Protists Flashcards
how many supergroups of eukaryotes are there
how would the THEORETICAL kingdom Protista look like
it would be paraphyletic
is there a kingdom Protista
protists are
true or false
protists are mostly multicellular
FALSE - they are mostly single-celled
protist is a term used to
encompass those eukaryotes that are NEITHER plants, animals nor fungi
true or false
protists are nutritionally diverse
what kinds of protist nutrition are there
- photoautotrophs
- heterotrophs
- mixotrophs
combination of photosynthesis and heterotrophic nutrition
absorb organic molecules or ingest larger food particles
contain chloroplasts for photosynthesis
why would the Kingdom Protista be paraphyletic
the common ancestor of ALL the protists would have to include some species that are not protists or exclude some species that are protists
what are the 5 supergroups
- excavata
- Archaeplastida
- Unikonta
what is the reproductive diversity in protists?
- some do sexual reproduction
- some do asexual reproduction
- some do alternation of generation
alternation of generation is also known as
sporadic meiosis
what is older prokaryotic or eukaryotic
what are two structures that show endosymbiotic origins of eukaryotes
- plastids
- mitochondria
mitochondria are the
endosymbiosis of aerobic prokaryotes
endosymbiosis of aerobic prokaryotes
endosymbiosis of photosynthetic cyanobacterium
endosymbiosis of the photosynthetic cyanobacterium
chloroplasts are a _____
what was the first photosynthetic organism
how was cyanobacteria acquired by eukaryotes
when is the endosymbiosis and structure of the plastid HOMOLOGOUS
when it first evolved from the cyanobacterium into red algae and green algae
primary endosymbiosis is associated with
a prokaryote
secondary endosymbiosis is done with a
photosynthetic eukaryote
the plastids resulting from secondary endosymbiosis is
Dinoflagellates, Apicomplexans, Stramenopiles all got plastids from the
red algae
Euglenids and chlorarachniophytes got plastids from the
green algae
which protist has a nucleomorph
supergroup Excavata is
what are three protists in the Excavata supergroup
- diplomonads
- Parabasalids
- Euglenozoans
how is clade Excavata characterized
by its cytoskeleton and excavated (dug in) feeding grooves
diplomonads is from clade
where do diplomonads live
anaerobic environments (without oxygen)
what are some traits associated with the diplomonads
they have two equal-sized nuclei and multiple flagella
many diplomonads are
true or false
diplomonads lack plastids
TRUE, they live without sunshine
what are the mitochondrial structures called in diplomonads
parabasalids have mitochondria called
what is an example of a parabasalid
trichomonas vaginalis
what main feature of the euglenozoans distinguish them from the rest of the clade
their spiral or crystalline rod/covering
what protists are included in the excavates
those with modified mitochondria and protists with unique flagella
the crystalline shell of the Euglenozoans is a
synapomorphy that supports the monophyly of the Euglenozoans in the clade
examples of Euglenozoans
- kinetoplastids
- euglendis
have a single mitochondrion with an organized mass of DNA called a kinetoplast
what species are included in kinetoplastids
free-living species that are consumers of prokaryotes in freshwater, marine and moist terrestrial ecosystems
what is an example of a kinetoplastid
the parasite Trypanosoma (sleeping sickness)
true or false
some species of kinetoplastids are parasitic
TRUE - sleeping sickness
Euglendis can be both
autotrophic and heterotrophic (mixotrophs)
what distinguishes euglenids from other protists
they have one or two flagella that emerge from a pocket at one end of the cell
Euglendis are part of what clade in what supergroup
Euglenozoan in supergroup Excavata
kinetoplastids are part of what clade in what supergroup
Euglenozoan in supergroup Excavata
the SAR clade is named from
the first letters of its 3 major clades
what are the three major clades within SAR
- stramenopiles
- alevolates
- rhizarians
what are three protists in clade stramenopiles
- diatoms
- brown algae
- oomycetes
what are three protists in clade alveolates
- dinoflagellates
- apicomplexans
- ciliates
what are three protists in clade rhizarians
- forams
- radiolarians
- cerocozoans
_______ are the most important producers
most stramenopiles have
a hairy flagellum paired with a smooth flagellum
are there multicellular stramenopiles
yes, brown algae
unicellular algae with a unique two-part glass-like wall of silicon dioxide
true or false
diatoms are good at photosynthesis and removing CO2
diatoms can be _______ and _______
colonial or single celled
what is the largest and most complex algae
brown algae
all brown algae are
what is included in brown algae
many species commonly called seaweeds
true or false
brown algae have the most complex multicellular anatomy of all algae
what are structures that look like plants in seaweeds
- blades = leave like structure
- stipe = stem-like structure
- holdfast = root-like structure
the plant-like structures in seaweed are ______ traits
analogous traits
What gave rise to the diversity of protists that exist today?
Has origins in endosymbiosis - relationship between two species in which one organism lives inside the cell/cells of another organism (host)
Endosymbiosis and spread of photosynthesis was spread to how many of the supergroups
3 out of the 4
Key step in organelle evolution
creating a dependency between partners (host and absorbed cell)
have 4 separate genomes within ONE eukaryotic cell
how does an endosymbiont evolve into an organelle
the host was able to “steal” a proportion of the alga through photosynthesis until the alga became interdependent on the host (and vice versa)
what are the three types of meiosis?
- sporic meiosis (alternation of generation)
- gametic meiosis
- zygotic meiosis
does meiosis ONLY make gametes
NO, it can also make spores
what protist shows sporic meiosis
Brown Algae Laminaria
what is a hallmark of sporic meiosis
it has BOTH multicellular diploid phases AND haploid phases
in sporic meiosis the multicellular diploid form is a
the diploid sporophyte makes spores through _____ in sporic meiosis
the haploid gametophyte makes gametes through _____ in sporic meiosis
the multicellular haploid form in sporic meiosis is the
what is the ONLY trait ALL protist share
being eukaryotic
what distinguishes members of the alveolate clade
having membrane-enclosed sacs (alveoli) just under the plasma membrane
true or false
the function of the alveoli is known
false, its unknown
what protists are in the Alveloates clade
- dinoflagellates
- apicomplexans
- ciliates
dinoflagellates have
two flagella
dinoflagellates have cell reinforced by
cellulose plates
true or false
dinoflagellates are affected by global warming
where do dinoflagellates inhabit
both marine and freshwater phytoplankton
what are nutritional mechanisms for dinoflagellates
aquatic phototrophs, mixotrophs and heterotrophs
toxic “red tides” are caused by
dinoflagellate blooms
parasites of animals
how are apicomplexans spread
as infectious cells called sporozoites
what characterizes apicomplexans
the apex found at one end that is specialized for penetrating host cells and tissues
what is required for apicomplexans to reproduce
sexual and asexual stages that require two or more hosts
group of protists that use cilia to move and feed
ciliates have ________ and _______
large macronuclei and small micronuclei
how does genetic variation occur in ciliates
two ciliate individuals exchange haploid micronuclei
conjugation is a ______ process
true or false
conjugation is a separate process from reproduction
YES, reproduction occurs by binary fission
true or false
all ciliates are heterotrophic
example of a ciliate
most species are amoebas
protists that move and feed by PSEUDOPODIA
how do rhizarians amoebas differ from amoebas from other clades
by having threadlike pseudopodia
protists in rhizarians
- radiolarians
- forams
- cercozoans
radiolarians have pseudopodia that extend
from the central body
what are forams named for
their porous, multicehambered shells
what are forams shells called
how do pseudopodia extend in forams
through pores in their test
true or false
the foram shells uptake magnesium based on water temp
true or false
forams can be used to estimate changes in ocean temp over time
Formas : ___________ : ______________-
Rhizarians : SAR
Radiolarians : _____________ : _____________-
Rhizarians : SAR
Ciliates : ____________ : ______________
Alevolates: SAR
Apicomplexans : ________ : ________
Alveolates : SAR
true or false
land plants are descended from green algae
green and red algae are sisters to
land plants (Kingdom Plantae)
supergroup that includes red algae, green algae, land plants
green algae have 2 lineages
- chlorophytes
- charophytes
red algae are red because of
accessory pigment phycoerythrin that masks the green of chlorophyll
red algae are almost black in
deep water
red algae are greenish-red in
shallow water
red algae are _______
largest red algae
are green algae a monophyletic clade
NO, paraphyletic
green algae are named for their
green chloroplasts
______ are most closely related to land plants
chlorophyceans live in
fresh water with some in marine
examples of chlorophyceans
volvox and spirogyra
three routes archaeplastida got larger in size
- coloniality
- multicellularity
- division of nuclei without cytokinesis
the supergroup Unikonta includes
animals, fungi and some protists
Unikonta has 2 lineages
- Amoebozoan Clade
- Opisthikont clade
how are amoebozoans in Unikonta different than Rhizarians
these amoebas have lobe or tube-shaped pseudopodia INSTEAD of threadlike
protists included in amoebozoans
- slime moulds
- tubulinids
- entamoebas
Green and red algae : _______
Amoebozoans : ______
Slime moulds: ______: ________
Amoebozoa : Unikonta
slime moulds were once thought to be
two lineages of slime moulds
- plasmodial slime moulds
- cellular slime moulds
shows what routes of size growth for Archaeplastida
division of nuclei (Caulerpa)
shows what routes of size growth for Archaeplastida
coloniality (volvox)
alternation of generation where the sporophyte and gametophyte differ
alternation of generation where the sporophyte and gametophyte are the same
example of isomorphic
example of heteromorphic
the resemblance of slime moulds and fungi is a result of
analogous = convergent evolution
plasmodial slime moulds are _______ NOT _____
multi-nucleated and multicellular
what does multi-nucleate mean
repeated cell division without cytokinesis
what is the plasmodial slime mould feeding stage called
how do plasmodial slime moulds distribute nutrients and oxygen
cytoplasm streaming
cellular slime moulds have a ______ feeding stage
what happens to cellular slime moulds when food is scarce
they aggregate and form a mass of cells that resembles a plasmodium and put up fruiting bodies of stalks
cellular slime moulds form
multicellular aggregates where cells are separated by their membranes
cellular slime moulds vs plasmodial slime moulds (differences)
cellular slime moulds
1. single cell haploid feeding
2. the fruiting body is asexual
3. spores are asexual
4. multicellular
plasmodial slime moulds
1. multi-nucleated diploid
2. not multicellular
the similarity between slime moulds
spores making the stem of the fruiting body die so that those in the top can survive
tubulinids are a diverse group of
amoebozoans with lobe or tube shaped pseudopodia
tubulinids are _____ protists
most tubulinids are ________ (kind of nutrition) and actively seek ________
heterotrophic AND bacteria/protists
tubulinids : ________ : ________
amoebozoan : Unikonta
slime moulds : ______ : ______
amoebozoan : unikonta
entamoebas : ______ : ______
amoebozoan : unikonta
entamoebas are ______
example of entamoebas
entamoeba histolytica
opisthokonts : ________
opisthokonts include
true or false
protists are extremely important in ecosystems
examples of how protists are important for ecosystems
- producers
- symbionts
up to 1/4 of worlds, photosynthesis is performed by
diatoms, dinoflagellates and other algae and protists
true or false
protists are vital for aquatic and marine food webs
types of symbiont relations done by protists
mutualism and parasitism
example of protist mutualism
termites have protists that enable them to digest wood
photosynthetic symbiotic dinoflagellates in coral reefs
lichens are symbiotic of
fungi and algae
examples of parasitic relations of protists
- plasmodium (malaria)
- giardia (beaver fever)
- phytophthora (sudden oak death)
if sea surface temps warm due to climate warming _______
Growth and biomass of photosynthetic protists and prokaryotes have declined as sea temps increase = available nutrients supply would be reduced
Three main features that arose during Serial Endosymbiosis
a) Compartmentalization of Cellular Function- membrane infolding to form ER, nuclear envelope, EM
b) Mitochondria – Endosymbiosis of a free-living heterotrophic aerobic prokaryote (bacteria)
c) Chloroplasts (Plastids)- Endosymbiosis of a photosynthetic cyanobacterium (more than 2
What is the proposed origin of mitochondria and plastids?
Mitochondria: Endosymbiosis of a free-living aerobic prokaryote (bacteria)
Plastids: Secondary endosymbiosis of a photosynthetic cyanobacterium (more than 2
Identify the three main lineages in the SAR Clade
Stramenopiles, Rhizarians, Alveolates
hows what routes of size growth for Archaeplastida
multicellularity (sea lettuce/Ulva)