Powers and Borders - South Sudan CS Flashcards
What are the economic issues of sovereignty and conflict in South Sudan?
- Dependent on oil, >80% of GDP
- Oil found in Abyei state, contested territory
- No roads in South Sudan to deliver aid or to deter from violence
What are the social issues of sovereignty and conflict in South Sudan?
- Ethnic tensions erupt after independence
- Limited infrastructure, only 8% with mobile phones
- Underrepresentation of rural people and income only 43%
What are the physical and environmental issues of sovereignty and conflict in South Sudan?
- Climate change increased flood affecting 1/2 the country (800,000 people)
- Competition for access to natural resources
What are the political issues of sovereignty and conflict in South Sudan?
- Corruption in govt, oil wealth not distributed back to development
- Political tensions
- Vested interested of neighbouring countries - proxy wars
- Limited number of UNMISS troops
How long have South Sudan been experiencing armed conflict for?
- Since 1950s
When did the first civil war begin?
When did the second civil war begin?
Why is there conflict in the Republic of South Sudan currently?
- Due to a split in the SPLA govt
- Divisions between the Dinka and the Nuer tribes
Who are the leader of the two tribes?
President Kiir -Dinka
Ex-Vice President Machar
What does UNMISS stand for?
United Nation Missions in South Sudan
What is the peace process used called?
Who seized control of several regional towns?
Rebel factorions in Machars tribe
What happened in 2014?
Cease fire signed, but broken later
How many times was the peace deal broken?
Who imposed sanctions in 2015 and what did they include?
- UNSC (The United Nations Security Council)
- Travel bans and asset freezes
What did UNMISS involve of in 2021?
- 13795 troops
- 214 experts
- 412 staff officers
- Road building
- Protection of civilians
- Training
- Police service
- Report abuse of HR
- Strengthening rule of law
- Reintegration and protection of returnees
- Monitoring of political developments
Who are the key players in this conflict?
- UN
- NGOs
- Neighbouring states
What’s the evidence there is an issue of sovereignty where S. Sudan is not protecting its own people?
- 400,000 killed in last 5 years
- 60 % face acute food shortages - 2021
- 4 million displaced people
- 750,000 affected by floods in Northern counties
- 8.4 million in need of humanitarian aid
Why is the issue complex?
- Cease fire broken 12 times
- No political will to stop violence
- The states have no secure apparatus or institutions
- Neighbouring states supported different sides
- Govt won’t acknowledge there’s famine
- Terrible escalation of ethnic violence and violence against women
- Every type of help offered by UN has failed
- The Govt does not allow humanitarian projects
What were the intervention strategies used?
- IGAD peace deals
- UNMISS peacekeepers
- Humanitarian NGOs
- Observers and treaties
- Sanctions, Arms embargo
What did IGAD peace deals include?
- Put pressure on warring parties
- Emergency mediation in 2013, facilitated and structured the Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2015
What did the UNMISS peacekeepers do?
- Set up PoC camps, where 200,000 women and children were protected
- Allow NGOs to support IDPs
How have humanitarian NGOs helped?
- Supplied food during famine
- Vaccinations
- Refugee camps
What do the observers and treaties involve?
South Sudan have signed 4 treaties, for eventual justice, truth and reconciliation
Why have sanctions and embargoes been put in place?
For agricultural production -> stability and better health
What’s an example of organisations of different scales working together against the issues in SS?
The UN Mine Action Service has worked with Danish NGOs to clear over 1.4 billion m^2 of land to make it safe since 2004 -> 950,000 items of unexploded ordnance destroyed
What are the short term benefits?
- Humanitarian aid
- Supply of food and medicine
- Access to sanitation
- Provision of shelter/ safety for IDPs
What are the long term benefits?
- Agricultural/vocational training
- Education
- Strengthened institutions to maintain rule of law
- Demobilisation of armed forces
- Rebuilding trust and reconciliation
What are the short term consequences of global governance?
- PoC very crowded conditions - stopped national genocide
- Govt will not protect aid workers
- NGOs well coordinated in the dry season only
- Emergency meeting of UN to have secured changes in the focus of the UNMISS mission
- IGAD new peace agreements
What NGos are involved?
- Oxfam
- Care
What are the long term consequences of global governance?
- Few woman want to return home from refugee camps or leave PoC sites
- 2021 5 female cabinet ministers - aim for 35% of women
- Ethnic fighting not been stopped, no state security infrastructure
- Famine, no crops, farmers scared to go back
- Only 200km of road paved during dry season
- Civil war armies being demobilised -> no work for returning soldiers
What is DDR?
Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration
What are opportunities for stability?
- The UN relief, reintegration and protection mission in SS -> bring back IDPs and refugees
- $1.2 million projects have been funded to build police stations, law courts, schools
What are the opportunities for growth?
- Most recent IMF loan to SS has stabilised economy for now
- IGAD + IMNF loan insist that oil rev goes into one public account -> anti-corruption
- 2012 infrastructure situation improved marginally (Juba to Uganda) -> boost trade
What are the opportunities for development?
- Vietnam sends female peacekeepers to SS to encourage further commitment of 35 % women participation in the govt
- Needs to diversify its economy + improve HDI
What is the life expectancy?
What are their position on the HDI ranking?
What’s SS GDP/capita?
What’s the literacy rate?
34 %
How many years of schooling do people generally get?
What are the challenges to do with inequality?
- Rural areas have far less transport, less representation and suffer more famine -> inequality
- The north suffered from floods -> 100,000 forced to leave
- Violence against women + more displaced and interrupted humanitarian delivery
- MDGs are not engaged - not effective state building
What are the challenges to do with inequality with the youth and woman?
- Not single school been built using national budget allocation
- Youth unemployment high and woman remain largely excluded from national processes
What are the challenges to do with injustice?
- Violence and repression from the govt have disincentivised foreign donors to continue to support SS
- High levels of violence and slow peace agreements + DDR failure -> further violence
- Recent arrests and harassment of human rights activists
When did South Sudan gain independence?
July 9th 2011
What does SPLA stand for?
Sudan People’s Liberation Army
How much of the population live on $1 per day?
Half the population