical Organization Part 1
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You are proposing a new Ethical Organization, and working on the business plans to create this organization. One of the first tasks is to draft a mission statement and a values statement (with core values detailed as well) for your organization. As the organization grows, the stakeholders will provide their input to help shape the final proposal.
Write a 1,500 word minimum essay in APA format containing the following elements:
o Description of organization:
1. What is the name of the organization?
2. What services does the organization provide? 3. Who are the clientele? 4. Is it a for-profit or non-profit organization? o Mission statement: 5. What is organization’s mission statement? Ensure this is a punchy and short statement that can stand alone and the staff can memorize and live by.
- How will the mission statement support the ethical system?
- What message does the mission statement send to the community?
o Values statement: - What is the organization’s core value statement? What values statements and actions will support the core
value? There should be value words integrated in this main statement and then they should be elaborated
on. - How will these values inspire action and influence behavior?
- How do these values relate to the organization’s mission?
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HSM 230 Week 6 DQ 2
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HSM 230 Week 6 DQ 2
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Mission, explicit policy, and implicit policy are the elements of ethical climate.
- Which element do you think plays the greatest role in influencing employee behavior?
- Why do you feel it is the most important?
- Provide a real world example of the element you feel has the greatest role to support your stand.
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HSM 230 Week 6 DQ 1
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HSM 230 Week 6 DQ 1
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http: //www.uopassignments.com/HSM-230/HSM-230-Week-6-DQ-1
1. Provide an example of tangible and/or intangible forms of organizational culture. Use a current event from the news and/or films/TV media as your example. Be sure to detail what from the current event is tangible and/or intangible work culture.
2. Which form of organizational culture is the most powerful agent for influencing ethical behavior by employees in human service organizations? Justify your answer.
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HSM 230 Week 6 CheckPoint Freedom to Comment Reflection
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HSM 230 Week 6 CheckPoint Freedom to Comment Reflection
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Post a 250 word minimum response
- Describe in detail a situation in which you, as a member of a group, strongly disagreed with the actions of the group based on ethical grounds.
- Did you feel free to voice your opinion, or did you feel pressure to conform to the group? Explain whether or not you expressed your thoughts to the group, and what happened afterwards.
- How did the group’s culture impact your decision whether or not to speak out? Be sure to reference and use group culture terms from the reading materials in your response.
- How did the group’s culture impact the group’s response?
If you do not have a personal example you feel comfortable sharing with me, you may use a current news event. Ensure to cite the source if this is done.
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HSM 230 Week 5 CheckPoint JSBMHA and HIPAA Case Study
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HSM 230 Week 5 CheckPoint JSBMHA and HIPAA Case Study
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Resource: Appendix C
Review Appendix C: NASW Code of Ethics in Ethical Leadership in Human Services.
Post a 250 word minimum response to all of these questions found at the end of the case study.
How does HIPAA serve to protect patient rights?
What areas of the JSBMHA did this scenario impact in HIPAA compliance?
What actions should the JSBMHA director take about the HIPAA violation?
What should happen to Jim? What should happen to Betty?
How should the situation be handles with the family in question?
What are the possible consequences from this incident?
Explain your answers in detail.
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HSM 230 Week 5 Assignment Law Profile Paper
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HSM 230 Week 5 Assignment Law Profile Paper
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Select a current or proposed law (NOT DISCUSSED IN CLASS) that impacts the delivery of the human service field you have chosen for the ethical agency being developed and analyze it. DO NOT USE HIPAA or the Affordable Care Act as those are discussed in depth in class. This paper analyzes a current law that will impact the ethical agency being developed. This law should also be integrated into the final paper as one of the outside sources that impact the plans for the agency.
Ensure that the law is one that directly impacts the agency you are developing, however DO NOT DISCUSS THE AGENCY IN DEPTH. This assignment is to look at AN ACTUAL OR PROPOSED LAW (not a website that summarizes the law but the actual proposed bill or the law itself). Read the full bill/law details. Then look at all of the specific elements/criteria within the law and look at what the pros and cons are of the law, as detailed in the bullets below and the grading rubric below.
Write a 1,200 word minimum paper in APA format (Writing Style Handbook) that answers all of the following questions. Use the provided grading rubric as a guide in completing the paper:
- What is the law?
- What peer-reviewed UoP Library Database resources are available to learn about the implications of this law?
- What is the purpose or rationale of the law?
- How will the law affect day-to-day operations within the human service organization you are developing?
- What are the arguments for the law? Against the law?
- Reference/cite established opinions of the law.
- Present an evaluative decision about the impact the law has on the clients and the organization if the law is not followed. Ensure the clients and the organizations are addressed separately.
- Use logical inquiry and problem solving to arrive at a recommendation or an evaluative decision.
- Include at least two sources with one being peer-reviewed from UoP Library Databases to support your recommendation.
- Post your completed paper as an attachment.
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HSM 230 Week 4 DQ 2
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HSM 230 Week 4 DQ 2
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NCAA determined what sanctions would be given due to the failure of the university to report and act on the abuse when it was learned about on various occasions. The link below details some of the sanctions.
- What are the merits of Teleological theory? What are the merits of Deontological theory? (Describe what the benefits of each of the two theories are).
- Which theory do you feel was prevalent in the Penn State leadership as to this situation, deontological (means-based) or teleological (end-based) theories?
- Were the NCAA sanctions Teleological or Deontological, justify your response?
- If you were a member of the NCAA committee determining the sanctions, which of the sanctions that were given would you be in agreement with? Which would you disagree with? Are there any others you would want added?
- Based on the responses you provide to question 4, are you more deontological or teleological in the leadership approach you would take as to the sanctions?
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HSM 230 Week 4 DQ 1
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HSM 230 Week 4 DQ 1
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Consider the following ethical dilemma that was discussed earlier in this chapter:
Under the reduction in force (RIF) format, the supervisor, me, gets told on Thursday what supervisees have to come in on Friday to get chopped, and they are to be gone that day. . . . I personally believe that that’s unethical . . . not because it’s severe, but because it’s not balanced . . . We would not tolerate any employee doing that to us.
What personal values are connected to this dilemma?
What professional values are connected to this dilemma?
Analyze the dilemma from the perspectives of feminist, Afrocentric, and Ghandian
Moral principles. (Ensure to discuss each of the 3 perspectives in this response)
How does each inform you about the elements of the dilemma that could promote good or harm?
How would each perspective lead to particular leadership actions and decisions about this dilemma?
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HSM 230 Week 4 CheckPoint Wisdom and Action Scenario
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HSM 230 Week 4 CheckPoint Wisdom and Action Scenario
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Resources: Questions and Applications on pp. 172-173 of Ethical Leadership in Human Services
Post a 350 word minimum response to questions 1-3 of the Questions and Applications section on pp. 172-173 of Ethical Leadership in Human Services.
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HSM 230 Week 3 Submit Agency Type and Name for Ethical Agency
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HSM 230 Week 3 Submit Agency Type and Name for Ethical Agency
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Submit the answers to the following questions in APA outline format. This will help you start building your Ethical Agency. Please know this is the agency you will build during the remainder of this class. As you complete each weekly assignment and participate in discussions you can continue to add to this outline which will help you in Building your Agency (Part 1 and Part 2 of the Final Paper).
What type of Agency will you be creating?
- What will the name be?
- What type of health or human services will it provide?
- Is it a new type of service – filling a gap in services in your community? Or,
- Is it an agency that will improve an existing service that is not really meeting its clients’ needs?
• What existing agencies are similar? (Make sure to cite your sources, use web searches to see what similar programs are in your area or surrounding areas)
• How large will the agency be?
• What will be done to screen the staff?
• What will the hours of operation be?
These questions are to get you thinking about the agency NOW and incorporating aspects of the agency with each week’s activities. Terms from the text and weekly discussions must be incorporated and used correctly in the final 2 papers to earn all possible points.
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HSM 230 Week 3 CheckPoint Leadership Style Case Study
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HSM 230 Week 3 CheckPoint Leadership Style Case Study
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Resource: Appendix B
- Read the Leadership Styles Case Study in Appendix B.
- Post a 250 word minimum, essay APA formatted, response to all three questions found at the end of the case study. Please make sure to read Appendix B and Chapter 3 from last weeks required readings. Please know that the assignments in this class do build on prior weeks readings and you are accountable for reading and incorporating the concepts into the assignments and the final papers
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HSM 230 Week 3 Assignment Personal Leadership Plan
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HSM 230 Week 3 Assignment Personal Leadership Plan
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HSM 230 Week 2 DQ 2
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HSM 230 Week 2 DQ 2
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Which do you think has the greatest power to solve or prevent these dilemmas? And Why?
- Organizational Leaders
- Federal or State Bodies
- Society as a whole
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HSM 230 Week 2 DQ 1
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HSM 230 Week 2 DQ 1
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http: //www.uopassignments.com/HSM-230/HSM-230-Week-2-DQ-1
1. Do you believe human service organizations are expected to act in a more ethical manner than their for-profit counterparts? Why?
2. Find one specific agency from the real world that is either for profit or not-for profit and use it to support your stand on this issue.
3. Please remember to cite/reference any sources used including the class materials.
4. Explain and support your answer.
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HSM 230 Week 2 CheckPoint Code of Ethics Analysis
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HSM 230 Week 2 CheckPoint Code of Ethics Analysis
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Resource: Appendix C: NASW Code of Ethics in Ethical Leadership in Human Services
Compose a 350 word minimum analysis of the SPECIFIC NASW Ethical Standard chosen from Appendix C of Ethical Leadership in Human Services is adequate in guiding a social worker through ONE SPECIFIC ETHICAL DILEMMA being analyzed.
Include the following elements in your analysis:
- Brief overview of the dilemma.
- Outside Resources you would explore to reach a better understanding of the issue
- Specific Ethical Standard/Number you are analyzing and using to solve the dilemma, using correct APA citations
- Explain whether or not the code adequately guides the service provider
- Examples of how the code guides conduct and what weakness it has in guiding conduct in regard to this particular issue. What are the PROS and CONS of the code in resolving this specific dilemma? If you feel there are no cons choose a code number that is weaker to analyze so all elements of the assignment can be addressed
- Evaluate whether the code is adequate for intended use.
- Make specific recommendations for improvements to the specific NASW Code being discussed that would provide more guidance in this circumstance.
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HSM 230 Week 1 CheckPoint Legal Considerations
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HSM 230 Week 1 CheckPoint Legal Considerations
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• Resource: Appendix A: The Community Services Code of Ethics, in Ethical Leadership in Human Services
• Compose a 250 word minimum response to the following:
The Community Services Code of Ethics in Appendix A of Ethical Leadership in Human Services states, “Whatever your personal feelings about the justice and appropriateness of particular laws, all board members, staff, and volunteers are to obey all laws in the performance of their work on behalf of Community Services.”
Answer both questions that follow with details supporting your stand. Why do you think this instruction is necessary? What does it tell you about the relationship between law and ethics?
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HSM 230 Week 1 CheckPoint Ethical Decision Reflection
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HSM 230 Week 1 CheckPoint Ethical Decision Reflection
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Compose a 250 word minimum response to the following:
Describe an ethical decision that you had to make in your personal or professional life. Detail the situation that led to the decision made.
Include answers to all of following questions in your response:
· What factors did you have to consider?
· What values led you to make your decision? Use Value terms.
· Who was impacted by your decision?
· What was the outcome?
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HSM 230 Week 1 Assignment Ethics and Law Presentation
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HSM 230 Week 1 Assignment Ethics and Law Presentation
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- Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation comparing and contrasting the roles that ethics and laws play within organizations. Use specific real world examples, rather than generalizations. Ensure to apply critical thinking and analysis in the presentation.
- Include speaker notes for presenting the slideshow in person.
- Include an introduction and a conclusion.
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HSM 230 Complete Class Version 3
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HSM 230 Complete Class Version 3
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